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Latest revision as of 07:41, 15 September 2018

The Harlem Shake
Date of Scene: 06 August 2018
Location: Harlem, New York City
Synopsis: Darcy Lewis summarizes: In which Harlem Shakes HYDRA loose, Marc ejects inky black shit, and Darcy gets to be a roller skate Queen; or this is why HYDRA doesn't have nice things and we're happy about that.
Cast of Characters: Blackout, Darcy Lewis

Blackout has posed:
Fault Lines: There are several fault lines in the New York metro area, including one along Manhattan's 125th St. - which may have generated two small tremors in 1981 and may have been the source of the major 1737 earthquake. There was a tremor early this morning that registered 3.5 on the scale. Nothing normally to worry about. Except that a wall that was already weakened by testing has given way exposing the contents therein and nobody has noticed. Not yet anyway.

Heycamore Lane, it's a small side street that is adjacent to 125th and has a L alleyway that connects the two of them. If someone were to look down the alleyway in passing, they would happen to see rubble on the ground and partially, a wall that has collapsed to expose something within. Something big, green/gray, and dangerous looking. < http://www.marvunapp.com/Appendix2/rhinotank.htm >

The world outside is morning, rush hour has proven that no one cares about anything except their destination and their own lives. The secret remains. For now.

Darcy Lewis has posed:
Jetlagged from a trip to Europe, Darcy found herself awake way early. She also found herself told that she didn't need to go in until the afternoon since she'd just overseen a large shipment drop. So, with breakfast and caffeeine and too many hours at her disposal before she had to go to work, she did what any reasonable human being would do... Darcy went to her old stomping grounds.

Okay, not really HER old stomping grounds, but she knew a guy who was a huge help when she was writing her thesis paper. He wasn't at Columbia then, but he is now and Darcy figured she'd take her free time to go say hi in person, finally. He had been an invaluable research via distance learning portal. She brought with her some coffee, the way she remembered he said he took it, and some kolches as a thank you. A few hours later, after she sat in on one of his lectures, smiling warmly the whole time, Darcy let him get back to his day so she could get moving along with her. To say he was surprised that she worked for SHIELD was an understatement.

Hungry, she checked her YELP! to see what was in the area and saw plenty of reccommendations for Jimbo's Hamburger Place. She knew a Jimbo. He was one of three brothers, and their names were a running gag. Jimbo's was the only name that stuck with her.

She opted to skate, pausing to trade her business -- not busness, no one wears six inch platforms for business during hte day but Darcy -- for her skates. She wore her stretchy slacks instead of her pencil skirt, and so thin knee pads gets strapped on over. Wrist guards are added and Darcy was glad she thought to pack her small duffle of lesuire skate gear today. She was ready in case Professor Tidwell wasn't able to meet with her for long. She was planning on a light skate anyway, and the distance would be more easiy travelled on wheels than on stillettos. Darcy rolled off toward the burger joint, and since wheels can go where cats can not, she opts to turn into the alley, thinking it's a shortcut.

"Ah, fuck, this rubble," she grouces lightly, hot footing it now and again.

Blackout has posed:
Upon entry into the alleyway and making it to the location of rubble, Darcy is able to see the 10' diameter hole in the wall and what lies beyond. It's some sort of tank with a picture of a rhino on the side < http://tinyurl.com/y7srvnnw >.

Something clearly out of place that is located on the back side of the New Aroma and Metro PCS building. An older building, likely slated for demolition since its in disrepair. Hence the collapsed wall with the light shake of quake. The interior is darkened, and there seems to be no activity within. The front of the tank is faced toward her/the alleyway as if it's in a garage. It's also sitting upon a metallic platform which has beams rising from each corner, beams that have ratchets that make the platform a lift. Which descends, instead of ascends into the second floor of the building. Further into the 'garage' looking area, there are stairs that lead down into a basement. Maybe there are more things below.

One thing that does draw more attention is the voice of a man, "Hello? Is anyone out there?" he calls out from the stairs and the darkness below. He heard her exclamation.

Darcy Lewis has posed:
"Holy...shit," Darcy breathes, coming to a stop in front of the hole. She tiptoes forward, literally as she walks on her rubber toe stops with the same precision soemone just walking on toes would have. Darcy leans a hand on the edge of the hole, leaning in a bitfor a better look. That it's a TANK has her yelping loudly and almost rolling backwards.


She has the presence of mind to bring her phone up to take a picture, when the sound of a voice, spurred by her yelp, drifts her her. For a heartbeat, Darcy worries that she's alearted some sort of guard, but when she takes in the state of the building once more, she sets that thought aside in favor of 'homeless dude might be trapped'.

"Yeah. You okay?" she calls back while forwarding the picture to two contacts on her phone.

Text: May & Barton - Dude. Look what I found. <img: http://tinyurl.com/y7srvnnw > < GPS Location Stamp >

Blackout has posed:
"No, not really!" returns the male voice. "I could really use a hand. I'm kinda trapped." His voice is clear that he needs assistance and is somewhat anxious about it. It's also beritone in pitch.

There is a yellow hue emitting from the stairs, as in security lights are offering illumination from downstairs. Instead of the standard white LEDs that are scene everywhere. The floor of the garage is mostly clear of debris, as are the stairs.

Darcy Lewis has posed:
'Help! I'm trapped!' Darcy's a sucker for it. Message sent, Darcy tucks her phone into her bra and sets the duffle down and off the the side, just inside the wall. She moves carefully until she hits clear floor before pushing off toward the sound of the voice.

"Alright. I'm on my way in. Just hang tight," she says, head on a swivel as she rolls herself in.

Blackout has posed:
Another quake happens. Nothing too crazy, just a 10 second quake that registers 2.0 M on the richter scale. It causes dust to fly and some bricks to fall from the crumbled wall while she skates over to the stairs.

The stairs are metal, iron. Somewhat rusted but still strong - for the most part. If one were to peer down, they would see the stairs descend two floors down into a large room that presents with other vehicles of military nature. There's quite a bit of debris scattered around the base of the stairs as if some of the nearby wall collapsed and even a few fixtures may have fallen from the ceiling. It's an old structure. Repurposed for nefarious reasons. But there are clearly no people down there, except for the voice that still cannot be seen. There's also a soft hum of electrical current.

The voice calls out, "Will do... Careful, the building isn't really that strong."

Darcy Lewis has posed:
As the ground trembles, Darcy bends her knees and widens her stance. It's automatic, a thing done without thought. Steady, she pushes forward again, coming to a smooth quick stop at the top of hte stairs. She peers down before turning around, grabbing the hand rail, and decending... baskwards.

"Yeah. Noticed that. Don't worry, I'll get you. Just stay calm and like keep talking and shit. Ah! Fuck! There's no kids around here right? Oh, what the hell. Not like their language is any better these days," Darcy rambles as she makes her way down step by step.

"How'd the hell did you get -down- here anyway? It's like... a supervillian's summer garage in here," she says a moment later.

Blackout has posed:
Downstairs: The room is vast, expanding approximately 120 feet by 100 feet with support beams all around and hanging lights that are all out. The yellow illumination comes from the side of the room where there is a plexiglass and metal box (10'x10'x10') which holds a man dressed all in black - black combat boots, black cargo pants, black shirt and black jacket (a bit over dressed for the sweltering summer of NYC). The area is indeed full of military vehicles that seem to be well maintained, even a few hovercraft like things and a tunneling like machine pointing down. There are weapon racks, and various tables and lockers with all sorts of combat oriented stuff. There are numerous doors that will exit the room to various other parts of the super secret-secret base. Also, on the walls are the same Rhino symbol seen on the tank.

The man wears no mask and his dark hair and dark blue eyes peer through the glass to Darcy as she descends to the base of the stairs. He looks relieved. His gloved hands press against the glass. There are holes in the glass and even some grated areas in the metal so his voice travels clearly through. The glow of the box is due to yellow lights on the outside that border the frame of the box. There is a metal door in the front of the box with a lock. Nearto the box is a table, upon the table is a keyring with a dozen or so keys on it. He says, "Hey, I'm Marc..... I was kinda captured by these HYDRA jerks."

PS: No cell signal gets in or out of the building at this level.

Darcy Lewis has posed:
Darcy takes in the sight of the vehicles, and just how clean and well kept this place is and her nerves prickle at her.

'I have a bad feeling about this.' 'Gee, thanks Inner-Solo. You just doomed us all.' 'WARragghrarrraggagerrrgrh!' 'I know, right?!'

Making quick work of locating the keys, Darcy's heart nearly stops at one word: HYDRA. Her heart races as adrenaline floods every inch of her, and she turns to the cage, more visibly shaken than she was before.

"Holy shit. HYDRA? Are you fucking serious right now? Shit shit shit. Fuck, this isn't good. No good. Not at all," she's rambling, fingers fumbling with key after key as she tries to find the right one to open the cell. On her lapel, her SHIELD ID badge is ...quite frankly... too easy to see.

Lewis, Darcy. Agent, Level 5. M.O.S.S. Her hair's pinned up in a neat bun. Her makeup is simple but effective. The red lip is bold and unmistakeable at twenty feet.

Blackout has posed:
After grabbing the keys, and before Marc is able to respond, another quake shakes the ground, not too bad, around 2.0 again that lasts for another 10 seconds. Chunks of ceiling tiles fall onto nearby vehicles and even atop the box (cage) that holds Marc. He braces himself against the glass wall while looking up at the disturbance. Dust falls.

Marc moves to next to the door and says, "Uh... Hi Darcy?" he reads the ID. "Guess you're in the right spot at the right time. SHIELD vs HYDRA. It's another cliche. Right?" His voice is also slightly anxious with the pending threat of the ceiling caving in.

Darcy Lewis has posed:
Darcy laughs, again widening her stance without slowing, and using her toe stops to keep her in one place as she fiddles with keys.

"Oh yeah. About as cliche as Cap punching Hitler in the face. Fuck, I am not trained for this shit. I don't get paid enough for this crap. Come on, stupid key. Hi, Marc. Darcy, Darcy, Tazer Queen, Tits. Whatever. Let's get you out of here before dumbasses think to check on you. Shit shit shit." Even though she's cussing and clearly shaken, her gaze is focused and steady and after a moment her hands steady and she manages to find the right key to get the lock to turn.

If there's a security code to enter to keep alarms from sounding, she didn't even check for. Oh, well.

Blackout has posed:
Marc is caught off guard by her extended language, especially when she labels herself with all the nicknames. He smiles, still anxious but it's disarming for her to be so informal. "Good to meet you."

The lock turns.

From beyond a wall there's the sudden sound of a FOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOM followed by an explosion. Other smaller explosions are heard and then suddenly the ground starts to rumble again. Harder this time. Pushing up to a 3.5 M and causing a lot more ceiling tiles to fall.

Alarms do not sound when he pushes open the door and the yellow lights remain - as does the hum. But it doesn't stop him from pushing it open more. The ceiling begins to collapse with large chunks of concrete. The stairs are crushed into twisted iron. He holds on to the door frame and offers his hand. In a panicked voice, he exclaims, "We have to go! Give me your hand!"

Darcy Lewis has posed:
Darcy rolls backwards as the door comes open. The explosion and the sudden renewed tremors shake Darcy's balance passed what she can quickly correct for and she ends up just having to toss herself to her kneepads and wristguards. She push shuffle slides herself out of Marc's way and reaches up to help herself to her feet.

"Yup. Same. Leaving. Good idea. Let's go," she agrees, turning to push herself forward, tugtugging him along behind her. There's a practiced firm strength to her grip and how she pulls on his arm as she goes. Her arm and elbow and shoulder are helping to compensate for minute differences in distances between them, tugging him faster and slowing her down so they are matching paces as fast as Marc can manage. All as the skater steps and hops over fallen tiles and bits of rubble too large for her soft rubbery outdoor wheels to manage. She nears the stairs and gives Marc's arm a yank to transfer momentum.

An arm whip. Done right, between skaters it transfers most of the lead skater's momentum to the whipee, rocketing her forward. Done this way, Darcy's worked on as well. It helps to train the arms of both in doing this right to prevent injury to joints. She compensates to keep from pulling Marc too hard for his non wheeled feet to handle, while slowing her enough that she can shift to her toe stops for a run back up the stairs.

"Go. Go. Go," she's chanting, short and clipped but clear and concise.

Blackout has posed:
Drug along behind and beside her, Marc is almost resistant to her movement. She has the advantage at first with the rumbling quake and the intentions of their escape by means only she can see clearly. Except for the whole collapse of the stairs before she gets there. But he has other ideas. "No wait!" Her, using the momentum, he also pulls hard and will work with the movement. Pulling her to his chest while he falls backwards into a opening portal. They will fall through into utter darkness and then back out into the sunlight. He lands hard on his back and she will land equally hard atop him. Knocking the wind from his chest.

They are back in the alleyway that she first entered. A few feet deeper into the alleyway, out of sight of the street. The building remains standing, just the guts are worse for ware as the rumbling stops.

Darcy Lewis has posed:
Darcy had not even considered stairs collapsing. She wasn't from an earthquake state, dammit! She had committed though and she knew she wasn't gonig to be able to do anything as she saw the stairs collapsing.

She felt him pull. Her elbow bent to pull her arm to her chest, as an armwhip requires since it's usually followed by the whipper using that almost sudden stop to initiate a shoulder check on the opponent moving in to hit the whippee. That Marc doesn't let GO of her hand, but instead uses it to pull himself toward her and lets her slam into his chest is just not something anything she's ever done prepared her for. She impacts hard, and then squeaks a scream as they fall...
    ...and fall...
        ...and fall.

Darcy oofs as the fall comes to an aburpt end in the ally, body giving a hard shudder at the sudden icy plunge before warmth is there again. She lays there for a heartbeat or two before her hands slip to his sides and she pushes herself up, sliding her knees so as not to press down on anything fleshy.

"Ah, fuck me, what the...hell?" she says, mind reeling at teh sudden displacement of opening your eyes and being somewhere ELSE.

"...the fuck was THAT?!"

Blackout has posed:
He lays there a moment, in pain from the impact and being sandwiched between her and the concrete. "Ow..." he mutters and finally catches his breath after she's off him. He struggles to speak as his eyes remain closed. He reaches back and will slightly raise his head to feel the back of it with the gloved hand. "I teleport... The cage kept me from escaping." He finds blood. He raises up to sit with his knees slightly bent and leaves a spot of red on the ground. He rubs the back of his head and finally opens his eyes, "Is it bad?"

Darcy Lewis has posed:
Blood. Injury. Darcy hisses at teh sight and moves to help him sit up, easing his way and helping him balance.

"I dunno. Lemme see," she says, yanking her wrist guards off so she has more function in her hands. She shuffles to look, clicks her tongue at herself, and pushes herself to her feet without using him for a balance point.

"Hang on," she says. A quick roll to the building for her purse..duffle... just inside the hole, and then a roll back. Darcy falls to her knees again, yanking the bag open to look for her...

"Oh, for fuck's sake!" she yells at herself, finally remembering that she put her phone in her BRA. She yanks it out, flips on the flashlight, and uses it to look at the headwound before turning that off and Googling for 'head wound first aid'.

"Tell me about you teleporting?" she prompts, recalling from derby bouts that the best thing to do at first is to get the injured to talk and to keep talking. Something about shock.

Blackout has posed:
It's a contusion with a slight abraision. Could be a minor concussion. Best not to sleep, ice and treat it with 24 hour observation.

Marc is pretty open about his abilities, especially to the girl who just saved him and is looking around beneath his thick black hair to see if his brains are leaking out. He answers, "It's called Darkforce. I was in an accident a few years back. By the way, love the wheels." he says, finally able to address her skates while they're not in significant danger.

Darcy Lewis has posed:
Darcy reads up quickly, comparing pictures to real life as she listens to him talk. She's not completely sure what she's supposed to be listening to, but goes with the generic not-like-a-drunk-bastard.

"Darkforce. Nice," she murmurs before sitting back on her rump. She looks at him, her hair's dusted lightly with ceiling dirst and dust bunnies. Her glasses are frosted gently. her wrists are clean, because wrist guards. Her 'suit' is more gray now than black and while. Still, her green eyes are bright and concerned.

"You've got a contusion with a slight abraision. Possible concussion, so no sleeping. We need to get you some ice for it, and you shouldn't be alone for like a day," Darcy sums up her internet research before smiling and turning to look at her skates.

"Yeah. I love this bitches," she comments, reaching back to pat them. They're red and white and black, with obnoxiously bright pink wheels. Well, they WERE Red and white and black. Now, they are red and white and black and duct tape. ...the new layer of dust just sits atop what was already there. These are well loved, well worn skates.

Darcy shuffles again to her butt where she pulls her heels from her duffle.

"Alright. Since that was a HYDRA base, and they kidnapped you, and you saw a lot more than I did, and people are probably gonna want to talk to you, I'm going to ask if you'll come with me and if there's someone like family someone, you want us to call to let know you're safe or something?" she's rambling aloud, once more out of her element in taking someone to medical. "Medical! I'm taking you to Medical!" Because THAT makes sense. Darcy's a fucking hero.

Blackout has posed:
Marc's surprisingly clean. In fact, there's no dust on his clothing at all. Solid, flat black and non reflective. Even his gloves don't show blood on them.

His eyes are clearly entertained by her words of discovery and subsequent self discovery and elation. Especially when she speaks of her skates in a tone of pride and then the whole 'medical thread is captivating which leads him to smile with a slight grimace of pain. He starts to reply, "Nah; I'll be..." then he's interrupted by noise.

Nearby, just down the alleyway closer to the exit, a door is flung open and the yells of men can be heard exclaiming, "Let's get outta here!", "It's gonna come down around our ears!", "Screw this HYDRA gig!", "The CREATURE is loose! We totally need to evac!", "Regroup at the Gamma Site!" The whole while they 'roll' out of the doorway into the alleyway and head for the street. 20 or more of them on skateboards < HYDRASkateboard.jpg > and carrying HYDRA pew-pew guns while wearing their HYDRA green and yellow. They don't even notice Darcy or Marc. They head for the street in a major hurry.

Darcy Lewis has posed:
Marc cheated because he was trapped inna box. That's Darcy's story and she's sticking to it.

As goons pour out into the street, Darcy freezes for a moment, eyes wide and round and...

"Creature?" she squeaks before the next thing strikes her.

Gamma Site. There's another 'base' in the city. Most likely.

There's a few things Darcy could do. Roll after to the head of the alleyway and see what direction they go in to report back. She could follow then to Gamma Site and report back.

Darcy, not known for doing the reasonable thing. As the crowd rushes by for the street, she grabs her tazer from her duffle and as the last few file out, she takes aim, and sets to tazing the very last HYDRA goon in the back while smoothly rising to her wheels.

She's got a wounded. No way she's leaving him behind to chase after HYDRA. She's got a stun weapon and a reasonable idea of how to use that skateboard as a blunt object to render said goon unconscience so she'll have time to call for back up and pull the laces from her skates to hogtie him up. Provided she hits him with the tazer. She's not so worried about that part now. She's been trained now. Even certified to carry a side arm. Not that she does. God! Can you imagine how scary Darcy with a pewpew gun would be? No, thank you!

Blackout has posed:
Marc watches the men flood out and he had really no intention of drawing attention to him or Darcy, so he remained quiet. But when she stood up and zapped the final HYDRA agent, he winced. He's quickly on his feet, dizzy, and nearly goes down as he stumbles forward. Head trauma. He braces himself against the wall with his left hand. Steadying himself.

But he wasn't the last agent. A straggler comes out, rolling on his own board and is zooming up behind Darcy with his rifle held high, about to slam it down on her head while she ties up his comrade.

That's when Marc finally acts. He calls out, "Darcy, look out!" A darkforce beam launches across the alleyway from his extended right hand. It glorps against the guy knocking him into the side wall of the alleyway. Splattering a bit like a quickly solidifying rubber from a viscious gel. The darkforce hardens and keeps the hostile HYDRA agent entangled against the wall. Covered in the darkforce and unable to speak, but can see and breathe through his nose.

Darcy Lewis has posed:
The warning called out, Darcy curls into a ball, arms over her head. She waits for a moment for impact that doesn't come. A few blinks and she lifts her head to peer out, and spots the agent pinned to the way by some inky black shit.

Straight up, Vampire the Masquerade level bullshit. Darcy looks over at Marc, mentally labeling him WAND before she turns back to finish her tie up.

"Okay, I'm calling this in," she says as she gets to her feet, over half a foot shorter than she had been now that she's on besocked feet instead of roller skates.

"How long can you hold him?" she asks Marc, moving to get her phone from the ground where she'd dropped it in favor of the tazer.