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Latest revision as of 05:04, 24 September 2018

Danger Room: Rainforest Obliterators
Date of Scene: 06 September 2018
Location: Xavier's School, Westchester, New York
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: Colossus, Rogue, Cyclops, Jubilee

Colossus has posed:
    While primarily a training tool, this specific Danger Room sequence is also something of a game. There is a pillar in the middle of the area. The goal? Do not allow any of the metal rings on the pillar to be stolen by the incoming assault. Simple enough, though the enemies that fly, tunnel and dodge in are quick and fierce.
    It fits the mood of the rest of the simulation: currently, a deep jungle amazon zone. There is heavy cover everywhere: bushes, trees, draped vines, as well as fog. Even water jets are part of this particular simulation, to emulate some of the darkest areas.

    "It appears difficulty is high; we have the four rings to be keeping safe," Colossus observes in his quiet, thoughtful way to the rest of the team, as the program finishes loading and waits for the team to engage with it. He is dressed in his uniform, though he has not engaged into his metallic form yet.

Rogue has posed:
Rogue is attendance because she's a franchise player and she likes to lead by example, she doesn't like talkin' 'bout practice, but its necessary to git gud. So she's always willing to show up to the X-Men facility to partake in team practices!

As such, she's currently hovering up above the jungle landscape that this strange alien techno-powered room has created and she's looking around amongst it all. "Lady of the Rings..." She mutters. "And I? I... am Rogue'o Baggins... here to protect the four power rings from the evils that seek them." She raises her gloved hands up and presses her palms together, her white silken scarf around her neck whips about her shoulders in a dramatic looking jungle breeze that rushes across them all.

Rogue lowers her hands then and looks around. "So what exactly are we fightin' again? We're in a jungle, please say its not like spiders'n snakes... I hate spiders'n snakes..."

Cyclops has posed:
A doorway appears in the middle of the dense foliage not far from the pillar and Scott Summers steps through wearing his uniform, the lights from the brightly-lit hallway gleaming off the top of his visor until the door shuts behind him. He steps over a large tangle of roots and into the clearing near Piotr and the pillar and nods to the giant of a man, "Piotr."

His eyes scan the pillar the rings attached to it when he sees Rogue hovering up above and offers her a nods, hearing her quip, "Ms. Baggins." His lips curl into a grin but only for a moment. His features quickly wipe to their usual serious expression as he turns to survey the situation.

Thick fog, so much foliage that visibility is incredibly limited, and enough ambiant noise to drown out the sound of any approaching hostiles. Fantastic. He reaches up and touches the side of his visor, "Prepare for anything and everything, Rogue. We'll see what's thrown at us and adjust accordingly." He turns his back towards the pillar and gazes out into the fog, "Let's hope it's spiders."

Jubilee has posed:
"Spiders'n snakes!" chimes Jubilee brightly, tugging on one glove and fidgeting with her new armour - black kevlar-looking finish on the body suit. And for some unknown reason, LED sparkles at random throughout the uniform. Pink, green, and blue. "C'mon Rogue, you can do this. Do it for Spatula Steve. He'd have wanted it this way..."

Colossus has posed:
        "It ...is spiders," Colossus says, deadpan, but with a reluctant dismay, to have to give the word that will so disappoint Rogue. "I have run similar scenario. Webs are very frustrating to me. But important to practice," the big man says. "To rely on teammates to dispose of webs: remind that we are not perfect at all of the things." A softer look was given to Rogue, while the metallic skin floods in as Piotr obtains his armor. He echoes Rogue's flexed gesture but far more slowly, which makes it a little comical on the burly, shiny man.
    "But I ran on easier setting. I expect more and worse," Colossus promises, reserved but thoughtful. As he speaks, the room adjusts, as the starter countdown engaged. There is a quiet at first, as nothing happens other than the natural swaying of the jungle. And the rain. Of course it starts to rain. Visability drops. And the first of the enemies appears, a soft rumble near Scott's feet, perhaps something tunneling. And then from three sides, creepy clusters of large spiders drop out of the trees all around them!

Rogue has posed:
Rogue looks over to Scott and she, whilst hovering still, gives him a flourishing bow. "I'm just happy t'be here. It means ya'll haven't conveniently misplaced my phone numbe'ah. And don't you worry, we're gonna get these rings to Mordorph and we're gonna save the Princess while doin' it." Its possible that Rogue hasn't ever seen Lord of the Rings, or wasn't paying very much attention to them.

And then sparkles on Jubilee's new armors draw her attention and she unceremoniously drops out of the sky and lands on the faux-earth of the jungle. She steps over to Jubilee and pokes at her shoulder where its sparkling. "I'm jealous of this." She says in a deadpan sort've voice. She looks up to Jubes' eyes. "We can't take you on stealth missions with this on though, you'll get us all killed!" Her eyes go WIDE when she says 'killed'.

"Spiders?!" Her attention is pulled away from Jubilee and she looks to Colossus. "Why does it have to be Spiders!? They're the worst, I don't wanna touc---" Rogue's mouth is covered up by a webbing blast, and then her whole body is wrapped up and she's YANKED away into the thick foilage of the jungle!

Cyclops has posed:
Glancing over at the colorful light show provided by Jubilee's suit, a single eyebrow arches above his visor, but he lets Rogue voice her reaction. Her sentiment about Jubilee on stealth missions had echoed in his mind but he wouldn't have put it as eloquently as the southern woman.

Then the rumbling on the ground at his feet. Scott takes a quick step back and waits until he can see the source of the rumbling. The Danger Room likes to throw curve balls every now and then and he wants to make sure it isn't a holographic representation of a teammate before he blasts it to oblivion. When the long, creepy legs emerge from the jungle floor, he clenches his jaw and fires off a quick blast, slamming into the ground between the legs, which all straighten for a moment before falling limp.

Looking up to see Rogue quickly wrapped up in webbing, he looks over to the others, "Protect the rings, I'll get her!" He fires off a quick blast at one of the spiders that dropped from the tree canopy before darting into the jungle after Rogue.

Jubilee has posed:
Jubilee is watching the others. More importantly, perhaps, she is /listening/ to the others. As Rogue pokes her sparkle, Jubilee looks hurt. But when Rogue's eyes go wide, so do Jubes', and she blinks, doe-eyed as Rogue gets yoinked by a spider.

"Go Go Gadget Plasma Cannon!" Jubilee swiftly lifts her hands up, palms facing the direction Rogue just wiffed off to, and fires a herd of tiny swerving, swirling, roiling plasma balls, blue in colour, toward the webs that snatched her to disintegrate them. "HEY GIVE 'ER BACK, SHE WASN'T DONE POKIN' ME!"

Just then, Jubilee pivots toward a chittering sound, because everyone who's ever played a video game knows that is the sound a spider makes. She fires a big pink flaming plasma ball the size of a volleyball, at a spider the size of her fist, and she begins to fire a shower of brightly-glowing blue sparks through the jungle at webs everywhere which might be eye-level for the big, shiny, burly guy.

Colossus has posed:
    "Of course, Cyclops," Colossus answers, smoothly, dutiful. Piotr turned his head towards the rumbling under the ground anyway, and had aggressively moved across to the pillar to wait and stomp hard on a second thing that's trying to sneak in and surface, as Cyclops disposed of the first. It splatters under his foot, and most of the tunnel it made collapses. Colossus does a stomping circle, crushing any other tunnels. That is, until a spider shoots a web at a ring, and promptly attempts to drag the ring away. Colossus snares it, and jerks the spider towards himself to backhand the arachnid away with opposite hand into another one.
    He does, now, have a ring stuck to his other hand with webbing, though. It is evidenced by his failure to put it back on the pillar. Hmmm. "Oh. It is very sticky." A pause. "Jubilee. Can you burn web?" asks the shiny guy, showing her his issue. He's distracted by a leaping spider, however, forced to turn away to kick it like a field goal.

Rogue has posed:
So with Jubilee using her plasma-powers and the web all around her, when Scott reaches where Rogue is he'll find her in a half-cocoon that is on fire and her legs are sticking out of it while she's being spun in a circle and every time she is spun around to face the giant spider that is trying to web her up she kicks the spider in its million-eyed face, so there's rapidly repeating *thud thud thud thud* along with the sizzling of burning web that the spider is trying to replace with NEW web, as well as the muffled noises of Rogue screaming inside her creepy ass cage!

The Danger Room was smart, it knew Rogue was a big threat so it was trying to contain her, and it was doing so by sic'ing more spiders down toward her as well, with three more descending down toward her from the trees above and they start shooting webbing at her as well! When a Rogue-powered FIST shoves its way out of the burning webs, its covered over and pulled back down only to be stuck back to the growing oval of nasty firey webbing around the southern belle!

<WORST DAY EVER!!> is what Rogue is muffledly screaming inside the cocoon, though there's a lot more curse words thrown in there that are being left out of this explanation.

Cyclops has posed:
Rogue appears to be doing remarkably well considering her fear of spiders. At least he's making the assumption that the screaming coming from within the webbing is her making some smart-assed comment. He'd be right.

Seeing the spider still wrapping her in webbing, Scott fires off a stronger blast, trying to not only knock it back as far as possible, but obliterate it.

When hit, the spider flies backwards and disappears into the jungle, Rogue safe for a mere moment before the others drop down and pick up where the first left off.

Grunting, Scott leaps to the side, rolling along the ground to get some distance between him and the three new spiders before he opens up his visor and sends a massive blast arcing through the air, attempting to lead it at an angle to hit all three of them and give Rogue a moment to get free.

Jubilee has posed:
"In fact, I /can/ burn web," Jubilee says, firing a spark at Colossus' hand just hot enough to kill the web, and turn him gold in its yellow light. But not hot enoughto damage him through that armour of his. "I think I've got it all backwards, though. Which came first, y'know?" She lifts her hands out and again begins firing barrages - volleys of blue sparks burning about twice as brightly as before. Hotter and faster, she aims them all for spiders, instead of webs. "I'm tired of these monkey-lovin' spiders in this monkey-lovin' game!"

Colossus has posed:
    "At least it is raining, and the forest shall not burn down." A pause. "Even though it is a make believe forest," Colossus adds, just in case anyone thought he forgot he was in a room of holograms. "YOU SHALL NOT PASS, imaginary spider foe," Colossus assures several of the spiders. He hasn't put the ring back, but needs his hand, so he decides to simply shove it on as a large bracelet while he fights this tunneling wave that Jubilee's shots simply aren't able to hit. He needs a little more range, and is forced away from the pillar for a moment to procure a tree. However, it has a spider on it, which when he shakes the tree, drops on Jubilee behind him. Oops?

    "If I am put in web, burn me well. I resist. My pants are, I am told, semi flame-retardant." As if they needed that mental image added to the rest of this.

Rogue has posed:
Scott's efforts in saving the southern belle are paying off, as is the flames that Jubilee put to the webs because they keep burning up the new ones being added by the other descending arachnids! The kinetic blasts knock the 'adds' away and Rogue's fists start to work on the cocoon around her. She rips it to shreds and drops down to the ground with her feet apart and her white scarf fluttering DRAMATICALLY again... at least until she notices that its on fire, and then the southern girl with the two-toned hair flails her gloved fists until she rips the scarf off and lets it flutter away!

"Fire may not hurt me, but it still totally freaks me out." She says, panting heavily from what she'd just gone through. She looks to Scott hen and smiles sweetly at him. "Thank ya, Sugah." She says in an all-too flirtatious way before her green eyes narrow at the Ring Holder off in the distance where a big eight legged freak is trying to run off with one...

"Not on my watch, Charlotte." Rogue shoots off into the sky with her fists out, aimed right at the spider. "I had bacon for breakfast!" She tells the alien-tech-created-dangerous-hologram, as she slams into it! "Wilbur tasted great!"

Cyclops has posed:
Scott knows Rogue is okay when she offers her friendly southern drawl quip his way and then darts off into the jungle. As soon as it's apparent that the situation here is alright, Scott makes his way back through the trees towards the pillar to rejoin the others when a pair of spiders appears through the leaves, one slamming into him and taking him to the ground.

His ribs colliding with a large tree root, he grunts out loudly as pain shoots through his side, coinciding with another quick blast from his visor to knock it away. The second one leaps over him but he's able to shoot it away as well and scramble back to his feet.

Cursing under his breath, he finally leaps out of the jungle and joins the others at the pillar, taking a quick look around to get his bearings.

Colossus has posed:
    Colossus is not typically 'ranged,' but there are trees. The tree he'd had, seeing Cyclops fall, is prepared, and then bodily hurled over the team leader's head, to clear out anything directly thinking on pouncing on Scott again from behind. "You are well?" Colossus asks quickly, flexing his wrists. He's still wearing one of the rings, which clinks loudly against his metal wrist, having mostly forgotten about it in the continuing defense.
    "I distrust this lull," the large man adds quietly, moving out from the pillar to claim a new tree, after CHECKING it for spiders this time. Indeed, no doubt they are seeing a small window just before something worse comes along!
    A few smaller, sneaky tunnelers have made it to the pillar, and are subtly climbing to extract a ring, easing it towards their tunnel entrance: Rogue's single opponent was just a distraction!

Rogue has posed:
The southern belle stands ontop of the Ring pillar and she is spinning around looking down at her companions. "Use your magic missile more, Scott!" And then she sweeps over to the other side of the tower to look down to Jubilee. "Jubes! Use your magic missiles more too!" She's being a great combat general right now and she can feel it. All of Carol Danver's training and knowledge isn't going to waste in this 19 year old's head where its definitely not being cluttered up, shuffled around and tainted with a bunch of Rogue's own personal thoughts, feelings and experiences.

"Colossus!" She now shouts down to him. "You... throw a tree at them and call it magic missile! Wait--" She pauses. "Where are they?" With a walk of wedge-heeled longboots over to the eastern edge of the pillar, Rogue peers down, her eyes searching... for spiders.

"Sonsabitches!" She sees them making for a ring and she drops down out of of the sky, intending to jam those wedge-heels of hers right into one of the spider's heads, and crush it against the jungle floor. "Do the Mario." She mutters through gritted teeth.

Cyclops has posed:
In the real world, Scott would do his best to do as little damage to the jungle as possible. Most jungles are home to thousands upon thousands of species and are also protected. This isn't the real world so that isn't a problem. In the back of his mind, though, he knows he shouldn't do it, but he does. It isn't real, after all.

Tapping the side of his visor, Scott turns the power up and sends a massive blast off into the jungle. It tears through everything in its path and as he slowly turns his head, his bright red blast starts knocking a path into the canopy giving the team the ability to at least see what's approaching from that direction. While the others take care of the few sneaky spiders that have managed to get to the pillar, he keeps up the constant blast until he's cleared about 90 degrees of forest out for about 100 yards in length. Then the Danger Room figures out the plan and sends a few spiders his way.

One leaps from the trees behind and lands on his shoulders, causing him to stop his blast and sending him to the ground where the spider perches on his back and starts slamming its legs into his back.

Jubilee has posed:
"Can I PLEASE burn you anyway, just to find out if your pants burn or not?" Jubilee half pleads as she is shooting spiders down as fast as they can appear. When another spider begins lowering to steal a ring, Jubilee fires one more spark at it, then turns her rapid fire attack on the spider attacking Scott, flipping it ass-over-teakettle into the jungle. "Whaaa-chaaa!"

Colossus has posed:
    "My tree is entirely non-magical," Colossus says to Rogue, but has a soft, deep laugh from his broad chest. To Jubilee?: "Not now, please." He turns to check on Rogue when she yells and slams down next to the pillar. The ground, from both his attack and now Rogue's, and the maze of tunneling critters, has done its work, though: The whole pillar, all 12 feet of it, leans, and then suddenly starts to collapse. The two rings on the top go flying into the nearby tree. The third remained on the pillar, though it starts to tip when Colossus charges over to grab the pillar before it completely falls. "Rogue: in the tree!"
    THEN the third ring falls to the ground amidst the rough jungle floor near where Cyclops was getting mobbed before Jubilee's whaa-chaa, ----leaving Colossus with an empty pillar. Where are the rings now? Two in a tree, one to the ground, and one on Colossus' wrist. But they haven't lost!

Rogue has posed:
Once on the ground and standing on smooshed spider, Rogue glances down at her boots and the goo on them. "God, I hope that filth is a hologram too." She mutters before her eyes look up and she watches Scott make a clearing through the jungle with his laser vision. "Awesome..." She says in a gaspy voice. "Like in that Predator movie when they all shoot their guns for like five whole minutes..." She's never seen the film, someone she absorbed at some point had though.

Squishy squishy steps leads Rogue off of the spider corpse and when Colosses indicates the tree, she looks up in its direction. "Well shit. As if this needed t'get harder!" She quips, before lunging upward in the air and flying up toward where the two rings was high up above. "I got'em!" Rogue declares, spinning around with one in either hand, all smiles on her face! And then she's webbed again and yanked back toward the tree the rings were in where a big spider had been after them!

Cyclops has posed:
Jubilee manages to get the first spider off of his back, but the second one quickly hops on and takes its place. When that spider starts pounding on his back, Scott again curses under his breath. If this wasn't the Danger Room he might have a few holes in him at this point. Unable to get enough leverage to push himself up or the spider off of him, he leaves his visor power turned up and unleashes a blast straight into the ground beneath him.

Bracing himself, the force lifts his body up from the ground, carrying the spider with him into the air. He tries his best to keep his head tilted down towards the ground to avoid inadvertently shooting one of his teammates. Once he's a dozen or so feet above the ground he turns the blast power down and tumbles towards the ground, the spider now free from his body and tumbling alongside him.

Landing in a classic hero pose, he looks up to see the ring lying on the ground next to him and reaches down to grab it. "Got one, Piotr!" He jumps back towards the pillar, keeping his back to it as Colossus goes to right it where it began to fall, trying to keep a protective watch over him.

Jubilee has posed:
Jubilee watches Scott blast off using his eyeballs, and all their zottin', catching a ring in midair and scooping one off the ground with her foot. She snaps the web snagging the former, and carries the latter on her pointed toe as she climbs deftly up the pillar, and then hangs them both back in place. "That was a smooth move! Do ya call it the 'Beam me up, Scotty?'"

Colossus has posed:
    "Keep it safe!" Piotr replies quickly to Cyclops. Unfortunately, he himself is busy easing the pillar back, but pauses, unsure exactly what to do with it. The ground is messed up, it's going to fall over again. So Collosus now just has a giant metal pillar thing, like some awkward Final Fantasy hero. Rogue drops the rings as she's webbed, and Colossus dipped the pillar to try to catch them... Entirely failing. It's harder than it looks, it's damn awkward. Jubilee, though, is on top of it, and that's a giant relief. Except now she's on the pillar he's holding. Still... Idea.
    "Use pillar as ramp," Colossus suggests, planting himself under it so that it is on his shoulder instead, to hold the pillar in place, pointed directly up into the trees where Rogue is. "Protect back ...or pants... please," is added to Cyclops by the big Russian, a smile in his tone even if it isn't on his face.
    After all, a training session wouldn't be complete without a boss. A very large, tunneling shape that is no doubt a snake. Yes, it has to be snakes.

Rogue has posed:
Rogue isn't as overwhelmed by the webbing that is getting her this time, she's not in a full cocoon yet, but the spiders in the tree are definitely aiming toward that ultimate goal. But the southerner is pulling the webbing off of herself and punching the spiders here and there. Two of them fly out of the tree with chittering screeches , their faces punched straight through, while more are coming out of seemingly nowhere to try to tie the Belle up to the tree's branches. "Back off ya nasty varmits!" Rogue starts snapping branches out of the trees and using them to slap together to SMOOSH the spiders.

"I'm all right!" She shouts. "Just get the rings back on that thing so we can win this horrible thing!" And now, covered in web slink and stuck to branches, Rogue is just smacking the big branches together any time she lines a spider up between them, making them BURST in gooy gross messes that splatter down toward the jungle's floor!

Cyclops has posed:
"Your back I can protect," Scott calls out as he keeps his eye on everything, making sure no spiders are sneaking up on Colossus. "Your pants? You're on your own there." Far be it for him to shatter Jubilee's dreams. A grin touches Scott's lips until he notices the large snake-shaped tunnel approaching.

The grin gone faster than it appeared, he turns up his visor once more and preemptively takes aim. This time he isn't concerned about what's under the ground. All of the X-Men present are here and accounted for, so this, whatever this is, clearly needs to be dealt with.

Waiting until he has a clear shot, Scott opens up and sends out a massive blast towards the snake trying to end this cruel game.

Jubilee has posed:
"Snaaake, snaaaake, Ohhh nooo, it's a snaaaake!" Jubilee leaps off the pillar to land beside Scott, letting the thrill and fear of the moment sweep her up. As she lands with a springy thud, Jubilee faces palms forward and lets loose a plume of blue plasma that generally melts the sand and boils dry the mud where the snake is emerging to meet Scott's death rays. She's just...adding her own brand of HOT to the mix.

Colossus has posed:
    Colossus busies himself finishing the win condition, trusting his teammates with the 'boss'. He snares the ring from Cyclops, and pulls the other off his wrist, returning the rings to hang properly on the spire.

    There is more than just the boss snake: little spiders use this time to try to steal, which puts Piotr in a game of keep-away with the spire, stalling while the others take out the snake.

    The snake is blasted to holy hell by both of the powerful ranged attacks, writhing, trying to still get momentum, but pieces of it are shredding away under the bombardment. The thing appears to have been designed to have stealthed up a lot closer, but the team (all of them, really) were so heavy on forest destruction that it was seen much sooner.

Rogue has posed:
"Snakes'n Spiders. Snakes'n Spiders." Rogue chants inside of the tree that is shaking around every time she moves the branches and slaps them together to smash another spider causing spider guts to rain down out from beneath its canopy. "Rogue do this. Rogue do that." She mutters further, making it look like the tree is talking when in fact its the X-Men / Avenger who's covered in cobwebs and leaves stuck to her because of the webbings. Her hair is a mess, her pretty scarf is gone... "Rogue we need haaaalp!" Another spider explodes and rains down.

THEN, she BURSTS OUT of the tree and she's snarling at the giant snake as the others are trying to melt it away... she's holding two massive tree branches that she'd ripped out of the tree's trunk and just zooms down over the snake, using the branches to 'walk' along its back, while actually just crushing it with them. It looks like a giant tree person (like from LORD OF THE RINGS) and its squishing the snake from back right up to its...


"Triumph! Lady of the Rings! Rogue'o!" And she tosses the two huge branches in either direction out into the valley that Cyclops carved in this fake jungle. She smiles, brightly, and looks down at them all with both of her eyes. "We did it." She says whilst pulling some cob web out of her face.