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Wat Wat!
Date of Scene: 15 August 2018
Location: New Asgard
Synopsis: Diana proves she is the best over Thor, she's just greater and thats that!
Cast of Characters: Thor, Wonder Woman

Thor has posed:
    From the air Kvalvika Beach is still staggerinly scenic, the great sweeping vista of the fields and mountains now share their grandeur with the Asgardian settlement. The cliff face has a wending stairway cut within the side of the mountain that curls upwards to what looks to be a construction project of a fortress of some kind, great white stones and rocks holding places of prominence in the coming architecture.
    Below the mountain there are the docks, the housing, the places where the people have settled and built what homesteads they can from the materials provided as well as what skill the stone shapers and carpenters can apply. It's a curious hodge podge of the modern and the ancient and the arcane. The docks are prefab but there are places where a mage must have caused the cement pylons to imbed into the harbor floor as they stand tall and strong to provide a place for the ships to moor. The living area is a mish-mash area of shipping containers, stone shaping, and converted emergency tents and shelters.
    At this time of day the populous can be seen moving about the quarry, the fortress, a myriad of people putting their efforts to creating a life as they can here. It's a vision seen far and wide in places untoward for the traveler, yet only here it has elements of the otherworldly.

Wonder Woman has posed:
Diana has arrived via the Invisible Jet, though its not really always invisible and generally is the color of a white summer cloud. Case in point, today it rests on an open area large enough for the hefty size of the knife-shaped alien-tech-powered craft. Three Amazonian women have arrived on it, but two of them have stayed with the jet.

Diana was the one who ventured into this new settlement, quite obviously, she's wearing her armor but its all mostly covered up beneath a dark blue robe that hangs down over her form and is closed in the front, its a common thing for her to wear to conceal and cover herself while she is in a casual state, ready to be called-to-action at any moment however.

Standing high above the activity, she's looking down on it and observing the locals as they're settling in with this new place and what it will soon become for them, a home.

Thor has posed:
    Likely when she was landing she might have seen the areas that the VTOL SHIELD jets used when they would make their deliveries or offload visitors, though no other vehicle was there currently. There were sentinels along the gravel paths that led to and from parts of the settlement and when she was spotted she was approached by a young blonde Asgardian man whose helm is pushed back from his brow letting his long locks stream over his shoulders and back. He gives a smile and a nod as he greets.
    "Ho there." His spear is held light in his leather gauntlet and he plants it upon the ground once he finishes his approach. "If I am not mistaken you are Diana of Themyscira?" He touches his other gauntlet to his chest, "I am Froujke. Seek you the Thunderer?"

Wonder Woman has posed:
Diana's eyes turn to look at the blonde with the helm and she shows him a soft smile and pays him a single little nod of her head. "In part." She says to the Guard. "Technically I am here to see all of you though." She reaches a hand out to offer him a shake, probably one of those wrist shakes, her's being encased in her armored bracer of course.

"Diana of Themyscira, guilty as charged." She shows a slight grin to the man indicating that she is in good spirits. "But yes, I am also looking to find the Thunderer... though I may not use that word when I address him." She's teasing again, just a little. "Things are looking well here too. Are spirits higher, I hope?"

Thor has posed:
    His gauntlet finds hers and he gives a firm warrior's shake, though his own strength is not enough to press. "I am glad I can recognize one of our few friends, you are bid welcome, Princess of the Amazons." Froujke lowers his blue eyes and then his smile beams happily back to her, for at the least in his case spirits are rather high. He turns and gestures with one hand, silently asking if she would accompany him and he will start to walk down the path should she so agree.
    "He is at the quarry, I believe." It's so hard to tell ages with Asgardians, but if he were human he would seem perhaps barely on the cusp of his twenties, yet he seems to ease with the spear in his hand even as he strolls. She might well catch small tell-tale signs of the long hours of training in the way he moves, and the casual grace as he negotiates the decline along the rough graveled path.
    Turning towards her as he moves he says, "I can dispatch a messenger and while we wait I can answer any questions you may have. As for our spirits... aye. I think most of us are relieved to have... some measure of stability. It has allowed us to catch our breath."

Wonder Woman has posed:
Diana returns the shake and she's smiling openly to the young man (at least in appearance). She hapily moves along beside him as he starts to walk. "It looks like a very lovely location that you have all chosen to settle." She says in her thick Greek accented English. "I am eager to help however I can, if there is anything that my people can donate that will help with letting yours settle in. Be it supplies or whatever... Though I have told this much to the 'Thunderer' and he seems very adamant that he and his shall remain independent of that aide." She glances to him and shows him a slight grin. "Pride, I suppose. Which I entirely understand... You have a lot ahead of you here, but I sense a good start and a bright future."

Thor has posed:
    Down the hillside he walks, a few pebbles falling down as they're dislodged by their footsteps, but soon they're on the main gravel road that leads towards the town center, such as it is. "Well personally I could stand for more of the mortal's coffee. I was one of the lucky few to taste the batch that was brought from the city of New York and it was fine stuff." His lip curls as he moves past some of the tents and shelters.
    "But I believe you are right, he seeks us to be as independent as we can." Then his lip curls again as if sharing such terrible seditious ideas as he says a touch under his breath, "He fears we shall become fat and indolent."
    But that is the moment when a raven-haired girl not quite the age of maturity come skittering out of a tent, she freezes at seeing Diana but then Froujke speaks, "Kella, go and tell Bjarke we have a visitor. Also that we need another sentinel on the North ridge for I play at diplomat today."
    "Yes, brother." She says quickly and then turns, her little slippers flapping and flopping as she rushes off into the distance.
    Back to her, Froujke says, "If you'll grant me a moment, Princess. I shall be but an instant and then return." With that said he puts action to his words.

Wonder Woman has posed:
Diana shows a little smile. "Coffee." She says. "I agree entirely and I will make sure to bring you some of the finest that I have at my embassy." Diana is given a lot of gifts and she has a whole store room filled with them in her basement at the Embassy in New York, even more still piles up and she has to give them away to charities and such. "I will make sure Thor does not see it either." And then she grins.

When the raven haired one appears, Diana offers a friendly smile and a little nod of her chin in acknowledgement. She stares at the two of them as they have a back and forth and then looks to Froujke when he moves to excuse himself. "I will be right here." She tells him, her hands coming together in front of her robed lap as she turns again to look the place over and draw in a deep inhale.

Thor has posed:
    It is not too too long that she must wait and while she does so she'll see an older woman emerge from the larger building with the sign of he Broken Antler above it. There, in that open air common area with the large long tables with their bench seats, she smiles pleasantly to Diana and bows her head as she approaches then murmurs, "Would you have aught to drink, your highness? Something to eat?" She gestures with one hand back the way she came to the first 'business' that the Asgardians have in place... and naturally it's a tavern.
    If she accepts then she'll be brought something to serve as repast, perhaps even with a mug of mead should she so wish. It grants her some ten minutes of quiet contemplation...
    Before she'll hear the deep rumble of Thor's voice some distance behind her, "Froujke spoke of a visitor and I tell him now he is mistaken."
    Walking beside his King, Froujke's brow furrows, "My lord?"
    "She is no visitor, son of Tyr. She is one of us for what she has sacrificed and done on our behalf." His lip curls, "Though she may have forgotten such, it has been so long since she last paid call."
    Froujke gets the joke and smiles a bit as he steps back, "I shall return to my duties, my lord."
    A hand is waved to the side and a nod is granted as Thor bids him to his task, then that one blue eye meets Diana's gaze.

Wonder Woman has posed:
Diana does take up the offer and she also goes to the tavern to step inside and look around. "I would love a drink." She tells the woman, a warm smile on her red lips. And when its delivered to her she's holding the big mug with both of her hands while turning here and there to look around at this 'first business'. "Lovely place." Diana tells the older woman.

When Thor arrives with her original escort, Diana turns to face them both, she is lowering the mug of mead down from a sip and is smiling now at the both of them. "Has it been that long?" Diana asks him then as she walks to the both of them. She looks to Thor first, then to Froujke and nods once to him. "I see you found him." She says. "Thank you."

Her blue eyes are then returned to Thor. "I am here to help now though." She declares then, raising the mead up for another sip then and there.

Thor has posed:
    "Weeks?" Thor says as he enters the Broken Antler. It's little more than a common room with a wooden plank set upon several barrels with other barrels in storage behind it. A handful of tables scattered around with some chairs, but it seems most of the business is conducted outside to all of those open bench seats where clusters of Asgardians gather at times for their breaks or when they can spare some moments in the day.
    But it does have a certain charm as across the place there are small artifacts, pieces of memories that must mean something to the owner, though to the casual glance they are old weapons or statues of prominent beings. And for now, Thor leans to the side upon one of those tables, folding his arms over his broad chest. "Perhaps a pair of months? Too long. But I understand matters must take you away, your time is not your own as mine is neither."
    He looks her over and then gets a small smile, "So shall I hand you a hammer of your own and set you to the quarry? Or had you aught else in mind?"

Wonder Woman has posed:
Diana continues to sip from her mead mug, holding it between those two hands iwth her right clasping it by the handle and the left just wrapped around the opposite site. She steps lightly and turns when Thor speaks again, facing him once more.

"I do not need a hammer to break rocks." Diana tells him with a slim smirk. "My hands are more than enough to accomplish such a task." And a stronger smile is blocked by the mug she's raising up for another sip of the very tastey brew. After that she lowers it again.

"Also, my mother has asked me to come and make an offer of horses." Which might sound odd if it were any other two people talking to one another, but somehow they likely do not consider it to be that strange. "Your people could use some well trained mounts, yes?" She asks him. "She was very glad to hear you settled on a place and was arguably even happier to her that it was not our island." She grins a little then.

Thor has posed:
    "I should warn you, Frollo's mead is a touch strong." He pushes off from his place against the table and starts towards the doorway, slipping past her as he reaches it and pushing open the curtain that serves in place of a door for now. He holds it open and then looks back towards her and asks as he cocks an eyebrow, "Walk with me? I'll give you the grand tour and then afterwards we can discuss what we can trade for such fine mounts."
    That having been said and should she wish he'll step outside, sliding his hands into the pockets of his breeks. Not in his armor, nor his formal attire, he looks curiously at ease and almost... a touch settled into the role of carpenter or laborer. His tunic is belted at the waist and his features are still as haggard as they were when they last saw each other. But something about the dirt on his hands and under his nails, the smear of grime across his brow from where he must have wiped a forearm, it speaks to some purity of effort that suits him.
    "But I am glad to have pleased your mother at least in that one capacity. Her offer was a true kindness, but I would fear the tension that would arise from our staying there in such proximity."

Wonder Woman has posed:
Diana does start to follow after him as he moves, she looks back over her shoulder. "I will return the mug, I promise." She tells the woman who'd given her the mead, and then she ducks out of the way of the curtain and steps back outside. "It is stronger than most alcohols in the rest of the world, but I have never met a drink I was not far superior to." She says, looking back to him with a turn of her head so she could get her hair out of her face, smiling at him for having said that in a way that made her sound arrogant, but she is also just being coy and joking.

"You are right though." She adds on then. "Had you takne the offer, I believe things would have been fine for the most part. But the interactions between our people likely would have gotten more tense over time. Especially amongst my own. They simply are not ready for that level of... inclusion of others outside of our ways. Sadly... I am not sure they will be ready for a very long time."

Thor has posed:
    Away from the area she landed, away from the dwellings of the settlement. His footfalls take him down another path that leads towards the ocean and towards the slowly setting sun some ways off. It's just enough towards that dip in the horizon that the first hint of orange is seen, enough that the night sky has crept out just barely off to the East. Yet the beach they walk towards is bright for now, the waves curling as they reach the shore, lapping around the heavy columns of the docks that are in place. No boats rest at anchor, and no Asgardians are there to greet them though she might see a distant sentinel upon the ridge line.
    "I think you sell your people short. With your words, your mother's... things may have been well longer than we expected. But what is that saying the mortals have?"
    He tilts his head towards her, brow quirking in curiousity as he tries to recall. But then he nods as it comes to him. "Guests, like fish, start to smell after three days?" He half-smiles and looks across the ocean as they move, "Best not to risk drawing too much on your mother's patience."

Wonder Woman has posed:
Diana's eyes are on the shoreline as they draw closer to it. She does look to the docks setup and notes the absence of boats, then she sweeps her eyes toward the setting horizon and she smiles quite contently at it, while clutching that mug of mead still. Its raised up for another sip as they come to a halt, her dark blue robe--along with her dark brown hair--whipping about her gently in the ocean breezes.

She looks over at him and nods softly once. "People have trouble with change." She tells him. "Some more than others. Even just proposing a change to their daily routine you can see their muscles in their jawline clench... or a twitch across their brow." She shows a faint and short grin before her eyes go back out toward the water.

"And then, change is thrust upon them and they are forced to adapt to it, to accept it and move on because... they have no other choice." Another sip of the mead. "Your people are strong, and I admire that a lot."

Thor has posed:
    "Aye," Thor says as he looks out across the ocean, then back towards her over his shoulder. "They have handled matters well and endured my reaching attempts to provide them at least some measure of safety. Perhaps now..." He looks up back towards the settlement, "Perhaps here they will find it." He waves a hand to the side as if brushing his own words out of the way between them. He turns to walk along the beach, his heavy boots leaving clear prints in the sand as he walks.
    "But let us not linger on the ill. Tell me what has passed for you and yours of late? We are somewhat out of touch here and word comes to us rarely." He casually nudges a half shell with the toe of his boot and then kneels to pick it up, dusting the sand free with the brush of one hand then offering it to her should she like. If she declines the 'gift' he'll casually send it sailing back into the ocean with an under-handed toss.

Wonder Woman has posed:
Diana turns away from the waters when he does and she moves along with him. "Mm, they will always miss the world that they knew and it should not be feared to bring it up. The stories of your Asgard that was, need to be shared, they need to be catalogued and kept safe so tha tthey cannot be forgotten. Every little detail is important and should be historically preserved, somewhere and somehow."

When he hands her the seashell she is sipping her drink once more, having it about half finished by now. She DOES accept it though, in her non-handle-holding hand and she turns it over in the palm of her hand, it now laying there ontop of the supple leather of her fingerless glove. She looks up to him then and grins softly.

"You should open a store and sell these to tourists, should you open your shores to such visitors." Again she's just jesting softly, trying to be light hearted about it all and not wanting the drama of Asgard's loss souring the atmosphere. "They make for fine necklace adornments, you know?"

Thor has posed:
    "Ah as to that!" Thor says a little animatedly as she broaches that topic. The stroll along the beach continues as he returns his hands into his pockets. "I have had no shortage of people... individuals wishing to place things of commerce, services, to ply my people with their wares and I admit to no small amount of confusion about so much of it." He lifts a hand away and rubs at his brow, "There are merchants who would place their stores, who seek to provide goods and services in exchange for... advertisement. There are companies that wish to bring us the Internet, and others that wish to sell us their food of fastness."
    Thor turns to her and leans towards her as if emphasizing a point, "There was even a man who said he wished to have some of my people as their champions in a Bowl for Supers." Shaking his head he looks displeased even as he crinkles his nose.
    "I find I have lived here and loved this land, but there is so much I do not know of it. My instinct is to allow none of it and yet I do not wish to be called an Isolationist."
    He takes a deep breath and then exhales slowly...
    "It is maddening."

Wonder Woman has posed:
Diana is all grins throughout the words that Thor says of all of this... she knows full well what all of that is like as she has experienced it with her own people. "It has not been that long since the same sorts of things were flooded onto me after I went public with the existence of Themyscira on this world. The show of my presence amongst the world resulted in much of that, and it continues today quite honestly." She glances at him then and lowers the sea shell in her hand to her side where she is gently turning it end over end as she walks and talks.

"There is something you just have to understand about the humans on this planet..." She Starts, releasing a light exhale. "Their life spans are generally just short of a hundred years. A hundred cycles around the sun of this star system. And a large majority of that they are not even adults, then another they are too elderly to live the lives they want to live. It is those middle years... where they 'live' and because they are so short, this world has developed a compulsion to 'burn as hot and as fast as they can' until the flame is... out." She then glances over at him and takes another sip of the mead.

"That is why you have things like 'fast food' and 'fast internet' because everything has to be fast. They know, even when they are not consciously thinking about it, that their time in this world is short." And she looks forward again, her boots quietly padding on the sand of the beach. "It is a foreign concept of thought for you and I, we have to try to place ourselves into that mindset to truly understand it even just a little."

Thor has posed:
    Nodding as he walks with her, their steps carry them along that gentle curve of the beach, towards another gravel path that creeps up out of the sand and into the reeds that serve as a faint barrier to the hillocks behind. He'll take that small turn towards that path as it will carry them up back along the steps carved into the cliff face, up towards the white stonework that serves as that skeletal framework for the fortress that is to come.
    "It is dangerous to engage them with such trade I fear. And some of the things we have to offer in trade, our technology, the magic that comes so natural to some of us... I would worry upsetting some balance between them that I would not be aware of."
    The Thunderer shakes his head, gaze distancing as he sets foot upon the first stone step that leads upwards, waiting for her to set foot as well and then taking the outside place naturally so as to 'protect' her from the wind or from a stumble that might take her over the side.
    "Yet they seem... hungry for anything of ourselves. For artwork, for words, for images." He looks sidelong towards Diana again as they climb, "I have agreed to allow a weekly postal delivery but beyond that... I do not know."
    Seemingly thoughtlessly he lifts a hand to the patch over his eye, a fingertip rubbing along its ridge as if contemplating and that gesture were but a nervous one. Then he says to her, "Your advice as to their outlook is good, but do you have any writings from the time when you went public? For the reaction of the people and how you responded?"

Wonder Woman has posed:
Diana is gracious of his carefulness and kind mannerisms even if she's not sure he's even aware he's doing it, she knows it is just his nature and that is touching to her, she's a fan of 'good' people after all.

"Themyscira has built a seaside village where outlanders can come now and then and spend time amongst our people on said sea shores. They are required to stay within the village, but tours are setup where a given number at a time may take a ride up into the city itself. It is a big step for my mother to permit this, and she's only truly willing to allow it toward women visitors. Male visitors have... not yet made it off of the beach as of yet." Diana shows a soft grin then.

"And yes." She adds, following him up the pathway. "Most of that information is on the internet or stored digitally within a computer, but there is many articles about it. I can have them all printed out and brought here for you to read it. It was a... interesting time. This is in-part why I have opened an Arts Center in the hopes of providing people a place to go to immerse themselves within Themysciran culture. It is just a few buildings down from our Embassy. It has been a very popular place... though the young people flock to the fighting lessons and shows... there are many adults that love the rest that the facility offers too." She sips her mead again and glances toward him once more. "Bring Themyscira to the people. Rather than the other way around."

Thor has posed:
    "Ah, so basically an Amazonian franchise." The Asgardian's lip twists wry as they continue their climb. "Very well, Princess Diana." He continues the ascent keeping just a single step behind her out of that instinct to make sure that their climb will be safe. "I shall try and find this information and see what it is I can learn."
    A few more strides and he takes the last few steps two at a time to reach the top and gesture to the side, indicating the plateau where the fortress now finds its home, the structure clearly a long way from being finished, but at least there is the skeletal outline of the walls... the defensive works, the gates. It could perhaps be an art installation indicating the feeling of what a castle could be, but for now a long ways off from functional.
    For a moment he pauses and rests a hand on her shoulder so they can face one another, look in her eyes. She can feel the solemnity of the moment, the seriousness as he looks between those blue irises and he tells her levelly, "It is good to see you, Diana." His brow beetles and then he nods once, as if he had said what was needed.
    And then he turns away and says, "Come. Let us to the memorial, then we shall return and perhaps you will join us for the evening meal."
    And with that said he moves on.

Wonder Woman has posed:
Diana steps up to the foundations of the future of this place and she lets her eyes roam over it all while her imagination completes the work that will be done over time. "It is going to be wonderful." She says then before she feels the hand come to her shoulder and she turns to look at him and offer a soft nod to what he says and a little warm smile. "I am happy to be here." She says to him in a sincere fashion and after a moment she adds.

As they turn away again and start off once more she snickers lightly and shakes her head. "It is not a 'franchise'." She tells him. "You make that sound like a... fast food place. No, it is just a place where people might come and learn more about my people without facing the ever judging eye of my mother." But try as she might, there will likely be more butting of heads between the two of them on the true nature of it all, as it seems to be their way to jab at one another's every word.