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Latest revision as of 05:24, 16 September 2018

A quiet evening
Date of Scene: 15 August 2018
Location: Columbus Park, New York City
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: Kid, Balder Odinson

Kid has posed:
While Columbus park is a hub of activity for the local community, at night time when most have gone to sleep, and the bulk of noise is from busy streets, the park becomes a place of peace, for weary souls to rest their feet.

Or to pig out! As usual, Kid was avoiding having to go back to Center as much as possible. And after a recent run in with Jubilee has been on a chinese food kick. His assigned guard/dedicated anti-trouble maker, Officer Orion is as usual footing the bill. They had treys of lomein, general tso, fried rice, compow chicken, steak kabobs and more.

And considering Kid was still a massive Gorilla...most folks kept their distance. Orion says while using chopsticks to eat his portion "Alright. Look...I know you got it hard. But we'll find out what we can do about getting you...stable." he says slowly "But you gotta be straight with me Kid? No more secrets, got it?"

Kid opting to use his hands to enjoy some spicy chicken gives an annoyed grunt...but none the less he signs "Fine. But we drop it?" his watch speaking for him. His hands though they had been burned, seems to be healing very well.

Balder Odinson has posed:
Balder is venturing into the city alone tasked with bring back dinner. His wife wants chinese food for dinner and not the cheap take out the real deal. The weirdly dressed out of place looking Asgardian wanders into the restaurant . He's holding a piece of paper that had the name of the place and what he was meant to buy there on it. He looks confused and slightly overwhelmed by the crowd the the noise the smells and the general atmosphere of the place.

Kid has posed:
Kid glances around a moment and signs to Orion "....we forgot the drinks." He scratches his belly a moment and than signs "Should I go get them or..."

Orion shakes his head "I will get them. Do NOT move from this spot. Do I make myself clear.?" Kid nods. "Good". Orion stands up and jogs across the street after some cars passes. Soon enough he enters the same reasturant as balder and nearly bumps into him "Oh, excuse me Sir" he stops and looks over Balder a moment. "Huh. You one of them Asgardian fellas?"

Balder Odinson has posed:
"oh Yes I am" Balder says to the man how comes up to him. "I am Balder son of Odin, and I am ...lost I have been tasked to acquire the dinner feast and my wife wants this" Balder waves the shopping list "I've never experienced this part of human culture so I am at a loss"

Kid has posed:
Officer Orion knits his brows togeather "Huh. Thought Odin only had Thor and Loki for his boys. Wouldn't you know it." he glances out the window to make sure his charge hasn't moved...Kid hasn't before looking back at Balder "Alright, first things first bud, you got american money on you?" he plucks the list and looks it over. By the way he stands - it clear this is not the first lost soul he has helped.

Balder Odinson has posed:
"Yes I was informed bits of silver and gold are not valid currency anymore." Balder says with a smile. "I can understand all languages but I've never seen these words before or had the food before" Balder looks around the place and catches a sight out the window. "A gorilla I was told new york was a strange place. but I was not expecting that." Balder says pointing out the gorilla"

Kid has posed:
"Good stuff. I'll give you a hand. Once you get use to it, it is not so bad" Orion says looking down the list "Pretty standard stuff...wife got good taste too" he says. He moves a bit more into the line of the crowded reasturant. But he than looks back "Most New Yorkers do not either. That there is Kid. Was brought in after exposer to fear gas. Not completly sure what happened but report say he tried to take down a man who who burned like the sun. Probably a mutant who got mixed up in the whole mess as well." he sniffs "Mmm, fresh dumplings. But yea, take it from a born New Yorker, this is not a common occurance by far"

Balder Odinson has posed:
Balder eyes widen as he starts to realize. He still hazey on the details of the gas attack. "the beast I fought... " he mutters and he remembers the fear in the creature's eyes as it gave up the fight. There is a sinking guilt in him. "It was no mutant... I want to meet this Kid" Balder says "I must apologize."

Kid has posed:
Officer looks sharply at Balder, and his back seem to straighten that bit more. Kid was his charge after all. He looks Balder up and down with a scrutinizing gaze before slowly nodding "You have nothing to apologize for. Fear gas truely messes with a man's mind. But if you wish too very well. I must wanr you though...Kid is not..." he searches for the world "Properly socialized. I must insist I come with you"

Balder Odinson has posed:
"I attacked him when he had done nothing to me I may have hurt him and I may be the reason he is not free right now. I must apologize and try to make it right" Balder says he's the more honorable to the suns of Odin and he feels deep guilt not knowing what damaged he caused. "I would meet him and I would see him freed if possible."

Kid has posed:
Orion frowns and says "That is not so simple. He is not a recognized citizen of the US. And where he is from is questionble as well" he informs "But very well. We can pick up your order after if you would like" and with that he would lead the way and across the street to Kid for Balder to met

Balder Odinson has posed:
Balder crosses the street and approaches Kid. He looks him over trying to clear the memory in his head to see what really happened not what the poison made him see. "Did I hurt badly?" He says before even introducing himself.

Kid has posed:
Kid is about to let loose a growl when Balder first approaches. But much to Orion surprise, Kid actually stops short. He looks at Balder for a long moment. He wasn't sure why...but he liked Balder, felt comfortable around him. He signs, his watch speaking as usual "Sorry...but I do not know you. what are you talking about?"
    Orion is positively shocked at the apparent behavior as he says "Pumpernickle, NOW you act civilized?" Kid rolls his eyes "...this is the fella who burned your hands Kid" he explains.

Balder Odinson has posed:
"I hope it wasn't too bad. Is there any way I could get freed I am a Prince of Asgard there must be something I can do" Balder is apologetic. He looks at the officer "Perhaps he doesn't know it was me perhaps like me the poison gave him visions of those who were not there? "

Kid has posed:
Kid signs "Sure knock this guy out and I will be on my way" he notes, before gesturing to the officer in uniform. Still he lacked his usual aggression "...Prince of Asgard? heh, you kinda sound like Godielocks" he muses with a chuckle
     There was a glare from Orion as he crosses his arms "Kid, that will just put you back at where you where. Come on, you can be better than that" he says seriously. He looks to Balder "And sorry, being Prince of an Alien race from another world does not hold much merit. As it stands someone needs to be responsible for him, among other things. I am hoping to get a lawyer for him to get things straightened out."
    Kid eyes Balder a long time. As memories flash he growls deeply. He shakes his head as if to drive off memories. He signs "I do not like it. I do not like them. I do not want to remember them. I do not want to think you were them" it was a bad memory.

Balder Odinson has posed:
Balder turns around and glares at the officer. "I am no mere lost alien human. I am the Son of Odin I am the God of Light and the summer sun don't presume to tell me I have no power here."

He then turn back to kid. Balder looks him over, "I didn't see you I saw something else a monster from my land. I would not have hurt you with out cause. I'm sorry." Balder pauses for a moment his mind putting together the Goldilocks comment. "You met my brother Thor? What does he have to do with this?" Balder asks the officer.

Kid has posed:
"Well Son of Odin, God of Light. I am an Officer of the Law not no summer sun. And I say it once more - you have no power here. You can't just say you want this gorilla pardon and that the end of it. I might also remind you your a guest here" Orion doesn't apprecaite folks putting on airs.
    Kid grunts "Yea, met vikin boy. Knows how to really shake things up" he signs.
    When Balder asks Orion the question, he rubs the bridge of his nose "We met him the other day when visiting a coffee shop, he was getting a very large order from your people. I had invited him to sit with us. Kid here called him Goldielocks and vikin boy...as well as flipped him off" and Kid flips Balder the bird - unlike with Thor, this one was done rather playfully...at least until Orion gives him that glare that says cut it out, and he crosses his arms, grumbling.

Balder Odinson has posed:
Balder is still getting used to the idea that his home was destroyed and he is prince a camp ground in norway now. Bue he does resoect the law his is or will be the father of the god of justice after all. "Because my people are in need of midgard's aid I will respect your laws and your word."

Balder smiles at hearing that kids flipped off Thor. "I don't blame you Thor can be a bit much . You have a keen instinct Kid" He pats the Gorilla on the shoulder.

Kid has posed:
Now Orion is stareing at Balder and Kid! He exclaims "Don't encourage him! I am trying to get him to learn some manners! You can't just go around flipping off strangers" let alone strangers that can electricute you.
    But the pat from Balder is getting a wide grin out of Kid! One of the few who seems able to really bring out the good in him. He signs quite happily "Haha! Hear that Orion, God of the Light thinks I got Keen instincts!" he pounds his fist togeather in excitment. But than he signs "I would return the compliment, but don't know nothing bout you. Well guess i know your balder and all that" it clear he doesn't really understand what all this odin, god of light stuff was. "THAT being said...me and you should fight sometime! show yea what a rilla can do!"

Balder Odinson has posed:
"Aye I would love to fight one day with out the our minds poisoned" Balder says with a big smile. He looks to Orion "let the man enjoy himself is it not bad enough that he is prisoner for something that isnt his fault? Plus I've walked around this city Kid is far more polite than most people of Ny Jórvík, (Ny being danish for new and Jórvík being the name the vikings gave the town that would become york) Vulgar greeting hand gestures and the like seem common and accepted here."

Kid has posed:
Officer Orion crosses his arms "For some reason, he seems to like you. But usually Kid is alot more...aggressive. It is actually Kind of freaking me out a bit" he does eyes Kid with some concern "But regardless he is not a prisoner because of the incident, but because he is technically here illegally...and other crimes have since come to light. But I hope to have them overlooked" he tells Balder "And get him a proper citizenship to live here legally"
    That being said he does looks around "Well than you might call me old fashion." the officer did look to be older as far as humans go. Kid grins and signs "Well, hopefully" he frowns "Though I gotta return to my poison" he looks to Orion almost pleadingly who sigh "You know my hands are tied Kid. You have to go back"

Balder Odinson has posed:
"IMy wife works for Stark she can find someone who can help I will ask her to" Balder says to Kid. Balder then wonders "Why am not being arrested for being here illegally?" Balder just showed up in the states after asgard blew up no fan fare or anything he could be seen as an illegal.

Kid has posed:
"The law permits people who are properly employed and their extended family to stay legally. For instance, having a wife work for Tony Stark" Orion explains. "Additionly arrest of illegal immergrants are often handle by a select task force, of which I am not a part of. Dressing up what some of us might call 'funny' is not enough to get you arrested or checked for legal status." the more likely reason as it were.
    Kid signs "I will gladly take any help I can get. Swear every night I die...and only come back alive when I leave" he frowns not likeing cages. Orion says "Yea, I know Kid, we'll get your sorted" he sighs as if kid's statement wasn't an exhageration.

Balder Odinson has posed:
Balder puts his hands on Kid's shoulders and he smiles warmly at him. "It will be ok soon Kid I rpomise and may this help you hold on till you are free." Balder glows slightly having almost a halo to him. Kid would feel like the sun is shining on his face on a summer day and feel a warmth and a joy in this. Balder is also god of Joy. When he uses these powers he looks almost like what most westerners would imagine Jesus to be except wearing gold viking armor. "Be strong new friend this darkness shall pass and the new dawn will come. "

Kid has posed:
Kid has most of his life been a creature of the night or who hid in the dark. But the warmth of the sun. Kid closes his eyes. Warm, calming, peaceful. He actually smiles real big. He signs "Alright, vikings are awesome, it is official" he seemed ready to brave nearly anything now! But how long would it last Kid? Only time will tell. But Kid shall not fear this night at least!
    Orion is just stareing in disbelief. "...boy back at the center are not going to believe this." but he was Happy for Kid. He has seen him everyday after all. So even if this was just one night, it was more than either thought possible. "And while I would hate to end it short...I suggest we get you list sorted and than Kid back to the center. A good night should not be wasted"

Balder Odinson has posed:
Balder smiles at kid. "Be strong I will see you again soon I am sure" Balder says He turns around and he lays a hand on Orion and smiles at him still glowing. "Thank you for being patient with him and care for his well being and for helpong me acquire dinner if you would still do me that favor." Balder stops glowing like a divine being in the front of all chinatown to see.

"My wife is also new to the city and wants to explore so she listed off a great many things to sample from. She is kind and patient but I should not keep her waiting too long so I wont be long if i can help it." Balder says moving back towards the restaurant so that Orion can help him and then return to his duties watching Kid.