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Latest revision as of 01:21, 14 September 2018

Echo's of the Past part 1.
Date of Scene: 26 July 2018
Location: Unknown
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: Kid, Echo

Kid has posed:
Past. Present. Future. The three intimately an inexplicably connected. The ripple of one's action weather known to them or not, have far reaching consequences.
    For many, their past is known, not always great, not always bad, but it was their to remember and to use for a guide. For other it is a foggy mystery where they pay for crimes or heroic deeds unknown to them. And some lay in a state of inbetween knowing some things, but not everything.

Some have a choice of finding out...and other are given clues and hints to what was, and what may be..

Such as in one lone apartment building. Where residents and vistors come and go everyday, suspecting little if anything at all was afoot. One such vistor was Malcolm 'Kid' IronWood, he was in his typical human illusion and comming down the hall of Maya building, hoping to pay her a visit. As he comes down to near her apartment number, he notices a small package in a non-descript cardboard box was left infront of a door.

Echo has posed:
Maya Lopez carries a bag of groceries down the hallway of her apartment build, while she fiddles with her keys in her hand. She shifts her weight because of the weight of the bag in her arms and the oranges on top next to the eggs wobble dangerously back and forth.

Flipping her keys out of her jeans, Maya sighs tiredly and keeps on walking down toward her door, then suddenly stops and stares ahead. With a movie beat of drama, she squints and sees the little package at her door and the man nearby, "Hey you, stop!" she lets out.

Picking up the pace, Maya quick-walks toward her door, two of the oranges bounding out of the ball, where they roll toward Kid. She then smirks a bit at her stupidness, "Oh it's you..." she says quietly.

Kid has posed:
Kid sees Maya and flashes that all too disturbing grin with his oversized canines, having mixed his gorilla features with his human illusion. His hands rise as he makes a series of gestures, ASL "Relax, I did not break down your door....yet. Was hoping to see you actually" he than bends down and picks up the orangaes

He sniffs them a moment before popping them whole into his mouth without a second thought. As he chews he signs "Not as good as Mangos. Do you need a hand?" he offers.

he bends down and picks up the small box, and even walks over to see if Maya would hand him some of the groceries.

Echo has posed:
Maya Lopez blinks, "Hey! That's my lunch!" she lets out as he eats her oranges, and then whaps him on the shoulder with her palm. She puts her arms around the bag as she fiddles with her keys again, "No! I have it," she says protectively, "Didn't you have lunch? Geez," she mutters.

She then looks down at her package ominously, "Did you see who left this package?" she asks him.

Kid has posed:
Kid signs "No, I did not. I am starving. What else you got in there?" his nose flares as if sniffing. The shoulder plaming made him chuckle hoarsly, but he doesn't try to get any closer to the food at least.
    That being said he looks down at the package and turns it over several times and shake it listening to the contents. He tucks it under his arm so he can sign "Not quite. Place is pretty quiet, did see some fello in a trench coat leave earlier. He seemed to be in a hurry, but regardless, it was how I got in. Otherwise, got nothing" he admits.

Echo has posed:
Maya Lopez eyes Kid suspiciously, "Nothing!" she tells him, swatting him away if he gets too close. She then nods and doesn't look impressed by what he says, "Fine," she mutters, "Grab the package," she says, shifting the bag away from his reach as she points down at it at her feet. She fiddles with her keys again and unlocks the door. She walks inside, "I'll make you a sandwich, but that's it! That's all you get!" she tells him. She carries the package to the kitch counter and plops it down.

Kid has posed:
Kid jumps away when she gets to swatting. He signs "Some ones protective of food" another beastal chuckle. As Maya opens the door, Kid scoops up the package and follows, he notably does not shut the door...and infact seems to make sure it is open wider. His eyes dart about checking out each window, and area as if he had to plan to escape.
    Once at the counter he signs "Thank you. Sandwiches taste good. but guess most things do." he than sets the box down. And without so much as permission....actually opens it to see what was inside, being the curious bafoon he was.

Echo has posed:
Maya Lopez goes behind the counter to make the sandwich and then leans forward to see down the hallway, "Close the door! What the heck!" she lets out loudly. She slaps some bread on a little plate and slowly puts together a ham sandwich.

The package contains pictures of Maya walking through a park with her sunglasses on. There's another picture of her eating an apple. Then there's pictures of her dancing on stage, probably from her last performance. Then there's a picture of a dead man with the words "ECHO" traced in red across it. His neck looks kinda broken.

Maya takes the sandwich back to Kid and offers it to him, "What are you doing? What are you looking at?" she frowns.

Kid has posed:
Kid let out a growl as if that ment something. Regardless he doesn't move from his spot, leaving the door as it was. He signs curtly "It stays open" before examing the contents.

Kid spreads the photos out onto the counter. He seen enough NCIS to see a pattern as he signs "...looks like you got a stalker...and is this your dancing? Your pretty. But what does this man have to do with anything?" he slides the picture of the dead man with the broken neck to Maya "And what does Echo mean here?" he signs.

Not understanding or perhaps not careing about the gravity of the situation (who can say) he picks up the sandwich and sniffs it a few times before munching down hungrily.

Echo has posed:
Maya Lopez frowns and looks at the photos as Kid talks to her, and misses what he says to her, "It must mean something," she tells, "It always means something," she adds. She scoops up the picture of the dead man quickly, "Wasn't he on the news?" she wonders.

Maya takes the plate back from Kid before he can eat that too, "Uh I'm not sure. Echo is the name of a mob enforcer. Maybe I'm getting threatened," she speculates, looking back at him.

Kid has posed:
That was probably a good idea. Considering the way Kid could eat. His illusion dropped, he actually signs using his feet, so he can concentrate on his sandwhich "So....this is not the first time? What else have you gotten?"

He he munches on the sandwhich he ponders "Well, mabey we should find this Echo and beat them up." a grin "If they got any info, I can get it out of them" he signs with confidence.

Echo has posed:
Maya Lopez holds the picture against her and then sneaks a peek after Kid is done talking, "I'm not sure what's going on," she tells him. She folds the picture in half and keeps it.

"You'll look into it for me right? You can do that?" she asks him, "But don't get in trouble."

Kid has posed:
Kid shrugs and signs with his actual hands now "I can. There is probably going to be trouble. And I am going to need payment...and some help/equipment" he signs "After all nothing is free and well...how i find things has some...quirks" he grins as he signs that, a twinkle in his eyes. This was almost a game to him.

Echo has posed:
Maya Lopez smirks again and eyes him suspiciously, "Equipment for what? Don't start any trouble! And stop blackmailing me," she mutters, "Fine, I will get you what you want and give you some sandwiches," she explains. "But that's it! You have to stay on the /down low/," she lets out.

Kid has posed:
"mangos" he signs "I want mangos. One large bag of them. That is my price" he grins widely "And well...." he rubs the back of his head before he continues gesturing "If I can't get it out of them the old fashion way...Imma hafta eat their minds. At that point any knowledge I glean from them will only stay with me a few hours at best. So I need a tape recorder so anything I do find, I can record."
    A grin "And relax, humans let alone Gorillas haven't caught me in a year. Down low I can do!" he signs.

Echo has posed:
Maya Lopez frowns and waggles her finger at Kid, "Remember, on the down low! You bust up everything, then the cops are gonna start asking questions and junk," she states generically, "I don't wanna be on the news!" she lets out.

Maya nods to Kid's requests and adds, "Okay fine. Listen, I'll see you next time. I gotta get ready for dance."

Kid has posed:
Kid raises his hands in an 'alright take it easy' gesture before he signs "Alright, alright, I'll be careful. And I will keep you up to date, hows that? I would offer to stay her and see if whoever left the package comes back....but, you seem a bit...territory" another large grin.
    He standsa and assumes his illusion once more and even make 'pretend' to straight a tie on his 'suit'. He signs "Alright, break a leg Maya." a grin and he heads off. He was a brute sure...but he was a 'nice' brute. He closes the door behind him as he leaves. Seems he got a job to do.