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Take the Stairs
Date of Scene: 16 August 2018
Location: Avengers Mansion, New York City
Synopsis: Natasha encounters Tony dealing with a 'variable' (not berserk!) little robot.
Cast of Characters: Iron Man, Black Widow (Romanoff)

Iron Man has posed:
    On the first floor, there is a simple array of orange warning cones and some yellow tape roping off the elevator. Which makes getting the basement particularly challenging, at least at this time. Still, there WAS a memo about it. Whether people read the memo, that's another story. But the tape and cone group is there as a reminder: that, hey, there's something up with the elevator.

    Sounds from the second floor reinforce this. Some explosions, sounds of something not quite like gunfire. One Tony Stark, dressed casually in 'build mode' gear (jeans, shirt...), wanders down the stairwell, expression amused but focused, a tablet in hand and some singe-marks on the edge of the shoulder of one of his sleeve. Even a glance at him, says there's something afoot: but at least Tony isn't worried about it. Then again, things that entertain Tony aren't always safe or convenient for anybody else.

Black Widow (Romanoff) has posed:
    Despite her recent jaunt overseas, Natasha had gotten the memo. She'd even read the memo. The good news was, she hadn't been using the elevator. The better news, she had shared the memo information to a few folks who had not read the memo, thus keeping them from meeting the out of control robot within. The fact that Tony though it was 'probably fine' was frigtening enough. That he left it until he was done with vacation? More so.
    As he was coming down the stairs, she had just entered the building to check in on Watch Duty. They all took their turns, even her. It was boring and she sometimes felt rather homicidal sitting at a desk but thankfully she could wander the Mansion some as long as she monitored for calls from the computer. Thus she was in her work uniform upon arrival as she spotted Tony and his slightly crispy exterior. At least, his shoulder.
    "Did another one of them go berserk?" she asked simply, a hint of a smirk.

Iron Man has posed:
    "Berserk is such a loaded word," Tony replies without actually looking up from his tablet yet. He approaches the doors, keys something in. The doors open about four inches, and a bunch of angry fire gouts of out of it. Tony was to one side, so he's fine. He looks interested, not alarmed. "/Variable/, more like," he suggests, looking to her now, and tipping his hand back and forth in a 'so-so' style of motion. The fire just keeps pouring from between the doors as he flicks through holograms. From his left, coming down the stairs as well, comes another robot, who attempts (very unsuccessfully) to put out the flame with a burst of fire extinguisher. "Not yet," Tony admonishes the small fire-fighting bot. It pivots and seems to look at Natasha instead.

    "I /can/ shut it down. But it has made up some new guard protocols for itself after a defense update last week, and that's pretty impressive. I mean, I did make it, so credit to me, really." Yep. "How're you?" ...still typing.

Black Widow (Romanoff) has posed:
    "If a person were doing the same thing as that," Natasha says, pointing to the flames coming out of the partially open door. "They would say he or she had gone berserk. Not variable. If it has developed some sort of intelligence, I will stick with berserk."
    Of course he credits himself. If there is one thing Tony has it is ego. The thing is with him, it's warranted. He has a right to be proud of his abilities. She has to shake her head a little as she focuses on his question. "I'm well. The latest supplies have been delivered to Thor at New Asgard. He seems in good spirits despite it all."

Iron Man has posed:
    Tony pauses what he's doing to give her more of what appears to be full attention. As if the continuation of fire wasn't even a problem. It's turned a sort of strange blue-orange flickering thing, scorching the doors now. "Good. I'll have to schedule another visit. You're welcome to tag along if you like; New Asgard is something interesting to see if you haven't yet," Tony suggests. "Where've you been the past few months? Or is that classified? I was personally depressed you missed my birthday parties." He doesn't sound devastated, but Tony doesn't let much get to him, anyway.

    "---- We've been fighting fungal monsters and crazy telepaths around here. You didn't really miss much. Saving the world again; do it once or twice and it's the same drill," Tony says with a flash of smile and a wink. He keys something into his pad and the doors close down to an inch gap. The fire stops altogether.

Black Widow (Romanoff) has posed:
    "I helped out in Central Park with one of the infestations. Other than that, I've been out and about." Also known as classified information. He has some clearances. he does not have enough to access what she was doing. Although that likely isn't true either, Natasha realizes. He probably hacked the system years ago so he would be aware.
    "I tagged along on this trip to New Asgard. Impressive what they've gotten done so far. I do suggest avoiding the mead though. Unless you want to invent some really strange things while highly intoxicated." She considers the small gap then pulles out a tiny quarter size disc. One of the Widow's Bites she can use instead of her blasters. "What will it do if I throw this over there?" she asks randomly before continuing on the other subject. "I haven't actually felt the effects of alcohol much for decades but that stuff even got to me."

Iron Man has posed:
    "I'm way ahead of you. I don't remember a lot of my visit, but I do know I had a good time. The hangover was a little bit painful though," Tony shares, still smiling, pausing to rub his eyes with his fingers. Even the memory of that hangover is making him wince. And the man can, of course, drink. A well known fact, up there with his tendency to admit himself into data or access he may or may not belong in. He can still ask, though. Nobody likes a know it all. He doesn't remember everything in any case. His social security number probably has a five in it.

    "It is ignoring 'non significant' targets right now. I've coaxed the priorities to adapt to only substantial threats to the zone it is assigned to: in this case, the elevator. But it's basing that on physical size, which is a strange logic to apply, might have a bug." A pause. "I'd be insulted that I'm not a substantial threat, except that I'm always on a no-kill list. Safety first," Tony approaches the gap and waves a hand in front of it. Nothing happens. "Go ahead with it if you want," he approves with a throwing motion, watching his data. "I think it'll adapt again."

Black Widow (Romanoff) has posed:
    She starts to swing her arm to release the disk when he says that. The disk is not released as Natasha looks at him sharply. "Adapt again? Then we shouldn't give it something to adapt to that might be useful." The disk is palm and disappears somewhere. She is beginning to wonder if he is just studying what it is doing instead of fixing it. It would probably not be the first time he did that either.
    "If you are not a substantial threat, why the flamethrower? I wasn't in here when it started its Firestarter routine. So it seems like it thought you were a threat them." Wait. He needs a susbstantial threat. She glances toward the door, wondering if she can abandon her post.

Iron Man has posed:
    "The doors moved. It's logging the door motion as a threat. I overrode that," Tony says helpfully, but rather matter of fact. Which also suggests he's more in control of the little robot than it appeared. He absolutely is studying it instead of fixing it, under a guise of fixing it. He's still buried in his tablet, but his sleek half-smile suggests he's aware she's on to him. Not that that fact is changing what he's actually doing.

    "What did you have in mind?" Tony asks, interested, gaze turned to her. "Let's not start with threatening me, though. I'm already singed from something totally intentional."

    The little robot near his foot orients on him and suddenly sprays his sleeve. "I am not on fire /now/," Tony tells it sharply, backing up a step.

Black Widow (Romanoff) has posed:
    "What I have in mind is that I should be sitting in the Monitor Room...monitoring. Because that's what the person on Monitor Duty should be doing," Natasha answers with a return of that telltale smirk.
    "Good, 'bot," she says to the mini-firefighter. "You should spray him again to be sure. But higher. Head level might be good. I think I see smoke!" Yes, she can be ever so helpful at times. Especially when she's afraid he might want her to test his new flamethrowing toy.

Iron Man has posed:
    "As the current leader of the Avengers, I have to agree officially that yes, that's what you should be doing," Tony replies. "...But secondly, as current acting leader, you can help me and not exactly worried about, say, getting fired for not being on Monitor Duty," Tony says, with his easy, sleek confidence. It's like he's done this before. Stark's very used to being the boss and getting things he wants when he wants them done. "But, I mean, if it's more fascinating to you than this, well. We might need to do a new psych evaluation. You might be too mild-mannered to be an Avenger," Tony teasingly rambles. The man can talk. A lot.

    Tony moves a foot to nudge the firefighter towards the door and gives it a little push. While brushing the chilled gel and dust off his shirt and arm. "You're probably small enough to not be shot. Go on." Probably. The robot trustingly heads towards the elevator, while Tony very clearly starts to open the doors for it on his tablet.

Black Widow (Romanoff) has posed:
    "I could shoot you to prove I'm not mild-mannered," Natasha offers. Her deadpan deliver and expression might make him wonder if she's kidding. She isn't sure if she is or not, if she were honest. It probably would be better than dealing with some insane robot that has gone...variable.
    When he shoves the little bot to the door though, she just can't deal with that. "Don't you dare! Just cause it sprayed your shoe." And suddenly she is reaching out to scoot the bot out of the way.
    Thus putting herself in the line of fire. "Bozhe moy."

Iron Man has posed:
    "That would prove several things," Tony agrees, with a 'look' at her as he reads her expression and deadpan tone. "I think I'll just delegate you to managing your own manner, whichever way it ends up being," Tony declares. Such leadership.

    He watches her push the little bot, but reacts quickly, slamming the elevator doors shut on the keypad. Only a tongue of flame flicked through the doors before they fully shut. The firefighter bot is ON it, spraying the doors, and then spraying at Natasha. If a little robot could be worried about her, this one is.

    "Huh. Okay. Making a note; maybe a no-burning-off-Natasha's-eyebrows logic...." Tony says, in as close as he gets to apologetic.

Black Widow (Romanoff) has posed:
    As the spray foam covers her leg, Natasha stares at Tony as though it was his fault. Because it was. She didn't blame the bot. He programmed it. Quirks and all. Then tried to perform a ritual sacrifice, sending it to the slaughter so the silly thing walked in on its own.
    Like she cared. It was just a stupid little robot.
    "Modify that. How about a 'no-burning-off-anything-of-Natasha's protocol instead? I'd hate it to think you literally only wanted the eyebrows intact." She waggles said brows for effect before swiping the foam off her leg where it splattered onto the floor. Surely there would be a Super-Hyped-Roomba to get it cleaned up from there. She actually patted the little firefighter on the 'head'. "Good job."

Iron Man has posed:
    "I'm actually just amused you didn't amend it to 'all Avengers'," Tony replies, watching her somewhat indifferently with the little robot. Truth being, he does care to some degree about all of the things he creates: Natasha hasn't seen the huge room of all of the various suits and designs, and hasn't met some of the first original robots that continue to reside in the tower's bunker well past their realistic uses. Tony's sentimental in his way. Which is the way that isn't in front of people, usually.

    "F2, leave her pants alone," Tony sighs. The firefighter, patted, tried to continue to spray her leg, since she encouraged it via pats. But his attention is then back on the elevator, which chimed suddenly and started to move. "It's moving to another floor," Tony observes, in a tone of pleasure and pride.

Black Widow (Romanoff) has posed:
    Natasha doesn't seem to be aware of the second attack of foam. Tony stopped it so no telling if she was just going to go with it or avoid the spray this time. She doesn't pat it again through. Cause, she can be taught too.
    She has no idea of his sentimentality. He hides it away. She does the same generally. It's one of those things that can be used against. But with so many decades under her belt, there are a few things she clings to. Not usually material but a few of them, hidden away in her office at the Triskelion or at her home. Sometimes in safehouses.
    "Why are you happy that it is moving? Is there someone on that floor that pushed the call button?" True, she didn't say all Avengers. Maybe she figures everyone should get their opportunity for marshmallow toasting.

Iron Man has posed:
    "I... let me look," Tony replies, ruefully, checking. "No people below on basement two. Oh, the cleaner bots didn't get my memo, and are responding to the destruction. This might be bad." He does wince, and then sigh a little. He probably should have shut it down before ....yes, there it is.

    There are some rumbles and sounds below them. Some explosions. A quiet siren that means there's a fire in the lab hallway. He lifts his free hand and rubs the side of his goatee along his jaw. "Yeah, probably should shut it off." Maybe.