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Latest revision as of 01:01, 14 September 2018

Back to School
Date of Scene: 22 July 2018
Location: Xavier's School, Westchester, New York
Synopsis: Jean and Warren meet for the first time in years. Warren joins the faculty at the school.
Cast of Characters: Archangel, Phoenix

Archangel has posed:
It is a pleasant Sunday afternoon, not quite as hot as it had been during the week. Students are spread out across the Mansion and beyond, studying, playing, relaxing. In the distance there is the steady thwup-thwup-thwup of a helicopter. The noise grows steadily louder, coming from the northwest, the direction of the Westchester County Airport. Slowly the aircraft comes into view. A metallic blue Airbus EC155 helicopter approaches the school and makes a circuit above the property. 'Worthington' is scrawled in white along the sides. The aircraft orients toward a large patch of grass and makes a gentle landing, the downdraft making the grass dance and wave frantically. The engines power down, and their high-pitched whine dies.

The pilot is easily recognizable, not for the distinctive Worthington nose, but of course for the wings. Warren takes his headset off once the helicopter is powered down, opens the door and steps out onto the grass. He is dressed in khaki coloured jeans, brown shoes and a blue polo shirt with a bright red stripe across the chest. He looks around with a broad smile on his face, and waves at a few students standing not too far away who came to see the landing. Then he starts walking toward the Mansion itself.

Phoenix has posed:
As can be expected, a helicopter arriving on the ground is good enough draw for the acting Headmistress, Jean Grey, who comes out to see for herself. Sure, she cheated, as one would expect. But even so, knowing who it is from afar is nothing quite like seeing with her own eyes. She remains by the door to the backyard, taking only a few steps out, looking at the approaching Warren with a warm smile. "I see you still like to keep to the old school of flying every now and then...welcome home, Warren."

Archangel has posed:
"I was born for the sky, Jean," he says brightly. Warren spreads his arms wide as he comes up to air kiss both of Jean's cheeks. Then he steps back and looks her over with a broad smile. "My God, you look great. Really... Great. And thank you, could only stay away so long. Especially with you back and running the show!"

Phoenix has posed:
"Nobody can ever deny that, Warren," Jean heartily agrees, as she makes a showing of catching Warren's kiss, before sending one his way in return. "Yeah, I've been told I look quite alive before. It's a good thing." She laughs at the mention of running the show, "the Professor can have it back in a heartbeat if he only desired...I can see why he needed the rest from all of it. Hell, it feels like only last week we were sitting in class. It's really surreal."

Archangel has posed:
"It is, it really is," Warren agrees. His expression becomes a touch more sombre.

"You're... well?" he asks, looking at Jean searchingly. But only for a hearbeat, then the easy smile returns. "Probably keeping everyone on their toes."

Phoenix has posed:
Jean touches her arm a few times, as if to test it's all there, before looking up at Warren with a beaming smile, "looks like everything is in order, I'd say I'm well. How about you? Still dating supermodels?" She asks with a wink, before moving to settle on a porch swing, motioning for Warren to join her, "so where do you just fly in from?"

Archangel has posed:
Warren laughs and settles in beside Jean. He twitches his wings just slightly as he sits, sweeping the feathers out from underneath him so he does not sit on them.

"If I don't date them, who will?" he says with a grin. "I just flew in from the county airport, actually. I've been staying at my old house nearby for the last few days. 'Ro even came to dinner, it was like old times... Remember the fun we had there? Amazing news about 'Ro and the team, isn't it? Such a good choice. She'll be fantastic. Just like you here, the Professor picks well."

Phoenix has posed:
"You've always done such selfless service to the world, Warren," Jean laughs, she certainly missed Warren's calm charming demeanor. Always cool, always an answer to everything. "Oh, she's been doing great, she had her chance when Fearless had to go on a special project none of us heard a peep about. Hope it wasn't anything too dangerous..."

Archangel has posed:
"I live to serve, my friend," Warren says, crossing one leg over the other and stretching one arm along the back of the swing. "I'm sorry I have been out of touch... I can't tell you how happy I was when I heard you were back. It was like a miracle. You're really doing well?" he presses. "How are you and Scott?"

Phoenix has posed:
Jean uses her telekinesis to give the swing a bit of a push, and grins at Warren, "I'm sorry I almost didn't make it out of that space mission, we all have things we're sorry about...but we just go on, you know? Actually...Scott been away as well, he just recently got back, but we didn't get much time to catch up yet. If you see him, tell him to make time for me."

Archangel has posed:
Warren chuckles as the swing takes off seemingly on its own. "We do," he agrees. "I will tell him /not/ to talk to you, then he might actually do it," he jokes with a wink. To say the two men had their challenges getting along in the early years was an understatement. Thankfully, they both grew as time went on. "So 'Ro tells me the school is doing better than ever, growing fast. You must be really proud. This is such a special place."

Phoenix has posed:
Jean chuckles and reclines a bit on the porch swing, "would be curious to see if it would work..." she nods when it comes to the school, "I do what I can, I don't always feel like I can do as well as the Professor, but I try my best. 'Ro is just being nice, we're good friends and all, in another life she may have been my sister or something like that."

Archangel has posed:
"And you are not giving yourself enough credit, as usual," Warren says with a smile, giving Jean's shoulder a playful thwack. "This is really impressive, Jean. Even more than the team, this is the Professor's baby. Think about what it says that he left it in your hands, hmm? This is the future he is trying to build."

Phoenix has posed:
"I know that he trusts me, Warren, he always had faith in me..." Jean muses, her eyes glaze into the distance as she ponders on growing up in this Mansion, and all she's been through in her youth. "His dream is alive yet, and I hope to keep it so..."

Archangel has posed:
"You will," Warren says confidently. "It's who you are. And we will all be here to help; we're as close to family as it gets. With all of us coming back together again, how could we go wrong?"

Phoenix has posed:
Jean reaches to turn towards Warren, and reaching carefully with her hands around him, watchful for his wings, goes about embracing him. "You are back, we are getting back, and it's good thing, Warren. It feels almost like the old days again, doesn't it?"

Archangel has posed:
Warren laughs and gives Jean a squeeze. "It really does, it's great" he says and smiles at her when they sit back up. "So tell me, what can I do to help you, Jean? 'Ro and I already talked about me re-joining the team... What can I do here?" he asks with a gesture to the school.

Phoenix has posed:
"That entirely depends on what you'd like to do, Warren, I would hate to persume..." Jean clearly isn't going to use her powers to figure that on her own. "You can teach, you can be a disciplinarian officer...business maybe? Anything strikes your fancy? You could also assist those with flight powers."

Archangel has posed:
Warren lights up at the last option. "I would love to work with those kids, and even start a flight club for anyone who wants to learn to fly," he says with a lopsided smile. Warren loved nothing more than flying.

"I can't commit to teaching classes every day, but a few times a week I can do. I thought I could be a student advisor, too, and help teach a few 'special' subjects. I want to help with the next generation of our team, that's really where my heart is."

Phoenix has posed:
"Shall I add you to the faculty roster as Flight Instructor / Advisor?" Jean offers, "always been a bit of a dabbler in all things, weren't you, Warren?" Jean squeezes Warren's shoulder affectionately, "it will be good to have you around the Mansion once again."

Archangel has posed:
"Thank you for not saying 'dilettante'," Warren says with a laugh. "Sign me up, Jean. I can't wait. And I will even try to make you not regret it!"

Phoenix has posed:
"It's only because I like you, Warren," Jean winks playfully at her fellow X-Men founder, and then gets up, "if you'll excuse me Warren, I do have to do some things that relate to being the Headmistress, announcing your arrival among them!" She jumps off the porch swing and heads back inside, "if you want it, your old room is untouched."