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Latest revision as of 07:37, 15 September 2018

Team bonding with pop stars
Date of Scene: 06 August 2018
Location: Xavier's School,Westchester, New York
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: Cyclops, Rage, Negasonic Teenage Warhead, Mason Steele

Cyclops has posed:
When the doors to the Danger Room open, what awaits inside is not the Danger Room. Instead it appears to be the interior of a dingy warehouse. The room is fillwed with metal shelving, each with large boxes or wooden crates perched on pallets. The expansive ceiling extends far off into the distance, with large segmented windows lining each side. Random segments of the windows are either cracked, partially knocked out, or missing the glass panel entirely. Through them, the clear night sky is visible and if you listen closely you can hear the sounds of crickets chirping.

In the center of the warehouse shines a single orange-yellow light that illuminates a woman sitting in a chair. Her posture is slumped and her face is mostly concealed with what appears to be a cloth gag. Her arms are hidden behind her body, but based on the way she's sitting it might be reasonable to assume that her hands are bound to the chair.

Rage has posed:
Stepping through the doors, Andrea takes in a deep breath, then lets it out slowly. She is dressed in her new gold and black uniform with an X belt across her waist. It's the type of uniform that will shift with her forms. She takes a look about the warehouse, then over to the woman. Glancing to her two team members, she says, "We need to determine if we are alone in here and if this is a trap. I can shift to my wolf form and use my heightened senses but it takes a few minutes. Mason, think you can talk to the woman? Don't get too close though, we can't see her arms."

With that, she lowers herself down to all fours, then closes her eyes as her body begins to crack loudly in painful snaps as she contorts. The process is ugly, and hardly smooth as one sees in the movies. The clothing shifts out of sight as black fur begins to sprout across her body as her spine arches with the final crack.

Negasonic Teenage Warhead has posed:
Negasonic is in her uniform, blue-black with yellow trim, the X emblem on her belt and breast. She might not always have a lot of school spirit, but she does like the outfit. It's snazzy.

"Great. It's a Saw movie." she mutters, looking around with her hands on her hips, "I feel like we're going to take off that gag and she's going to, like, pour spiders out of her mouth or some shit. She's probably got snake hands tied behind her back."

She glances over at Andrea as she shifts, "Gnarly. Yeah, Mason, you go talk to her."

Mason Steele has posed:
    Mason wears...well, what he always wears. A pair of gray cargo shorts and sandals. Yes, he still wore flip flops. "So," he comments as the doors open. "The 'Danger Room' is is an old basement that never quite got renovated?" he asks, arching a brow painfully. "Kinda thought it'd be cooler than this." He walks up, looking around and wincing as Andrea shifts. "Okay, so I get to be the sacrificial lamb. This is all fake, right?" he reminds himself.

    "Like a paintball game. Cool I guess," he doesn't take a lot of particular care, but starts walking up to the lady in the chair, calling out to he reaches the twenty foot mark. "Hi there, you okay? What's goin' on, we supposed to rescue you?" he asks, tilting to the side a little to lean over, trying to see her face.

Cyclops has posed:
As our intrepid heroes make their way into the Danger Warehouse, the silence distrubed, the woman in the chair suddenly shifts upright in the chair as if shocked by a cattle prod. Her head rises, flipping her long and damp hair back over her head to reveal her face. She's covered in blood and sweat and her mouth is bound by duct tape. She breathes in deeply through her nose as she looks around, almost like she's waking up here for the first time.

Her eyes first see Mason and her initial panic is replaced by a flash of recognition followed by confusion. It appears that she may recognize him and also have no idea why a super star would be here.

As Mason looks her over, she'll see the woman's eyes shift from looking at him to peering back behind him. When she does, her eyes widen even more and her breathing increases and she starts to panic once again. The cracking of bones and the transformation of Andrea into a wolf sets her off.

Rage has posed:
Once the transformation is complete, Andrea gives herself a quick shake off to make sure the joints are working, then starts to sniff at the air as she trots in a wide circle. Her tail sways behind her in a wag like manner, trying to show that she is not a threat to the woman bound in the chair. She brushes up along Mason's legs as she passes him, giving a lick to his hand. Her ears are pricked upwards like two radars, swiveling about as she searches through the dark warehouse. With this form, her eyes can see in the dark now, making the search a lot easier.

Negasonic Teenage Warhead has posed:
Negasonic winces, "Yeah, doing the teen wolf thing in front of the normies probably isn't really reassuring, but, eh. She'll get used to it. Hi, we're the freaks who've come to save you. Care to fill us in on what horrible psycho tied you up as bait? Cause I'm pretty sure he's going to pop out of a box and try to murder us, like, any second now. Is he a clown? A hockey player? Some sort of puppet?"

Mason Steele has posed:
    "Yeah, this is how it always happens in movies," Mason comments back to Negasonic. "I think this is where we are supposed to pull the duct tape off, and she tells us it's a trap." He glances around, and starts to approach the woman to pull the duct tape off. "And don't worry about Andrea, it's creepy as hell watching that, I know." He reaches out to pull the duct tape off.

Rage has posed:
Andrea lets out a loud chuff as her ears jerk upwards. She rams herself against Nega's and Mason's legs, followed by a sharp bark of alarm. She darts forward in a specific direction, barking again, snarling.

Cyclops has posed:
As the woman continues to freak out, her body lurches back and forth as she struggles to get free from the chair. At the same time, mechanical clicks can be heard from the left and right (relative to the chair's position from where the team entered) and voices call out, "Fire!" The voices are followed by the eruption of gunfire. The darkness surrounding the single spot light disappears in a burst of muzzle flashes as the team takes fire. Bullets riccochet from the metal shelves, sending sparks flying across the corridor. The woman's panic continues as she manages to get a single hand free from the chair and reaches across to try to release herself from the remaining restraint. Her struggling made it nearly impossible for Mason to remove the duct tape, so her muffled voice struggles behind the tape as she flails about to get free.

Negasonic Teenage Warhead has posed:
Negasonic manifests her force bubble almost immediately, surrounding herself with a shield of destructive force. She's more offense than defense, however, so she lets Mason and Andrea deal with any protecting of the girl in question and focuses her own efforts on unleashing a destructive blast in the direction of 'guns'. Her power isn't exactly suited to precision sniping so she just kind of..unleashes.

Rage has posed:
There is the sound of loud snapping, cracking and popping as Rage pushes off and upwards as she surges into the towering war form of black fur and muscle. She looks terrifying. The type of monster that can make a grown man wet himself. With her heightened senses, she dodges along the bullets that ricochet about her large paws, bobbing in and out as she rushes forward after Nega's blast. As the tank of the team, she searches for a gunner so that she can leap upon him and subdue them with a hard punch to the face that would dent a car door. If she takes a few beestings along the way, she will deal with that later.

Mason Steele has posed:
    Mason ducks as the bullets whiz around, "Oh crap," he shouts, and grabs hold of the entire char the woman is bound to, and pulls her and himself over onto the ground, keeping himself between her head and the ground. He throws his fist down on the concrete to just a wall...scratch that, a pillar of stone, approximately as wide as his fist, for defense. "Well, that didn't really-" A bullet whizzes off it. "Jeez! These aren't real, right?" he calls out. "They seem really real!" He punches the concrete again, throwing up another, dissimilar spike of earth, and another. "So, now what?" he asks, the imperfect defense erecting around him and the captive.

Cyclops has posed:
The firing continues and chaos generally erupts all across the warehouse. The flashing muzzles reveal a handful of well-geared soldiers decked out in tactical armor with automatic rifles trained on the group of mutants.

The bound woman gets tackled to the floor by Mason as stone pillars erupt from the ground.

Rage is able to deftly serpentine back and forth through the hail of gunfire on her approach to the nearest gunman. Her fist easily connects with the man's helmet, causing it to crack and split into several pieces. That's probably the only thing keeping his jaw from snapping free from the rest of his skull. Regardless, the man collapses to the ground and stops moving.

Negasonic's unleashed blasts slam through one of the towering shelves, splintering through a few crates before pummelling one of the other men firing. He goes flying backwards from his hiding spot on the shelves and slams into the concrete floor with a sickening *thud*.

The men firing on Mason yell out as they focus fire on his stone pillars and try to break through.

Further in the warehouse a metallic creaking sound echoes through and Rage's heightened senses may be able to hear a few more series of heavy footsteps running into the warehouse. After a moment the sound of a pin being pulled from what may be an explosive device rings through the gun fire followed by a small cannister landing on the concrete a few feet from Mason and the woman.

Negasonic Teenage Warhead has posed:
Negasonic backtracks the arc of the canister, because she's played enough video games to do that kind of crap. She pushes her field further, flames starting to erupt around her as she suddenly launches herself, flying to crash into the guy like a guided missile full of angry millenial wrath.

Rage has posed:
After slamming the body of the man down, Rage reels in the beast as her claws unsheathe to reveal the razor sharp blades. Snagging the man's gun, she swings it like a baseball bat to crack another over the head, moving like a sleek, black shadow throughout the men she looks to subdue.

The ears of the monster perks upwards, followed by a sniff as she hears the new sounds, then whips her head around to yell in strangled English. "MA-SON! GRE-NAAADE!" She is too far to divert towards him, her eyes widening. "WALL! WALL! WALL!" She howls out to him through her wolfish chords that may sound more like "RALL, RAWRLL!"

Mason Steele has posed:
    Mason crouches behind his pillars, the assault rounds blowing small chunks out of the barrier. A bullet finds its way through, catching him in the right tricep. "Ow!" he cries out. "Those hurt!" He slaps the ground some more, sending up more pillars. He turns as he hears the cannister land next to him, and he slaps both hands onto the ground around it,and then pulls small slabs over the grenade, though there are still small gaps in the defense for the blast to channel out. Another bullet strikes him in the left shoulder as he does, and he winces again from the shot. Hey, it's his first time in the danger room.

Cyclops has posed:
The man mauled by Andrea go down easily, more fodder than threat to the Rage. The target hit with the baseball-bat-like swing gets struck, his head twisting to the side as his body drops beneath him. A couple of them manage to get off a shot or two towards her before being taken down. More come running, aiming their rifles at her and popping off a hail of bullets at her.

The man responsible for the grenade finds himself face to face with Negasonic as she launches herself in his direction. "Oh, sh...!" escapes his mouth before he gets slammed to the ground and slides back a dozen feet. Two more soldiers adjacent to that one take hold of their rifles and swing the stocks at Negasonic, trying to take her down while a third levels a pistol towards her, waiting for a clear shot before squeezing the trigger.

The grenade thrown next to Mason ends up just being a flash bang. The slabs covering it does the bulk of what they were meant to do and dull the sound and the flash, but the woman as well as Mason are still close enough for their ears to ring.

As a result, the woman manages to pull her other arm loose and starts to pound at Mason in an effort to get herself free, "Let me go!"

Negasonic Teenage Warhead has posed:
Negasonic stops and drops, but doesn't role, at least making herself a smaller target as she crouches and projects her energies forward towards the man aiming at her, hoping to overwhelm them with her power before they can take proper aim. She might have a GI Jane haircut, but she really wasn't that crazy about violence on the whole and this was rapidly getting into the point where she'd pause the action movie and take a break to check her Twitter because YIKES.

Rage has posed:
With all the excitement and chaos going on, Rage is moving quickly through the combatants as a body is flung one way, then another. There is a wince of pain as she takes a few of the bullets, causing her to stumble. There is just so many of them.

~Let me out! You are holding yourself back!~

<< I can't. I need to stay in control. We have to work together.>>

~You are weak! We will all die here unless you let me out! Think of your mate!~

There is a visible snap of Rage's head, followed by a quick shaking as he ears slant back. The pupils of the werewolf shrinks, followed by a loud bellowing war cry as she gives a quick one-two pound of her chest. She lays eyes on the enemy, then tears into them swiftly, as a monster would.

Kids. This is where you look away from the screen. For it will go from PG 13 to Rated R very quickly. Any who stand in her way will get the claws and jaws.

Mason Steele has posed:
    "I'm busy!" Mason yells back at her, having difficulty hearing exactly what she says as she pounds on him. "Trying to make you not dead, CG lady!" He grabs a chunk of concrete, shaving a piece off that is sharp, and tossing it to the lady. Let her free herself.
    He looks at the rest of the chunk, considers it, then lobs it in the direction of the guys shooting at them. As it arrives in their general vicinity, he spreads his hand, and the slab explodes into several small pieces of stone just as he takes another several bullets to his chest, he'd definitely be dead if it was real.

Cyclops has posed:
The men firing at Negasonic don't let up, but when her blast flies towards them there's not much they can do other than fly backwards and slam into boxes and crates stacked up.

The men firing at Rage are torn asunder as her beast within tears them to shreds, making for a rather bloody scene. The men scream in terror and pain as her claws rip through their armor and into their flesh.

The chunk of concrete thrown by Mason splits into several smaller, but still formidable, pieces and slam into their respective targets, sending them tumbling down from their shelves and onto the painful concrete below. The woman manages to climb to her feet and takes off running back towards the warehouse exit.

For now it would seem as if all of the soldiers have been dealt with, as the gunfire has stopped and all that is left are the moans of a few of the men who haven't been knocked out or, in some cases, ripped open.

Mason Steele has posed:
    Mason falls back on the concrete, and lets out a breath, rubbing the smarted parts of his chest. "So..." he asks, listening around. "Did we win?" He watches as the lady runes toward the exit of the warehouse. "She's running out, that's good, right?" he asks, thumbing in that direction before he starts to sit back up, looking around for his teammates.

Rage has posed:
As the battle concludes, Rage is breathing heavily, her body covered in muck with torn limbs of her slain about her large paws. Her eyes watch the woman run for the entrance, her primal instrincts screaming: PREY. She gives a few steps forward, then jolts back with a lurch as her eyes clear. << Stop. I'm in control now >> With that, she begins to shrink down with loud snaps of bone and muscle as she makes her way down to her human form again.

"Hey! It may not be safe out there!" She calls out to the woman. "Let us go out there first! We can protect you! We're the good guys." Easy for her to say, then again between her and Nega they just tore an army apart.

Negasonic Teenage Warhead has posed:
Negasonic pushes up from her knees and brushes herself off. "Dude, let her run. I wouldn't wanna hang around us either after whatever she's been through. Like, she's probably just somebody's gardener or doctor or some shit. Actually, she's none of those things, what am I saying, this whole thing's a friggin' Looney Tune."

Cyclops has posed:
After Negasonic's statement, the entire room morphs into a sea of red. The walls, floor, ceiling, all the same shade of red and there are no discernable borders between the surfaces so for all intents and purposes the three of them exist in a plane of red space. After a moment a hole opens up in the distance and Porky the Pig leans out and stutters his infamous line of 'That's all, folks!' before the entire world around them fades to black and the danger room metallic environment returns to normal.

In the top corner of the room, the control panel door opens and Scott emerges and starts to make his way down the stairs towards the others, "I hope the bullets didn't sting too bad, Mason." He glances over the railing towards the group of students until he reaches the floor and makes his way towards them, "You did well."

Rage has posed:
"I did terrible." Andrea says with a loud sigh once the room dissolves back to normal after giving a bit of a squeak at the sight of Porky. She runs her trembling hands back through her hair, then scuffs her boot against the ground. "We all need to work on a lot. Definitely need to figure out a better way to communicate in my forms. I felt like I had to lose control and rely on 'her' to get through the battle. I lost confidence in myself. She used Mason as a weak point for me." She looks over towards her boyfriend for a moment and sighs. "You did good though, Mason. Just need to get quicker at your constructs and make sure they have enough coverage. That can be worked with muscle memory."

Mason Steele has posed:
    "Um," Mason says. "Thanks, though I think we woulda all been dead if it was real," Mason says. "This is why we should just do this stuff as a game, real life superhero stuff, not really something I'm made for. But hey, it was pretty fun, all things considered. I mean, makes you feel cool and everything to beat up bad guys like in a video game. But like, a video game on steroids." He slowly gets back to his feet.

Negasonic Teenage Warhead has posed:
Negasonic reaches into her pocket and draws out a stick of gum, popping it into her mouth. "You guys self-deprecate all you want, I kicked ass," she syas. "So, like, do we have to write an essay or something or does this count as our homework? Cause I could really go for a taco right now."

Cyclops has posed:
Scott glances around between the students as he clasps his hands behind his back. He opens his mouth to launch into a speech he's had to give a time or two about how the Danger Room isn't a game and while the damage received during this session was set to 'minimal,' there are safety measures that can be removed entirely so the damage could be fatal. But this was Mason's first time and he isn't even technically supposed to be here, so he saves the speech for now. Instead, he goes into his debriefing, casting a sideways glance towards Negasonic but choosing to let her comment slide. "There are two things I wanted to you to get from today's exercise." His head slowly moves from one side to the other as he makes eye contact (sort of) with each of them in turn, "The first being that real life encounters take place over the matter of mere moments." He hoists an arm up and glances at the watch on his wrist, "For example, that only took 52 seconds." He pauses as his hand returns behind his back.

"The second point is that you never know what you're up against, so always be cautious." He initially had different plans for the exercise, but when Mason joined he made a few last minute adjustments as to not overwhelm the kid. Returning his glance back to Negasonic, he continues, "An essay sounds like an excellent idea. Thank you." He looks to the others, "Please write up a simple, two-page essay on what you believe you could improve upon based on what you experienced here today." If she could see through his visor, Negasonic would have seen a quick wink from Mr. Summers before he spins on his heels and makes his way towards the exit, "Dismissed."