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Latest revision as of 06:15, 16 September 2018

Breakfast at the mutie mansion
Date of Scene: 15 August 2018
Location: Xavier's School, Westchester, New York
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: Rage, Cindy Larsen, Wolverine

Rage has posed:
The kitchen is filled with music this morning as Andrea sways back and forth in front of the stove as she makes herself a round of pancakes and bacon. She has Michael Jackson's Thriller on her phone, docked into a large speaker. At times she pops a move from the music video, as if she was practicing for some type of choregraphy coming up. The smell of fresh coffee is also in the air from the large pot bubbling with a strong black roast.

"Off with your head! D-d-d-dance dance dance till' your dead!" She interjects some new lyrics into the song at certain points, giving herself a spin and a bit of a pop and lock as her body sways and bounces along with the beat. "Heads will roll! Heads will roll!"

Cindy Larsen has posed:
    Breakfast! If there's one thing Cindy can smell aaaaall the way from the girl's dorms, it's bacon cooking in the kitchen. And probably Logan's cigars. Cindy comes wandering into the kitchen, coming to a stop when she sees Andrea dancing around. She stifles a giggle behind one hand, and quietly sneaks closer, before leaning over the island counter, opposite where Andrea stands. She leans on her elbows, chin in her hands, watching her with a grin while her tail flits mischeviously back and forth behind her. She doesn't say anything, just waits until Andrea notices she's not alone anymore.

Wolverine has posed:
    Logan saunters into the kitchen wearing a semi-clean white t-shirt, a semi-clean pair of jeans, brown cowboy boots, and a cigar hanging out of his mouth. Sniffing loudly, he moves away from the dancing Andrea and towards the fridge, opens it, and stares inside for several moments, scrounging for something to eat.

    "Never anything around ta' eat..." Logan grumbles, shaking his head, and puffing on the smelly cigar. "Hmmmmm...not bad tunes though." Logan adds, a true master of the spoken word. "Sandwich...maybe..." Nodding to Cindy as well, Logan says, "Morning. Food and some tunes. Not bad huh?"


Rage has posed:
By now, Andrea has really got into the groove of the song. Her voice rises upwards, hitting perfect notes as she sings along with Michael's falsetto. "Under the moooonlight! You see a sight that almost stops your heart! (Heads will roll! Heads will roll!)" When the chorus hits, she steps backwards into a quick three-step moonwalk, then spins on her ankles, followed by a squeak at the sight of Cindy staring at her. She nearly stumbles, letting out a laugh. "You sneaky cat! How long you been watching me for?" She grins sheepishly at the sight of Logan, lifting a hand upwards, then shuffles back to the stove with a flush to her cheeks.

Cindy Larsen has posed:
    Cindy giggles. "Long enough," she teases, before lifting a hand to wiggle her fingers at Logan. "Good morning! And what'cha mean, nothin' to eat? Andrea's makin' us all bacon and pancakes, aren't ya?" She grins at Andrea again. "At least, that's what -I'm- here for. I could smell that bacon all the way upstairs and it's what got me outta bed!" The leopard-girl straightens up and heads over to the fridge to grab some orange juice. "Want some?" she asks the both of them, glancing between Logan and Andrea before pouring herself a glass, at least.

Wolverine has posed:
    Logan laughs, and shakes his head. "Not bad kid. Good crescendo there. Good taste in music too." Logan takes his cigar out of his mouth, and grabs some mustard, sandwich meats, and then a loaf of bread from the pantry. Placing them on the table, he then heads to find a knife, and a tomato.

    "Mornin' ta' you too kid." Logan says to Cindy, amd shakes his head at the offer of juice. "Naw, a little too early for the real stuff." Logan grins, and finds the tomato and some cheese. "Now bacon...that might be a good idea..."

Rage has posed:
Blushing, Andrea sticks her tongue out at Cindy. "Hmf. Sure, I can make pancakes and bacon for you guys. I don't mind. I was just practicing for a sketch I plan on working with Mason on for a Halloween recital for the school. I want to bring something spooky to the student body to celebrate the greatest holiday of all time. It's gonna be a big time production thing. I'll bring in my choregraophers and set directors. I'm thinking we could do a mutant themed Thriller music video. Something for us to have. Good memories for when we're out of school." She cracks open some more bacon and puts it into the pan after flipping her pancakes on to a plate. "I'll take a juice though."

Cindy Larsen has posed:
    Cindy nods her head to Logan, and pours another glass of OJ for Andrea. She takes her own with it and walks over to where the other girl is cooking, and leans up against the counter out of her way. "Bacon is -always- a good idea," she agrees, and then grins at Andrea. "Ooh, that could be fun. I... haven't done that since I changed. The Halloween thing, I mean. I'm gonna have to think up a good costume for this year." Her tail gives a twitch and she takes a sip of her beverage.

Wolverine has posed:
    "Halloween huh? Hate that time of year. Usually end up getting all stabby with demons, ninjas, the Hand, or some other killing machine intent on taking o'er tha' School..or New York, or the Earth." Logan sighs, and finishes off his sandwich, after stuffing his cigar in a convenient ash tray Hank seemed to have spread throughout the grounds.

Rage has posed:
"Well, not this Halloween. This year we're gonna have a huge party. Benefit of having two celebrity millionaires living with you is that we can spoil the crap outta yah." Andrea says with a wink. "And I'm all about having fun with charity. I know it must be hard for mutants to celebrate a fun holiday like this, with you know.. people being asshats out there and making mean comments. So, we'll have a big party. I'll bring a ton of candy, we'll have music, a live DJ, performances, costume contest." She flips the cooked bacon on to a plate and places it on the table. "This way we won't get stabbed or shot at or lasered or whatever. We can just have fun. Like what kids are supposed to do."

Cindy Larsen has posed:
    Cindy blinks a little, looking at Logan. "What kind of crazy people would want to attack a school?" she asks, and after a brief pause adds, "Especially -this- school? Like, don't they know that there's X-Men in the basement?" She giggles a little. "I hope nothing happens at the party," she says, looking back to Andrea again, "It would be nice to make it through a crowded event without chaos erupting all about." Her tail gives another little twitch, and she nods her head. "Oh, yeah... It can definitely be hard. Especially when there are people out there calling us monsters all year 'round." She sighs a little, and shrugs her shoulders a bit. "But at least around here we don't gotta worry about that."

Wolverine has posed:
    "Uh huh." Logan sounds unconvinced, looking first at Andrea, and then at Cindy. "A lot of stupid, crazy people. Well, kinda crazy. Ah know what usually happens, all's ah'm sayin'. We'll do what we have to. I'll be prowling around, making sure you all have fun, and make sure no one does anythin' ta' mess it up, s'all." Logan takes a big bite of his sandwich, the crunch coming after every bite.

    "And yer right, it is hard for mutants to celebrate any holiday...but Halloween is a bit easier ah suppose. Most don't need no costume, that's fer sure." Logan takes another bite, and says, "Somethin' missin'. Hmmm...oh! Ah know!" Logan sniffs, and turns as though going to head to the garage. "Beer..."

Rage has posed:
"Heh." Andrea says with an amused grin on her face to Logan. "This year will be different. Trust me. It's going to be fun." She plucks up her plate of food and shoulder bumps into Cindy as she heads for the exit. "I'm gonna go to our room and eat, and maybe practice a bit more. Feel free to watch and give me some feedback if you want."

Cindy Larsen has posed:
    "Yeah, lot easier knowing you're out there keeping us safe," she agrees, wiggling her fingers to Logan as he heads towards the exit. She grins at Andrea then, and collects a plate of her own, a stack of pancakes and a small pile of bacon. Alright, kind of a big pile. "Ooh, you bet," she says, "Doubt I'm as good as your choreographers though. But if I am you should definitely start paying me!" She grabs her glass of OJ and follows after Andrea!