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Latest revision as of 18:49, 11 October 2018

Stare Long Enough, It'll Come Back!
Date of Scene: 06 October 2018
Location: New York City
Synopsis: Thor and Natasha stare at a hole in the ground that used to be the Avengers Mansion.
Cast of Characters: Thor, Black Widow (Romanoff)

Thor has posed:
    There are many places in New York that draw tourists. So many great museums of fine culture or heaven reaching and sky spanning buildings with their fine architecture. There are restaurants that have three Michelin stars, and there are Broadway shows, and celebrities in abundance. Yet the current pull, the event and attraction that draws the most people of late...
    Is the large hole in the ground where the Avengers' Mansion used to be...
    Cameras whir and video is taken. So many selfies from the cordoned off safety area where the sidewalk hovers just on the edge of the abyss where the deep hole of the Avengers' Mansion and its absence are so marked. Several stories down into the depths of Manhattan, disappearing into the darkness far below. People are asked to please not throw things or spit down into the depths, but that doesn't stop everyone.
    There are even knickknack brickabrack people selling their cheap merchandise all up and down the street, while food vendors know to come by here during the lunch rush to make a good bit of coin. It's all a bit of a crowd, and within that crowd are some Avengers as well. But incognito! Which, for Thor, means he's wearing a hoodie and sunglasses. And has an umbrella tucked under his arm.
    "This is a damnable inconvenience." He says sidelong, that deep voice and rumbly accent causing some people to give him a second glance but for now his disguise is maintained.

Black Widow (Romanoff) has posed:
    The woman beside him has chosen to remain incognito as well. She is wearing a pair of jeans that have faded to white in many places from wear. A plain red button-up shirt. Black short boots. Her hair is blonde, falling to her shoulders. She has on a pair of sunglasses as well, to help obscure her features. She does have one of those small backpack style purses slung over one shoulder.
    She is staring at the empty space where the mansion once stood. She had been there the night of the invasion, dealing with things outside the building when it went poof. One minute it was there, next there was a crater.
    "It is. I had just moved some stuff into one of the guest rooms. Now it's wherever the mansion is resting safely." She snorts at the idea of it being safe somewhere that it shouldn't be. "I understand Strange and Bruce are back. Can't Strange just..." She wiggled her fingers in the air as though that was how the spells might work. "...it back here?"

Thor has posed:
    "The arcane efforts of the magically inclined are often beyond me, this is one of those such times." Not that there are often times when Thor is the voice of knowledge when it comes to such matters, but he has some recognition of aspects. Usually when they are being used against him. He folds his arms over his broad chest, his 'Yankees' hat pushed back a bit by the hood of his jacket and he frowns to himself. "But if it were a matter so easily resolved one would imagine he would have done so now."
    One of the tourists lean, a youth with a SNL t-shirt climbs up the fence and leans over. "Hey Billy, get a shot of me!"
    For now Thor ignores them but he steps to the side slightly, "There are powers at work here beyond my ken, and they see us as a threat." The Asgardian grimaces and then his features shift a little more reasonable as he adds, "Then again I would see us as a threat as well, so at least they grant us due respect."

Black Widow (Romanoff) has posed:
    "Well, some of you are a threat. Some of us just want to get our overnight bag out of the mansion and get it back to our apartment," Natasha murmurs with a smirk. While she knows she is a part of the team and respected for her skills, she also isn't completely unaware that whatever attacked the mansion is likely not trembling in it's boots because the Black Widow might be after it. After all, it mind controlled hundreds of people to commit simultaneous attacks. While Natasha wasn't worried about going up such an entity, she knew it wasn't afraid of her. The others though.
    She flicks her gaze over to the boy on the fence, keeping a wary eye. She has a sudden thought that has nothing to do with their discussion. "I wonder how Stark's little bots are getting along without him." She had this vision of them all running amok. Then she returns to the conversation at hand. "He made it disappear that easily. Magic isn't something I understand at all though. You're likely right. You've been exposed to it more than I." She turns her head to look over and up at him. "You heard anything about what it might be yet that caused the initial attack?"

Thor has posed:
    Turning away and starting to walk, Thor at least doesn't look so much like Thor that he's drawing second glances for that reason. Certainly he's tall and certainly handsome. But he's dressed down and his features aren't so easily discerned with his current garb. Yet it's his voice, Widow likely keys on. If ever there's a covert op with Thor of all things, they must do something about his voice.
    "Verily this is not what anyone would call a talent mine." He waves a hand to the side, indicating the great vacant hole. "E'er did I have someone around me that could discern the details of such matters and set my course for I am a man of action. I preferred to let others delve into the hows and whys."
    Which, to be fair, was true.

Black Widow (Romanoff) has posed:
    As he begins to walk, Natasha falls into step beside him. Thanks to the blonde wig, no one even suspects it's her. Something as simple as hiding her red hair can often keep her from being recognized.
    "I'm guessing you are right and Strange is working on the issue." She hopes. "I can relate though. While I was good at information gathering, I preferred to be out there punching something." They aren't so very different in that respect. She shrugs a bit as she glances toward the hole then away from the crowd, off toward the street as she considered. "So are you staying local now that the mansion is gone or commuting home?" Not like it was just down the street, but he had the ability to be on either side of the pond when he chose. "I haven't eaten yet. You want to grab something?"

Thor has posed:
    That causes a sour expression to darken the Thunderer's features as he walks. "I have traveled but I have returned. I find that the Mansion served as a suitable place to gather and depart from. But with its absence I tried to engage the services of a Hotelier, yet when I did so it became some sort of issue that my presence would be a distraction and some of the staff were ill behaved for some reason or another."
    It's likely that Thor never really will know the mayhem he caused as he tried to stay at the Ritz-Carlton, considering that though they can handle rock stars and the like, the madness of housing someone of his ilk was a bit much.
    "I had thought of seeing if some of my comrades from SHIELD had quarters that would be suitable." He lifts his hat for a moment, golden hair visible for a brief instant, growing out more since it's been trimmed. "But that raises other matters just the same."

Black Widow (Romanoff) has posed:
    "If you need a place to crash, I've got plenty of room. Or I have access to about a dozen safehouses that you could use as well." Most of those belong to SHIELD. She has her personal ones as well but the government ones should suffice. "There's no reason for you to have to get a hotel. Although I would think they'd want you there to draw in others, or to say 'Thor stayed in this room, pay an extra three-fifty a night!'"
     While the Ritz might generally be above such tactics, most hotels likely wouldn't be. Anything to earn some extra money after all. She thought about the ill behaved staff. "Were they doing the hero worship thing? Or did you have some throwing themselves at you which I am certain the Ritz would nto approve of."

Thor has posed:
    "I do not know." Thor says a little animatedly, as if the thing confounded him. "The concierge seemed to be speaking to people constantly and was the only individual I interacted with. But such I was told." That having been said he crinkles his nose and gestures.
    "Come, the steakhouse around the corner is suitable for us and it is the same place that the reporter who interviewed me asked me to meet him. It has fine food and privacy is of some importance to them." Of course as he says this there are people looking after them, perhaps coming close to gawking. But he lowers his voice in time as he steps forwards.
    "As for the offers, Natasha, I thank you. But it would be unseemly for me to be accepting such." Though he does not say exactly why.

Black Widow (Romanoff) has posed:
    The steakhouse is one she is familiar with. It has some good food and the fact that they do respect the privacy of their guests is something that always appealed.
    She continues walking in that direction, shifting the bag on her shoulder slightly as she does. The rejection of her offer has her looking at him askance. "Why would it be unseemly? I have three bedrooms. One I use. One I changed to an armory." Cause a girl needs an armory. "And that leaves a guest room free. I never have guests so you'd be welcome there." Unless... "If you are worried that you might sully my reputation by sleeping over, I promise not to tell anyone if you don't. It's not any different from if you bunked with Clint or Tony, y'know?"

Thor has posed:
    She can likely tell that the tall man is having some sort of dialogue in his head, a conversation unshared as he considers what has passed with some of his advisors and his current marital state. Yet he does not make her privy of such, at least not now beyond for him to say, "Even so, I find I am a poor roommate at the best of times." His lip twitches at some memory past but he doesn't share that either, instead he gestures with one hand. "Bah, enough of this. Come, let us away."
    That having been said, Thor lifts a hand up and starts across the street even as horns honk and cabbies shake their fists. It's clear that one can put whatever disguise they want on Thor, but he is ever Thor.