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Latest revision as of 04:24, 16 September 2018

Making a house call
Date of Scene: 10 August 2018
Location: New Asgard
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: Thor, Doctor Strange

Thor has posed:
    Kvalvika Beach has made the transition from untouched landscape to housing a burgeoning community that is still terribly rough around the edges. The construction that's been accomplished is both astounding in some ways, but hodge podge in others. At a glance one will see very mundane materials incorporated into astounding works of effort and craft that cause an almost schizophrenic feeling to the architecture.
    From afar, at a glance, it's the mountainside that seems the most clearly changed for the top of it has been shorn and leveled as if by some great force while upon that clearing created are white stones and ancient techniques used for creating structure and defenses. Then there are the docks that look as if they were made from pre-fab harbor disaster kits only for their cement supports to have been clearly driven deep and made strong. Yet it's the settlement itself that seems the most chaotic, the central area where most of the people live in dwellings that look like shipping containers and emergency shelters combined with... miraculous stonework from what materials they have gained from the land. In the abstract it is a sprawl, but with glimpses of inspiration.
    It is there that the Thunderer finds himself. Early morning with the sailor's warning so evident far off to the horizon with the hint of sun creeping over the mountain range and the water. Breakfast is being served amongst the Asgardians as they make ready for another day to focus on their tasks at hand. Thor Odinson finds himself left alone with his thoughts there at the communal dining area, the long bench seats out in the open giving a place for the people to gather and eat before the day's efforts.

Doctor Strange has posed:
    There is an unusual stirring of the air, as it is pulled in a direction that, despite being here only three weeks, is not a direction any of the Asgardians had felt. So if Thor should turn and look, the hole in reality should explain away the atmospheric disturbance pretty well. "Good -" The voice stops itself to clear his throat, "Ah, yes, sunrise, good morning to thee Thor."

    Strange stands just on the precipice of the large wrinkle in space-time. Sparks of sharp shades of orange spiral off and away from the hole, but they seem to draw no reaction from the wizard who no doubt is holding this portal open. Stephen looms forward, peeking his head out for a brief moment and an eyebrow twitches when he spies the changes the Asgardians have made and he smirks, stepping all the way through before the portal shrinks into nothingness, "It appears you are making yourselves at home."

Thor has posed:
    Thor's attention is first drawn to the spectacle by the curious looks given by the other Asgardians as some rise from their tables, one puts his hand to the pommel of his sword, only then seeking eye contact with the Odinson. But for his part, Thor looks up, tilting his head to look upon their concern with his one good eye, then shifting his attention over towards the gap in reality.
    And that is the moment when the King's features light up, warmth touching his smile to life as he sets his fork down and pushes himself to his feet. "Strange!" He finishes the last of what passes for coffee here with a quick swig from the mug then sets the vessel down with a heavy thump. Rising fully he turns and steps across the way to close the distance but holds off the last stride since to do so might well interfere with the spell.
    "What brings you, Sorcerer? When last we spoke our paths crossed before the downfall of the fungal creatures..." His lip twists then his brow furrows a little as he realizes what he means is before all of 'this'. But he pushes past it and adds, "What has passed for you, wizard? We are breaking our fast, will you indulge?" A gesture of one hand is made to the side indicating the meal being served.

Doctor Strange has posed:
    "I came to apologize for I did not help much with the mushrooms. There were, pressing matters elsewhere." The Sorcerer explains before he smirks kindly and lifts his nose to preview the smells of what the Asgardians call breakfast and yet Strange does recoil slightly at the smells. "It's probably for the best that I don't. Wizards require a special diet." Stephen casually explains, and while not a lie, he sounds like he's not telling the whole truth. Or maybe he's trying to avoid whatever oddities the Asgardians might eat.

    "I will sit with you and allow you to indulge, I do not mean to interrupt." The wizard remarks with another glance around just taking in the sights of New Asgard.

Thor has posed:
    "It is no interruption," Is the answer given even as Thor gestures with one hand towards the seat opposite him. But then he steps back and away, turning to the side and lifting a leg over the bench seat to settle back into his place before his plate. Though, assuredly, the Asgardians do have a certain measure of herbs that they like to use for this dish or that, what they have now is mostly some supplies that they've been given by various aid groups in their time on the ship that carried them. Though that ship is no more, they at the least have brought some of their stores with them.
    So upon the plate before the good wizard and the deity is nothing too out there beyond ham, and potato hash, and some instant eggs which in truth... are outlandish even for Earth if taste is something to go by. But needs must.
    "The creatures are vanquished now, so what needed to be done has been done. I defeated the gigantic one that was in orbit. I believe you put it there at first?" He asks with a quirk of the eyebrow over his heavy strapless eyepatch. "But in any case, is aught amiss?"

Doctor Strange has posed:
    "I had plans to deal with them, as I believe you and the avengers general method of smashes and battles is no the way I go about solving issues. Though I will admit you did do what was needed." Stephen does understand that most heroes live under a different code than he does. In fact there may only be a handful of heroes who have taken the Hippocratic Oath.

    "At the moment, there's a few plates I have to keep spinning, but nothing beyond the ordinary. I had a down moment before dinner and Wong had made it known to me that there was something in Norway that I needed to inspect myself."

    Strange then looks up to the former mountain now made plateau, "Was... was that Slogan Mountain?" Strange inquires with a finger pointed up to where the summit once was.

Thor has posed:
    Following along with the Sorcerer's words, Thor takes up his fork again and pushes around the last bits of his hashbrown and then takes a bite as he listens to the thoughts given. He nods in agreement at the need for the man to investigate something in Norway and murmurs after he swallows, "If you would have my aid then it is there to be taken." But then he looks over his shoulder...
    Off to the area behind them up the hill of the beach to the mountain cliff-side that overlooks Kvalvika beach. He shakes his head, "I do not believe so,"
    Then, it's to another Asgardian some ways down the table that Thor speaks, "Bjarke?"
    "Yes, My Lord?" He's an older Asgardian, grey of hair with stern features and a long beard.
    "Is that Slogen mountain where we have cleared the top?"
    "No, my lord." Bjarke sets down his mug of coffee and gestures with his head and the sweep of one hand. "Slogen is to the South. Near..." He lowers his hand and taps fingertips, "Alesund."
    Thor takes that with a nod then rounds back to Strange, "No. Tis not, this area we are in is the Lofoten island range. Kvalvika is where we are."

Doctor Strange has posed:
    "I appreciate your offer Thor, but I do believe the arrival of your people and yourself were what my assistant had hinted at." Stephen says, eyeing the plate of food longingly but with also a look of disgust. Which he does try to hide and keep to himself.

    "I will make note of your location when I return to the sanctum, but your being here does cause me some ... worry Thor." Stephen admits while looking back to the mountain range, "With all of your people present, what promise can you give me that your bother wont hatch some scheme upon the earthlings, and who's to say the other pantheons or the skyfathers wont get ideas similar to this?" Stephen asks, not asking Thor to move, just, think about the implications of his actions.

Thor has posed:
    "Ah!" Thor gives a nod, understanding that indeed their arrival might be worthy of some trifling of concern. He takes another draw from his mug of really pretty terrible coffee that he shouldn't feel bad about missing out on at all. The Asgardian opposite him gives another nod as the man continues as he accepts the worries advanced.
    "I should tell you, Doctor, that it was with Loki's aid that we were able to save as many Asgardians as we did. Without him it is likely there would be no one left at all. Or worse we could have fallen without the defeat of Surtur and Malekith." He rests a hand upon the table and taps a fingertip, then he looks sidelong towards the mountain where the fortress is being built.
    "Though I understand your trepidation. We intend to do as we can here, grant my people some time to recover and then to gather themselves. Perhaps, over time, we will be able to leave again and seek out or create a new homeworld of our own from which again we can set to providing safety to the nine realms."
    A look back and he smiles easily, features warm as he tells the other man, "Six, perhaps seven hundred years at the most."

Doctor Strange has posed:
    "I can wait." Stephen says without so much as a smile. He's serious. "And do understand that I'm not asking or warning you to leave in such and such time. Just don't tell Zeus or the other gods that your people are here. The balance of things have begun to teeter and I for one don't want to rush such things." The wizard says with a curious glance around the ground level of New Asgard. "But do help yourselves to feel at home."

Thor has posed:
    A stern nod is given and Thor tells Stephen levelly, "I understand, and I fear that with the fall of Asgard..." The Thunder God frowns and looks to the side for a moment, his thoughts flitting away for a moment only to return as his blue eye shifts back to Doctor Strange, "That this has left Earth in a vulnerable spot to a degree. No longer does our protection mean what it once was. At the least," His expression darkens as he frowns. "I hope our being here might help as some aspect of deterrent in part."
    Then he flares his hands as if unknowing what the future might well bring. "But trust that if our presence becomes more a danger to Midgard then I will act in its defense and if needs be take what steps are needed."
    Another beat as he looks down at those horrible insta-eggs and stabs one yellow quivering strip of it with his fork, but then pushes it away. "As for Loki, he is to have naught to do with those of Midgard, nor hold any position of prominence with us. I know that humanity has not forgotten his crimes in the battle of New York."

Doctor Strange has posed:
    "I think you've discounted yourself and your people. I believe if anything, Earth is in as much trouble as it was before. No more, no less, but different kinds of trouble." Stephen says calmly with his gloved hands lacing before he rests his elbows on the table before him.

    Strange gives Thor a curious look to Thor and adds a soft chuckle, "It seems you don't like your eggs, do you need some normal chicken eggs, we have those on Earth, plus you can eat chicken as well. I'm sure it's something you and your kin will enjoy." The relatively young wizard says to the God of Thunder.

Thor has posed:
    Waving it off, Thor shakes his head as he rounds. "We have enough supplies." The Thunderer casts his gaze, that one good eye narrowing a touch as he looks to the side where they have stored many of the containers and the like granted by SHIELD and the Maria Stark Foundation. A small quirk touches his features however as he looks back and he says, "Though I do appreciate the offer, Doctor. It is best for my people to focus on making do and acclimating."
    He pushes himself to his feet, giving a smile to a blonde Asgardian woman who is younger than Thor but hard to tell with such timeless beings. She moves to take his plates and cutlery while he tells her, "Thank you, Ingete." He looks sidelong towards the protector of Earth and guardian against mystic threats.
    "Our shapers, our runecasters, our huntsmen, craftsmen all have bound themselves to our new homeland and I am sure you can feel the draw upon the energy as my people use the art to aid us here. Best for them to focus on that before them than to grow at ease with the accepting of gifts."
    There's a pause as he looks away and his lip quirks, "Though, in truth, I plan to make a run for some better coffee. At the least."

Doctor Strange has posed:
    "You're drinking coffee and eating instant eggs because you don't want gifts. You make no sense Thor. I will have your farmers be given a male and a female chicken. They're a useful live stock." Strange says with a roll of his eyes as he too stands up and looks around the village once more.

    "Though my position is mostly mocked if it is known, I do welcome you to stay on Midgard as long as you require, but I must make haste, there is a peculiar sort of thing I must be getting ready for." Strange takes two steps away from the table and with one hand up, his left hand makes a quick circular motion and the spell is cast again and he starts to approach, "Fare thee well Odinson."

Thor has posed:
    The tall blonde man smiles, a glimmer of that easy-going smile from not too long ago. "And to you, Doctor. You are ever welcome amongst those of us of Asgard." That having been said he steps back even as the flare of his mystical energies causes no small number of eyes to shift his way. Once he disappears, however, the God of Thunder turns back to his people and he lifts his voice.
    "We are fortunate to not be without friends." At that the other Asgardians give nods, smiles, and some even lift their mugs of that terrible terrible coffee. Thor grins a bit and then steps away. For the day beckons.