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Latest revision as of 19:04, 11 October 2018

Tournament: Seeking the Dragon
Date of Scene: 09 October 2018
Location: Kairos
Synopsis: Daredevil goes looking for Richard Dragon and finds he has more allies than he thought.
Cast of Characters: Daredevil, Dragon
Tinyplot: Tournament

Daredevil has posed:
It was late in the day, Daredevil could feel the air cool and the sun's heat sink ever lower in the west. He could see none of the splendor of sunset, but he knew it was there. Just as he couldn't see the faces of the people around him, but his senses told him where they stood, what they wore, what they ate, if they were happy, nervous, sad, all of it marked with a single rhythmic finger print, the beating of their heart. It was distinct for each of them, changing with moods but at the same time remaining uniquely them.

That's how he seeks out Richard Dragon, the tell-tale beat of his heart, letting the master stand out above the chorus of others.

Dragon has posed:
Richard wasn't hard to find.

Truth be told, he was meditating in a spot all by himself. Peace and quiet. Serenity and silence. His hands clasped in front of him as he took deep breaths. Focusing his chi and replenishing his energy. Though, he could hear familiar footsteps approaching.

A former student. Daredevil.

He knew them all by their steps by now. He smiles to himself, but he doesn't greet Murdock in the event that he's looking for someone else. But, alas, the grandmaster simply enjoys the great outdoors.

Daredevil has posed:
In this moment, in this place, Daredevil envied Dragon's peace. He knew how to meditate, how to move his chi, to heal and to focus his mind, but right now there was no peace, just a restlessness, an anger at everything. It had come out in the fight with Elektra, it almost slipped his control, but he'd fought it back into its cage.

For now.

More than that, he was tired. There was a war coming and he wasn't sure he had the energy to fight it, not with what he knew would come before it even began.

"Sifu," Daredevil greets, knowing the man is aware of his presence. "Do you have a moment?"

Dragon has posed:
The Grandmaster opened his eyes and turned his head to look at Matt as he approached. "Hello, my old student." At his request, Richard nods. "I don't see why not. Come, sit with me and tell me what troubles you." It was as if Richard already knew. Was it a power? some special ability?

Only in partial.

Nay, he just knows from experience. Plus, he figures no one would seek him out unless they had a request or if they were troubled with something.

so here they are.

Daredevil has posed:
There is a thin smile from Daredevil as he takes a seat beside Dragon. "How'd you know?" he asks, though he supposed, when he thought about it the signs were all there.

"Actually, nevermind, dumb question," he says, pausing to let his senses tell him if they're alone. They are, but he still keeps his voice pitched low. "I am going to lose someone, someone I care about and I can't do a damn thing to stop it. More than that, I have a war to fight, against the Hand, and probably the Foot after that," those names had always sounded silly, especially when said together, but now they seemed all too serious, all too real.

"I don't know what to do. How I am going to keep fighting," he says before stopping himself there. He wasn't usually this forthcoming with anyone, at least not without prefacing it with 'Bless me father for I have sinned'.

Dragon has posed:
Richard listens closely to Matt's struggles. "Experience." is all Richard answers to Murdock initially, before he hears his woes in full. Nodding as he listens so closely to what's being spoken, Richard seems to take a deep breath. "There's always something we can do. Even when you trick yourself into believing that there's no way out." he smiles to him. "Tell me, do you remember what I taught you about the leaf that falls from the tree?" He ewaits for Matt to acknowledge...or not.

"When the leaf falls from the tree, it will not fight the wind. Instead, it rides the sails and by surrendering, it controls it. Surrender to the current of the wind, and you will find youself strong against it's push." Surrender in order to control? that doesn't make sense.

But then again, it probably never did.

"You're going to keep fighting, because the city needs you. We all need you. The end you see is not the only way forward. Think of your perspectives."

Daredevil has posed:
"Trust me, there's no way forward but the way that's ahead of me," Daredevil says. "I've thought through all the others, every other one is much, much, worse, so I am surrendering to the fall as best I can. Laying plans, making sure that when it comes that lost hurts my enemies as much as it hurts me," he says, it wasn't true, not really, he could hurt the Hand, but they needed souls to be able to hurt as he would, but he'd damn well try.

It was after that, when he'd had justice, or vengeance or whatever it was his heart was calling out for, he worried about. How did he keep on going? "I am not so sure about that," he says of fighting on. "It's never going to end and I don't know if I can keep going."

He knew what Stick would say to that sort of bellyaching, something akin to 'just shuddup and do it,' but he wondered if Dragon might have another perspective.

Dragon has posed:
Richard listens further as Matt tells him that he's explored every possible solution. To the point where Richard almost chuckles. "Have you tried reaching out to others for help? Or are you attempting to fight alone, as you still do?" Dragon looks him in the eyes, curious as to his response.

"One cannot face the darkness of the world alone, my friend. The constant struggle, the fight of good and evil will rage forever. But...with allies at our side...we can help stem the tide."

Daredevil has posed:
Daredevil turns his head towards Dragon and gives it a solemn shake. "I'm not sure more people will lighten the load, the more people I bring in, the more people are in danger, and not just them, their loved ones. When I said war, it wasn't an exaggeration I don't see anyone pulling punches here."

Though there is some wisdom in the suggestion, people he knew he could ask, ones who he might not trust to act the way he would but he'd said it was war.

"Maybe a few people," he says.

Though of course he misses the obvious choice, sitting right beside him.

Dragon has posed:
Richard just //smiles// at Matt and speaks in a very soft voice. "Matthew, no one wins a war alone. they must trust the brothers and sisters beside them, or the quest will fail. Now then..."

Hespeaks at normal volume. "Would you like my help, Daredevil?" the Dragon asks him then, a smile on his face to his old student."

Daredevil has posed:
"Michael," Daredevil corrects absently. He had a cover to maintain though his mind wasn't on that. Brothers and sisters, he didn't quite think of his friends that way, well, except for Foggy, but it wasn't like he was going to trade his briefcase for a sword and join the fight. Though that didn't dull the point of things.

The offer though that surprised him. "What? You're willing to fight? What happened to the quiet life?"

Dragon has posed:
Richard didn't bother correcting himself, but a very soft chuckle does manage to escape his lips. Now, he's starting to understand.

"Of course I am." He reaches over to touch Matt on the shoulder. "Because I cannot allow a friend to suffer alone in silence.Besides...A master must always be there for his students when he's needed." He looks to Daredevil. "Now then, let?s find those who would help us."

Daredevil has posed:
Daredevil looks over. "Seriously?" he asks, not quite believing at first someone else would be willing to wade into this without some skin in the game, not able to see himself as that skin. It was always his place to protect, the idea of being protected was foreign to him.

Though at the offer to look for more help, Daredevil hesitates for a moment, thinking, "After, when the tournament is done. I just need a bit of time."

Dragon has posed:
The Dragon gives a small nod to Matt. "Of course. Take what time you need. Rest is important, even for the just." With a smile, Grandmaster Dragon seems to take a deep breath, and return to his meditations. Something he often encouraged Murdock to do to calm his senses.