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Latest revision as of 18:51, 11 October 2018

Saturday Night
Date of Scene: 07 October 2018
Location: New york City
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: Rogue, Thomas Raith

Rogue has posed:
Its a Saturday night in the city of Manhattan and Rogue is... well she's without anything to do. Her friends from college are all busy and there's no sign of Remy, the Avengers haven't told her much of anything since their mansion vanished and the X-Men? They never really talk to her either. So here she is out trying to enjoy the night where she's not working on her studies for school, wandering into a place she's never been before but was told it was a good joint to have a lively evening.

The young Rogue has her hair tied back into a ponytail, with her white bangs framing her face, she's got a black leather jacket on and a dark green tanktop beneath that, with some dark brown jeans on her lower half and some nice nice looking boots on her feet... black gloves over her hands, formfitting gloves that disappear up into her jacket's sleeve cuffs.

She wanders into the place and just... roams for a bit, letting her green gaze stare across whatever's going on in here.

Thomas Raith has posed:
"Now I'm going to simply assume your boyfriend is a fool." The voice comes from behind the woman, and resolves itself to belong to a... handsome is the wrong word really, more like beautiful man. He could be anywhere from his early to late twenties. "A woman like you coming into a place like this all alone," He adds, "I can't imagine he'd like that idea. And the world doesn't like me enough for you to be single."

Rogue has posed:
Rogue was looking the complete opposite direction from the voice when he spoke to her and it made her turn to sweep her eyes back around to him. He was a very attractive man and his words were entertaining. She smiles softly at him and shakes her head. "Not a fool." She replies to him. "Just a busy guy. He's got a lot of responsibility t'take care'a." She says back at him, her voice is laced with a thick Mississippi traditional accent. She looks away from him then and glances around the club once more. "I mean just the other day he took me out and replaced my entire wardrobe after it got lost..." She looks back to him then and clears her throat softly. "In a home accident. I'm high maintenance on him, clearly."

Thomas Raith has posed:
Thomas Raith looks amused at that, "And now tonight you step alone and unprotected into my parlor as it were." He leans agienst the bar and looks at the bartender, a man wearing an eyepatch. "My usual Yosa, and for the lady." He looks her slowly up and down as if evaluating. "Whiskey girl, am I right?"

Rogue has posed:
Rogue looks from him over to the bartender and then back at him and she shows a light smile as she turns to face the bar and place her right gloved hand on its edge. "Oh..." She starts with a heavy sigh. "I might just be the most heavily protected girl you eve'ah will meet, Miste'ah." She responds to him with a smirk before she looks to the bartender and nods once at him, affirming that whiskey is good. She's an experienced drinker, even at just a few months from being only 20 years old. "Your parlor, huh?" She asks as she looks back at him. "And here I pegged you as a male escoart, working this bar." She grins, then raises her dark eyebrows up a little. "That not the case?"

Thomas Raith has posed:
Thomas Raith smirks a bit, "Spoken like someone who hasn't yet my little sister Inari yet." He says in regards to her being the most protected woman arround. He nods to Yosa who takes a bottle of whiskey from the top shelf and pours a generious amount into a tumbler for her without a word. "Sole owner, operator, and proprator of the Blue Lady, and at your service. Though if you were looking for someone to offer you a more carnel service, I might also be willing to put on the cap you suggest as well." His words are like...rich chocolate for the senses. As if the sound of the words, the look of his body, the scent of the mans aftershave and body wash were all designed to send one thought to her brain. 'Yum.'

Rogue has posed:
Rogue laughs a bit about the cape part of what he says and she gently nods her head at him. "Oh, I get by. I'm not out tonight lookin' for that kinda attention. Besides, if ya knew me better, ya'd know it wouldn't end well for either of us if'n I did take ya up on that offer anyway." When her drink arrives she accepts it with a smile on her red hued lips and she lifts it up for a sip, then another larger taste since she liked it. She looks back at him and shows him a smile. "I'm Marie though, Miste'ah Club Owner... and it looks like ya got a nice place here. I might have'ta stop by again soon, bring some friends along with me." She holds the glass of whiskey in her left gloved hand and sips from it again.

Thomas Raith has posed:
"Thomas Raith," he says with an easy smile by way of introduction. "Oh, if you were to get to know me, you'd know I have a dangerious habit of dancing where angels fear to tred. He sips his own drink, poured from the same bottle that Yosa poured her's from. "By all means, bring as many of your friends as you like. The more the merrier as they say." Somehow he makes that familier old sentance sound like powerful flirtation.

Rogue has posed:
The girl then smiles again faintly at his words as she sets her glass down on the bar's edge. "So, a young man owns a club like this... extravagant and pricey in appearance." She gives look around before her eyes go back to him. "This same young man also looks like some kinda male underwear model... and he's sittin' here on a Saturday night waitin' for women t'approach the bar so he can flirt'em up?" She tilts her head then so that her white bans on the left said are dangling downward while the right locks of snow-hued hair just lay against her face. "Parents rich, I take it?" She asks him, grinning a little, teasing him perhaps? "Live a life with a silver spoon and now you're bored with everything? Or am I way off?" She's just trying to have a little fun with him.

Thomas Raith has posed:
Thomas Raith waggles his hand back and forth as if to say "So-so." He sips his drink and elaborates, "My mother left when I was very young, but yes my father is what could be politely called rich." he smirks a bit adding, "But a month's tab versus a dance says that you can't guess /how/ he made the money." he says playfully amused. "As for a life with a silver spoon, and or being bored... This is what I do to fight off the boredom. I love this club, the music and the people... Waiting for beautiful, young, women to approach the bar so I can flirt them up is just a perk."

Rogue has posed:
Rogue shows a bit of sympathy when he speaks of his mother leaving, something that sparks a ping of own past within her. She nods slightly then and when he speaks of his father and the wager to guess how he's earned his riches she grins and shakes her head. "I wouldn't have the foggiest idea. This city's rich folks are a diverse bunch, some making their wealth honestly and through hard work, while others are just... plain ol' crooks. Its whole spectrum range of possibilities around here." She ships her drink then again and smiles at the last part, nodding her head softly a pair of times to them. "Well, I imagine a place like this getes a fair share'a that variety in through your doors, Miste'ah Raith. If New York has anything, its a lotta beautiful people, especially in this part'a it."

Thomas Raith has posed:
Thomas Raith reaches out as if to brush a bit of hair, real or imagined, from her face. "A lot of beautiful people come through those doors, certainly. But at the same time it is rare for someone like you to walk through them. Beautiful, but while you're aware of the fact it isn't a factor for you. Like your green eyes or your accent, they are something you know about and acknowledge, but it doesn't define you. At least not to yourself. You know what a beautiful woman you are, so a man telling you that isn't going to do anything but reaffirm it for you. You call yourself high maintance, but personally I see a woman who knows her own worth."

Rogue has posed:
Rogue's eyes were on the bar and the bartender serving some others their drinks when she felt the hand come over to sweep some of her hair back out of her face. She looks over at Thomas quickly because that triggers the fear in her that he was about to touch her skin, and he'll probably see that reaction in her face, she's got a twitch about her when other's reach for her, for obvious reasons once one knows why.

He doesn't touch her though, so she just keeps her eyes locked on his face then as he speaks to her and then she shows a faint smile. "Beauty fades away over time. It may do me some good now, or some bad, but its got a tickin' time clock attached to it. Here t'day, gone t'morrow sorta thing." She sips her drink again then and raises her own gloved hand up to stroke her white bangs back behind her ear on that side of her face.

"I'm a mutant though." She admits to the man then, looking away and nodding her head once. "Anyone touches me, they fall inta a coma." She looks back at him then to gage his reaction. "Skin on skin contact equals... them on the ground, and me... absorbin' their soul like some kinda demonic presence. Thats why I'm likely not the best target for your, clearly, experienced flirtatious skills, Miste'ah Raith." Its a speech she'd had to tell others, many times. She is attractive, and a lot of men have tried to get with her simply because of that. Especially when she was homeless.

Thomas Raith has posed:
Thomas Raith listens to her words, and there is a hint of skeptism at first and then he takes her in a little more fully. The flinch, the gloves, the near full body coverage. "That... That must be very unfortunate for you. You carry a heavy burdon if that is the case. Still time spent flirting with a beautiful woman is rarely ill spent." He considers for a moment and then steps behind the bar and fetches a pair of laytex gloves, pulling them on and smiling a bit. Then..assuming she allows him, brushes the back of his knuckles agienst her cheek.

Rogue has posed:
Rogue watches him go around the bar and she shows a faint smirk and gives a little nod of her haed. "Its a burden, but its one thats been plaguin' me since I was... fairly young. Didn't always used t'be that way, I got memories a'touchin' people just like everyone else. But... one day, I lost that ability." When he comes back and presents his hands she allows the experiment, his touch to her face gets a faint smile out of her. "Yeah, thats a... fair work-around, I'll grant ya that. But, its not exactly a treat t'have someone touchin' ya wearin' those things. Makes me feel like I'm dead and in a morgue somewhere, ya know?"

Rogue takes in a breath of air then between her lips and she reaches her right hand out to the bar's top. She gathers up a spoon then and she lifts it up to show it to him. "There's more t'me too." She tells him, displaying the utensil between them. She glances around to make sure nobody else is looking, then she just starts to bend the spoon and wad it up until its a tiny metal ball. It doesn't even seem to make her struggle to do it either, as though it were made out of wet clay.

"I've touched folks." Rogue says to Thomas then, her gaze leveled. "And taken their powers from them. Some pretty major ones, at that."

Thomas Raith has posed:
Thomas Raith smirks a bit as he clances at the crumpled bit of silverwear, then takes a spoon himself and crumples it up as well. Like a was of tissue. He lays his beside her's, and Yosa picks them both up unflinchingly, as if it were as much a part of his job as polishing a glass. "There is more to me too actully. Something you might even be interested in," He says in a soft playful tone. "Though it might take a bit of...experementation."

Rogue has posed:
Rogue watches as he counters hers spoon 'trick' and she just laughs softly and nods her head slowly a couple of times. "Guess we share that commonality then, so it seems, Miste'ah Raith. Usually it impresses folks when I do that. Maybe I'm losin' my touch, pun intended a'course."

With another sip of her whiskey had she nods once to the Bartender as he takes the ruined spoons away. "My apologies for that." She tells him, not that he really cares as they're not his spoons, they're Thomas'.

She looks back at Thomas and winces, while shaking her head side to side. "I'm not the most prone t'hop inta things that require experimentation. I failed science classes like it was a religion." She laughs a little again. "But what is it, do you think, that I would be interested in, hmm?" She asks while putting her eyes back onto him.

Thomas Raith has posed:
Thomas Raith smiles a bit, "I bet you've got your share of trut issues, hmm? But seeing as we are in a crowded bar, I'm going to ask you to trust me." He scoots a little closer, and in a soft intimate whisper says "Now close your eyes. I want you to picture yourself laying on the beach. No one there but yourself, the sun heated water washing up to your mid calfs, buring your toes in the sand.." It's not unlike if he were trying to hypnotise her, though not the "Cluck like a chicken" type. His voice still has that velvety dream like quality, "Now are you relaxed?"

Rogue has posed:
Rogue indulges the man and she places her drink on the bar and her hands, both, go to the edge where she holds onto it and just leans there a little against her palms. Her eyes do shut and she stares forward while he talks, her chin dips just a little in a single nod at his last question then. "Bein' on a beach tends t'have that reaction for me. Pretty sure its the best kinda place one can be on this crazy world." She draws in a breath then and releases it slowly. "Now have some attractive dark skinned man bring me a pinky icey drink with a paper umbrella please." She says with a slight grin.

Thomas Raith has posed:
Thomas Raith smiles a bit, "If you insist, a dark skinned man with eight pack abs and a shaved head. White linin pants and nothing else smiles as he lays the drink beside you. Now I have my glove on, I'm going to touch your cheek again, are you willing to trust me to do that MArie?"

Rogue has posed:
And the young mutant keeps her eyes shut as she just grins at the mental imagery validation that the man provides her, she even goes so far as to sigh with dramatized satisfaction. "What a handsome devil he is too." She says before she gently nods her head one more time. "So long as ya got that love on, sugah." She replies to Thomas, her eyes still shut. "Cause if I hear a thud beside me and people start screamin', I'm gonna make a run for it and probably not ever come back."

Thomas Raith has posed:
The sensation that comes from his touch, even through the glove, is pleasurable. Not sexual pleasure, though there is an intimate feel to it. It's like pleasure was simply rolled over her like a warm blanket. He caresses her skin lightly, the warmth /making the laytex /feel/ like the skin of another human being at least.

Rogue has posed:
Rogue does nod her head softly to the touch and the sensation from it. But after a second she just opens her eyes up and she grins at him. "Point taken." She tells the man quietly, and then clears her throat. "Thats a fancy trick." She has to admit to him. "One I'd probably like t'steal from ya. But... don't worry, I'll keep the urge under control. I'm getting better at that after all." She looks away from him then and reaches out to grasp hold of her glass of whiskey, its nearly finished up at this poitn so she takes another sip of it. "Are you a mutant?" She asks him then, keepoing her voice low so others won't get all... up in arms about overhearing such a terrible thing!

Thomas Raith has posed:
Thomas Raith shrugs just a bit and does that hand wobble thing again. "Let's say that I am more then human, but the perfectly accurate answer is no, I'm not." He takes a drink of his own and shakes his head, "I promise you, you wouldn't want what I have. I'm pretty sure that you couldn't take it even if you wanted to."

Rogue has posed:
These words are met with a bit of a blank stare from the Mississippi born gal, and then she just softly grins at them and looks away. "Maybe not." She says at the man. "'Challenge Accepted' is what a friend of mine would say." She looks back at him then and shakes her head from right to left, her white bangs gently swaying against either sides of her face as she does that. "But she's an idiot and is bound t'get herself inta way too much trouble someday." Marie is then reaching into her jacket and she's pulling out a 10-spot bill and moving to set it onto the counter's top. "Thanks for the whiskey, Miste'ah Raith. I should probably get on my way, got a movie I was gonna go catch before it gets too late."

Thomas Raith has posed:
Thomas Raith picks up the $10 bill, but then snags a sharpie and writes something on it, pressing it back into her hand. "Well I hope to see you again, you know if you arre ever feeling adventurious." He says with that same wicked gleam that's been in his eyes all along. "Maybe you can call me when your boyfriend is too busy to safegaurd you again."

Rogue has posed:
Rogue watches him settle the bill back into her hand and she listens to his words, just grinning at the man and shaking her head side to side at him. "You're trouble." She says at him then before she just offers a wave and turns to head back the way she'd come, she stuffs both of her hands into the side pockets of her jacket and starts toward the main exit with her white bangs flowing around her face as she moves onward, back out into the streets of Manhattan in the fall.