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Latest revision as of 04:02, 17 October 2018

Turn and Face The Strange
Date of Scene: 16 October 2018
Location: Unknown
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: Phoenix, Doctor Strange
Tinyplot: Astral Flux

Phoenix has posed:
Ever since she woke up to her room set on fire, and just barely stopping it from spreading to consume the entire Mansion, Jean Grey had exiled herself from the Xavier School. Very far away in fact, all the way to Antarctica, where she wouldn't harm anyone should the Shadow King come to control her once again.

At the moment she was floating above the icy ground, focused in a form of meditation, a fiery aura engulfing her body, potentially being reason enough to why she's not frozen to death quite yet.

Doctor Strange has posed:
    There's a tug of Jean's hair in a direction that she wouldn't have felt before in her time down here on the Southern pole. A wind, a rushing motion as the atmosphere has a drastic change, and for that matter, the light is a little different. There's also a second mind in the tundra, several minds in fact.

    "Ahem." Says the only person there with Jean before all those other minds are simply cut off from the telepath and only the new one remains. "Doctor Grey?" Asks a deep calm voice, Stephen standing on the snow and ice with what appear to be thin shoes and monk like clothes under a red cloak.

Phoenix has posed:
Jean is quite aware of such oddities in sensation, and she slowly turns to face the 'pull' she senses, before more minds suddenly appear out of nowhere and she looks alarmed.

Gently she sets her feet on the ground, and turns to look Stephen who is now there, where he wasn't before. "Jean Grey," she offers with a smile, "let me guess...you would be the one called Strange?" She heard that she should meet with him, didn't expect him to come see her, but that manner of arrival? Strange seems to be a fitting name indeed.

Doctor Strange has posed:
    Standing with his arms bent at the elbows and his fingers twisted and contorted in various positions, the wizard lowers his hands and clears the air of his teleportation spell. "I've been called that yes, and not only because it is my name." Doctor Strange reports as he takes in a deep breath of the cold air, the sensation sending his mind back to the days just before he learned of and how to use magic, before he met his late master.

    A shake of his head to clear his thoughts, "I am Doctor Strange, and I have been lead to believe I need to speak with you in regards to our current dilemma. Tell me what you can of this astral business."

Phoenix has posed:
"The fact it's your name makes me feel better about making that guess, I heard about you, I guess it's a pleasure to finally meet. You make quite an entrance!" Jean offers with a smile for once, it is clear from the manner of his arrival alone that Strange is every bit as special as she heard. It's also clear he would be of great help. Hopefully.

"Likewise, I trust you mean the Astral Plane and the rude takeover it's experiencing at the hands of the Shadow King, and whatever device is empowering him into such incoceivable feats..."

Jean than pauses, "is anything of what I just said makes any sense?" Just because he's Doctor Strange, doesn't necessarily mean he is fully familiar with the Astral Plane, the Shadow King, or anything else in play.

Doctor Strange has posed:
    "It in fact does." Stephen says, lifting his left hand to brush the bottom strands of his goatee as he ponders the name Jean spoke. His legs lift up off the ground instinctually and he takes the famed 'lotus' position, where he basically sits cross legged and yet his head stays at the same level. Stephen is floating in meditation.

    Stephen is going back into time, into his own memory. His mouth moves with unspoken words, 'Shadow King' 'Shadow King' over and over and over and then he speaks aloud. "It seems we each had a piece of the puzzle. I did not know his name after we met and spoke directly in the Astral Plane, but I do believe I know what device he is using though the 'how' eludes me still." Stephen's left eye snaps open and he looks back to Jean, "I feel he is using a shard of infinity itself."

Phoenix has posed:
"So you know what the Astral Plane is, you know it's ailing, and you know of the Shadow King? That's...beyond impressive, nobody been understanding me for a while now...and sadly Professor Xavier been indisposed." Jean seems quite concerned, as she notes, "I tried to venture to the Astral Plane using Cerebro...an amplifier if you will, and he still was able to cast me out. The power the Shadow King wields is beyond all reason."

Jean looks a bit stunned at the mention of shard of infinity, she has zero comprehension of what it means, and yet something inside her rages at the prospect of such a thing. She can feel the anger rising, and yet it is inexplicable. Strange may not be aware of any of it, though the fiery aura surrounding Jean flares for a moment, forming an allusion to the spreading wings of a raptor around her.

"He made mention of a ring...or wearing my mind as a ring if I cross him, when I last spoke to him face to face...while I'm not sure how or if it can be done, he certainly has more power than he should. Than anyone should."

Jean shakes her head and murmurs, "there are strict rules to the Astral Plane, overpowering all minds to affect them...I can believe it has to do with infinite power..."

Doctor Strange has posed:
    Stephen's right eye joins his left as Jean unfurls her firey wings and blinks a couple times as he drops his feet back down to the ground, and prepares to cast a spell should he need to defend himself and yet he doesn't, he shows a lot of restraint. "I don't understand the ring reference, but what I am certain is, he has some, connection, or bridge to our dimension. That is if my theory is correct." The wizard notes, "I know the infinity pieces are based out of our own dimension and not any of the other pocket dimensions or other planes." Stephen says, looking closer at Jean, trying to figure out that fire thing as well. She is an odd and special girl, much like Charles had mentioned before.

Phoenix has posed:
Jean seems to observe Stephen's own oddities the same he observes her fiery display, one which she doesn't seem to be entirely aware of while lost in worrisome thoughts of her own. It is a most dangerous affliction they are dealing with, affecting all telepaths at the very least, and then there are those who aren't...yet still seem affected. This is a threat that needs dealing with as soon as possible.

"Neither do I, but I do understand his powers are not just his own considerable ones...he is being tremendously amplified, and it may well be this shard of infinity you mentioned...what do you know of this shard, as far as capabilities and limitations go?"

"What I can say, is that my mentor, Charles Xavier has defeated him before..., and that I do believe there has to be a physical source to this...'infinity'?"

Doctor Strange has posed:
    "There is, it's a small stone, easily fits in one's palm, and it has, for lack of a better word, an infinite influence upon the wielder's mental powers. It's name is no exaggeration." Stephen says with a serious face and tone, though he does cant his head at the mention of Charles once more. "That would be an enormous advantage, do you have a way to speak with Charles, or is there some connecting reason he's busy and you are across the world in some solitary seclusion?" Stephen asks, trying to find a way to get something done.

Phoenix has posed:
Jean furrows her brow in great concern as Strange explains more precisely the nature of this 'infinity shard', which makes it all the more frightening.

"So that's how he overrules all other minds in the Astral Plane, and changes its very laws...it's not that he truly can, but he can force others to perceive it as such...we need to severe him from that shard." On that last conclusion, Jean's voice sounded a bit strange, compared to how she spoke to this point, much more decisive conviction. It was rather an assertion than a suggestion.

"I'm not sure what happened to Charles, or if the Shadow King got to him somehow, but I've had no contact with him for a few weeks." Jean easily answers the first part, but when it comes to the second, she lowers her head and winces, "when I ventured into the Astral Plane, the Shadow King took over my physical body, and made me burn my own room. I just barely managed to stop the entire Xavier School from burning...I choose to exile myself away from populated areas, so I pose no risk to anyone..."

Doctor Strange has posed:
    "I agree with you, we must remove whatever is amplifying the Shadow King from his grasp, however, not being a natural telepath myself, makes tracking something like that a little, more difficult in my case." Strange says, and then his head turns, "The time will come when your help will be required, and you can't allow the fear of possibility to hamper you from doing what is right." Stephen says with a glance back to Jean. "But I have work to do. It was interesting finally meeting you Doctor Grey." Stephen says before he opens another portal back into the Sanctum Sanctorum, the well of New York minds spilling out into the tundra like a broken fire hydrant as Stephen walks through his portal and shuts it without a glance back.

Phoenix has posed:
Jean nods at the accord she's made with Doctor Strange, feeling a bit embarrassed as she gets a subtle scolding, reminding her that perhaps just standing aside for fear of hurting others is exactly what the Shadow King wants from her. Xavier beat him before by facing him direct, not shying away. She should have known better.

"You're right...you're absolutely right," Jean admits sheepishly to Strange as he departs, and as she looks at the portal open and close, she realizes what were the many minds that appeared and disappeared moments ago. "A pleasure to have met you, Doctor Strange."

It probably was a good time to end her exile, no matter the cost.