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Latest revision as of 16:27, 14 September 2018

Trouble in the Park
Date of Scene: 03 August 2018
Location: Unknown
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: Kid, Cindy Larsen

Kid has posed:
Friday after noon, begining of august. The sun was high in the air, but the first begining of evening where approaching as fall was comming - the sun falling sooner and sooner. But still, the weather was warm and invited those who enjoyed it to stay at the park.

And indeed many did. Many were kids from the nearby neighborhood, and other just grown folks walking around with each other, or a friend. With the fungus threat defeated many were breathing a sigh of relief that they could even enjoy the parks.

Other though were lone wolves. Kid was one such. After one hell of a night and day, he needed a break. And a snack, but the snack could wait. Kid to those affected would appear as a very very large teen. Some might even say he was a mutant with gorilla like features - thick body, hairy, flat nose and very very large canines. His arm and shoulder were clearly banaged up and showed some red but not much. He otherwise wore non-descript clothing, seeming simply like a kid with a chip on his shoulder.

Cindy Larsen has posed:
    Warm as the weather might be, Cindy still made her way through the park wearing what looked like fairly warm clothes. She's dressed in a red-and-white tie-dyed hoodie, yoga pants and a skirt, with sneakers on her feet. She keeps her hands tucked into the pockets of the hoodie, and her hood up to hide her rather prominent felinoid features. She's just passing through by herself, minding her own business. She's got her earbuds in, so she's not even really paying attention to the sounds around her at the time.

    Everything is going rather smoothly for her until she's stopped by some thug-looking hoodlums, six or seven of them. Probably just more kids from the local highschool. She attempts to step around them, but they get in her way again. Finally Cindy turns off the music, without taking her hands from the hoodie pocket.

    "What?" she asks them, sounding annoyed.

    "I said, get outta our park, freak," the group's leader tells her, "We don't need -your- kind around here."

    Cindy takes a step back, but they follow her. "Look," she says, "I'm just trying to get home..."

    The lead thug pulls out a switchblade, flicking it open. "Not this way, you're not," he tells the girl. The other teens start moving to surround her, boxing her in. "We asked you nicely," the leader tells her, "Now we're gonna have to teach you a lesson..."

Kid has posed:
Kid kept walking, relaxed, indifferent to the people around him. Untill he sees the group surrounding Cindy. He let out a low beastial growl. But with his injuries...stepping in could be bad. He closes his eyes preparing an illusion...untill his head starts pounding.

Yea, too much pain to do more keep himself hidden. He rolls his shoulder, the meds long since wearing off. A sigh that was almost a growl.

Kid heavy foot steps carry him over. everything about him screamed trouble. As he neared the group with Cindy one of the goons turn and says "Keep walkin les....HEY!"

He didn't even finish his sentence before Kid picks him up by his shirt with his good hand like he was some rag day and let out a "ROOAAAAAAAR" that did sound close to human. Given his teeth...well some people manage to piss their pants to say the least as well as garner the attention of the others

Cindy Larsen has posed:
    The sounds behind her, not just the interrupted goon but the bestial roar, have Cindy twisting around to address this new situation. She goes wide-eyed at the sight of Kid lifting one of the thugs off his feet, and naturally, that catches the attention of the rest of them, too!

    "Holy shit," one of them exclaims. "That fucker is huge! Fuck this, I ain't gettin' murdered," another yells. The two of them turn tail and run, just at the sight of the gorilla-incognito. The leader turns to shout at them, "You fuckin' cowards!" He turns back to Cindy, growling at her. "I'm gonna make sure you never show your ugly face around here again," he snarls, "And then I'm gonna mess up your friend there, too!" He lunges at Cindy, and the leopard-girl lets out a shriek! She leans backward almost on reflex, then ducks under the return swing - and then throws herself at her attacker! Cindy tackles him to the ground, and they hit the grass with a thud.

    Cindy's not a skilled fighter, but she does have some advantages over a normal human. She's quick, and she's got lots of sharp pointy bits at her disposal. She grabs hold of his knife-weilding hand by the wrist, using both of her's. She doesn't try to wrestle the knife away from him, and instead, she ducks her head down and -bites- him! He howls in pain, and Cindy digs her teeth deeply into the flesh of his arm. There's blood within seconds. She can taste it, and while she doesn't like the taste, she doesn't let up. She knows she's got the avantage while his buddies are distracted by the gorilla of a man who intervened!

Kid has posed:
The teen struggles in Kid's grip as he becomes Kid's weapon of choice! Without a second thought he swings the teen like a club at the next closest teen, knocking them over. The 'hostage' is yelling "Soooome onnnne get me dooown! Ohpmh!" needless to say he was going to be bruised as the teen he was hit with.

Some try to circle Kid and pull out their own weapons - but how do you hit a guy using your friend as a weapon? One of them gets an idea and circles around and jumps on Kid's back yelling "Got him!"

Big Mistake.

Kid tosses his 'weapon' into another kid, before reaching up and grabbing his assulter by the head - his hand large enough to fully encase it. He tears the teen off and slams him into the ground. The way Kid moves and act saying he has been in more than his fair of fights - and the brutalness in which he act likely tells of the fight he has been in.

But Kid wasn't stopping - he now outright charges the group intent on barreling into them, a wild look in his eye as his bandges turn just a bit more red.

Cindy Larsen has posed:
    Cindy is struggling with the one she's got on the ground. He's punching her in the side, and she grunts as she takes a few hits. It's going to leave bruises, but they won't show up anyway. There's blood gushing down his arm from where she's got a solid chunk of him in a vice-like grip with her fangs and other razor-sharp teeth. One of her hands lets go of his wrist - he's dropped the knife - and she rakes her claws across his face! He yells in pain again, and starts just shoving at her to try to get her off him.

    "Fucking christ, get off me," he shouts, "Get off me! Help! This bitch is trying to kill me!" Cindy doesn't keep it up though. She doesn't -want- to kill him, just get the message across. She reaches over and bats the knife out of his reach, then lets go of his bloodied arm. He clutches it to his chest, trying to stop the bleeding. Cindy spits his own blood in his face, and stands up, getting off him.

    "Maybe now you'll think twice before pulling a knife on someone," she tells him. She gives him a kick to the side as he starts to scramble to his feet. He grunts, and hurries to his feet. "Dammit," he shouts, "Let's get the hell out of here! This isn't over, we'll get you for this!" His buddies still have a gorilla to deal with, though the ones that can are starting to flee as well, trying to catch up to their now injured leader.

Kid has posed:
There wasn't much needed to be said or done after that display! Between the leader running away after getting his butt handed to him - and a large mutant willing to barrel into a whole group - the gang dissapates! They scatter in all directions, trying to do anything to get away now. Some where limping from Kid's blow's.

All said and done though, Kid walks over and picks up the switchblade. His eyes slowly look to Cindy as if considering taking her down too...or mabey that just his face. He flips the blade close and put it in his satchel.

Despite his wounds being aggresivated, he begins making gestures - his watch speaking for him "Kitty okay?" yes, he just called Cindy, Kitty.

Cindy Larsen has posed:
    Cindy is panting for breath, and she -hisses- at the others when they start running away, keeping their distance from the now bloody-muzzled leopard-girl. She may be small, but she's feisty! Once they're gone, she turns to address the particularly tall, hairy man, a brief look of concern expressed before he starts signing to her. She exhales a sigh of relief and then nods her head. Sure, it's a little weird that his watch is talking to her, but she doesn't know sign language and that's pretty damn helpful in that regard. She pulls a travel-pack of tissues from her hoodie pocket, and breaks them open, starting to wipe off the blood on her face and hands.

    "I'm fine, um... Thank you for helping me," she says, "I don't think I could have taken them all on my own..." She wipes off her muzzle again, looking up at him. Her hood has come down in the altercation, and she certainly -looks- like a cat. "My name is Cindy," she tells him, "They didn't hurt you at all, did they?" She glances with a bit of concern towards his bandaged shoulder.

Kid has posed:
Kid let out a low growl and rolls his shoulder. His hands move quickly again "Doesn't matter. Not like I could be any worse off" he signs. He looks to where they ran "Probably not even spent a night under a bridge" he rubs his forearm which was by now crimson. A slight grimace. He signs "My name is...not quite sure at the moment" he actually did look confused...it been a long few days
    "Look, Kitty. Do favor. Need a med kit, bandages...old shirt. Not really care. You get?" his signing was short and too the point.

Cindy Larsen has posed:
    Cindy blinks again, and then nods her head. "Yeah," she says. She chews her lower lip a little, one fang peeking over her lip, as she looks around. "Wait for me over there?" she asks him, pointing to a small group of trees not far from the path. "I have to go get it... I'll hurry back, okay?" She waits for some confirmation from him, of course, before she turns and starts to hurry off in search of a medkit, more running than jogging through the park.

    A little over ten minutes later, Cindy returns, carrying a shopping bag from a nearby corner store. She heads towards the group of trees, hoping Kid had decided to wait for her!

Kid has posed:
Kid had simply nodded his confirmation. And indeed when Cindy got back, he was sitting down laying agaist a tree who looked like it was sturggling agaist Kid's heft. Seeing her there he signs a simple "Thanks" as he sees the bag.
    r he signs "So why were they bothering Kitty? thought folks liked cats." it was signed very casually as if he was trying to figure it out. He takes out the knife from earlier and slices into the old bandages on his forarm. They fall away - and yet there was the most perculiar site. despite having seen it start white and turn crimson - beneath, the skin looked perfectly healthy!

Cindy Larsen has posed:
    Cindy heads right over to the trees and gets down on her knees next to Kid, the plastic bag between them. "I didn't know quite what you needed, but I got a basic medkit, and some gauze, and some bandages," she tells him, "None of it was very expensive, so I got a bunch, so you can have some more for later if you need it." She pulls out the medkit and a couple packs of gauze and a roll of bandage. He's a pretty big guy though, so Cindy isn't sure how much he'll really need.

    She shrugs her shoulders in response to his question. "They like cats," she says, "They don't like people who -look- like cats." She glances up at his face, sitting back on her heels. "I used to be human like them," she says, "Until a few years ago, I changed to look like this. Now people like them don't like me, because I'm different." She blinks, then, when she notices his arm. "...Wow. You heal pretty quickly," she says, reaching out to touch his arm where she thought the wound had been a moment ago!

Kid has posed:
Kid flinches pulling his arm back defensively and actualy snarling at her. For a moment there it seemed like he might actually bite as he glares at her menacingly. His right hand does most of the signing the words - it didn't look like traditional ASL, but it still worked for translation "do not touch. Not healed. It is illusion - keeps folks off my back."
    His arm only get a ripple effect - bluish black fur appears and than dissapears up his arm like a moving wave before it is just normal again. He begins to wrap his 'injured' arm and sure enough, red was leaking through.
    "Never knew what it was like to be human. Lots of time, i think I not miss much" he signs.

Cindy Larsen has posed:
    Cindy jerks her hand back when he snarls at her, blinking at him, wide-eyed for a moment. Then she nods her head slowly. "Oh, I understand. I'm sorry," she tells him. She looks down at her fingertips, a bit of red on them as well. She frowns a bit, then looks back at his arm. "Hey, wait, wait," she tells him, putting her hand on the one wrapping the bandage, "That'll just ruin the banadage..." She frowns a little, and tears open one of the packs of gauze. "Can you, um... Can you show me where it's hurt on your arm?" she asks him, "If we pack some gauze in there, it'll help stop the bleeding, at least... The bandage will stay clean longer, too." There might be some disinfectant spray in the medkit, too, but she's pretty sure that'd just sting a lot and he already seems pretty agitated!

Kid has posed:
"No" he signs "It hard enough to hold this illusion when in pain. A stupid <beep>" yes the watch litterly beeps "Stabbed me in the arm a few dozen times. Trust me a tight wrap to close them works better." he signs. He makes a few tight wraps around his arm ignoreing the disinfectant seeming fiecely indepedant. Holding the bandage tightly in his mouth he signs "Though if you happen to know anyone who can remove bullets who isn't a cop that would be appreciated." it was difficult to tell if he was serious or not as he than continues wrapping his arm.

Cindy Larsen has posed:
    Cindy blinks a few times. "Uh... I'm afraid I really don't," she says, "And... I guess I understand the wanting to avoid cops thing..." She glances around again, and frowns a little bit. "Maybe, um... Maybe someone at the school could help you...? They're not cops, and they're... pretty understanding of people who are different, like you and me." She pauses for a beat, and then adds, "Just... don't lie to them, if you do. Especially to the Professor. He knows when you're not telling the truth, so it's better just to be honest to start, you know?" She chews her lower lip again, still watching him wrap the bandage. "I'm heading back there myself, maybe you should come with? They'll... probably ask you some questions, but... you helped me, so I'm sure they'd like to help you, if they can..."

Kid has posed:
Kid stands up and the skinny tree stands a bit straighter. He clenches his arm a few times carefully. He was quick at the wrapping. He signs "Different is one way to put it. Fine I won't lie if they don't lie." he takes a deep breath and closes his eyes his fur flickering into view a moment before dissappearing - his stomech growls. "Normally would wait to get back... 'home' but not sure I can go that long" he seemed reluctant, but time was of the essence.

Cindy Larsen has posed:
    Cindy gives a nod of her head, and rises back up to her feet when Kid stands again. "Alright... They probably won't be happy with me bringing home strays," she says, a small grin teasing one side of her muzzle, "But I think they'll understand, given the circumstances. C'mon, it's this way," she says, starting to lead him back to Xavier's School.