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Latest revision as of 05:07, 24 September 2018

Astral Flux: Concerning Emma
Date of Scene: 07 September 2018
Location: Xavier's School, Westchester, New York
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: Phoenix, Emma Frost
Tinyplot: Astral Flux

Phoenix has posed:
One thing that telepathy can help create is 'accidental' meetings, particularly with such powerhouses as Jean Grey and Emma Frost, and so it happens that Jean just happens to step into the teacher's lounge when Emma would be there.

"Just who I wanted to see..." she remarks as she steps in, green eyes locking in on Emma immediately.

Emma Frost has posed:
Emma is relaxing in the teacher's lounge at an hour where most of the teachers are busy. Lounging rather indolently. So much so that she was opening drinking amber liquid neatly 'disguised' in a coffee mug, and smoking a cigarette.

There really weren't true coincidences amongs telepaths. They just sort of swung in and out of one another's psychic circles. Emma was neither surprised, nor unsurprised by Jean's arrival. And by the looks of it, she's in no hurry to cover up her indulgences now that the Headmistress has arrived.

"Fancy that." She takes a final draw on her cigarette, and stubs it out in the small ashtray she seems to hahve brought with her, and pulls another out of a packet sitting close by, lighting it, and taking a long inhale on the thing before finishing her thought. "Well, now that you've found me, you may as well sit down and join me. Can I pour you a drink?"

Phoenix has posed:
"So...you've been behaving oddly," Jean notes flatly, not quite suggesting a debate as much as stating a fact.

Moving closer to Emma, she takes note of that unique pin that Emma started to wear, "treated yourself? Or a gift from a friend?" Jean muses aloud, as she finds herself a seat right next to Emma, following Emma's invitation. "Not if it's alcoholic," Jean notes to the offered drink, "we are in a school, I'm sure you remember. So...what's going on Emma? Are you under any duress? I felt you in the Astral Plane, it seems something is wrong...I'm concerned about you."

Emma Frost has posed:
Emma smiles knowingly as Jean makes a comment about her firefly adornment. "I saw it and I just had to have it. It pleases me." she looks down at the thing with it's winking jewels. "Such a pretty piece, don't you think?"

Jean's declining of sharing a drink doesn't bother her. "Suit yourself. There is coffee on, though it's been sitting all day. I dare say you'd get more enjoyment out of my offer than that, but do suit yourself."

She smiles then, blue eyes twinkling. "And yes, I am aware we are in a school. That does rather increase the excitment of it. And why I'm here in the teacher's lounge and not enjoying myself in a classroom. I do have some sense of decorum after all. But this acting oddly business. Really, Jean. I'm perfectly fine."

She does incline her head, though. "Ah, yes. The Astral Plane. You didn't know I could do that, did you? It's a talent. I do have a few."

Phoenix has posed:
"Firefly...? Didn't know you fancied them," Jean notes quietly, as Emma explains the draw she felt for it, nothing to begrudge anyone, sometimes different adornments speak to a person. Jean certainly felt it in the past. "It is rather...bedazzling," Jean remarks when asked for her opinion.

"This shouldn't excite you, Emma, you're supposed to be one of the teacher making an example for the students to follow...since when did you pick up smoking, by the way?" Jean adds, eyes averting towards the ashtray, something Emma never needed in the past.

"Don't play games with me, Emma, how did you get there without Cerebro?"

Emma Frost has posed:
"Oh, please, it's hardly gaudy," Emma says of the firelfly. And while the stones are real gems, it is true that the thing isn't gaudy - it's just.. distinctly and abruptly a difference from Emma's usual nod to adornment. Which is to say, she's wearing it, and it is rather strikingly visible.

She does chuckle at the admonishment she gets over teaching. "I still maintain I'm in the teacher's lounge. It hardly counts as being a bad influence." Of course, she had been skulkiing around, prior, smoking furtively.. and if rumours are true, she's now given up all pretense of hiding the fact, smoking openly on campus. "Me? Smoking? Oh, I dabbled in my youth. Gave it up. Found myself craving the things. As for the astral plane, you truly didn't know I could do that, didn't you? Well, now you do. I might not be a Charles Xavier, but it suits my particular bent of minscape. I don't advertise it."

Phoenix has posed:
"You know better," Jean says rather than arguing the point with Emma. It was moot after all. The real problem is much greater, Jean needs to find the source, and if possible severe it. "No. It's not that you did it, it's that you did it during this...anomaly. I needed Cerebro to stay steady, how did you manage the feat on your own? What's your secret?"

Emma Frost has posed:
Emma gives a little shrug, and with some irritation, stubs her barely touched cigarette out in the ashtray. "I'd been there after the first disturbances with the fungal matter. I'd already had a connection to follow."

She doesn't say that the connection was a tortured and tormented bit of mind left there upon the plane as a warning; a mind that had been linking other minds for the Overmind.

Phoenix has posed:
"So it wasn't the Astral Plane or a power of yours...it was the fungi..." Jean talks the trail she envisions. But were the fungi what they seemed? She didn't have a chance to telepathically scry one of them as Emma did. "Emma, do you know anything of dark tendrils....borrowing deep into your mind?" A rather distinct question to randomly ask.

Emma Frost has posed:
"Oh, no no no, I think you misunderstand. I am quite capable of reaching the astral plane on my own. I always have been. Well, once I figured out that I could. Semantics and all that."

She pulls another cigarette from her packet and lights it, even though there's a barely touched one snuffed out in the ashtray.

"I merely went there while the other was happening. Following up a lead.." The woman stops, blinking. "Dark tendrils burrowing into my mind? Who told you such fanciful claptrap? Honestly. No."