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Latest revision as of 07:10, 16 September 2018

Robins Squared
Date of Scene: 18 August 2018
Location: Gotham City
Synopsis: The two Robins meet in Gotham and sparks fly..
Cast of Characters: Red Robin, Robin (Wayne)

Red Robin has posed:
     Crime Alley, never has there been a seedier den of sin and villany, at least for the City of Gotham. It's shortly after midnight and Tim Drake-Wayne is out on patrol, the last few weeks he's been working solo only Oracle knowing that he's back in town or who he is, and she's keeping his secrets. Rumors though, they spread of the new vigilante that breaks jaws and noses when some thugs want to get out of line or hurt the innocent.

    Tonight is the culmination of about three days of legwork, some a shipment of drugs and weapons are being brought into gotham by a gang, a new mover in the Gotham underground. He's not been able to get much information other than they call themselves The Foot. Perched on a roof top he's been watching a small warehouse for the last twenty minutes as several Footclan are patrolling as a large panel van starts to pull up..

Robin (Wayne) has posed:
     Patrol was always an interesting time. For Damian, he always liked going out and forcing his dominance as a crime fighter. It wasn't the life of an assassin, but it was a far cry from the chaos it brought.

  Robin was jumping across rooftops, pausing only to observe what was happening below. He stopped above the area where the Foot were guarding, and watched the group with the panel truck. Was this something seedy? Possibly.

Red Robin has posed:
     Is it seedy, seedier than a farmers silo! That's when Robin might see the 'new' vigilante dropping ontop of the panel van, two smoke pellets dropping to the ground as Red Robin swings into action several of the Foot soldiers letting rip with sub machine guns as they're caught off guard the sounds of fists hitting flesh ringing out in the silent night..

Robin (Wayne) has posed:
     New guy in town. And he is scrappy, it seems. Robin himself jumps down as well, at least he would assist in this beat down.

  Damian doesn't need to see in the smoke, he approaches swiftly and sweeps at the closest pair of legs, straddling the goon and punching at the chin.

Red Robin has posed:
     Red Robin's cowl lets him see through the smoke as well his bowstaff unfolding as several of the foot produce weapons, swords and sais and a couple with tonfa all of the foot are fighting in complete silence as they bring the weapons around, sparks flying from Red Robins staff as he blocks swords and knocks shuriken out of the air. Red Robin doesn't hold back as his staff cracks against heads, THWACK, POW, BAFF! and the foot fall limply to the ground.

Robin (Wayne) has posed:
     Damian's sword is brought out, he never had any real threat when it came to swordplay. Hardly anyone was his equal. Or at least, he has hardly met anyone that could best him with a sword. A couple swipes, and sparks fly, crackling against the other sword.

  The last foot thought he was going to get the upper hand on Robin. But Damian's gauntlet scallops catch the blade and with a twist, the sword is released from the Foot's hands. A confident smile and one green boot to the face later, and Damian stands triumphant, thrusting the taken sword to the side as he sheathes his again.

Red Robin has posed:
It doesn't take very long before the two robins have the dozen or so thugs unconcious Red Robin moving up to the back of the panel van where the lock is quickly gotten rid of with a bit of thermite paste. So far he's not bantered, he's not talked, barely even has acknowledged Robin's presence as the back of the panel truck is opened not to reveal drugs, or guns but young women all of chinese descent each of them handcuffed to a bolt in the wall.

    <<You're safe, don't worry.>> Comes his heavily modulated voice in mandarin

Robin (Wayne) has posed:
     Robin's usual scowl only increases as the other robin doesnt say a word to him. "Hey, asshole, before you go invading Batman's turf, you may want to engratiate yourself with his partner. Especially when he just helped you."

  Robin can only grit his teeth at the human trafficking they had just uncovered, and the young teen produces a >tt< sound from his teeth.

Red Robin has posed:
     Red Robin looks over at Robin the heavily modified voice once more speaking. "I had everything under control." he says the same five words that Batman has said /over, and over, and over/ again when others have sprung in to help him. Soon handcuff keys are produced out of one of his many many pouches and he's unlocking the handcuffs. <<Is anyone hurt?>> He says turning back to the victims as he speaks in mandarin once more <<You're safe, Noone will hurt you.>> he says as a reassurance flipping open a control panel in one of his scalloped gauntlets to put in a dispatch to GCPD for the location. With several sets of handcuffs Red Robin just starts moving to start cuffing up the discount ninja pileing their unconcious bodies like so much cordwood..

Robin (Wayne) has posed:
     Damian's scowl grows more and more. "Then do yourself a favor and get the fuck out of Gotham." He says, spitting to the side. "There's only one red bird around here, and I'm it."

  Damian uses his own gauntlet computer to call the redbird, the electric drone motorcycle soon makes itself known, screeching to a halt next to Damian.

Red Robin has posed:
"No" It's a simple word, probably one that Damian isn't use to saying, but say it Red Robin does as he looks up at Damian "Gotham is not your kingdom, and as much as you like to think yourself to be you're not some prince Ibn al Xu'ffasch, All that matters is the mission, and the fact that this is the third instance of The Foot I've come across in the last two weeks. Someone new is moving in on this city, so quit your posturing like you're the one and only saviour of Gotham."

    Yeah, using his 'assassin' name probably isn't the best idea, but Tim isn't really in the mood for the posturing, nor revealing who he is right now, so a bit of a goad fits his mood..

Robin (Wayne) has posed:
     Damian throws a series of three birdarangs at Red Robin. The PEPS turret of the redbird tracks Red Robin's movements. "Know your betters, peasant." He calls back to Red Robin. "Given who I am, I AM as close to a prince as this place has."

Red Robin has posed:
     Red Robin's bowstaff spins blocking the birdarangs sending them flying. "Ohh, I do, I recognize my betters and he's not here." Red Robin replys "What I see before me is an emotional, spoiled child that thinks because of who he is that he's got a right to all he has, not recognizing who came before him, or that it's a gift." he says as he circles throwing an emp pellet over to the redbird.

    "Tell me Robin, what do you do to make him proud? If he were to see you talk this way, would it fill his chest with warmth, or with cold disgust?"

Robin (Wayne) has posed:
     Damian's sword is soon drawn, pointed at Red Robin. "You have no right to judge me. You have no idea what I dealt with before I came here. So what? You know my other name." The redbird's defenses luckily move out of the way of the EMP pellet, but obviously Robin has not ordered it to strike.

  "He is proud of me! I'm his flesh and blood." He calls out, angered by the supposition.

Red Robin has posed:
     Red Robin starts to slowly spin his bo staff. "Who am I to judge? An outsider, thats who. It's what others see of us that is the measuring stick upon which we have to hold ourselves." he retorts continueing to slowly circle around Robin.

    "You know, I've known a lot of fathers that were quite ashamed of their own flesh and blood. Would /he/ talk to a newcomer the way you talk? Does he talk to his friends and allies the way you talk to yours?" he continues the sounds of sirens starting to sound off in the distance "He leads by example, now ask yourself...Do you follow it?"

Robin (Wayne) has posed:
     Batman is a bit of a touchy subject to Damian. To which he starts to strike at Red Robin with his katana. "He talks to every newcomer like this. And you are neither a friend, or ally." One thing Red Robin did get right was that Batman did lead by example. And Damian had made headway there. But he had a long way to go.

Red Robin has posed:
     Red Robin uses the longer reach of his bow staf to block the sword blows sparks flying as he does, he's not nearly the swordsman that Robin is, but even a novice quarterstaff wielder can hold off a master swordsman for a while. "You're wrong." he says simply "Batman never speaks out of arrogance, Batman never belittles out of a sense of superiority. Batman doesn't trust until he has verified the skills and level of commitment of the newcomers like me." Red Robin says talking as if he /knew/ Batman.

    "When's the last time you heard him call someone a pesant?" he asks taking a back flip back and pulling out a grapnel gun to suddenly jerk up into the sky to the nearest roof top the sounds of sirens growing louder the flashing blue and red reflecting off the alleyway walls..

Robin (Wayne) has posed:
     "NO, You're wrong. Batman is a sense of superiority. He is arrogant because he is the best. Now, you sound like someone familiar, I had hoped they took the coward's way out, guess I was wrong." He comments, rolling his eyes at this charade. Damian calls off the Redbird as he makes chase.

Red Robin has posed:
     Red Robin just laughs flipping through the roof tops his staff being used as a pole to make the really long jumps as he flips throught he air. "Batman is a WARRIOR, a detective, he's the best at what he does because he has the will power to be the best. Tell me /Robin/" and he says that word as if he were saying a four letter word covered in filth. "Where does he claim to be superior? Where does he claim to be above the rest? Tell me /one time/ that he lorded who he is over someone and I'll take off the cowl, you get to see who I am and I'll hang up the cape." he says as he runs

Robin (Wayne) has posed:
     Robin simply answers. "Every time he says: 'I'm Batman' to explain why he does what he does." Damian answers. "Now get the FUCK out of Gotham City, Drake." Robin minics Bruce perfectly at that answer, and simply drops down to the alleyway, calling the redbird to pick him up.

Red Robin has posed:
     "No little bird, I think I'll stay." he says simply before he vanishes off over the roof tops