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Latest revision as of 03:06, 9 August 2017

Here Be Dragons
Date of Scene: 10 April 2017
Location: Earth
Synopsis: Diana fights a giant sea creature and flies INSIDE OF IT to defeat it.
Thanks to: X-O <3
Cast of Characters: 74, Wonder Woman

X-O Manowar (74) has posed:
Jakarta, Indonesia
1:32 PM local time

The waters beyond the tourist-crammed beaches are as busy as the sands, with crafts of all sizes and interests maneuvering in nearly every direction. Massive ships laden with cargo loom over small fishing boats pulling in their nets and jet-ski riders who weave back and forth to leap over the waves created by the wake of the industrial vessels.

Despite the din of this activity--this normal, usual, daily activity--there is a rumble and a groan. Some who hear it ask whether there's some earthquake or volcanic eruption. The groan resounds, and the source of the rumble becomes visible: an absolutely massive, dark shape can be seen rising in the deeper waters some distance away. It takes a round form, the water not breaking until the shape is at least a hundred feet high. Then, the water spills away on all sides, and giant foaming waves break at high speeds toward the beach ... while, at the center of the phenomenon, a gargantuan lizard creature rears back a long head on a longer neck and screeches out a noise that, moments later, shatters glass on those seafaring vessels in the area.

Perhaps mercifully, many of these ships are then swept under the waters of the waves racing past and over them.

Meanwhile, on land, some of the tourists and locals alike spot the giant shape. And all hell breaks loose.

Wonder Woman has posed:
Diana had fought monsters before. Many times. Maybe not always quite this large... but she'd tangled with similar creatures in the past. Some particular Gods liked to play games with her, and they'd challenge her from time to time with creatures such as this mighty monster striking this lovely part of the world today...

It didn't please her, one bit.

Thankfully, Diana had received early warning that this event was going to take place on this day and she'd used her personal transport to arrive here only moments ago. Inside of the Jet that Cannot be Seen, Diana stood between the two forward pilot chairs where two of her sisters (who had been trained to fly) were seated side by side controlling the jet.

Diana spoke to them, while looking out the side of the Jet's interior that was see-thru at whatever levels Diana wished it to be.

"It has started." She said to her sisters who also spared a moment to look down at the beast below. Diana looked back to them. "Fly me overtop of it... Then, swing the plane about and begin to pick people up out of the waters. Rescue all that you can and take them to the beach some ways away... then return for more."

"Yes, Miss." The redheaded Amazonian piloting the ship on the left side said to Diana.

Diana herself, turned and moved her way to the rear of the Jet. As it dipped lower in altitude she commanded the hatch in the back to slide open, then she discarded her dark blue robe and drew sword & javelin from her back. A moment later and she leapt from the Jet and suddenly appeared in the sky seemingly out of no where, free-falling toward the Dragon's head!

X-O Manowar (74) has posed:
In the water, the aquatic beast continues to unfurl its form, long webbed limbs splashing out to create miniature tidal waves that send even more vessels careening toward the shore--with most capsizing and dumping their contents into the water.

In moments, hundreds of sailors find themselves clinging to life preservers and one another, while far too many sink under the surface of the ocean, never to re-emerge.

Elsewhere in this hemisphere, Aric of Dacia listens to a message from his exoskeleton armor. "Take me there," he replies. An instant later, he is airborne, hurtling at hypersonic speed toward Indonesia.

Meanwhile, in Jakarta traffic jams compound while the first major wave caused by the beast makes landfall. The beaches are submerged, temporarily quieting the shrieks of those terrified by the unnatural phenomenon.

Back in the deeper waters, the creature screeches again, barely catching a glimpse of the plummeting Amazon before she can reach it. Slowly, sluggishly, it attempts to respond to this much swifter enemy with an opening of its sharp-toothed maw.

Wonder Woman has posed:
Diana wasn't afraid of a big mouth with big teeth. She was, however, quite upset at the level of destruction and death that this monster had already dealt out. As much aas the Amazon Princess wanted to save and protect all lives on Earth... she wasn't equipped with the power level she needed to always achieve that desire, even if her powers were extensive... they weren't that extensive in the grand scheme of things.

So what was priority one for her in this scenario? Stop the Beast. However possible. And that meant go straight for its head!

Infact: The creature's opening mouth was precisely where Diana went! She disappeared right into his mouth as it clamped shut around here to eat her alive!

And once inside, Diana would sink down into the beast's belly where she'd likely perish, right?

Instead, she began to ravage the beast from the inside out, starting with the slamming of her bracers together to rock the creature violently with a kinetic energy explosion! Then the Amazon Warrior Princess would set out to start to use her sword and javelin to strike and stab at the creatures insides!

X-O Manowar (74) has posed:
The noise of the creature's tidal wave destruction is quickly hushed by the insulation of its esophagus. Instead, Diana can hear the sloshing of its stomach acids and the syncopated BUM-BUM-BUM of its heart.

Those noises become much louder as the Amazon princess slashes new openings in the beast's guts, its digestive acids spilling all about with deafening HISS sounds. Perhaps unsurprisingly, there's an extensive collection of partially digested creatures of all kinds--including what appear to be humanoid skeletons.

The creature roars in pain, slamming its webbed appendages against its torso, causing it to belch out a sound that, to those not in its stomach, resembles nothing so much as an explosion.

There's a second, albeit smaller, explosion in the distance as X-O Manowar races toward the scene of the disaster, steam rising from the ocean surface as he dives close to the water. He slows to scoop up several individuals, who all cling together and hang from either of his arms before they make an ascent of one of the nearest buildings tall enough to keep a dry roof.

Back within the beast, several deep-sea creatures slink about, seemingly safely, in the host's stomach acids--evidence of a potentially stable ecosystem. They spy the new arrival and begin circling about her feet, waiting to strike.

Wonder Woman has posed:
Anything that attempted to hinder Diana inside of the beast would be cut down with careless abandon, dead or alive she would take it down. She also wasn't 'standing' within the beast's belly, she remained floating and 'hovering' with her flight-assisted power gifted to her by the Gods. But none of that was keeping her from being covered in the filth and slime that was rampant within the beast's stomach. Thankfully she wasn't harmed by his stomach acids and it felt like little more than a sliming bubbling ooze when it splashed across her.

The HEART was her source of destination. Once she could hear it beating, thats what she wanted to reach and she would glide her way up in its direction, using her enhanced hearing to help her specifically track where it was through the vibrations that it sent repetitively through its own body.

Sword and Javelin gripped tightly she would continue to hack and slash her way through the body and use her bracers AGAIN to blast her way toward the Dragon's chest cavity from within.

X-O Manowar would likely see an Amazon Warrior standing (seemingly) in midair above the ocean waters, using a strange glowing-blue device to lift people out of the water and draw them to her where they would, one by one, disappear into thin air behind the Blonde haired woman in the shining gold and silver Amazonian armor.

X-O Manowar (74) has posed:
Outside the massive creature, the armored Visigoth continues the effort to pluck stranded Indonesians and tourists from the water, although the closest buildings' roofs are beginning to get quite crowded.

Spotting the airborne Amazon--and doing a double-take in the process--Aric momentarily turns his attention to some of the larger capsized vessels slowly making their way toward the beachfront, where they threaten to demolish the assortment of restaurants and gift shops dotting the shore and currently half-submerged in water.

The creature's innards are relatively easy to navigate, if not gross to do so. The heart is large, six-chambered, and covered in a combination of scales and rough hairs that resemble barbs.

As Diana hacks away at the creature's entrails, it thrashes about--causing even more mayhem in the form of giant waves that cast shadows over the coastline. One particularly solid sword thrust pierces a lung, and the beast looses an immense beam of crackling blue electricity up into the sky. Its lungs light up until they're almost blindingly white as the sparking energy is expelled.

Wonder Woman has posed:
When X-O Manowar saw the Amazon, she saw him too and they exchanged eye contact for a short few seconds. It was cut off then when the Amazonian woman turned and disappeared into thin-air herself. Moments later there came the sound of strange alien-like enegine noises flaring to laugh and two streaks of jet-wash in the ocean's waters flaring out in either direction as the invisible craft flew away up the beach loaded with rescued people.

Diana, in the darkness of the beast, could tell that she had pierced his lung and could feel him writhing all around her. She didn't have a lot of time and every passing second meant more destruction wrought upon the lives of the innocent outside the mega-lizard.

She fought off a swarm of nasty little creatures that rushed across her in the waves of filth flowing through the creature, then wielded her javelin in-line with her left shoulder, cried out in frustration and threw the lance at the beast's heart causing it to move at extreme speeds assisted by her powerful strength!

Diana would then soar back up toward the beast's throat and jam her sword into the gummy flesh there, slicing her way all the way back up toward its mouth!

X-O Manowar (74) has posed:
When Wonder Woman's javelin penetrates the creature's heart, its eyes grow wide and its limbs extend rigidly out from its torso. There is a shriek of agony that shatters whatever windows and other glass surfaces in a five-mile radius that were not already broken...

...and then it promptly careens back toward the ocean surface, even while a small lump inside its throat moves up toward its mouth.

The aquatic monster's impact sends one final devastating round of waves out in every direction, the accompanying sound a THOOM that threatens to deafen small children.

For his part, X-O Manowar races to the waves coming toward the shore and begins blasting a series of energy bolts with the rapidity of a machine gun, hoping to break as much of the waves' force as possible. Some--but hardly all--of the tsunami is slowed or halted by the repellant strength of the blasts.

Wonder Woman has posed:
Diana would emerge from the creature's mouth after its head had resubmerged in the water, she silently glided out from between its massive teeth and then rose up toward one of its eyes. She took a moment to reach her right hand out and place it lightly upon the Dragon's scales beneath its left eye. She looked into the eye as it looked back at her.

But there was more work to be done. She averted her gaze upward and shot straight up toward the surface, leaving a funnel of displaced water behind her like a bullet traveling through water. Bursting from the surface of the water she flew toward the beach, her eyes scanned around the area, taking the devestation in... She saw X-O Manowar's energy blasts and then looked at what he was was firing upon.

Drenched in ocean water (that had thankfully mostly washed her clean), Diana flew TOWARD the tsunami, her sword was slipped back into the gold and leather sheath on her back, her fists were balled up in front of her and as she reached the tsunami wave, she slammed her bracers together once again to send a chaotic wave of kinetic fury at the water to push it BACK toward the ocean, and not toward the already ravaged shoreline.

X-O Manowar (74) has posed:
The armored Dacian continues firing his energy blasts until he sees the sudden appearance of a flying woman and the effect her bracer-slam has on the colossal wall of water that had been barrelling toward Jakarta's beachfront.

"What in the--?!" he cries in awe.

Dozens more fishermen, sailors, and boat passengers continue washing ashore, while other citizens do their best to pull them up to whatever dry platforms there are. News and police helicopters have begun to circle the area, and emergency services are able to lift some of the most severely injured into the air.

The waters begin to settle--not entirely, of course, but the threat of new tsunami forces has subsided. Whether the aquatic beast has been killed or merely defeated...it does not seem to have the spirit to return to the surface.

The Manowar flies toward Diana, raising a hand and slowing as he nears. "Impressive," he calls. "Are these your people, that you knew so quickly of a threat to their peace?"

Wonder Woman has posed:
Diana continued to hover there in the air after the tsunami had been sent back from where it had come, though some of the waves on the fringes still pushed up onto shore... but they had been immensely waakened by her efforts, enough to make them little more than waves seen during a thunderstorm.

When Manowar flew to her, he'd find her there with her eyes closed and water sheeting off of her form. She'd open them when he spoke and her crystal-blue eyes would look upon him. She would look back at the beach and see the emergency services trying to set-up relief efforts. "Only in that I am a protector of all who need it." She said in her thickly accented English.

Diana's eyes returned to him and she looked upon him. "I attempt to protect all. Creatures of all sizes and shapes... but sometimes they leave me no choice, and I must put an end to them in order to save others." She drew in a breath, a long drawn-out inhale of salty air. "This was one such occassion." She paused then and dipped her chin lightly once. "I thank you for what assistance you provided, and might yet provide. There still remains a lot to do here."

The sounds of the invisible jet, could be heard over the water in the distance as it streak across the horizon looking for more people to retrieve from the tumultous waters.

X-O Manowar (74) has posed:
Aric floats, his expression suggesting being stunned. "I..." he begins, pausing a moment. "I wish there had been one like you when my people needed protection," he continues, looking away.

When Diana mentions more to be done, he snaps back to clarity and nods. "Yes. Yes, there does. I shall attend to what I may. Fare well in your own labors, warrior."

With that, X-O Manowar turns and soars to one of the more populated rooftops, where he begins organizing its denizens for hospital transport.

Wonder Woman has posed:
Diana would watch the man leave after hearing his remorseful tone which hinted at a great deal of loss in his past. She would simply nod once to him, curious to know more but now was not the time alas.

When her jet drew closer she flew down toward it and landed upon it. She could be seen walking on 'nothing' toward its aft and would disappear inside of it moments later. She needed to reconnect with her sisters and figure out where they were headed next.