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Revision as of 07:06, 13 October 2018

Jeannette (Scenesys ID: 7120)
Full Name: Unknown aka Jeannette
Gender: Female
Species: Immortal
Theme: DC (VFC)
Occupation: Idle rich
Citizenship: Hungary / France/ USA
Residence: Bludhaven (The Nocturne)
Education: Highly
Status: Active
Groups: {{{Groups}}}
Other Information
Apparent Age: {{{PAge}}} Actual Age: 436
Date of Birth 21 August 1590 Actor: Ivy Levan
Height: 157 cm (5'2") Weight: 49 kg (108 lbs.)
Hair Color: White Eye Color: Silvery Grey
Theme Song: "You Should See Me in a Crown" by Billie Eilish


Originally born in the 16th century, Jeannette was born to an impoverished noble family, and sent to live with the Countess Bathory. While in her 'care,' Jeannette's childhood was twisted and warped, her innocence robbed of her, by being forced to witness the Countess murdering all of her victims. Later, when she was betrayed by her socialite husband and ordered to be beheaded by the leaders of the Revolution, she became the Banshee, the Last Victim. Now, centuries later, she lives in luxury of her own design, and does as she pleases.



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Jeannette is a voluptuous and attractive young woman with stark white hair and a heart-shaped face. She's pale naturally, although there is an undeniable (and probably artificial) blush to her cheeks. She has long lashes and distinct but expertly applied make-up. Her eyes have a cloudy grey cast to them, crystalline and stormy. She has a certain wicked turn to her lips when she smiles.

Jeannette tends to favor dresses and fashionable playsuits, usually with a significant amount of decolletage and perhaps a little old-fashioned, although they suit her well. She has numerous jewels, rings on her fingers and a pendant around her neck. She doesn't show off much of her flesh, aside from the upper swell of her bosom, but it's impossible to miss that she's a pleasing figure of a woman. Still, something about her can often seem uncanny and unsettling. She causes a chill on the back of the neck, a prickling of hairs. She is not entirely of this world and most people can feel it.


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Jeannette began her life as an impoverished noble girl sent to learn the courtly graces from the Hungarian Countess Bathory. The Countess was a cruel and sadistic individual, decadent in her tastes, and enjoyed making sport of the lives and suffering of those around her. She took a particularly liking to Jeannette and, forcing her to witness all the atrocities she visited upon her victims, always told Jeannette that she would 'save her for last'. It is for this reason that she is known to some as the Last Victim.

After the Countess was tried for her crimes, she was sentenced to lifelong imprisonment, with only Jeannette as her caretaker, the two lone nobles of those involved. Painstakingly and with a vicious regularity, Jeannette put ground glass in the Countess' food, ensuring her a very slow and painful death over the course of months. When the Countess died, Jeannette went on to live a mostly decent life as the wife to a very rich nobleman. However, when the Revolution came, her husband sold her out to save his own skin, and she was to be beheaded. She gave her last, most precious possession, her mother's necklace, to the executioner in exchange for a swift death, but was denied even that. Sloppily drunken, and with comedic pantomimes of his hard labor, it took him no less than five strokes to remove her head from her shoulders. After the third blow, out of her mind with torment and sorrow, the girl she'd once been left her body, and she met the banshee.

After a few centuries of existing mostly as a mere monster, Jeannette regained enough of her sanity to take up something resembling a life, even though she's more properly considered undead. Drawn to death and suffering, she's found herself in dark circumstances time and time again, profiting from the suffering of others and, in many ways, becoming very much the creature the Countess made her. She has assembled a small fortune, sufficient enough to open her own casino and to invest in a luxury and pleasures that she never knew as a living being. If only she weren't so damn cold all the time...


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Jeannette projects the image of a decadent hedonist, an uncaring sociopath who lives for pleasure and is amused at the weakness of others. And, to some degree, that's true. She's insouciant and sharp-tongued, playful and wicked, uniquely sadistic. She likes to play games and tends to treat other people as playthings. She has difficulty empathizing with mortals and can feel the distance of her centuries of life between her and others.

Underneath, Jeannette remains traumatized by the events of her mortal life. She's glad she doesn't need to sleep, as closing her eyes often brings the Countess back in her memory. Her vile and brutal death broke her to such a degree that she became an undead incarnation of primal suffering. This hasn't led her to being of good cheer, although she can take certain kinds of pleasure and satisfaction. While she in many ways an evil creature, she feels an affinity for victims of all sorts, especially young women, and can be protective of such at times. She's never quite heroic, but sometimes she is a creature of vengeance more than anything.


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Jeannette has the ability to transform herself into an empowered banshee form. In this body, she resembles the monster she is, with a death's head printed on her features, chalk-white skin, hair that floats of its own accord and eyes clouded over. In her banshee form, she has greater strength and speed than her normal form. As the banshee, her strength increases to around 40 tons, her physical resilience becomes superhuman enough to make her skin bulletproof and her speed doubles to ten times mortal reaction and reflex. She can maintain banshee form for about twelve consecutive hours, less if she uses her powers extensively, after which she will be forced to return to her less formidable form and will not be able to become the Banshee again for another twelve hours.

Jeannette can casually see and hear the spirits of the dead. She can also see the stain of murder and violence on someone's aura. She even smells it, in her own strange way. She finds being around people who have committed evil acts to be intoxicating and a little bit addictive.

In her banshee form, Jeannette is capable of flight through psychokinetic means. She has a top speed of around 200 miles per hour.

The core of her power, Jeannette's banshee scream has an overwhelming psychological and physical impact which tends to leave most living beings quaking. The scream has a physical impact, a sonic blast with a concussive force equivalent to a few sticks of dynamite. The primary effect, however, is empathic. Anyone who hears her scream will be subjected to the horror and pain she suffered at her death, often leaving them weeping, overwhelmed, paralyzed. The weak-minded and the traumatized may be fully broken, left catatonic by the force of her pain. Her power only works on organic beings with the ability to sense and feel, and will not effect inhuman creatures such as robots, golems, or certain types of aliens.


Jeannette exists as an undead creature, a mingling of flesh and supernatural energy. As such, she is immortal and undying. She does not age, need to eat, breathe or even sleep (although she does on occasion simply for the pleasure of it). In her base form, she possesses superhuman physicality, enabling her to lift/press around ten tons and possessing five times the reaction speed of a mortal human. She can withstand great injury and will regenerate quickly, broken bones or extensive internal injuries re-sealing themselves in a matter of hours. While she will not expire, she can still be debilitated and taken out of action by severe injury. She can regenerate lost limbs, but only with a significant amount of time (a finger in about a week, a hand in ~three weeks, an arm in ~two months, etc.), the length of time extended based on just how many injuries and of what severity she's attempting to regenerate at any given time.


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Jeannette has been running various dens of sin for the last few hundred years. She knows how to maintain a business, especially an illicit one, manage her money and manage employees. She is extremely shrewd in her own way and can be difficult to deal with in negotiations (or arguments).

Jeannette knows how to use people. She can read others with great skill and learned at the feet of a master in Countess Bathory in how to get what she wants. She's able to lie and deceive with great ease. She has foresight and planning skill that allows her to pull peoples strings and trick them into doing her bidding without anything so complex as mind control.


Jeannette is more than capable of hurting people with her bare hands. She knows how to use her physical strength to her advantage, can throw a few punches if required. Her love of violence is such that sometimes it can actually be hard for her to stop.


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Jeannette has lived for a very long time. She has seen the world come and go and is as jaded and cynical as they come. Her lifetimes of experience have made her wise, patient and savvy to the world and often give her an advantage when dealing with mere mortals.

Jeannette currently is the owner of a Bludhaven casino and hotel known as the Nocturne. Nocturne has a rather Gothic/Victorian theme and the decor generally is suited entirely to her taste. The business of sin is always good. The building itself is massive, with over a hundred rooms and a large casino, numerous works of art and a massive private area reserved for Jeannette's personal use.


Jeannette has assembled a large fortune in her many years of (un)life. In various accounts and hidden caches, liquid and gold alike, she has a personal wealth of approximately one hundred million dollars. She owns the Nocturne casino, as well as residences in New York, Las Vegas, and Paris.


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Jeannette is drawn to death and violence. She finds the presence of those with such stains on them to be intoxicating, addictive, almost entrancing. There are definitely a few strong downsides to being drawn like a moth to the flame of the psychotic, the murderous and the cruel.

Jeannette's touch can be extremely cold and notably inhuman. People tend to notice if they spend too much time around her. Her unearthly aura makes the hairs stand up on the back of people's necks. While this can be useful and intimidating, people are usually on their guard around her. She makes them uneasy.

Jeannette is a supernatural creature and, like all such, there is lore and magic surrounding her. There are spells to control banshees, banish them, harm them, and contain them. Enchanted or magical weapons (including the fangs and claws of the monstrous, a magical sword such as the Ebony Blade or Soultaker, or Asgardian weaponry) will harm her as if she were mortal, including potentially extinguishing her for good. She will still regenerate such wounds, but only at about half-to-a-quarter of the regular rate and she can presumably be killed as a result.

Banshee are born of suffering. The pain that Jeannette inflicts on others is, first and foremost, her own. She can become lost in ennui and numbness, can disassociate and generally suffers from rather severe post-traumatic stress. Being horribly executed will do that to a soul.


Jeannette's banshee scream only works on those who can hear it. Deaf people will not be affected by it, and those with their hearing blocked through noise-canceling headphones or earplugs will suffer far less reaction than those of a hearing individual. If she is silenced or incapacitated in such a way that makes it impossible for her to use her vocal chords, she won't be able to use the power. She cannot use the scream to affect inorganic beings, such as robots, golems, and others that are incapable of feeling physical/emotional/mental pain. Demons and spirits, who are accustomed to torment, are often less affected, though it varies in degree depending on the individual case. However, the more human they are, the stronger their empathy, the more intensely they will be affected, the more lethal the effects.


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The Demon You Know October 13th, 2018 Jason Blood introduces Jeannette to Derek Khanata and Hellboy.


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