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Latest revision as of 05:44, 22 September 2018

Grand Opening - New Hope Shelter
Date of Scene: 02 September 2018
Location: New York City
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: Zeitgeist (Julius), Ekaterina Vespucci, Lex Luthor

Zeitgeist (Julius) has posed:
The night falls on East Harlem, a section of the city made famous for it's diverse neighborhoods though also for the highest of every ill the city has to offer, crime, disease, joblessness, drug abuse, homelessness. It is here where a freshly painted warehouse is decorated up a bit tonight.

The warehouse, originally home to a furniture company was acquired for a song and dance, due mostly to the amount of work needed to fix the place to code. A local, Lucius Primus, a sort of agitator whose heckled city hall for many years over the various qualms that Harlem has with the political organization. He has both enemies and allies, generally far more allies but a few powerful enemies.

Tonight, even with the glittery 'Grand Opening' sign put out and all the wealthy patrons who wish to put their companies and names as being benefactors of the area, there is a bit of protestors outside the shelter with signs like 'Muties Get Out' 'Powers Need Licenses' 'Poor and Desperate and Dangerous'

Inside the Shelter, the massive warehouse is divided by ceiling to floor curtains which allow for flexible arrangement, it's currently nearly wide open allowing for tables of food, a raffle, various organizations have even 'rented' space there for their own non-profits. The Shelter's non-charity arrangement includes a 'work education area', 'dorms', 'kitchen and dining hall', and a 'lounge and rec room'.

Zeitgeist (Julius) has posed:
Lucius Primus is currently at the door playing greeter, he's wearing a fresh suit that he bought or rented for the occasion. He looks vaguely uncomfortable with the attire, obviously not quite used to quite being so formal. He wears name tag with the lettering 'Lucius Primus' with 'Shelter Director' below it. He also wears an old-fashioned political pin on the opposite side of his lapel that reads 'Diversity = Equality = Strength'

Ekaterina Vespucci has posed:
Rolling up in a Limosine rented for the occasion Contessa Ekaterina Vespucci or Kat as she prefers is helped out of her vehicle by a burly man who escorts her to the front door of the gala. She is wearing a black form hugging single piece dress thast shows off her considerable decolletage and nice derrier. She walks up to Lucius Primus gingerly as she does not appear to favor high heels no matter how many times she wears them. "You must be our host?" she asks.

Lex Luthor has posed:
Philanthropy is something Lex Luthor is well known for, especially for purely human causes. 'The mutant problem' as some of the public would call it is a cause of concern for Lex in a few different ways... but he's very publicly on record about the advancement of humanity. The Man of Tomorrow has had the LexCorp Foundation become one of the primary investors in this shelter. Not only will 'the Poor and Desperate and Dangerous' have a new place to turn to that doesn't involve destroying those around them, but it also allows for more willing regulation of powered individuals that sorely need the help.

Lex Luthor himself has had his subordinates handling the whole affair for a while now... but the grand opening itself? Lex Luthor has made an effort to clear his schedule and appear in person. Dressed in an impeccable business suit, Lex Luthor has been busy shaking hands and answering questions, his ever loyal bodyguards Mercy and Hope to each side as personal security.

"Hello! How are you doing this fine evening?" Lex shakes one young lady's hand, "I trust you'll find the opening to be as wonderful as I find it. The resources out there are sorely lacking." He moves on, continuing to mingle, and another man walks up to him to mutter something to him, "Sir, this is a grand opening event. I'm afraid you'll have to save your questions for later." Lex answers with his best warm smile.

Zeitgeist (Julius) has posed:
Lucius Primus is definitely drawn to Kat, "Yes, it's a pleasure to be a host, though I admit I couldn't do it without donors" he smirks as Lex does his own meeting and greeting. he looks to Kat, "Just trying to provide safe haven for those who needs it, the ones that society left behind."

Ekaterina Vespucci has posed:
Kat for the moment seems to be oblivious to Lex's approach talking to the host. "I never miss an opportunity to help out. I've run a soup kitchen in Queens for a little while - it's near the Community College where I teach." Kat looks over her shoulder large cornflower blue eyes spy Lex Luthor. "Hmm a real celebrity. Looks like your event is a success already."

Lex Luthor has posed:
Lex Luthor is still busy mingling when he spies Ekaterina look his way. A winning smile greets her as Lex heads in her direction, "anyone willing to take on the responsibility of giving these poor individuals a second chance in life is worth an investment in my books, literally and metaphorically speaking." Lex gives Lucius a grins, before he looks back to Ekaterina, offering a hand for a handshake, or to kiss her own... being courteous enough to allow her to choose, "Lex Luthor, as I'm sure you've already deduced. Are you here for business or pleasure?"

Zeitgeist (Julius) has posed:
Lucius Primus is fine with losing Kat's attention for the moment. He greets a few more people and a glance is made to the protestors who are for the moment are just being background noise. He sighs a bit as he can sense that their fears in many case are real while others are simply overactive imaginations.

He also senses the mix of thoughts of both selfish and selfless in his donors, he can't really narrow it down but truely he doesn't care about their motives. He's only interested in helping people.

One of the people he greets pulls him out of his little census, they are wearing a Red Sox ring, "You are my hero sir, that takes guts in this city to wear something like that. At least you know it won't be stolen." He chuckles, "Thanks for coming, depending on how well we do our work, I might be able to get the city to recognize the need for a school as well.. one that doesn't discriminate and integrates all of society. We all like to draw lines around our ciiques but aren't we all inhabitants of this planet, aren't we all concerned for our children."

He chuckles, "Forgive me.. I'm beginning to go into my gospel preaching.. enjoy enjoy." as he lightly pats them towards the interior.

Ekaterina Vespucci has posed:
Kat holds out her hand for Lex to kiss it. A traditional girl at heart, "Sono la Contessa Ekaterina Vespucci," she says in perfect Italian before returning to English. "A little of both but who says business and pleasure can't mix?" she says smiling politely. She's the sort of girl one takes home to meet the parents rather than takes for a turn in the hay with her sweet little angelic face. She does not try to read Lex or Lucius for the moment.

Lex Luthor has posed:
"Some people have their preferences. I say if you work as hard as I do for the betterment of humanity, you deserve to live a little." Lex confidently states after kissing her hand. Then, he gives a glance over to Lucius, though his tone makes it clear he's still talking to Ekaterina, "I try my best, but I'm only one man. People like Lucius make the job a bit easier. Competence is such a valued trait in this sort of sphere, but so few want to brave the media fire for it." He looks back t Ekaterina, "of course..." He gives an amused smirk, "some people thrive on it."

Zeitgeist (Julius) has posed:
Lucius Primus says, "I'm willing to take the sharks on. I'm more worried about violence then a few words slung in my direction. I know you've had your own share of media issues too. It's kinda a tough job being the head of a large organization. They become living breathing machines themselves."

Ekaterina Vespucci has posed:
"All in all I'd rather avoid media attention but my commercial art galleries benefit from it... choice of evils." Indeed alot of the press are paying a bit more attention to Kat given whom she is talking to. Who is the mystery woman with Lex Luthor? A new tabloid headline that will now no doubt drive Kat insane. "Oh by the way," she says to Lex and Lucius, "call me Kat everyone does. My titles something of an anachronism. Even my employees call me Kat."