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Latest revision as of 01:40, 14 September 2018

Black Ties, Cocktail Dresses and Kitties
Date of Scene: 26 July 2018
Location: Gotham City
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: Catwoman, Batwoman

Catwoman has posed:
It's Friday night in Gotham City. It's not just any old Friday, where any old thing could happen and no one would bat an eyelash. This particular Friday is the date of the Heaven Ball, a gala black-tie event supporting the Heaven Foundation.

The name seems silly, but only because the last name of the family behind the foundation is actually 'Heaven.' They're part of the same social and economic stratum as a Bruce Wayne type, though every other wealthy citizen in Gotham tends to inhabit an implied 'b-list' just below (or far below) the level of Wayne and his family's various charitable and non-charitable enterprises. The Heaven Ball, which has never succumbed to the urge to make wait staff dress in wings and halos, even though people joke about the idea every year, supports the Heaven family's patronage of the arts, specifically in providing opportunities for inner-city youths drawn to music and the arts, specifically modern composition and equally modern dance.

Selina Kyle looks positively slinky in black, wearing a strapless dress and a see-through lace shawl that covers but does not obscure. She has on diamonds, like most of the women in the room. Right now, she's sipping a flute of champagne that she plucked off the tray of a passing wait-staffer and is chatting amiably with the likes of Cosgrove Watt, Pam Heath, Judith Fukuoka-Hearn, and so on, determining which among Gotham's elite are both the most careless with their wealth and loathsome with their personality, because taking candy from a baby, so to speak, always feels more satisfying if Selina feels the baby doesn't deserve the candy in the first place.

Batwoman has posed:
Unfortunately, the Hamilton Family rank near the top, which means SOMEONE has to attend. And it's going to be Kate, who is spending one of her rare moments both out of office and out of batsuit wearing something that's the deepest of ruby-reds, skintight to cover her athletic figure, and yet still somehow coming off as not being scandalous. A ruby the size of a child's fist is suspended from her neck on an ornate gold chain, low enough to draw the eye but high enough to prevent 'indecent' staring. Freshly curled hair bounces with each step, and her normally well-done makeup has been notched up professionally to create the well manicured Miss Kane, socialite extraordinaire, and heiress to the Hamilton Arms business.

The first flute of Champagne went down so fast it could be put back on the tray it came from, the second requires marginally more patience, and is half consumed by the time the redhead crosses pathes with the slinky Selina. "Would be it was enough to just write the cheque, right?" Kate picks perhaps a slightly bad-choice topic, but considering Selina, maybe it's worth it. "Lot of the Gotham families would probably have doubled down if they could skip this without someone saying something."

Catwoman has posed:
Selina has just left Mr. Watt, Ms. Heath, and Mrs. Fukuoka-Hearn to their own devices when she's approached by Kate. If Selina is guilty of 'indecent' looking, then it's wholly in the look she gives the heiress's jewelry. Still, the professional has enough sense not to ogle.

"Mmmm," Selina says, thoughtfully, after a sip of champagne. "I don't think so. The money is a nice tax write-off, sure. But I think that a lot of the people here tonight get the most satisfaction out of being SEEN here. If a tree donates a million dollars in a forest, and there's no one around to hear it, does it make a sound... you know what I mean?" Selina smiles. "Besides. These boys and girls need SOMEWHERE to have hook-ups they can plausibly blame on the booze."

Batwoman has posed:
Kate might have a somewhat similar look, but it's not for jewelery. But it's fleeting, before her attention returns to the conversation at hand. "I don't doubt that either, but I think I'd be more comfortable in a nice bar rather than trying to convince myself that Mr. Douglas is an upstanding member of society before his fourth cognac kicks in." She shakes her head, although she's smiling at the light-hearted jibe.

"Kate Kane. The name is real, and fun to say after a few glasses of Champagne." The limerick that follows shows that she might have forgotten to eat before she came here, or that the levity has taken to her almost immediately. "What brings you here? You're far too 'present' to fit in nicely, although there's no shame in standing out."

Catwoman has posed:
Selina smiles at Kate's jokes. She seems like she's warming up to the heiress rather well. What Kate probably doesn't know is that Selina's smiled at EVERYONE'S jokes tonight, and warmed up to EVERYONE rather well. She's casing the joint and considering all available options. That ruby might be hard to resist, though. Especially if she can get a certain high society heiress drunk enough to 'lose' it...

"Selina Kyle. As blah as the social scene can be here, I'm out tonight to support the cause. No, really. Speaking of the bar, shall we?" Selina asks, gesturing toward one of the event's bars with her clutch purse. "For all the reasons mentioned, I think I could use something a little more, er, fun than champagne right now."

Batwoman has posed:
Alcohol seems to have helped Kate at least lower her guard somewhat. Never all the way down, but enough to give her a little bit of warmth to Selena as well. "I'd enjoy that quite a lot. Although I would admit I'm in the mood for more champagne too, to make this high-society pill a little easier to swallow." She begins to walk in an elegant but somewhat sensible heel, revealing a long slit that's carved up to her upper thigh - And there's no freedom of movement excuse, it's pure fashion.

"I haven't heard much of your family before. Not that I am one to talk, the Kane's weren't really high society until my father remarried." A sip of her champagne as she moves, "And now we're Hamilton's. Corporate, not military."

Catwoman has posed:
Selina laughs. "They have champagne at the bar, too, you know. It's not exclusive to the teenagers in white jackets." The cat burglar laughs, and leads the way over to the bar, where she orders a vodka double on the rocks. She doesn't plan to drink like that all night, but maybe it'll motivate her new 'friend' to start down the road. "No family, I'm afraid. Just little ol' me."

Selina Kyle DOES maintain a profile to actually receive invitations to these things. She donates to worthy causes and generally is asked no questions about where the money comes from because the checks always clear. She maintains just enough of a profile to be invited to galas, but makes sure the rest of her public profile is uninteresting to reporters or nosy socialites. She's just 'some rich girl.' "Ah, the Hamiltons. I saw the musical about you guys." She winks at Kate playfully.

Batwoman has posed:
"Don't you dare." Kate responds simply, as she slides her backside delicately upon the barstool, placing her clutch upon the counter and resting her hand upon it lightly. Her champagne is finished, and then places upon the bar, pushed across it towards the young man behind the bar for a refill. "Well, then, Miss Kyle, what's your business?"

The drink is filled, and returned back to her - A delicate fingertip slowly stroking around the rim of the full flute as she muses. "I mean, it's obvious where I'm from now. We're part of the war economy. But if you're all alone, you must be into something to have got the invite here."

Catwoman has posed:
"My business?" Selina laughs softly, like the idea of it brings her significant amusement. "I played the markets." She has a sip of her vodka, and then continues, "I played them very, VERY well. And now I don't have to work another day for the rest of my life. Which is currently my business."

Again, there's just enough of a paper trail to support this, courtesy of various unethical hackers and forgers with whom the Catwoman has made connections in the course of laundering huge amounts of stolen money. As far as legitimate inquiries go, Selina is living off of 'dot-com' money. Old 'dot-com' money. "But let's not talk about MONEY. That's all everyone does here. I led you on over here because I was hoping you had... let's say a different outlook on things?"

Batwoman has posed:
"I've got to make sure I'm talking to the right kind of person before I blame tonight on the alcohol." Kate suggests teasingly, "I'm still trying to learn the ropes of the whole high society thing, if I'm being honest. I'm significantly more comfortable, well... Elsewhere. Somewhere with less restrictions, less /judgement/." The redhead considers Selina again for a long moment. Not that she was doubting anything she'd been told yet, but something about her does seem predatory.

"So then, Miss Kyle, what did you want from me. If it's to find out how I got into this outfit, it will take a few more drinks and a /lot/ of compliments." Another light-hearted joke. Potentially.

Catwoman has posed:
Selina touches a hand to the lace covering her chest. "My, my. Well. I'll be sure to be VERY complimentary, because frankly, your dress has me a bit envious. I could spend a million dollars on seamstresses and stylists and still not look that good in red." Another sip of vodka, and Selina muses, "Which is a shame, because it's one of my favorite colors..."

Batwoman has posed:
"The hair helps almost as much as the figure. Although it looks like I'm not the only fan of the Gym in the room." Kate observes, reaching a hand up to brush it through her hair absently, before she tends to her champagne for a moment. "You look simply stunning in black, though. For most people it's just a neutral colour, it looks like you were poured into it."

Catwoman has posed:
Selina flashes a pleased grin. "So kind of you to notice. Just because I don't have to work doesn't mean I don't like to work OUT." Her dress is more modest than Kate's in its cuts, but really, it's hard to imagine Selina not capturing a room's attention regardless.

"Anyway, want some tips? Here's how to fake it until you make it." Selina laughs, and gestures at the others in the room. "Figure out which of the following you're most interested in: Teslas, ranch properties in New Mexico, or art auctions. Ideally, learn a little bit of each. Everyone in this room will be engaged by ONE of those topics, and politely nod along to the other two, to avoid seeming like they're out of touch. That's how to get out of these things without talking politics, or who's snorting what off of whom."

Batwoman has posed:
"I'm not really into most of that. I like some of what Tesla are doing, but only for how we can apply it in our own business." Kate admits, looking around the room. "As impolite as it seems I'd rather not fit in with the bland around here, and just make my exit as soon as it's socially acceptable and make my way into something more comfortable or more entertaining." A smirk follows.

"What engages you, though? Since you're playing social chameleon, getting a read on what's gonna draw you in is on my mind."

Catwoman has posed:
Selina laughs as she's about to take a drink, and has to set her glass down for a moment. "Oh, sweetie, it's not about fitting in. You do what I said, you don't have to bother with it. Just show up, make some chit-chat, and these folks will come away going 'that Kate seems like a good egg,' or whatever old fogey saying they'll use." Selina shakes her head gently, with a smile. "Maybe 'social chameleon' is a good word for it. But when you need something... or just WANT something... they'll pull wildly at their brains trying to remember something about you, think about that one nice two-minute conversation they had, and go what the hell, she's not a risk."

Selina finally takes her drink back and has a sip. "Just think of it like a game, but you don't win tonight, you win later." She looks over, with a smile on her face like she's sharing a the solution to a mystery, or a cheat code she alone has managed to puzzle out. "Well, I wasn't kidding when I said I'm here for the cause. The Heavens give a lot to the Gotham ballet company, and the satellite groups around it... I could never make it as a ballerina, so I have to settle for being a fan."

Batwoman has posed:
"Does it matter whether or not they think I'm a good egg? I wrote the cheque, smiled and drank some free alcohol, looked very nice, discussed a few things with some key shareholders and made my way back to my normal life. Not being a risk, well... I don't know how well that plays for me, whether or not it plays for you."

Kate allows herself a quiet giggle, which she shields behind her hand. "I wish I was being so noble. We're here for the tax write-off, the social credit, and because some of the board of Wayne Industries are here and we're still trying to smooth over a licensing dispute." A flattering smile follows. "Oops."

Catwoman has posed:
Selina shrugs slightly. She seems to suggest with the motion that Kate has a point, but also that it's not a debate she's ready to have after that whole vodka double. "Who am I to argue with what works for you? Like you said, you're not into judgment... and so, I do not judge."

Selina nods along to the talk of why Kate is there. The mention of Wayne Industries seems to get a microscopic eyebrow-raise... or is it just a trick of the light? "Alas, I don't think I can help in matters of licensing disputes. But I hope I'm at least contributing to you having a better time than you thought you would..."

Batwoman has posed:
"Some judgement I quite enjoy. Like the way you looked at my dress before." Kate observes, "And I wouldn't expect help with a corporate issue at a charity event, but you've been such fun to spend time." Another smile, "Perhaps once I've met my limit of how much of this place I can tolerate, we could slip out of here and go to somewhere with lower stakes? You're equal parts beautiful and fascinating, and I'd be lying if I said I wasn't thinking of getting to know you a lot better."

Catwoman has posed:
In her head, Selina does a quick assessment. How far is she willing to go along for a chance at getting Kate to 'lose' that ruby? What if it comes to...?

Selina decides that she doesn't have an answer to that question right now. It's a VERY nice ruby. She'll play the cards once they're dealt, for now. "You know what? I think I'd like that," Selina replies. "Though dressed like THIS, we're gonna end up raising the stakes in a room all by ourselves..." She gestures down at herself, and over at Kate, 'accidentally' brushing her hand against Kate's wrist gently in the process.

Batwoman has posed:
"I wouldn't mind that at all." The red-head feels a hand brush against her wrist, and she reads the signs exactly as she wants to. "I could dress down in short order. First thing would be to put this back where it came from," Her hand moves to brush against the ruby that burns so brightly against her throat. "It may be a replica, but it's hardly a cheap one." Another soft chuckle, "Synthetic gems. All the shine, none of the value. The real one gets to stay under lock and key, where I can't get so drunk that I leave it hanging on some heiress' bedpost."

Catwoman has posed:
"Smart," Selina says, with a laugh. She's disappointed, but not terribly so. She hadn't really invested any effort into an attempted robbery yet, so no harm done... and she won't feel... well... obligated to see certain things through.

"I brought out the real things," Selina smiles, touching her own necklace, which is an unholy array of precision-cut diamonds, a lattice radiating outward from a sparkling choker. "Couldn't help myself. I just look TOO good in them."

Batwoman has posed:
"You really do. They draw all kinds of attention to your neck, your decollatage." Kate responds, reaching out slowly, as if she's moving to take Selina by the hand. "Maybe next time we meet up I'll bring something real out to play, if you like the sparkle. I'm sure I've got some fantastic diamonds somewhere in my vault... Failing that I might buy something just for the occasion."

Catwoman has posed:
"I grew up hearing they were a girl's best friend," Selina says. She doesn't flinch her hand away. She lets Kate make whatever move Kate is going to make, because this idea of a VAULT has the burglar very, very interested. "And you know what? It might be cliche, or too traditional a gender role, or any of that... but when they're right, they're right."

Batwoman has posed:
"For me, it's the HK USP45. Different families, I suppose." Kate's hand rests lightly upon Selina's, stroking it with mild affection, as the redhead gazes at the hidden criminal with a complete lack of suspicion. "Traditional gender roles be damned. I've never fit into them and I'm hardly going to start now - I'll be as beautiful, deadly, decisive and strong as I want." A slight shake of her hair, and that delicate red tumble dances in the light. "But I guess you've got me again. You know what side I play for. And well... I guess I'm just hoping."

Catwoman has posed:
Selina doesn't pull her hand away, and keeps her eyes on Kate's own gaze. She's capable of turning on the charm, and she's not going to discriminate and play it any differently than she would if the Kate touching her hand was a Kevin. When Kate finishes speaking, Selina gives a very, very genuine smile. "I'm on the side," Selina says, keeping her tone thoughtful, "of people who are interesting... and vital... and more than what they let on. Somehow, Kate, I think you fit the bill, don't you?"

Batwoman has posed:
"I think I'm seeing something similar in you, Miss Kyle." Kate practically purrs, smoothly moving off her seat and gliding the short distance between them, to press the softest, shortest kiss against Selina's cheek, before taking a step back. "But I think my social obligation here is up, and I'm in the mood to go have a bit of fun instead. Are you going to take my number, or are you going to come with me and see where the night ends?" A flirtatious look follows, "Either way, I want to slip out of this dress before dawn."

Catwoman has posed:
Selina cranes her neck slightly to receive the kiss to her flawless cheekbone. She milks the tension for a moment. She really does want to learn more about that vault... "What the hell," she laughs. "Let's hit the road."