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Latest revision as of 05:18, 16 September 2018

A Day for Brothers
Date of Scene: 14 August 2018
Location: New Asgard
Synopsis: Balder and Thor catch up too.
Cast of Characters: Thor, Balder Odinson

Thor has posed:
    Balder's arrival did not go without comment, for such was the nature of it that word would spread fast. The people rushed about, and some were there to at least catch a glimpse of the returning Prince. There were hurried words, rushed and warm at his return, but also concern and shared grief as he seemed to be embracing that which had passed. Some would pass and offer what well wishes they could, while others gave him the distance and the time for grief that was needed.
    It was long enough that the sun had drifted far above and then slowly crept beneath the horizon. The sea's colour darkened behind him and the light of the moon chose that time to shine upon the memorial as well as the bowed son. Enough time that the evening meal was served and a young Asgardian lass brought a tray for him, placing it nearby and murmuring in a voice barely above a whisper. "Please eat, my lord. If you can."
    But that was all the words he would receive. That is until a broad shouldered shadow fell across him, the man's silhouette limned by the faintly glowing sphere that lit the gravel path back to the settlement. And then there was Thor's voice.
    "Arise brother." His tone was strong, calm, with a touch of sadness. "Arise and embrace me for I have missed you."

Balder Odinson has posed:
Balder slowly got up, he smiled and hugged Thor tight for a moment "I missed you brother." he says with genuine affection in his voice. Balder then lets go of him and throws punch right at his jaw. "I was still on the planet you thundering donkey!"

"I woke up just in time to be awake and experiencing our home blowing up and being launched though the 9 realms!" Balder says frustrated "gah, was it the only way? are you sure?" Balder says with sadness in his voice as he sits back down.

Thor has posed:
    A crack is heard as the punch lands and shifts Thor onto his back foot as he lifts up a forearm to wipe at his chin as a look of consternation touches his features. It'll likely give him a chance to see that Thor... does not exactly look as the Thor he may remember. Perhaps it's the hair, shorn short and haphazard as if a madman with a blade took to it with ill intentions. Or perhaps it's the scars that line the side of his face. But more than likely it's the strapless eye patch that lends him some hint of his father's visage.
    Whatever the case, that severe featured brother smirks crookedly as he grabs his brother by the shoulders and shakes him for a moment then waves a hand to the side as if brushing him off. "Bah. No I did it on a whim. What dost thou think?" He sits down beside Balder and shoves him over a bit with his hip, not hard just the usual jockeying of elder siblings.
    "There was not exactly time for me to go looking for you..." He frowns and rests his arms on his knees, casting his eyes upwards. "Nor for any of the lost. I had thought you might survive but..."
    He looks back askance towards Balder, "But it is not as if I've had a moment's respite since everything passed."

Balder Odinson has posed:
"what the in the hell happened to you?" Balder asks looking him over. Thor wears the scars of his ordeal while balder's arent there to be seen on the surface. "I tried my best I hope you know. They... knew how to hurt me." Balder explains. He shakes his head he can't really get his emotions in order he's mad at himself, at thor at Maleketh, at Surtur , at Loki at everyone it seems. But there is sadness at losing everything. "This isn't how any of this is meant to be. The spinners taunt us undoing the weaves of our lives. Fate is inexorable and all the joy has died. "

Thor has posed:
    A hand lifts to the side as Thor accepts Balder's words and dismisses them. "You know as well as I, brother, that prophecy and fate are inexorably twisted by the perceptions of the people, the times." He leans forwards and reaches down to one of the small stones upon the ground and takes it up, twisting the black fragment of another time end over end in between two fingers.
    "Perhaps things have changed. Perhaps not. We can only deal with what is now and what has passed. Deal with it as best as we can."
    Then there's a moment of silence... before then looks aside towards Balder and says sharply, "But what is this that you're married now?"

Balder Odinson has posed:
"Yeah I married a human, she has powers she works for your friend Stark. I was seeing her the last time I was on midgard. I decided things are as you say twisting andchanging and I did not want to wait and see what came. she is loving and strong and full of passion and Mother would hae loved her. Father would felt it was a great merging of our people." Balder smiles "in truth I crave her like you crave a fight and Loki craves stirring mischief. " Talking about his wife makes balder smile and show life again. amid the reminders that his home his parent and many of the those he knew and cared for are lost. "and you king of asgard are you eyeing a queen?"

Thor has posed:
    For a time Thor sort of just... looks at Balder. He can see that hint of incredulity in his gaze, a small touch of concern. Then he says simply, "I know it would seem strange for me to offer criticism on such, Balder. What with the love I held for Jane, and in truth I would have married her should such have been her wish..."
    He shakes his head, "But after everything that has passed? I would fear the decision be rash. Yet I can see the wisdom in your words. To not hold back from the moment and embrace love when you find it." Again he looks away, eyebrows still beetled as he's giving it some consideration. "Bah."
    "But no. I am not seeking a queen. At least not actively." He lifts a hand to rub the back of his neck thoughtfully. "There is too much to do now. Romance, courtship..." He shakes his head, "That must wait."
    That said he sends the stone flying off into the distance to splash softly into the ocean some distance away. He lightly claps his hands together as if dusting them off and then pushes himself to his feet. "Come, let us away and get you settled. I'll see your quarters are made ready."

Balder Odinson has posed:
"When the time comes do what father did he married to bring the Aesir and the Vanir together, pick someone respected here whom they will follow." Balder says he gets up to follow thor and notes "There is a lot of building to be done I guess thats why you were given a hammer. Because that thing is certainly not a weapon." Balder teases.

As they Leave Balder asks "So did losing the eye make you wiser? or was mother right the only wisdom you gained was not to run with sharp things?"