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Latest revision as of 05:07, 16 September 2018

Date of Scene: 13 August 2018
Location: New York City
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: Kid, Batwoman

Kid has posed:
Out by the docks in NYC was none other than the duo of Officer Orion and Kid. The area was well known to be frequented spot by the homeless this time of year, and was also known to not be particularly safe either. But that hardly stops folks.

As Kid comes back from a light wonder, Officer Orion looks to him as he sips a cup of coffee "You know, we could have just taken yea to the can. Not sure why your agaist them so much." Kid rolls his eyes before Orion continues "I know you just trying to avoid going back to the detanement center. But you have to, but I'll make sure to get you again you know." he offers the gorilla a smile.

Kid for his part grunts and signs "Still don't like it...anyways, let uh...keep going eh?" and he begins walking alongside Orion down the boardwalk - the officer none the wiser about the scene behind them just a few dozen feet away, behind cover.

An older homeless person was subject to kid's feeding. Knocked out cold from the experince, Kid had (mabey the decency?) to cover their body with carboard and newspaper before having gone off with Officer Orion a bit later - Kid had notably led them in the opposite direction of the scene.

Batwoman has posed:
The light wind travelling through the docks has a strange sound to it tonight. An almost imperceptable whipping that has no place without larger gusts, without fabric to be torn at - Even a flag would do, but here, there's nothing. The occasional flash of black and red from above, but as soon as it's registered that it was there, it's gone. It's not until the pair begin to make their way back from the docks, that the cause makes herself known.

The Bat delights in making others aware of himself as stoic. The Batwoman? Less so. She becomes visible at the top of one of the buildings, on the boardwalk, a figure clad in black with long, red hair, stepped heels and what might be for some a familiar red logo stamped on her armored breastplate. Her cape flutters behind her, as she steps off, gloved fingers catching one of the railed windows, twisting her body and converting at least some of her momentum.

Her feet find another boxed window, and she pushes off it into a delicate, tight roll, and lands in a far more conventional 'super-hero' landing, despite what some would notice as a skillful, but very human way to handle getting down to street level. Batwoman straightens slowly, her cowl pointed first at the Gorilla, and then at the Office. She's silent for now, which might be more worrying.

Not just because this is a vigilante. But because unlike every other vigilante, she's armed. Collapsible rifle on one hip, sidearm low on her calf, and then a host of bat-themed accessories. Flowing red hair behind her, distinctive.

Kid has posed:
Officer Orion and Kid look at each other first, than at Batwoman, back at each other, than her again. They both looked impressed by the display to say the least. But it also brought out a question - what was she doing here?

Kid grunts and signs to Orion "Well, your the hero expert here, you want to tell me what's going on? Looks like one of em bat folks"

Officer Orion eyes kid and says "Hush now" before looking to Batwoman. He doesn't put on airs, being a simple fella, but he was eyeing the collapsible rifle. Some of the bats were known to be rather loose canons. But still heros did have some respect. He address her "BatWoman I take it mam? Any reason you are dropping in on us" he was armed himself, but despite this, it clear he wasn't going for his weapon yet.

Batwoman has posed:
"Now, now, Boys, I wouldn't go do anything rash." Based on the fact that the gorilla speaks in sign language, and his handler seems to be able to communicate effectively in spoken english, that seems to work. Her richly painted lips and pale lower half of her face are exposed, as she muses. "I simply heard tell of a gorilla dressed like a man, wandering through areas of town that might not be the safest for them, if they weren't a most careful gorilla dressed as a man."

Rather than the harsh gravelled tones of the Batman, her own voice is rich and sensual, "Might be you're aware that there's shades of grey within this city. Some are heroes. Some are villains. All are doing what's right by them." Her fingers drum delicately upon the rifle, as if she's considering something.

"Yours has come to an area where someone might kill you for what you are, much less what you do. And much as I would like that to be between you, and however you understand God, the good policeman here doesn't deserve that fate." The redhead pauses, "So perhaps you could offer me an explanation as to why we shouldn't see if there's a safer way to contain you."

Kid has posed:
Kid let out a large snarl as he stands up to his full height. Oh he didn't like batwoman, not one bit - and he was about to go ape on her. Officer Orion though moves in front. "Kid, temper. Relax, I got you" Kid didn't seem any calmer, but he does go back down, muscles tense, ready to run for it.

That being said, Orion also never took his eyes off Batwoman, he was ready to protect whoever he was assigned. "Mam. I do not much like how you are addressing my charge, or what you are implying. And as he officer, I would appriacte if you do not haress him, and that you give an explanation to what you mean" it wasn't a request. "As it stands, he is being detained according to the Law and what is currently known."

Kid paces in clear aggrevation, but he wasn't running yet. Kid taps Orion shoulder and Orion glances back as Kid signs to him, and he translate "...kid wants to know what your talking about as well. And...oh I am not repeating that. Manners." Kid rolls his eyes.

Batwoman has posed:
One last drum, and her fingers settle on that rifle, bringing it up as the vigilante goes into firing-ready position. The rifle springs into it's full length - And while that is not the impressive part, the fact that a compact, collapsible rifle self-assembles might give someone pause as to what will happen should she pull the trigger. It's an immediate response to the snarl, and after it's calmed down, her aim lowers, but the weapon is still help.

"Officer. I don't like that you're woefully ill equipped to handle the situation that you're in. I'm also not particularly fond of whatever on earth your charge did to that man while you were not paying attention to his actions. And I'm /especially/ unhappy it happened in a neighbourhood where a figure who does not have my level of restraint has been known to kill those who prey on the homeless." Despite the tension, the Batwoman maintains an easy smile.

"He appears to still be alive, by the way. Or we would be having this conversation at Arkham. So. Give me a good explanation as to why, for your safety, his safety, and the safety of the people of this city, your charge shouldn't be in a more secure environment."

Kid has posed:
Orion hand though not nearly as quick as Batwoman, now had his hand on his holster. Would he be fast enough to draw if needed? He had not a clue, but he was ready to try. "Mam, I assure you I am equi...." and stops as batwoman continues on. He slowly looks at Kid who doesn't look back at him, avoiding eye contact.

Orion slowly turns and back up towards Batwoman facing Kid "What is she talking about Kid?" Kid aggrevation was growing as he bares his teeth a few times, but he wasn't running. "Kid, this is serious. What did you do?"

Kid stands there scratching his stomech, he was not happy, didn't take powers to figure that out. He finally signs, Orion translateing for him "What I had too. What I need to. He is not dead, he is just sleeping...he sleep for few hours"

Orion was begining to bring out (extra large) cuffs, but gives pause when Kid let out another snarl. Kid eyes dart about as he signs again "...Please, do not cage me. I do not harm, I take what I need, that is all."

Batwoman has posed:
"And some people will listen. Compromise. Understand. And some will attempt to liquify you, or convert you to their ends." Kate still seems ready to aim and fire with a moment's notice, her feet planted and her stance low. "You need to find a better way of hunting. You need to have what you're doing assessed and cleared. And you need to find a way to compensate those that you're taking from."

Carrot, and then stick. "Or you'll be confined to Arkham, which I assure you, is about the worst place for any creature that wants to breathe free." The rifle collapses again with a flick of her finger, and it's slapped against her thigh before the Vigilante rises. "Or some of the worst things that go bump in the night will come for you. And they have no interest in hearing what you have to say." Batwoman gestures to the officer,

"I wouldn't bother with the cuffs. He can break them. It seems like he complies with you right now, so trying to introduce force into tthat relationship might show you something you don't want to see." Observant, isn't she?

Kid has posed:
Orion puts away the cuffs slowly "I already seen some of the bad he can do Mam. I assure you, these cuffs would hold him propor. But very well" he nods to her "But Kid, I need to know what is going on. I cannot help you if you will not open up" something he has been working on a great deal...and is hard to do.

Kid snorts he eyes Batwoman - and something in them just screams that he has perhaps already been in such places. But Batwoman sounds like she at least has experince. He signs, and Orion rubs his chin "He says it sounds like you got experince in dealing with the strange an unsual...and for him the truth has always ended badly. He would not know where to even begin at this point."
    A pause and than continues "Older folks are easier, they understand better. But guess you know, life on the streets ain't easy. One day here...the next day" Orion sighs "Gone" aka dead. He than frowns as he continues to translate "Do listen or do you hear?" it clear officer Orion doesn't quite understand the meaning of that, but translates no less

Batwoman has posed:
"Nothing is ever as simple as black and white, and everyone has their reasons for doing what they do." Kate's response is simple, "I just have to match it up with what I can accept." The woman considers the next question for a moment, and then adds. "I can understand what you are saying the to the officer, yes. I'm not wholly fluent but..." So trying to talk under her isn't going to work that well.

"What's most important is that you understand how your actions affect other people. Be it putting the officer in danger by not telling him, or potentially exposing that man to complications. I don't know, one way or another." The redhead drifts closer, slowly.

"I have no interest in caging everything that I don't understand. But I need you to know, that if you are to survive here and be free, you need to be able to be certain that you aren't causing harm to those around you." Batwoman asserts slowly.

Kid has posed:
Kid grunts and begins to sign more slowly, as if considering Batomwan lack of fluency. But it is clear it is more directed at her "I will not explain everything, but I will put it like this. If I do not do what I do - I will die. If I am not allowed to do what I need too, I will go mad and than I will kill, and people will die. I do not want to go mad, I do not want to kill because I went mad."

Batwoman has posed:
Kate's armored gloves make signing difficult, but her response is simple. --And if they die from you?-- It's an open ended question, and it's met with a shake of her head and a lifting of her arm. "You need to find out whether you are harming people. Whether there needs to be a better way to do what you do, so you don't cause harm to others. Otherwise, we will need to have another conversation." A flick of her wrist, and a grappler shoots out from it, latching back onto the roof. It yanks her up roughly, the athletic woman pulling against it to vault onto the rooftop, and swiftly disappear.

Kid has posed:
Kid grunts. He already knew the answer, he had enough experince with his own ability to know. He could time the sleep, the death, the pain or lack there of. But that would require to reveal more than he is willing...especially after the last time.
    Orion rubs his beard "Alright...come along Kid. We need to get you back to the center." Kid for now nods...but there was a notable change in both, a quiet distrust that now goes unacknowledge...both avoiding asking what they wished and instead choose to walk in quiet compliance