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Gives me the Jitters
Date of Scene: 16 August 2018
Location: Unknown
Synopsis: In which a plucky SHIELD agent fails to recognize a billionaire or this is how Darcy ends up with Tim's number.
Cast of Characters: Darcy Lewis, Red Robin

Darcy Lewis has posed:
Why? That's the question rolling around in Darcy's brain. Why am I awake this early? It's not even the butt-crack dawn yet, but here I am awake and dressed for work and uuuhgggh~ There is not enough coffee in the work right now.

Darcy's queued up , head hanging a bit low, eyes at half-mast behind her thick-framed glasses. Her hair is a messy ponytail too high to be a low pony, too low to be a high pony, and more than a little off center. Her white sleeveless blouse is just sheer enough to reveal that the bra is a non-white dark something with a print, maybe, and it's tucked into a knee-length black pencil skirt. Her black blazer is draped, as if still asleep, on her purse. One sleeve is limp, dragging toward the floor like a drunk passed out on a sofa.

Red Robin has posed:
Tim Drake-Wayne unlike most of the people in line to get a coffee and a muffin is actually /awake/ but when five in the morning might as well be five in the afternoon for your nocturnal habits, it's rather easy to be awake, wanting something dark, full of sugar and mixed with cream, he's slipped into a nice bespoke three piece suit figuring the 'case' he's working on can hold off long enough for him to have that cup of java and maybe a muffin, he moves to get into line behind Darcy.

    The person at the front of the line has finally gotten all they were getting, seven different cups of coffee for their office, and a small bag of little donuts that the coffee shop makes in the mornings. In such a rush they're not really paying attention to their surroundings their elbow bumping against someone else sends the cup holders a kilter, and Tim just reacts, wrapping his arms right around Darcy he hauls her back a large backwards step right as those seven cups of scalding hot coffee are dumpped right where she had been standing.

Darcy Lewis has posed:
Darcy hadn't even seen the person with all the drinks in front of her. She was busy trying to remember to reopen her eyes between blinks. Thus, when arms wrapped around her, her eyes widened and tried to focus. A squeak escaped her as she was hauled back and out of the way of the coffee. Her hands had gone to her rescuer's arms, either to fend him off or to steady herself was unclear, but she just stumbled a bit on her almost too tall heels having to lean into Tim as she just stared at the coffee puddle right where she had been. That it takes nearly a full five seconds from her brain to realize all of this is evident when she finally blinks and turns to look at her hero.

"...Thanks," she says, eyes fighting to focus through the fatigue.

Red Robin has posed:
Tim Drake-Wayne smiles. "No problem, I'd hate for someone to not make it into work cause they got to experience a lobster boil first hand." he says making sure she has her feet steady under her before the muscular nineteen year old finally lets go, one of the employees quickly coming over to make sure nobody is injured and to start cleaning up the mess while the intern who caused the mess is let known that their order will be replaced, but they get to go to the end of the line first...

    "Dressed up for work, or do you just like to look pretty all the time?" he asks in a friendly manner as the queue slowly moves forward more people placing their coffee order..

Darcy Lewis has posed:
"Lobster...boil?" The adrenaline did nothing to really wake Darcy up, and so she just stares at Tim blankly as he helps make sure she's got her balance. Her eyes have a little bit of makeup. It's a subtle look to off set the bold of her red lip. Her brows lift, her eyes working to open a bit more again, before she focuses on what he's saying next.

"Oh..Uh... both," she settles on, her head nodding once as she turns back to the counter and orders coffee. Why she's not getting coffee in the food court of the Triskelion is because she is a creature of habit and it's not habit to get coffee there. It's habit to get coffee here. And when it's this early in the morning, Darcy can't be expected to really think anything through, not even in her usual way of not thinking things through.

"You?" she asks him after the order is placed... Like she's turning his friendly not-pick-up line on him without realizing it.

Red Robin has posed:
Tim Drake-Wayne shrugs "I'll pick up her tab." he says as he adds his order to hers including a shot of expresso and a large chocolate bananna bread muffin. "Like to start my day early, get a good run in, then a cup of coffee and a muffin when I'm not at home." he says simply his accent that one of someone from Gotham. "So that means Jitters." he explains "I'm Tim, Tim Drake by the way." he introduces himself as he passes over the little black credit card out of his wallet to pay for the order.

Darcy Lewis has posed:
Half-way into her purse to dig for the debit card she forgot she had shoved into her bra, Darcy stops and looks at Tim like he's grown an extra head. It lasts a moment before she shrugs and leaves off her search.

"Thanks. And you're insame. Why? Why would -any- reasonable person get up and RUN this early in the morning? They wouldn't. Which means, you are not a reasonable person. But that's okay. I'm not put off.. I'm Darcy, or Darce, or Taz, or Queenie, or Tits, or Lewis... Any of those work," she replies as her purse is settled back to her shoulder properly and she waits as Tim pays for the cup of joe.

Red Robin has posed:
Tim Drake-Wayne grins.. "Tits?" he says simply glancing down at her bust for a moment before back up to her eyes. "Most folks I know wouldn't admit to having /that/ as a nickname." he says with a grin "and as for the running." he gives another shrug moving off to the side with Darcy to wait for their order "Bit of a work ethic, My work day generally starts about seven in the morning and can sometimes go as late as eleven at night so the only time I can work out to stay in shape is early in the morning." he explains "Can't let myself get fat now can I.."

Darcy Lewis has posed:
Most, when glanced at, would shrink away. Not Darcy. She spots him looking and so she just juts herself out for his inspection, then grins and shrugs her shoulders.

"If you've got it flaunt it. Nickname was from a bully in junior high, trying to make me feel bad about myself. Didn't have my permission for that, so I took it as mine. Now, it can't hurt me. I have tig ol' bitties. I know I do. Ain't a reason to-" A yawn breaks in. "-to hide." She keeps regarding the slim runner, half nodding.

"Damn. That's gotta suck. I guess, I'm glad I get to work out at the office three days a week? But I hate running. The girls bounce, it hurts, and no one makes a compression bra strong enough to keep me from knocking the air out of myself. So, I skate. Less up and down impact." she adds, snickering at him letting himself get fat. She shrugs at the remark, not really bothered by physical body shape.

Red Robin has posed:
Tim Drake-Wayne nods.. "As long as you get your cardio, might even try swimming if you've got access to a pool." he explains "Where do you work?" he asks curiously as the coffee and muffin is called out as being ready. "I'm not keeping you from getting to work visiting for a bit am I?" he adds once the coffee is produced and he's taking a sip from his extra large cup..

Darcy Lewis has posed:
"Yeah. I think the building has a pool. I'll check later," she says turnign to grab her coffee to sip at.

"Hmm..? Oh, SHIELD," she replies, moving away from the counter slow enough for him to fall in next to her. Headed where? a table maybe.

"No. It's fine. I've got a bit of time. I just woke up early becuase-" Another yawn. "-because I'm cray."

Red Robin has posed:
Tim Drake-Wayne does the gentlemanly thing, holding her chair for her before he slips down into a chair across from her nodding as he listens "SHIELD huh?" he says taking another drink of his coffee to wash down a bite of muffin. "Analyst?" he asks simply having noted no firearm on her hip one of his dress shoe clad feet gently pressing up against the side of hers, not playing footsie, but still there..

Darcy Lewis has posed:
"Thank you," Darcy mumbled politely as she settles into the chair he gets for her. She drinks her coffee, shoulders slumped as she waits for the caffeine to kick in.

"Logistics," she corrects on another sip. She isn't reacting tot he near footsie. Either, she hasn't realized or she doesn't care.

Red Robin has posed:
Tim Drake-Wayne nods.. "sounds like fun." he says politely letting the conversation drop into a comfortable silence as he breaks off another piece of muffin and washes it down almost immediately with a drink of his coffee the confident man awake and glancing around taking in the comings and goings of everyone else..

Darcy Lewis has posed:
It's a complete contrast to the more asleep than awake SHIELD Agent drinking coffee like she's at prayer, hoping for some semblance of coherency.

"It can be," she comments after a while, her mind continuing the conversation after a long moment of silence.

Red Robin has posed:
"So what exactly /is/ SHIELD logistics like? If you can tell me that is, I know SHIELD's kinda hush hush about a lot of things, being all super spies and all." he asks as he breaks off another piece of his muffin. "Would you like some of my muffin?" he asks offering the plate over to her politely.

Darcy Lewis has posed:
"Hmm? Oh. Yeah. It's... I just deal with office supplies. Super scret paperclips and stapler movements," Darcy quips, on the road to wakefulness. Muffic offered, she reaches over to break off a piece of it, lips smiling finally.

"Thanks. You? What do you do that has you putting in like 15 hour days?" See! She was listening. She just wasn't processing quickly.

Red Robin has posed:
Tim Drake-Wayne takes another drink of his coffee. "I head the Wayne foundation in Gotham City, and a few subsidiaries, my main project being the Gotham Knights program, we get kids off the streets, out of gangs, off drugs, and doing good for the community." he explains leaning back against his chair. A well read individual might put the name Tim Drake together with Bruce Waynes adopted son Tim Drake-Wayne who's name had been in the papers a little over two years ago at the founding of the Knights, and the foundation..

Darcy Lewis has posed:
Well read isn't something a lot of people would associate with the foul-mouthed wild and crazy SHIELD Agent. But, the woman has a Master's in Political Science and Government. She's actually more well-read than most. So, the name and the Name strike her and Darcy looks up from her second go for a bit of muffin.

Tim Drake...Wayne.

"Well, I'll stop feeling like I've put you out for the coffee," she quips, and finishes her move for a bit of muffin, washing it down with another drink of coffee.

"I've heard of it. Programs like it do have the stats showing that they make a positive impact. Kudos," she toasts with her coffee cup.

Red Robin has posed:
Tim Drake-Wayne just smiles. "Good." he says taking another drink of his coffee. "Maybe tonight I might take you someplace nicer? I understand there's a lovely french restaurant down in Times Square." he offers reaching out to grab another bite of his muffin for himself. "Yeah, gang crime has dropped ten percent in areas where the Knights program has started up, so it's making a good positive change." he comments with the sound of pride in his voice.

Darcy Lewis has posed:
"You gotten get my number off me first," Darcy challenges, smirking with a roll of her eyes. Rich boy trying to show off, huh? She sips her coffee around her grin. But, back to talking shop, Darcy's brows lift in a bit of 'well, now i'm somewhat impressed'.

"Ten points? Nice. Been running only a could of years, no?" she asks to clarify.

Red Robin has posed:
Tim Drake-Wayne nods.. "yeah, but we've had a lot of great financial backers, Bruce being the main contributor, means our people can get out on the streets, work their hardest, and get the job done. IF it had been a more shoe string budget we'ed probably be looking at a two percent change." he explains a bit animatedly the caffiene and expresso doing its' job. "we're actually looking at spreading into Harlem and the Bronx here in the city." he adds setting his coffee down to look into her eyes. "So, what's a guy gotta do to get a nice girl like you's number?" he asks seemingly quite intrested in taking her to dinner.

Darcy Lewis has posed:
"Well, yeah. When you land a whale like Wayne or Stark, shit just seems to get done," Darcy quips, knowing she's lumped the man before her in with Iron Man. Or is it that she's lumped Stark in with Wayne? Who knows? Darcy's not thinking it through.

"Well, good luck," she offers, sipping her coffee and meeting his gaze over the rim of her drink. She grins, tongue flicking over her lips to collect the faint beige drop that landed there.

"What do you normally do to try to get a nice girl's number?"

Red Robin has posed:
Tim Drake-Wayne shrugs, "Talk with them for a little bit, and if they turn out to be just as intelligent as they are beautiful, I ask them to dinner." he says with a grin. "It helps if they don't recognize me immediately too cause then I know it's not just my last name that's getting them to be friendly with me." he explains.

Darcy Lewis has posed:
"Oooh... So... you figured I was as smart as I bombshell from my half-awake rambles and since I didn't swoon and throw myself at you when I first heard your name, you'd take me to dinner?" Darcy sums up, as if just making sure she got the gist of it.

Red Robin has posed:
Tim Drake-Wayne shrugs. "You've got confidence, and you kept up your half of the conversation even being half asleep. So I'm curious what you'ed be like fully awake and concious." he says with a grin "You being gorgous and not getting flustered when you realized who I am was just gravy on top." he counters "If you don't like french food, we could go someplace else, if you've got a favorite restaurant we could go there." he adds..

Darcy Lewis has posed:
"Sweetheart... Most can't handle me when I'm awake and conscious," Darcy retorts, snickering lightly. That he was tackled that she hadn't swooned at him makes her think of too many celebrities, dogged by their name and their face, to really be then and to not question the motive people have in striking up conversation. She sips her coffee again as she regards Tim, eyes more awake now than they were.

"Sure. But my take on french food is french fries and Pilsbury Croissants. There's this greasy spoon place I haven't been in a while. I try to pop in once a month, say hi, tip Beth. She was awesome and I loved her sense of humor," Darcy replies, setting her cup down to reach for another bite. The suggestion of places to eat at is clearly not a fancy place she hasn't a prayer of getting into without being on the arm of someone rich and powerful, but rather a place she seemed familiar with. The greasy spoon was suggested with a tone that promised that the conversation would likely be better for you than the food, but it was a place that meant something.

Red Robin has posed:
Tim Drake-Wayne smiles "Sounds like a date then." he says reaching into the inside pocket of his suit to pull out a cell phone "pick you up around five? six?" he asks as he unlocks the phone to slip it over to her his contact open so she can get his number as well.

Darcy Lewis has posed:
Darcy pulls out her phone, taking Tim's and saving his number to her contacts without putting her own into his phone, though she does find his calendar app and so adds their date for that evening at five. The diner's address, a place in Brooklyn, is added and with that Darcy slides Tim's phone back to him with a smirk.

"Sure. I'll be at the Triskelion in Lower Manhattan. Head into the Lobby and ask the Front to page Lewis from MOSS," she replies, figuring it might be amusing for him to have to work to get a girl's number. After all, if he's so used to being fonded over, having someone actually say 'no' might be novel. Plus, she normally doesn't just hand out her number, So... he's not any different from anyone else she flirts with.

Red Robin has posed:
Tim Drake-Wayne nods. "Right, see you then." he says standing up and taking his cup and the plate the muffin had been on to put in their respective recepticles. "I look forward to seeing you then." he says with a bright white smile. "I should get to my first meeting of the day though." he adds as he goes to make his exit.

Darcy Lewis has posed:
"Have a good one, Tim," Darcy say, lifting a hand in a light wave. His smile was contagious, and she smiled back, glad to hve made someone smile even in her not fuly awake state. She leans back in her chair, sipping at her coffee to finish it before she makes her way toward her office building.