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Latest revision as of 05:37, 22 September 2018

Pool time at Xavier's.
Date of Scene: 30 August 2018
Location: Xavier's School, Westchester, New York
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: Rage, Negasonic Teenage Warhead, Cyclops, Havok

Rage has posed:
It's a warm morning and Andrea doesn't have class until later in the afternoon, so as part of her usual workout routine, she has opted to do a few laps in the pool after a five mile jog. The popstar heads into the area in a simple, modest, blue bikini with a towel thrown over her shoulder. Over her chest is a large gnarled scar from when she was stabbed by Donald Pierce's sword, a nasty reminder of the type of hate that prowls outside the safety of Xavier's walls.

After stepping out of her sandals and choosing a lawn chair, Andrea slinks down into the shallow end of the pool to test the temperature, then finally eases in until she can begin her workout, going from one end to the other in long over handed strokes.

Negasonic Teenage Warhead has posed:
Negasonic is underneath an umbrella at poolside, with a big floppy hat and a baggy black shirt on over a pair of running shorts and a sports bra. The shirt reads NAZI PUNKS FUCK OFF in large letters with a distinctive DK logo on the back. She has sunglasses on and is leaning back in a chair and flicking through her phone, earbuds in and saving her from the noise of inane chatter that usually exists poolside.

She pushes down her glasses as she sees Andrea starting to swim, but she doesn't say anything sarcastic. Yet. Out loud.

Cyclops has posed:
A nice day so far at the institute and with a little free time on his schedule, Scott hopes to get in a quick swim. Stepping out of the mansion and into the back yard, he walks with bare feet, bare chest, and board shorts on. He isn't usually this casual, but he's going for a swim. Let the man live a little.

Walking down the narrow walkway towards the pool, he looks ahead to see Andrea just stepping into the water. Surprised to see someone else out this early, he makes his way onto the deck surrounding the pool and tosses his towel onto a chair and begins to stretch his arms across his chest and twists his upper body a few times, "Good morning Andrea." Then he glances over and sees Negasonic and her shirt. His lips purse slightly but he knows there's no point in saying anything. Instead he nods to her as well, "Good morning."

Rage has posed:
Once she tags the far side of the pool, Andrea rolls over in the water and plants her feet against it, pushing off to start towards the other as she cuts through the water like a shark. Upon hearing Scott's voice, she slows down to a float, then offers a smile as she lifts a hand. "Good morning Mister Summers." She says as she pulls her dark hair behind her. When he greets Negasonic, she looks over to her and grins at her teammate. She lifts a hand for a friendly wave as well. "You jumping in?" She asks the teacher.

Havok has posed:
Alex has been living in Mutant Town for the past 10 months. Pretty much a month after he got back from the alternate reality where he spent 6 years of his life (only 6 weeks passed here). Realizing that he was now the older Summers brother and that he wanted more, leadership, he moved out on his own. It's rare to see him on property, and when he does come back, it's rarely social. This is no different, Alex is seen emerging from the back doors of the mansion wearing his standard black combat boots, black cargo pants, black super suit top with the white outlines and putting on sunglasses while carrying a black duffle bag. The bag has a few contents that give it stuffing, probably clothing. Because it's definitely not filled with cash in mixed dominations. Maybe he came back to do his laundry.

Moving out onto the deck, Alex will take note of those in attendenance and his 'younger' brother. He'll address them with his eyes through the shades and finally say out of hand, "Looks like Scott is embracing his inner surfer."

Negasonic Teenage Warhead has posed:
Negasonic literally barely acknowledges any of these people exist. She focuses her attention primarily on the new BTS album currently streaming through her earbuds and with updating her Tumblr feed with the latest in dank memes. She does keep an eye up now and then, though, she glances up as Alex joins in, the girl with the shaved head regarding him with the same blank expression she gives to the rest.

"Groovy, big kahuna," she says in a deadpan voice.

Cyclops has posed:
His eyes lingering on Negasonic for a moment longer, her reaction doesn't come as much of a surprise. Acknowledging her is more of a formality at this point anyway. He appreciates it though, and he'll continue to kill her with kindness until she cracks.

Turning, he once again nods to Andrea as he makes his way over to the deep end of the pool, preparing to dive in when he hears a familiar voice. Looking over to see his brother, Scott offers the man a smile initially then takes in Alex's clothing. "When you find out what you're embracing, please let me know Alex," he says with a gentle rib to the man. "Looks like you're here on business." His swim delayed by his conversation, he continues his stretching routine.

Rage has posed:
Once she reaches the shallow end again, Andrea stands up to her full height, wiping the water from her face. She gives a bright smile to Alex as she waves in his direction as well. "Hey, Havok." She says, using his superhero name with a grin. "I didn't know you were here at the school. I would have tried to bump into you. How are things going?"

Havok has posed:
A slight smirk, Alex responds, "The machines went out in my building." He shrugs his bag as an indication of the object of his remark. "Figured I'd swing by, knock out two birds." Thus answering both remarks from Scott and Andrea. Indicating that he's only been here long enough to do his laundry.

Alex moves to a foot from the edge of the pool nearest to where Scott lingers. He continues his remarks, responses with, "Things are great. We've had lots of success in Mutant Town and the migration." - he refers to several families who wished to move to Genosha from America, but couldn't afford it.

Negasonic Teenage Warhead has posed:
Negasonic pops in a square of bubblegum, chewing carefully. She's popped out one of her buds, at least, so she can hear the conversation. Not that she's interested but it never hurts to pay attention. Okay, it hurts a little, but she'll swallow it.

"Clean out the lint trap when you're done. Those things already get clogged up with blue fur three times a month as it is."

Cyclops has posed:
Scott's mouth opens to say something else when he pauses at Negasonic's comment and tosses her a sideways glance. He clears his throat and shakes his head, returning his eyes back to his brother. The huge tote full of laundry hung over his shoulder brings another grin to his face as he nods, considering further ribbing but deicdes against it.

"That's really great, Alex," he says in response to the mutant migration. The relocation of mutants to Genosha isn't an easy subject, especially around here, but it's important and anything that makes mutants safer, no matter who agrees or disagrees, is a positive thing. "Is there anything I can do to help?"

Havok has posed:
Alex raises an eyebrow to Nega when she references the need to clean out the pool 'lint' trap. He smiles and says, more to Scott than to Nega directly, "It's too bad the kids don't have chores like we did. Must be nice to just slack all the time. Maybe we should hire Magneto to bring his utility robots out to make the students' lives a little easier. Maybe getting these kids some responsibilities would be help enough. Teach them to handle their crap so we're not gonna end up in a slum for a retirement home."

Negasonic Teenage Warhead has posed:
Negasonic snorts, "I knew you were old, but I didn't know you were 'bitching about millenials' old," she says, popping a bubble. "You're Cyke's brother, right? Do you share the stick up your ass and pass it back and forth or do you each have your own?" she smirks.

Havok has posed:
"Sharing is caring." notes Alex with a grin as he addresses Nega referencing the stick question. Then after readjusting the duffle, he notes in an upbeat tone, "But it's all good. You can slack as much as you can get away with. I mean, it's all paid for, right? And money grows on the Xavier trees."

Negasonic Teenage Warhead has posed:
Negasonic looks back at her screen, flicking a finger over the surface of her phone for a moment, "Does it hurt your feelings to share your sugar daddy?" she says with a yawn, laying back on the chair. "Seriously, don't bother trying to guilt me, I do not even begin to care."

Havok has posed:
Alex intones with an annoyed grin, "And there we have it, boys and girls; the end of a productive society as we know it. Next chapter in real life; The fall of human civilization because an entire generation doesn't give a fuck, unless it involves twitter, instagram, facebook, and anything else on social media." He turns on his heel, looks over the other two present and says, "You all have a great day. I've got to get back to work in the real world where I don't suckle off the Xavier teet." And he walks off.