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Latest revision as of 22:34, 13 September 2018

I am Batman.
Date of Scene: 17 July 2018
Location: Unknown
Synopsis: Flash and Spider-Woman talk about the Asgardians finding a new home, and some other random topics.
Cast of Characters: Spider-Woman (Drew), Flash

Spider-Woman (Drew) has posed:
Jessica's mood is appropriately somber. The pyre was a beautiful tribute. So much sorrow. And all tinged with hope for a brighter tomorrow. She has found a quiet alcove where she sits with a cup of hot tea and stirs it absently with a plastic spoon. With everyone about, she has taken some time just to process everything she's seen.

Flash has posed:
She gets a visitor. Flash does come out of nowhere, but it isn't really speed-influenced. He spotted her, and walked over quietly. He rests a hand on the back of her chair, head tilting to take in the tea and her quiet reflection. He pauses, then decides to interrupt.

"Hi again," Flash says, though it is in a mellow, quieter way than when they'd chatted before. The funeral brought him to a smoother keel. There's still a warmth to his smile if she looks up, though. Just reserved, this time.

Spider-Woman (Drew) has posed:
Jessica looks up at Flash and affords him a warm smile. "Hi again," she repeats. "Please...sit if you'd like." She gestures to a seat beside her and looks him over.

She is still wearing her own Spider suit, sans the mask, which is lying across her lap. "You doing all right?"

Flash has posed:
"Mmhmm," Flash answers immediately. He moves to relax into the seat, stretching his legs out a little, before relaxing more fully back. He's not as ramped up with energy as his usual. Though she hasn't really known him long enough to notice; still, he isn't as smiley.

"Isn't much to really /say/ about it, is there. Their send off... was something else," Flash does say, thoughtful, with a reverence to his voice.

Spider-Woman (Drew) has posed:
Nodding in agreement, Jessica, looks from her cup back up to Flash. "For all their differences, they're so much the same as we are. I'm just...so glad we could help them."

Jess sighs, and then looking down at her cup, she thinks to offer. "Like a cup of tea? Or coffee?" She's not sure caffeine is the best idea for the speedster, but what does she know about speedsters?

Flash has posed:
"Of course they are," Flash agrees, a bit surprised. "They seem hardly different to me," he remarks, in an open manner. "Even if they were different, they'd still deserve help." He isn't lecturing her at all: that is not the tone. This is an expression more of his general thoughts about the matter.

"MMmmm. Where are they? I'll see what I can scavenge," Flash says, turning, clearly intending to find the source of drinks.

Spider-Woman (Drew) has posed:
"Oh I know," Jessica replies as she stands to open the door on a small black plastic cabinet. Inside is a hot water dispenser, and she gets him a paper cup from an overhead cabinet. "There are coffee and tea bags in this drawer," she says, pulling it out. "Actually, they probably have decaf--" She blinks. "And herbal teas too, if you prefer."

Flash has posed:
Technically he could have searched very drawer. But there's no need to pull a creepy poltergeist move throughout the place, when she clearly knows. "Tea is fine. Coffee isn't a big deal. I don't vibrate because of it or anything," Flash smiles with a funny little amused smirk.

Spider-Woman (Drew) has posed:
"Busted," Jessica admits, her cheeks flushing pink. "Yeah I turned this place upside down just looking for something besides hot water. And don't get me started on their distinct lack of donut dispensers on this thing."

Then, with another sigh, Jessica returns to the topic. "I think they're going to be all right. They seem so...resolute," she says of the Asgardians as she reclaims her seat and watches Flash procure his tea.

Flash has posed:
Flash, now armed with the teabag and a somewhat amusing amount of sweetener for his metabolism to chew up, collects some hot water and lets the bag steep, returning to sit down with it: putting it down next to a little pile of the sweetener packets.

"I can't imagine what it is like for them. It has to feel like another planet. I don't know what Asgard was like, but it can't be like here."

Spider-Woman (Drew) has posed:
Jessica nods as she sips her tea, trying to hide a smirk at his pile of packets. "Oh definitely. I have seen depictions....pictures in some of the children's books. It's different, and yet so much the same. Like an ancient and forgotten version of our own civilization."

Flash has posed:
"I see your judgement," Flash informs her without appearing to look, in an aloof, fake-hurt voice. He watches his tea steep with remarkable patience. He looks out, though, to nothing, as she describes the depictions. "Such loss. But this is a great home. I hope they feel that, soon."

Spider-Woman (Drew) has posed:
Laughing as she's busted again, Jess just shakes her head. "It's all right that you have the drinking habits of a hummingbird. And it's too bad coffee doesn't make you vibrate. I bet you'd be a huge hit at parties."

Then, on a more serious note, "I'm glad you can still see it that way, after you've seen as much as we have."

Flash has posed:
"I said it doesn't make me vibrate. I didn't say I can't vibrate," Flash clarifies with one finger raised in the air as if making a very important distinction. He promptly gets up and fetches the spoon he forgot to get, returning rapidly. A slight edge of super speed, to get back sooner rather than later. So the trip was just a bit blurred.

"I do see it that way. And people. This is /our/ home. It has problems, but it's ours."

Spider-Woman (Drew) has posed:
Jess opens her mouth to say something in response to Flash's clarification. Her lips hesitantly begin to form a word. Then, she closes it. "Right. Of course. I mean, why wouldn't you vibrate? It's just moving...fast...on a really small scale." Great definition. She applauds herself silently for the most awkward response she's ever given in her life.

Flash has posed:
"It's spinning that can cause nausea. You would not like my special tilt-o-whirl ride off this helicarrier," Flash says, with a sudden little laugh, arching his back some, arms lifting to cross behind his head in a silly mock arrogance he doesn't truly feel. Pretending to be great. He drops it soon, and his arms. He is a muscular, athletic hero, though, and the tight suit leaves little imagination. He's just not a massive man-hunk compared to Superman.

"I felt for Thor, really. Trying to lead now. These lost people. I don't know if I could have done that. Even the speech, wow. I'm not a leader, though. More just a guy that helps out."

Spider-Woman (Drew) has posed:
Jess can't help noticing the aforementioned muscular, athletic build. She watches him with a gentle smile as he holds, then releases that bravado. "Well, if it helps, I'm no leader, either. I do what I can, with what I have been given. The rest of the time, I'm just scaring all the fishes."

Flash has posed:
"I saw you catching all the fishes," Flash says automatically, puzzled by the negativity. He immediately made the natural reply to boost her back up again, if she lets him. And that's just his way. A quiet (or timetimes overmuch) optimist.

Spider-Woman (Drew) has posed:
Laughing softly, Jess touches his arm. "Oh no, I'm fine. It was just ...a moment. You know those you realize you'll never forget? Even as tiny as it was. One of those kids told me I was scaring all the fishes." She smiles fondly, shaking her head. "I determined to help them catch the fish, because all they had was a makeshift fishing pole. And because they may actually have thought I was scaring them. But that moment...it made me laugh."

Flash has posed:
Flash's brows knit undernearth the top section of his red mask, further adding to his puzzled expression, but the half-smile releases some of the pressure on that. He doesn't know, maybe, but it also doesn't bother him. He has an analytic look, however, that betrays he's at least making the effort to figure her out. "So. You do what you can, part of the time. And the rest of the time, you're helping children." Flash watches her for a moment and quirks his brows once, pleased to see if he can catch her in accepting that she's doing well. He didn't withdraw from her touch.

Spider-Woman (Drew) has posed:
"I think so, yeah," she replies thoughtfully. I wonder sometimes how many of the heroes out there would do what they could the way that they do, if they didn't have powers. I'd like to think they would. Maybe it wouldn't make as big a difference physically. But I think it's an easy addiction, seeing grateful faces when you do something for them that no one else would do."

Flash has posed:
"I.... can't really talk about what I do without, uh, powers," Flash says, suddenly uncomfortable. "But... I've always been this way. I want to help people. It's just easier to do more, now that I do have the abilities I do." He leans forward to stir his tea around and draw the bag out, twist it on the spoon and put it aside. "What is it like, not being secret about who you are?" Flash asks, shy.

Spider-Woman (Drew) has posed:
"Oh...no of-of course not, I wasn't asking....for..." Changing the subject at his own behest, she shrugs. "It's weird. I was always secret until I met Stark. But I can't very well attend every meeting and every function in this." She holds up the mask. When they're in plain civilian clothes, no less. I guess you could say it's kind of....liberating."

Flash has posed:
Flash remembers his sugar, and does a brief series of sugar-dumping into his cup and stirs it while listening. "I'm really used to /not/ using speed. Particularly when sitting and having tea. Just a long habit of being really careful, not giving yourself away by accident. Not having to do that seems nice. But I don't know if I could deal with attention, and maybe not having my job, which I love." It's risky, and he shrugs a little.

Spider-Woman (Drew) has posed:
Jessica instinctively starts to ask about his job. What it is that he loves. Then the gravity of secret identities is refreshed in her mind. This is why people with secret identities don't get involved. "Well, I guess for you big names, that makes sense. It's a lot easier being me. Nobody has seen me out there all that much. And I think I'm okay with that."

Flash has posed:
"I don't know. I'm not really protecting anybody. I don't have family that could be kidnapped and used against me or something," Flash admits, fairly trustingly. Then again, he is talking to another hero, who has been helping to save Asgardians: he could pick a worse person to open up to. "I'm more a big name by association and accident," Flash grins.

Spider-Woman (Drew) has posed:
Returning the grin, Jess shrugs. "Well whether it's accident or association, or just plain good deeds, you've become a beacon for people, and I thank you for that. The world could do with more like you. As long as it can support your sugar habit."

Flash has posed:
"My powers were an accident. But that's life, right? I got lucky. Do what I can." He rolls his eyes a little at the sugar habit, and noisily drinks the tea on purpose at her. "Not /just/ sugar," Flash mock-grumps. "I've a broad range of food related vices."

Spider-Woman (Drew) has posed:
Jess chuckles. "Well I think you could do far worse as far as vices go, than food. Me? I eat all the marshmallows out of the Lucky Charms at the Avengers' Mansion." She looks around cautiously. "Don't tell anyone...."

Flash has posed:
"I just like picturing the confusion of the other Avengers when they don't have any marshmellows. Although it does seem a bit mean to do to do somebody like Captain America," Flash observes, with a 'disapproving' sad look. And noisily drinks tea again. "That was my Captain America impression just then. ....I haven't met him, so it probably isn't very good. I do Batman impressions too."

Spider-Woman (Drew) has posed:
"Oh no, Cap eats bacon and eggs, and sausage, you know...all that stuff old guys eat at the coffee shop." She smirks. "But that was pretty good. What do you do for Batman?" She can only imagine he probably picks a played by who can't act and just puffs up like a brooding toad.

Flash has posed:
"Two things. First..." Flash pauses, and then sits up a little more, and looks directly over her shoulder in a focused way. He'll wait, of course, for her to look, and then 'vanishes'. In that he disappears off out of sight into just the hall. After his little disappearing act, he peeks out, and deadpans, flat, in a low tone, with his head angled down: "I am Batman."

Spider-Woman (Drew) has posed:
When Jessica looks over her shoulder, it never even occurs to her what he has in mind. So when she turns back to find Flash gone, she erupts with laughter. The interjection from the hallway only makes it that much funnier. "Perfect!" she says, giving him a standing ovation, complete with applause.

Flash has posed:
Flash bows very low, both hands out, one leg crossing the other at the ankle. Overly showy. It ends with an embarassed little grin, showing his true feeling about the matter, as he strolls back over to gulp down the rest of the tea. "Kidding aside, he's really not so bad at all. He needs to be intimidating. There's some weird people in Gotham."

Spider-Woman (Drew) has posed:
"So I've heard. Thankfully, I've never met any of them. I'm afraid the days that I can say that are probably numbered. I've been considering the idea of getting them all shock collars and burying one of those wire fences around Gotham. Things can get bad enough without them escaping the looney bin." She smirks, wishing for all the world that this was a plausible solution.

Flash has posed:
"Well, somebody has to do it. He does a great job there," Flash answers, lifting a brow a little bit to her strange suggestion of shock collars, but doesn't argue about it. "I don't know what it is about that place that makes it so strange. But, well. Pretty interesting cases there sometimes. Requires creative solutions." Flash obviously likes puzzles.

Spider-Woman (Drew) has posed:
Jessica nods as he speaks, and regards him with a bit of an amused smile. "Well, as long as we have folks like you out there, Flash...I think we can handle just about anything Gotham or anywhere else can throw our way."

Flash has posed:
"You don't need to keep complimenting me. I'll get a big head. And my hood is already tight," Flash says, deflecting a little with humor. He picks up his cup, spoon, and his pile of sugar wrappers, to throw the things out. He'll offer to snare her cup and plastic spoon too, if she's done.

Spider-Woman (Drew) has posed:
Handing her cup to Flash, she shrugs. "The world's full of people who're just itchin' to tear ya down. Not just you, but anybody. Somebody's gotta make sure ya know how great you are. At least if I do it, I can make sure it gets done right."

Flash has posed:
"Well... thank you," Flash says, lifting the cups to her as if in a double toast. "I have to agree that you're pretty good at it," he says, with a cheeky little smile, disposing of the lot. He then looks out, away. At the ship, again. Remembering where they are, why they're there. "I'm going to check in with my team. See you around, Spider-Woman," Flash smiles, though it's softened by the memory of where they are.

Spider-Woman (Drew) has posed:
"Take care of yourself, Flash," Jess wraps her arm around his waist and hugs his side, as long as he doesnt jet in the process. Then she follows the gaze he had cast out the window a moment before. They've doubtless seen more than their share of tragedy and strife. But this has brought realty to them on a whole new level. And something inside her knows that neither of them will ever be the same.

Flash has posed:
Flash doesn't reply verbally. He accepts the side-hug with his usual relaxed manner. Little 'flash' of smile. His other hand comes up behind to return the hug at her opposite shoulder. Little squeeze of answer. They'll be okay, it says.

And then Flash is gone.