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Latest revision as of 16:39, 14 September 2018

First Day On The Job
Date of Scene: 04 August 2018
Location: Gotham City
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: Batwoman, Spoiler

Batwoman has posed:
    Monday morning rolls around, and Stephanie finds herself at Hamilton Arms Gotham Office, the high-rise building that attempts to rival some of the other industry titans. Not too far from Wayne Industries, coincidentally, despite the two companies not having the most co-operative nature. In fact, when reception issue Stephanie with a card to use the elevators and directions to Kate's office, she's already on the phone - Blouse, slacks, and a dress jacket hanging in her office, her slightly stepped heels upon her desk as she reclines back on her chair.

    "Listen, so far I have one group telling me it can't be done without increasing the weight, and the other telling me it can't be done without removing the collapsible functions. Which makes it, you guessed it, a rifle. We make those. How much weight are we talking about adding if we increase dependability, not reliability." A smile for her assistant when she arrives, and a gesture at the chair opposite.

    "Do it with four percent, reduce the recommended ammunition loadout to compensate, and get the prototype on my desk by end of business today." Her phone is clicked off, and tossed lightly onto the surface of her desk. Her feet come down, and she sighs. "First job, go down to R&D and slap fabrications around for designing a trigger assembly with too many moving parts." The suggestion at least gives her a smile.

Spoiler has posed:
Stephanie Brown snows up ten minutes early for work. Because anyone can accidentally arrive five minutes early but it takes a massive amount of cluelessness to pull off ten minutes early without intention. She definately intended to make a good impression.

Riding the elevator up, she made sure her skirt suit was smartly adjusted and worn. Smoothing a few wrinkles from walking, the blonde stepped out and walked to Ms. Kane's office. She wore a charcoal gray jacket and skirt with a purple blouse underneath. Her blonde hair was pulled back into what she imagined (hoped) was a professional looking twist and a pair of glasses with just a hint of purple tint to them rested on the bridge of her nose.

Coming to a stop a few steps inside the office, she waited for Kate to finish her call only to be told (even if jokingly) to go slap some unknown person or persons in R&D around.

She offers a smile in return and muses, ".. that seems to have escalated quickly.."

Batwoman has posed:
Kate offers a smile for Stephanie at the musing, and shakes her head. "The twenty-first century is full of overdesigned parts. Sometimes they work, really well. Sometimes they're just pointlessly complicated. There's a reason why the AK47 and the M4 have such legendary reliability, and now all our contracts are for modern weapons with old-world reliability." She reaches down beside her desk, and pulls up a lot of things in sequence. First, what appears to be a manuscript, with several flags attached to different pages. Second, a slim laptop box, and a cellphone box. And third, an trio of cards.

The manuscript is pushed across the desk, and a pen placed atop of it, with the other items off to the side. "So, first order of business. We have an /extensive/ non-disclosure agreement, a standard contract, HR information, security contract and clearance, vehicle use agreement, card agreement and of course, the rights to your first born child are laid out in Appendix B." A gesture to the side, "And computer, phone, ID card, vehicle key, and corporate card."A pause follows. "Excited?"

Spoiler has posed:
Stephanie Brown is somewhat amused, and relieved she can follow the conversation well enough to not look totally clueless. She then goes wide eyed at the contract. "phew.. that is at least three acres of Amazon right there, isn't it..?" She then looks a little wry and regretful. "Afraid you're too late for my firstborn.. you'll have to settle for whenever I have my second.." She offers a bit of a shrug and moves to read the contract carefully. She's a business major. never sign what you don't understand.

Batwoman has posed:
"Then this probably isn't going to work out." Kate notes, although there's an amusement in her eyes. "You have until Friday to read that and outline any concerns to us. Your access to our systems will be heavily limited until then, but that's not going to be an issue. Because this is an assistant position, you'll be assisting me professionally /and/ personally, which has resulted in a few changes from our normal policy of inappropriate workplace conduct, but the short version is that most of it falls under mediation, not litigation. Or to put it more simply, if my requests make you uncomfortable, bring it up with me, or HR, or quit. The phone and computer are already set up, and once you've gone and seen IT, you'll be ready to go."

Kate rises from her chair slowly, stretching a little before she looks out from her full-length glass windows at the city below. "Let's have an easy first day then. Why don't we take a car, go get a coffee, and get to know eachother a bit? I don't have another call until 3, and then that prototype at 5."

Spoiler has posed:
Stephanie Brown seems to be a fast reader. She looks up, "That's very generous of you Ms. Kane. But I understand the contract's terms, conditions and expectations." She signs the indicated places and slides the tome back toward her boss's side of the desk. "I'll go see IT to get set up later. Can I leave the laptop here till we return or is it expected that I'll have it with me at all times?"

Batwoman has posed:
"You're only bound as it's explained to you, or as the contract illustrates in broadsheet anyway." Contract law is fun. "There's nothing in there about bra-less fridays. But I hope you made sure you're fully aware of Appendix B." Kate jests idly, "It's preferred you at least have your phone on you at all times. The switchboard manages most of my calls, but you'll become my second line of defence. Same with emails. You'll also be my driver, which is why," Her delicate fingers slide the trio of cards across, fanning them out neatly. "The clear white one is keyed to all of my vehicles. The black credit card is linked to my expense account. And the ID card is an ID card."

Kate presses a slender button the side of her phone, and a seam appears upon it, allowing it to fold out and the second screen flash up, giving her a tablet to work upon. She taps, as she talks. "You won't need your phone today though. Also, if you feel the need or desire to get a concealed weapons permit, we can get that pushed through and you can grab something from the armory. And, that's my schedule cleared until 3. Coffee, gym, lunch?"

Spoiler has posed:
Stephanie Brown manages to keep up but can't stop from bursting into laughter at Fridays. "Uh. yeah. I guess I can see where the 'complain to you, HR or quit' comes in..." She shakes her head and pockets her newly assigned work phone. "I'm not afraid of guns but I don't think there's a need for them in my day to day. I mean.. unless Mercenary for hire and personal body guard and hit-girl are going to be added to my job description since, last I checked, personal assistant didn't quite cover those areas as being my responsibility... Unless they are." She shrugs some. "Coffee sounds good to me."

Batwoman has posed:
"I pay my hit-men quite well, so if you ever want to move into that field, all you have to do is ask." It's hard to tell if Kate is being serious or not. "Body guard isn't exactly accurate. I'm ex-military, and an excellent shot. I don't /need/ protecting, but I also don't have eyes in the back of my head." She brushes her backside down. "Let's head out then. And free advise, as exciting as the hypercars may look, avoid them. They're worse than useless in Gotham." She collects her things in a stylish black bag - Pistol, wallet, phone, to join everything else that's currently in there, before she leads the way to the elevator.

Spoiler has posed:
Stephanie Brown shakes her head, "Yeah, you're not a scary boss at all." She seems to be joking herself. She turns, "Say no to hypercars. Got it." She takes her assigned items and makes her way toward the door, holding it for her new boss. "After you Bosslady."

Batwoman has posed:
Kate allows herself to giggle, as she passes by Stephanie. She has an effeminate side, after all, even though they've only met on business. "Don't hate the player. And it's just common sense - Although I can't really explain why they're in the motor pool." It's a short walk to the elevator, and as Kate presses her finger against the scanner, all of the buttons light up. Full access. The elevator begins to track it's way down towards the garage level. Kate leans back against the cool metal wall, and considers Stephanie.

"So, anything else I should know about you aside from a firstborn son that is apparently off limits?"

Spoiler has posed:
Stephanie Brown follows Kate to the elevator and steps inside, letting her boss pick the levels. For now. At some point she'll know her way around and can do all of the mundane for her boss. She shrugs a bit. "I don't know, actually, if it's a firstborn son or daughter. I gave the baby up for adoption at birth without seeing it so I wouldn't risk getting attached. I was young and made a mistake. I guess that's what you can take away from that story." She shrugs, "We all learn and go on with life, right?"

Batwoman has posed:
"Ah. Sorry if that touched a nerve. I must have missed that in your file." Because it would be in there. Kate at least seems genuine about that error of judgement. "It's not a problem I've ever had. I'm not inclined that way - Which is a relief, because I would be a nightmare parent." A reassuring smile, "For what it's worth, it does show a strength of character. Strong enough to admit when you've made a mistake, big enough to do what's right for others instead of what might make you feel somewhat better. A lot of people... Struggle with that idea."

Spoiler has posed:
Stephanie Brown isn't upset. "I'm not embarrassed or offended. I made a mistake. I've owned up to it and I've moved on. Regrets? Sure. But that doesn't mean my past controls my future." She shrugs, "I haven't dated since and it's probably best." She laughs. "I'm not sure anyone could handle my waffle addiction without falling into madness and insanity." She nods some. "Thanks for the assurance. I can't change it. I may as well learn from it and improve myself hmm?" She steps out of the elevator into the motorpool garage, looking at all of the cars offered. "So. No hypercars. What else might we feel like today, Ms. Kane? Fully armored SUV? Mundane four door town car? Stretch limo? Two door Sport McSportcar?

Batwoman has posed:
Kate shrugs lightly. "I've dated a few times, but I'm... A little bit too intense. Most girls are happy enough to spend the night, though, so it's not /lonely/." And who wouldn't? She's fit, gorgeous and wealthy. "Something comfortable for you to drive, ideally. I want a coffee, not to watch you hyperventilate at how close you get to scratching a wing mirror. There's an M5 that'll do nicely." She points out the midnight blue BMW with a finger. The keycard causes any car they walk too close to to unlock on it's own.

Spoiler has posed:
Stephanie Brown nods. "Well there's someone out there I'm sure. Just takes time to find them. or so I'm told by my mom" she says with a laugh. "I'm no stunt driver but I did get good scores on my drivers test. I'm not afraid of Gotham traffic." She nods and moves to open the rear passenger door for Kate then closes it and moves to the front, dropping in and settling behind the wheel. She does take time to adjust the seat to her liking. Height, back tilt, distance from the pedals and wheel. Even adjusting the wheel tilt to the preferred angle before starting the car. Then she adjusts the mirrors. "okay. Coffee it is. Do you have a preference as to which shop Ms. Kane?"

Batwoman has posed:
"I think my father has given up hope for me. I'll just keep going to fundraisers and corporate events until I fall in love." Kate sighs in mock-wistfulness, as she takes the seat that she's been indicated to. "Or until I break down and ask you to find me four or five kittens so I can enjoy unrequited love in quiet shame. Suprise me, Miss Brown."

Spoiler has posed:
Stephanie Brown laughs. "Well... here's hoping. And.. I may well know of where to get you kittens of doom. You'll never be free of their love and affection. Unless they sit on your face while you sleep. Cats do that I'm told." She smiles lightly and nods. "Alright. Surprising coffee coming up."

Putting the car into gear, she pulls out of the garage and onto Gotham streets, navigating without the need for the nav system. But she does pull it up to check for any accidents and closures. Perhaps five ten minutes later, she brings the car to a stop outside of a coffee shop away from down town. Getting out she opens Kate's door and then closes and locks the car. Safety first.