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(Created page with "{{Log Header |Date of Scene=2018/08/30 |Location=Unknown |Synopsis=Summary needed |Cast of Characters=1747, 58 |pretty=yes }} {{Poses |Poses=:'''{{#var:1747|Carrie Kelley (174...")
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Latest revision as of 05:34, 22 September 2018

Date of Scene: 30 August 2018
Location: Unknown
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: Carrie Kelley, Oracle

Carrie Kelley has posed:
Starling City was a nice place to visit, but it wasn't home. After her last meeting with Batman, receiving his warning to 'stop playing games in Gotham', she had been practicing other places. This was home though. It always would be. She wasn't about to get chased away by the big bad Bat.

Tonight was just a night of relaxing. There was no intent to do any vigilante work. No, instead Carrie was rooftop jumping. Leaping from one to another as she dashes across the rooftops feeling the wind in her hair. It was one of the more enjoyable things she'd done since starting down this path and one that she was glad to get back to for however long she could. Maybe she would run into that Selena woman again who had given her so many pointers.

She'd just completed one jump to another rooftop, hand lashing out to grab hold of the decorative ledge on the building to help hoist herself up from the five story fall below. By now she'd learned not to fear such heights and was managing quite well even though she wasn't wearing anything more than some simple workout gear, and a cloth face mask like those used in China by those avoiding smog.

Oracle has posed:
Carrie has hit more than Batman's radar in Gotham, whether she knows it or not. After all, there are many Bats in Gotham these days, and Alfred still holds family dinners.

It was only a matter of time before Carrie returned to Gotham for her workouts, and Barbara Gordon is patient. It was only a short conversation with Bruce, but it prompted a full deep-dive into Carrie's past. And it ultimately led to Batgirl returning to active patrols, if only for a little while.

As Carrie pulls herself up onto the ledge the first thing she notices is the long shadow of a caped figure with Bat ears across the rooftop. It's a clear evening, after all, and there's a partial moon. Sort of makes one wonder whether drama classes were mandatory for Batman's protege's. Following the shadow back to the source, it isn't Him. No, it's a woman wearing the emblem.

Carrie Kelley has posed:
Carrie Kelley hefts herself up. It had been a longer jump than most she'd done, but she'd managed it. The added strength of her training was making it so much easier than before. Getting to her feet, and noticing the shadow, her eyes skim over toward the source with eyes narrowed and jaw set. It's only when seeing that it's a woman that she lets herself relax, marginally, with a sigh.

"You guys really do like your sneaking. I'm not out fighting right now, so if he's got issue with me, he'll just have to deal."

Oracle has posed:
Batgirl shifts so the light no longer obscures her face. "You're out leaping rooftops five floors up without a safety line. Another person might call you crazy." she replies, voice low and on the husky side. Yeah, that's definitely part of the Bat-training.

Booted feet scrape softly on the rooftop gravel as she steps closer, cape billowing behind. "I'm not here for Him. I'm not here to toss you out. I'm here because I wanted to meet you. Call me Batgirl, for conversation purposes."

Carrie Kelley has posed:
Carrie Kelley dusts her hands off on her sides. Her attire right now was a pair of running sneakers with good traction, leggings, and a form fitting t-shirt along with her mask. Definitely nothing 'costume-like' for her right now other than, perhaps, the mask. "I don't really have anything I call myself by, yet, so just call me 'Keene.'" May as well use her middle name for something. It was weird enough as it was.

Carrie inclines her head toward Batgirl. "I think most everyone in Gotham is to some extent or another. At least I wouldn't be surprised if that were true." A wry grin comes though under the mask it's more heard in her tone than seen. "Nice to meet you, Batgirl."

Oracle has posed:
Batgirl folds gloved hands over her chest, shifting her weight more to one side. Carrie is tall but Batgirl is taller, even without the boots. And with the right lighting and the pointy-eared cowl in a dark alley...?

But she's not here to intimidate either. Batgirl returns the smile. "Keene, then." she replies. Of course she knows the other redhead's full name, along with so much other information. "Alright. So let me start by asking you a question: Why?" It's the same one that HE asked Barbara not so long ago when she was in Carrie's position, after all.

Carrie Kelley has posed:
Carrie Kelley wasn't all that tall, really, but she knew how to carry herself well enough. The question earns an arch of eyebrow from the green eyed girl as she regards Batgirl. "To be honest, I'm not sure completely. I thought if I just got some training, I'd figure out the 'why', or grow out of it. The more I do though, the more it just feels like something I have to do." Taking a deep breath she glances away to regard the city with a sweeping gaze.

"I grew up here. Grew up around the crime, and the danger, and learned to avoid it. I think I convinced myself I had. I was wrong." Glancing back she continues, "I wasn't scared though. I was angry. I'd done everything I was ever told to do. Stay safe, run away from trouble, fight back and run if it does find you. In the end none of it mattered. In the end..." Pausing she groans, "Tell me I didn't just quote Linkin Park." The thought is shaken away immediately after being said. "In the end, I guess I came to the realization that I can do more. I can do better. There are others out there who can't. So why shouldn't I?"

Oracle has posed:
Batgirl stands in silence, arms folded and listening. Almost stoic. She does allow herself to smile at the Linkin Park comment, however. "When HE asked me that same question I answered pretty much the same way." she replies. Her weight shifts again, the cape rustling about her calves.

"Carrie Keene Kelley, I meant what I said when I told you I'm not here for Him. But just because there may not be Bat ears in your future doesn't mean you can't fly. I'm putting together a team of talented, brave, and clever individuals like yourself. It's not glamorous. There aren't any quirky costumes. And it's every bit as dangerous as fighting criminals in Gotham."

Carrie Kelley has posed:
Carrie Kelley squints an eye at Batgirl when her name is spoken. Somehow, she wasn't completely surprised there. He had told her the last time that he knew everything about her including where she lived. Which could be seen as creepy in the right circumstances. Softly humming in apparent thought her head tips toward Batgirl.

"I'm not looking to be famous, and I know it's dangerous. I think I'd rather face danger head on than sit hoping it passes me by, though."

Oracle has posed:
"Secrecy. Loyalty. Courage." Batgirl replies. "That's all I can ask of anyone. We'll train you and equip you. We're very well-funded and well-connected. Our intel comes from Oracle, who will be the voice in your ear when you're in the field."

And anyone with exposure to the darker parts of the Internet has heard of Oracle.

"So are you interested? Can you live with those terms?"

Carrie Kelley has posed:
Carrie Kelley meets Batgirl's eyes head on as she listens with every ounce of seriousness. The answer isn't immediate. She takes a small moment to think of it, the span of a few heartbeats, before she firmly nods her head in agreement. "I am, and I will. I... Thank you. For the chance," she adds a bit softer. "I know I have a lot to learn still, but I am determined to do what I need to."

Oracle has posed:
"Don't be so quick to thank me." Batgirl replies, her eyes concealed behind starlight lenses on the cowl. "You haven't lived through our workout regimen yet." Reaching into her utility belt, the cowled woman produces a small card and offers it between two gloved fingers. "Come to this address and you can meet the others."

Carrie Kelley has posed:
"I've lived through a workout regimine that requires I be healed daily to be able to continue it," Carrie responds. There's no hint of boasting to it, more a tired resignation that she knew it would be difficult. "I'm used to discomfort at this point." Still. She'd find out for sure. The offered card is taken in hand, a glance cast to it as she nods again. "I will, later. Tonight I'm just clearing my head some." She looks up again to nod toward Batgirl half expecting her to be gone already.

"I guess we'll talk later, then."

Oracle has posed:
Batgirl isn't GONE-gone when Carrie looks back up again, but she's already two steps towards the ledge. The cape flutters quietly as she leaps, firing a grapple line in mid-air. When the hook catches, the line springing taut, Barbara smiles to herself.

She recalls another young redhead so many years ago. It seems like a lifetime ago. And Barbara only hopes she doesn't end up getting Carrie killed someday.