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Latest revision as of 06:30, 16 September 2018

French Food at a Greasy Spoon
Date of Scene: 17 August 2018
Location: New York City
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: Red Robin, Darcy Lewis

Red Robin has posed:
Tim Drake-Wayne pulls up infront of the Triskelon in a cherry red sports car, the plates showing it to be a rental he parks and slips on into the main building, passing through the security checkpoint he moves up to the front desk. "Yes, I'm here to speak with one Agent Darcy Lewis." he says to the security guard. Tim has changed since this morning, gone is the fitted three piece suit and in it's place is a pair of faded blue jeans, and an old faded blue superman t-shirt the S-logo cracked and faded from years of use.

Darcy Lewis has posed:
"Name, please," says the 'receptionist' slash security guard with a detached impassive tone of 'my shift is thrity minutes from ending and I really don't want to talk to you right now'. This, even as he is calling up to Lewis' office. Once a name is received, he messages up and a few moments later, when a soft chime gives him the replying IM, he looks up at Tim.

"She's been informed. Please wait in the lobby," he says and then goes back to whatever it is he does to close out his shift.

It takes Darcy about ten more minutes to get down to the lobby, having stopped by her apartment to change out of the heels and the skirt in favor of leggings and duct taped combat boots. A long-ish t-shirt completes the 'not trying to impress anyone because I need to be comfortable' ensemble, and Darcy strides into the lobby from the elevator.

"Thanks, Mack," she tells the guard, whose name badge had him named Maximillion Forester, who gives her a distracted wave. Darcy takes a quick moment o scan the lobby and when Tim is spotted, she waves hugely and makes her way over.

"Heyho, whacha know. Look at me. Awake and coffeed and I even had lunch. I'm the fucking best today. How're you?" Her tone is bouncing, drifting along from word to word like a babbling brook drifts over rocks.

Red Robin has posed:
Tim Drake-Wayne grins. "Good, got things finished a day early and several hours, so I've been on my own since noon, and tomorrow will be a nice down day with nothing to do." he says as he stands up "Shall we paint the town red?" he says in a playful manner as he offers her his right arm and motions to the exit with his left.

Darcy Lewis has posed:
Darcy smiles in fellow-feeling of getting work done early and being free for an hour or so. She hangs her over sized purse on her left shoulder, brows lifting and lips smirknig.

"OOoh, fucking jealous. I never get a day off just cause I get my shit done early. I should ask about that. Yo! Fury, home-slice, I gots all duh staples delivered. It's Thursday, but peace-out till Monday, bruh," Darcy hams as Tim rises to his feet. Still chuckling, she carelessly tosses her arm about his.

"Red, purple, pink, fuschia. Let's do this thing," she retorts, heading with Tim toward the exit.

Red Robin has posed:
Tim Drake-Wayne smirks. "Check your work contract, you might be able to." he says as he leads her out and to the sports car, a quick button press on the key fob has it opening for him to hold her door open Tim being ever the gentleman. Soon he's in the drivers seat GPS giving him a turn by turn account of how to get to the restaurant. "So what's the best thing they have at this place? I tried to look it up, but they don't have an online menu." he comments

Darcy Lewis has posed:
"Meh. Work flies to Norway once in a while to see a friend so I can get blitzed on mead under the pretense of working so, I really can't bitch," Darcy notes, haiving buckled up. She reclines back, watching the city move by out the window and snickering at the lack of online menu.

"Sounds like Han. He is such a fucking stick in the mud, I swear to Jesus. Of course, I really think it's less Han and more Earl. He's a sweetheart, but fuck me sidewise getting him to do anything digital is like asking Thor NOT to be a hunk of dreamboat muscles. It's just.. not gonna happen, ya know?"

Red Robin has posed:
Tim Drake-Wayne smirks.. "So you think Thor's a hunk huh?" he says smirking "like those broad shouldred, muscly types like Superman and all huh?" he teases as he flexes his well muscled, but definitly lither build. "Those guys sure make it hard for us regular guys." he says with a mock sigh soon pulling into the parking lot of the diner. "I tell ya, leaves a false body image for us guys to have to try and live up to." he says

Darcy Lewis has posed:
"Well, duh. Who doesn't? Though, if you ask me, Sif was hotter. Those legs though? Damn..." Darcy notes, lips grinning and head shaking lightly. She turns her head to regard Tim as he flexes, and she chuckles.

"Don't let it get you down, Twiggy. Beefcakes are delicious, but Slimjims are wirey. Takes all types, shapes, and sizes. You just be you, and you'll get yourself a guy or gal or klingon in no time," she says, head nodding in a sage sort of way. The Darcy has spoken.

Red Robin has posed:
Tim Drake-Wayne nods "well Kahplah then." he says slipping an arm around her waist in a friendly sort of way as he moves to look over the diner and walk inside. "So, you still havn't told me what the best thing to eat here is.. is it the burgers? do they do a good steak?" he asks as he moves towards a near by booth letting her pick which side to be on before he slips across from her..

Darcy Lewis has posed:
He speaks in klingdom and Darcy laughs brightly even as she hip bumps herself out of his arm at her waist. She steps forward to get the door first and holds it open for him.

"The burgers are the greasiest most heart-stoppingly delicious thing you'll ever put into your mouth. Oleg's meat is the best, but never him tell that or you'll just get creeped out. And the apple pies are amazing. Frozen. You can get them at the grocery store, but still... amazing," Darcy is saying as she makes her way into the diner and waves.

"Hi everyone!" she calls out, making the waitress on duty in her yelow uniform rush over to give her a hug. Greetings exchanged, Darcy slides into a booth.

Red Robin has posed:
Tim Drake-Wayne just grins slipping into the booth "well then.. I guess I'll have to try one of the burgers. " he says as he looks over the menu finding a double meat cheese burger and that they have onion rings, soon he's ordering a /very/ unhealthy meal that'll probably have him run an extra 5k in the morning..

Darcy Lewis has posed:
Darcy orders the same thing without a drop of remorse. She has PT tomorrow before lunch, and there's derby practice later that night, and a bout Saturday night. It's a scrimmage and one of the Liberty Belles' blockers got sick. Darcy agreed to step in, mostly because they are scheduled to play against the Gotham Girls and that's a match up that just makes Darcy giggle. Classy pin-ups in red white and blue versus gritty grungy lotila goth biker punks with a BDSM flavor to their hardware. It's like Darcy's wardrobe is having an arguement with itself and taking it out on the flat track.

"So, any cool shit happening with your charity thing or whatever?" she asks, because that's something to talk about.

Red Robin has posed:
Tim Drake-Wayne shrugs "nah, well.." he pauses "mainly I'm here talking to folks for funding, The Baxter Building is going to throw in some money along with the Wayne Foundation, and we're still waiting to hear back from Stark Industries, but we've got enough starting capital that a building has been bought and rennovators are going to be moving in in the next few days to start remodeling." he explains "how bout you? Got enough Staples for everyones staplers?" he asks "I wonder what you'ed have to logicise if you ever went to a purely paperless office." he comments in conversation..

Darcy Lewis has posed:
"That's badass. Hope Stark gets back to you soon, then," Darcy replies, thanking the waitress for her drink. The burgers will be along shortly!

"The world is safe another day! All staplers have enough staples. Paperclips have been distributed as backup, just in case." She snickers, slurps down some soda before waggling her head side to side.

"Hmm.. Probably medical supplies or things. I can't ... wait, is that even a word? logicise? I'm pretty sure you made that up."

Red Robin has posed:
Tim Drake-Wayne looks smug. "Maybe.. Probbaly... yeah.. But it /does/ get across what you do, you logicise everything, The free world's freedom could be at stake cause Director Fury's personal assistant didn't have enough paper clips, or staples and an important page of a report got lost cause it wasn't part of the bundle." he says simply but seriously, not even trying to take the mickey out of it. "Can you imagine? Some spy in Bucharest needing to get to Cairo, but they don't get the message cause the person telling them wwhere to go didn't get the proper paperwork?" he says with a slight shudder.

Darcy Lewis has posed:
He shudders, she just inhales and tilts her head like 'yeah.. that might have happened...'

"This is why we logisitics things my way now," she quips just as the burgers arrive. Darcy's attention is suddenly focused on that.

"Aw, fuck yeah."

Red Robin has posed:
Tim Drake-Wayne turns to focus on his food as well, eating his burgers and ordering a chocolate shake as an after thought "So, what do you like to do for fun?" he asks between bites still making conversation while enjoying the great burger and fries, salting them but not using any catchup..

Darcy Lewis has posed:
Not ordering the shake, Darcy smothers her fried in ketchup to the point that it could be a bloody nurder scene on her plate. A liberal amount of black pepper is put on top.

"I skate. I've got a bout Saturday night, actually, in your neck of the woods, truth be told. You should come by," she invites around a mouthful of food she doesn't bother to chew fully or swallow down before talking. Some mayonaise-ketchup mix is on the corner of her lips.

Red Robin has posed:
Tim Drake-Wayne grins "Roller Derby? Nice! What's your stage name? Destroyer Darcy? Tits the Terror?" he asks cheekily as he scoops up a dollop of melted cheese on a couple of fries and eats it in. He /should/ be back in gotham at that time, so why not, could be fun to watch and he's never been to a roller derby before.

Darcy Lewis has posed:
"Tazer Queen, now actually. Tho' Tits McGee was my early years. I had to take a sebaticle because I moved to new Mexico. When I got back here and got back to skating... I went for a rename. Shitcode calls me Glittertits, which is hilarious becasue SHE skates for Gridiron," Darcy rambles pleasantly but with complete seriousness.

"I had considered Sassmaster Von Darcy, but you trying saying THAT when skating full tilt into some bitch. Almost as bad at Ye Holy Moose Goddess... but as leat that shortens better than Sassmaster does."