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Changeling/Black Sky: Hard to Say I'm Sorry
Date of Scene: 23 September 2018
Location: Unknown
Synopsis: Skye confesses more secrets to Matt than she expected, and discovers her friend needs her just as much as she needs him after discovering a secret of his own.
Cast of Characters: Quake, Daredevil
Tinyplot: Changeling

Quake has posed:
Skye had begged off an immediate return to the Triskelion in the morning, citing that she had an errand that couldn't wait, and a promise that she'd be back. She argued that Clint needed to be checked out at medical anyway, and they couldn't start the debriefing before that happened.. and well, given where she was going (not that she told Clint and May this part), she figured she was as safe an anyone could be under the circumstances.

She'd been given the grace of two hours. Long enough to get there, say her piece, and get back. No more. No less. Anything beyond that, and teams would be called in.

Skye understood why: Cal. Still, it rankled slightly.

All of which was why Skye was showing up at Matt's doorstep before any reasonable person would consider it polite to come calling, two steaming cups of coffee in hand, nervously knowing on his door.

Daredevil has posed:
There's no such thing as a reasonable hour when you barely sleep.

Matt was laying in bed awake when Skye knocked on his door. At first, he thought about rolling over and just shutting out the noise until whoever it was, likely Foggy, went away. Though when he let his senses in, trying to hear and smell what he could from the other side of the door, he realized he'd guessed wrong.

Skye? At this hour. With coffee.

It was a mystery and one found he couldn't ignore. He rolled out of bed, grabbed a shirt and his glasses and pulled both on before heading to the door. Both Matt and his place show signs of neglect, there are pizza boxes and beer bottles in the kitchen and the stubble on his cheeks was longer than usual, his hair an unwashed mess. Really, he hadn' been going out much except in the suit, and only that because it allowed him do /something/, fix /something/ even if it wasn't the something that lay like a crushing weight on his mind.

Matt opens the door, "Skye," he asks, his voice heavy and tired. "What's going on?"

Quake has posed:
It's clear that Skye is out of sorts - even though he's not truly intimate with her, Matt should probably know her well enough now to realize that her scent is spiked with the sorts of hormones that come under a lot of stress. That, coupled with the hour, and the abrupt way she invites herself in.. all speak of something wrong.

Speaking abrupt, Skye invites herself in abruptly, pushing a coffee towards Matt as she pushed in through the doorway without apology. "I don't have a lot of time here, but we need to talk. In just about 90 minutes they send out search and rescue teams for me, so let's just pretend we made nice and did the smalltalk and move onto business."

She pauses before taking a seat, turning to make certain Matt shuts the door behind her and comes to join. She's pretty sure that neither of them want this discussion being overheard by anyone in the hallway.

Daredevil has posed:
Matt can smell the stress hormones and sense the difference in Skye's heartrate it tells him all he needs to know so when she barges in all he does is step out of the way then shut the door behind her.

"Search and rescue teams?" he asks as he makes his way to the living room. "What the heck is going on?"

He scores one of the coffees then sits down in one of his low arm chairs. The other question is with all that's going on, why would she come here?

Daredevil has posed:
Matt can smell the stress hormones and sense the difference in Skye's heartrate it tells him all he needs to know so when she barges in all he does is step out of the way then shut the door behind her.

"Search and rescue teams?" he asks as he makes his way to the living room. "Skye, what the heck is going on?"

He scores one of the coffees then sits down in one of his low arm chairs. The other question is with all that's going on, why would she come here?

Quake has posed:
"Looong story," Skye sighs, sitting down. Not that she's relaxing. Though, to give her credit, her heartrate isn't doing as badly as it could be based on the other indicators of her stress levels. She's not in Elektra territory, though.

"I've got some problems going on. The biggest of which is some psycho trying to get his hands on me, and he's resorting to things like kidnapping my friends and family to get to me. There's some other shit, too, but none of this is why I'm here. They're just why I'm on a tight leash."

Daredevil has posed:
The control is noted. Skye's definitely not the mouthy girl from the orphanage he knew when he was a kid.

Matt knows time is short but can't help himself from asking, "Who's the psycho?" a downside of his night job was he knew most of the ones in the city. Further, Skye might be a spy with a whole agency at her back, but as her friend he felt an obligation to protect her if he could.

"Anyhow, if it's not this psycho, what's got you coming here this early?"

Quake has posed:
Skye just shakes her head. "My father, if you can believe it. Some freaky assed meta. Long story short, until he's apprehended, I'm pretty much stuck in the Triskelion."

It's not quite a lie? But there's more to it than she's admitting. She stinks of it.

"And.. I'm here because.. Fuck, Matt. I'm sorry. I dropped who Elektra is. Clint went missing, and the suspects were part of this gang we interrupted in China. It had rumoured Hand connections. Your girlfriend sent Darcy this stupid birthday gift with an encrypted data stick hidden in it, and Genus is missing, and then Clint went missing, and I thought they were related. I'm really sorry."

The words come out on a rush, but once they're out, she's less stress diven. It's still there, but so it relief.

The secret she'd been forced to let slip couldn't do any more harm than it already had. And now Matt knew.

Daredevil has posed:
Matt looked stunned. "Skye, I'm sorry," he says when he hears her father is after her. He knew for orphans like Skye, the ones who never knew their parents, that many of the dreamed of their parents finding them. It sounded like that dream for Skye had turned into a nightmare.

"What's his name? Maybe I can find him and talk some sense into him," he offers. though most of the talking was going to be with his fists.

Matt's expression hardens when Skye reveals that Elektra's secret is out. "What..." he begins his voice raising then he goes quiet.

Maybe this wasn't a bad thing, if SHIELD knew, maybe they'd arrest her before she or the Hand made their move maybe she could be locked away and...


None of that would work. Regular street gangs have gotten killers into prisons, the Hand could do it as easily as breathing.

No. It was a false hope and all Matt could do was give Skye some absolution.

"It's fine," he says with a sigh. "As long as my secret didn't go with it, there's nothing to worry about."

Quake has posed:
Skye gives Matt a pained look when he asks for a name. "What, so you can go hunt him down? You don't get it, Matt. He's dangerous. Like needs to be put down dangerous." And what was possibly worse was that she was likely to turn out just like him if he had his way. Well, if he could get those crystals to work. Even if Fitzsimmons had assured the things were inert, Skye was still worried - but at least they could stop fiddling with them once she admitted she pretty much had figured out what they were for.

The other she can only look apologetic about. "I'm so sorry, Matt. My boss knows I know who the leader is, but he didn't push. When Clint went missing, though, I panicked. I thought she'd somehow sent out word - or that someone beneath her had - anything, really. I just wanted him back safely. The Agent who knows, they'd not acted on it, yet. Turns out it wasn't the Hand who was involved. At least not directly."

"I thought you should know before things went further."

She looks thoughtful. "I don't know what's up with her, but that stick she sent, we can't find Genus. If I had to guess, though, I'd say it was a life insurance policy." Skye knew how those organizations went. How people jockied and vied for control, with no thoughts for taking out those above them to take their positions. "I thought you might want to know that, too."

Daredevil has posed:
Matt looks sad and tired. "That's the idea. He's not the only one who's dangerous," he says. "And put him down? Skye, he's your father, I don't know you that well, but, do you really want him on your conscience? Whatever he's done, I'm sure it justifies putting him away in some deep dark hole, but even in the dark there's a chance for redemption, if he's dead, that chance is lost forever."

Then he moves on to the other. "Like I said, it's fine, just see if the person you told can hold off for awhile, there are things going on, things that would be distrupted if Elektra were to suddenly dissapear into SHIELD cell."

He wanted to beg for that, but knew it was pointless, besides he'd given his word.

"And no, life insurance isn't what's on Elektra's mind right now. She's counting on SHIELD being able to decode the stick, she's said as much to me. It's our best chance at seriously hurting the Hand. Do you have any leads on Genus? I know some people who might be able to help find him."

Quake has posed:
Skye's features go affectless. "Do you think I don't know how serious it is to consider saying put him down? He's not sane, Matt. He's sick. He's.. he's not human. He wants to turn me into him. I know how he was going to do it. As long as he thinks he might possibly be able to do that, and might possibly be able to escape? I'm never going to be safe, and neither is anyone I care about."

She shakes her head.

"It's not worth the risk. Not to everything and everyone else. If it were just me? Maybe. And don't. Don't put yourself in danger. He'd kill you without thinking twice about it."

She listens to his words on Elektra, nodding. "I can ask. I can't promise more." But the fact that Fury hadn't jumped on the fact that she knew who the Leader of the Hand was spoke a long way towards hoping that May might hold back what she knew, especially with her recent promotion to Assistant Director; she actually had the authority to hold onto that information without acting upon it, or sending it up the chain.

May /was/ up the chain.

"No leads on Genus. He was going underground, and was supposed to contact me once he had established. That was weeks ago. None of the usual channels are showing up leads. I think Hydra might have picked up his tail. No clue. I just know he's gone dark. If you have any contacts or leads, I'd appreciate it."

Not that Skye was expecting much. She had a whole slew of supertech to fall back on and hadn't made any dents yet.

Daredevil has posed:
There it was again, an enemy that just kept coming no matter what you did to stop them. One that gave you no choice but to end a life.

It left Matt tired and defeated just thinking about it. A part of him wanted to argue, but he'd been there with Elektra and failed and didn't expect this conversation to go any better.

"Sounds like you've made up your mind," he says. "I am sure it wasn't easy. And don't worry Skye, I'll leave this to you."

He looks down at his coffee and takes a long slow sip. Somewhere in the middle of that sip something occurs.

"Wait turn you into him?" he asks. "How? Why? And what you said he was a meta, but what kind?"

The rest of their discussion could wait.

Quake has posed:
"It's not really my decision, Matt. Not anymore. If he can't be taken quietly, he'll be put down." And she didn't see him going quietly. Nor not remaining a continual risk to herself and others. "And I'll do what I can about Elektra."

Even if she couldn't believe she was suggesting she and SHIELD help the leader of a known worldwide criminal organization.

"What kind?" Skye frowns. "We don't know. Inhuman is the term we're using loosely. Not mutant. Not human. Not a god. Just.. something else." Even if her mother had been worshipped as a god - another bit that didn't fit in. If her mother was the one worshipped, why was it her father who had the powers? Skye had no answers.

"As to how, there were these items - crystals - that we think were meant to bond with my blood. Some DNA thing that's like holes in my DNA that we think these would fill. Complete an evolution or something like that. Only they don't work. But I think he thinks they will."

Daredevil has posed:
That put a different spin on it. Right, of course it wasn't her call, SHIELD wasn't like the Defenders, there were rules and chains of command. The call wasn't always yours to make.

"Sorry," he says. "Forgot the rules are different when it comes to SHIELD. And thanks for doing what you can with Elektra, I know, it's a big ask, but..." he glances down at his coffee. "It's important."

"Inhuman, huh?" Matt says. "Guess that includes me too," he says with a faintly wry smile. He wasn't a mutant, or a god, or strictly human. "Though I am guessing your father's got more than supersenses and a no sense of self-preservation making him stand out from the rest of humanity, though."

The bit about the crystals have him cocking his head. "Specifically your DNA?" he asks. "Like these crystals were made for you?" he asks before carrying on. "Why not destroy them and let your father see, if he wants them so badly, I'm guessing he can't make more, maybe that'll dampen whatever obsession that has him coming after you."

Quake has posed:
Now it's Skye's turn to nod, with one of those wry smiles. "Thanks for understanding. Yeah. Not always my call." And as far as agents went, Skye had a /lot/ of leeway - more than most, really. Certainly more than her rank justified.

It was a measure of the woman that she had that kind of trust placed in her.

"Specifically my DNA. And you haven't seen him, Matt, or what he's capable of. He can rip people apart with his bare hands. He's not exactly reasonable, and I'm not sure anythign short of destroying them in front of him will convince him." If that. He'd always believe they'd held some back, or managed to create some of their own...

Even if they could capture him and figure out a way to destroy the things in front of his face without putting everyone at risk. Skye didn't think he was altogether that reasonable.

Daredevil has posed:
Matt can't see the smile itself but her posture and tone of voice painted a picture of it. "No problem, just confirms that me and big organizations don't mix," he says lightly. That was part of why he'd chosen to slum it with a bunch of other misfits rather than try out for the big leagues like the Avengers or the Justice League. Well, part of the reason anyhow.

Matt makes a face at the description of what Skye's father can do. "That tearing someone apart, it doesn't sound theoretical," he says with sympathy in his tone. "What's his name?" Matt asks holding up a hand to stay any protests. "So I can put the word out, if I hear anything, I'll give you a call, sounds like this guy needs to be taken off the streets."

"Always an option, but I suppose if you knew where he was to break them in front of him, the smart move would be to just take him down."

He let's out a breath. "Sorry this is happening to you Skye. I can't imagine."

He really couldn't. His father was no angel but he was a good man and an example for Matt to follow. For Skye to be denied a family for so long only to be denied a decent father when she found one, it seemed cruel.

"Anyhow, I'll also put the word out on Genus, see what I can find, if I hear anything, should I go get him, or pass the word to you?"

Quake has posed:
Skye rises from her seat. "Putting the word out on Genus would be a great help, thanks. I think it will help your friend, too."

"As for my father, not sure a name will help, but it's Cal. Cal Johnson. You really shouldn't approach him. So, yeah, let us know if you see him. Tell your friends the same. He's dangerous, and if they try and he gets away, it's just bad news."

Not to mention Cal seemed the type to likely take his frustrations out on others when things didn't go his way. Skye didn't want anyone who didn't need to be to be caught up in that.

Daredevil has posed:
Matt finishes his coffee with a nod of thanks to Skye for bringing it. Looking at the state of Matt he's not doing a lot of his own food and beverage prep or much else right now.

He stands, "We want to find Genus too, it's our chance to make the Hand suffer. We'll get the word out, just make sure that data stick is locked away somewhere safe."

"Cal Johnson, sounds like someone who sells insurance," Matt remarks dryly, "But we'll give him a wide berth and call in SHIELD if we hear anything."

Given how sincere Skye was in her worry he was willing to take it on faith that this Cal guy was likely more than he could handle.

"And thanks for letting me know the word is out on Elektra, I'd warn her, but that's a whole other bad idea on it's own. Still, I appreciate it Skye," Matt says, reaching out a hand to rest it on her shoulder.

Quake has posed:
When he stands, that's when she notices it, the thing her own misery had masked.

"Hey, Matt? You doing okay? You look like shit."

Then it hits her. Why Elektra had sent the data stick. Why Darcy. Why now. Why he was asking SHIELD to hold off and not make things any more difficult than they needed to be, if only for just a while longer...

"She's in trouble, isn't she? That stick is so we can take the Hand down, isn't it? You already knew we had it."

Her hand comes up to rest upon his arm, as he holds his hand on her shoulder.

Daredevil has posed:
"I'm fine," Matt lies smoothly, despite the literal piles of evidence in his kitchen and the 'lost weekend' stubble on his face. "And thanks for noticing," he says wryly,

The questions though, he wasn't ready for those.

His hand tightens on her shoulder and he nods. "I knew, she told me..." he says before his emotions get the best of him. He can feel the burn of the tears welling up around his eyes, he holds them in, but he can't keep the emotion out of his voice when he admits, "She's not going to make out alive."

Quake has posed:
It's a simple movement Skye makes, stepping forward in a smooth motion and wrapping Matt up in her arms.

"I'm so sorry, Matt. Nothing we can do to help?"

Because /that/ was going to make Fury or May happy, Skye announcing to them that they were going to help the Leader of the Hand escape and start a new life. And yet.. she couldn't help herself from asking or offering. All the while holding him tightly, and feeling helpless. She'd no doubt the promise to come looking for her was real, and yet, Matt really needed someone right now.

Skye didn't know what to do.

"Do you have anyone you can call? Or go visit or something? Even just for a good night's sleep, or a hot meal?"

Now she wished she'd taken that extra five or ten minutes to bring bagels or something. She'd been caught up in her own misery too far to notice until now, now when she didn't knnow she had time to do anything about this.

Then again, she /could/ make sure food showed up. That much she knew how to arrange. And for someone to drop in and check on him. Matt might not like it, but Skye had means. And ways.

Daredevil has posed:
Matt hugs Skye back, he needed that, the comfort of being hugged. It didn't happen often in his life and he'd been too proud to ask.

"No," he says quietly. "This is the only way, it's actually a lot like the thing with your father, they want to turn her into something, and they'll never stop trying, problem is the Hand is legion, there's no other way to deny them what they want. but.." he can't make himself say it.

He shakes his head. "No, pretty much everyone I know hated her for one reason or another, I don't want to deal with that, not now. I'll be alright though. but thanks for asking."

He gives her a final squeeze and tries to extracate himself from the hug.

"Seriously, Skye, thanks, I needed that."

Quake has posed:
Skye's arms tighten about Matt before releasing him again.

"I get it."

And she did. She'd killed a man because there was no way to stop another inevitable. She was talking about killing her own father because he would never stop. So, yes, Skye got it.

It just didn't make it any easier to accept.

"Come visit me, then. At the Triskelion. I might not be able to leave it for awhile. Not until we deal with my father. If he can get me, and turns me into whatever it is he is, I'll be a danger too."

She gives another of those wry smiles.

"I'm heading back to tell my friends and bosses that's what he's after, and why they need to keep me locked up, so to speak, until we stop him. But you'd be welcome to come visit?"

Daredevil has posed:
The hug felt better than he could admit and when he pulls away, he has to wipe under his glasses to stop the tears.

That she understood was a balm in its own way too, in part because he wasn't sure he understood, but was glad she did.

"Sure," Matt says of visiting. "Already been to the helicarrier, might as well add the Trisk to the list too," he says with a faint smile before it's replaced with a more sympathetic look. "Your friends will find him Skye, they're SHIELD, it's what they do. You won't be there long but I'll come visit, maybe we can keep each other sane."

The smile that follows is half-hearted, but turns more serious when Skye explains what she's about to do.

"Not sure what to say to that one, good luck?" he asks, trying to keep it light. "Anyhow like I said, you guys are SHIELD, you'll find him and I'll be by to visit. I promise."

He was too much of mess to do much else during his day.

"Anyhow, better get going before the search and rescue team kicks down my door," he says giving her another hug. "But thanks for coming, Skye. And for being a friend."