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Latest revision as of 06:02, 22 October 2018

The Whiching Hour
Date of Scene: 12 September 2018
Location: Triskelion, New York City
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: Darcy Lewis, Derek Khanata

Darcy Lewis has posed:
4AM - SHIELD HQ New York City aka The Triskelion

Seriously? Four... A.M. As in four int he morning? before sunrise? Like, most reasonable people are still sleeping and the party animals are just now falling asleep? That 4AM?

Darcy is unhappy about it being four. in. the. morning.

When she'd gotten the notice in her email a mere 12 hours ago, she had thought it a joke. Some light digging around made it clear that no, it was most assuredly not a joke and that was expected to report, dressed and ready for a day at the office, at exactly 4AM.

There was more than a little bitching, but report she has. Hair pinned up, make up in place, Darcy sips at a cup of coffee, as she reads Facebook statuses on her phone, SHIELD tablet tucked under an arm. It's got a graphic queued up that reads 'D Khanata', but that's obscurred by her body. Oh well.

Derek Khanata has posed:
Striding into the SHIELD food court, looking unnaturally together at this ungodly hour is Derek Khanata, wearing a pressed, tightly-fitted suit and carrying a suitcase, the heels of his leather shoes clicking as he makes a beeline directly towards Darcy. Damn, he even had time to shave.

As he approaches, he extends a hand, "Ms. Lewis, I presume?" His tone is jovial, if professional, but there is something probing in his eyes as he assesses the young woman.

Darcy Lewis has posed:
Caught mid-sip, the woman's green-eyes flit up from her phone's screen, and catch sight of the blurred visage that said her name. She swallows her sip as she lifts her chin, getting her corrective lenses back over her eyes. THe name comes into focus. Darcy runs off the screen on her phone and shoves it into her bra.

"That's me. Can I help you?"

Did she NOT review the file attached to the 'mission'briefing? Probably not. Because Darcy.

Derek Khanata has posed:
"Thank you for meeting me with me this morning, Agent Lewis. Shall we walk and talk?" Khanata grips Darcy's hand and gives two quick pumps, his expression landing somewhere between a curt smile and a grimace. He pauses only momentarily to wait for her to join him, brusquely walking towards the requisitions department.

As they leave the food court, however, Khanata's pace begins to slow. "I'm afraid there have been a number of renovations in the last two years, and I'm not as familiar with this place as I once was. Perhaps you should take the lead?"

Darcy Lewis has posed:
Oh... shit. This is- "Mr Khanata." Darcy's brain is totally awake, I swear. She offers a hand quickly, then resuces her tablet to lead the way.

"Oh, yeah. Sure. No prob. Yeah. Renonvations. Those happen when things explode," she quips, walking easily at his side, the top of her head brushing closer to six feet than to five. Her long slacks mask the fact that the height is being accomplished by platform stilettos.

"I think I saw that you're from overseas somewhere. How was your flight?"

Derek Khanata has posed:
As Khanata and Lewis make their way down the corridor, crowded even this early in the morning, they pass by an agent who pauses in mid-stride, clearly recognizing Khanata. The agent hesitates, uncertain, before turning his gaze to the floor and moving quickly away from the two of them.

Khanata, if he recognizes this, gives no outward indication. "Hmm, yes, explosions. Some things never change at SHIELD, it seems."

"The flight was long, of course, but restful. It's about, oh," Khanata checks his watch, "11 AM in Nairobi right now, so about midday for me. I appreciate your meeting with me at such an early hour."

Darcy Lewis has posed:
A keen eye for social interaction, Darcy notes how the agent reacts to Khanata, before looking over the man himself one more time. She spies nothing unusual and so just files it away for later.

"Yeah. I guess I pissed someone off and they figured making me pull an all nighter in the middle of the week was a great idea. Joke's on them, because I can totally shuffle their requistion to the bottom of the pile. My fucks are still asleep."

Derek Khanata has posed:
Khanata smiles ruefully, "I'm afraid that you'll be shuffling my requisitions to the bottom of the pile then, Agent Lewis. Don't worry, though, I'm well-accustomed to it--Africa is no one's top priority."

Darcy Lewis has posed:
Darcy had been sipping her coffee again when Derek quips about her shuffling his requests and she turns to quirk a brow directly at him.

Eyebrow set to stun, Captain! We are appraching Beta-Alpha 6.

"You requested me? ...wow... Did I get a shipment of paperclips out late to you?"

Derek Khanata has posed:
Derek Khanata's smile takes a mischievous cast as they continue through the labyrinthine corridors of the Triskelion. While keeping his gaze set forward, he responds, "Hardly, Agent Lewis. I had the time to review your service record while preparing for my return. It made for ... interesting reading, and I had hoped to make your acquaintance."

Finally, the two of them arrive at SHIELD Logistics Command. Khanata looks almost wistful as he scans the scene, "Ah, here we are. You know, Agent, I started in logistics myself. I am fully aware of how critical a role your department plays here--and how well-informed you all tend to be."

Darcy Lewis has posed:
"You shittin' me?" Darcy asks, giving the new-to-her agent whose file she absolutely didn't read because she didn't want to and it was just an escourt the payload sort of thing with no aggro expected.

"Yeah.. I'll bet it was interesting," she says, a smirk growing as she lets him into Her Logistics Command Center. Yes, hers. When she got enough know-how of the building and who does what, she basically just took over and didnt' really wait for them to ask her about it. She smack talked to get the supply train streamlined and now Darcy has her very own small army of level less than her own minions to make deliveries for her.

"WElcome back, Khan. CanI call you Khan? It'll make me happy. Anyway. Welcome back. Touch my filing system and I'll submit for your return to Timbuktu or wherever."

Derek Khanata has posed:
Derek Khanata's smile sours at the crack about Timbuktu, an eyebrow quirking as he turns his gaze on Darcy, "I would prefer Agent Khanata, Derek if you must."

"Now," he says he as turns away, navigating deftly through the supply corridors, clearly at home here (and certainly not requiring any sort of escort), "I believe that the basic supply kits should be about--" Khanata pauses, scanning the shelves with squinted eyes, "I see that you have made some changes, Agent Lewis." He smiles somewhat sheepishly, "Please, lead on."

As Khanata falls behind Lewis, he asks noncommittally, "What else has changed here in the last two years, both in Logistics and," he gestures vaguely, "the agency as a whole?"

Darcy Lewis has posed:
That got under his skin, Darcy notes, her faint smirk smoothing into a gentle smile. She was joking. Mostly.

"Oh. well, then, Darcy or Darce or Sass or Her Royal Majesty the Queen of all Tazers or Hey you with the tits," Darcy completes the formally informal introductions, her eyes dancing with amusement as she waits to see hwo he'll take that one. She follows him now, watching him navigate with confidence and then getting confused.

"Yeah. Just a few things. Stream lined supplies by what gets requested together so work flow is optimal. I didn't go to school for that shit, but the way plasma flows out of solar ejection events and herding Schodinger's cat-like physists gave me some inspiration," Darcy explains, like that really -does- explain everything. Told to take the lead again, she does so, escourting him through to the heart of the MOSS Department.

Medical, Office, and Support Supplies.

"Well, in Logistics... we're consolidating thigns, trying to stay a step ahead of HYDRA so they don't end up cracking into a stoage unit they shouldn't. Unless we want them to. Whole other department. I just set that shit up.

"The agency? Hmm..." Darcy pauses by her work station. The tablet is set upon it as is her coffee cup.

"Fury still only has one eye. Someone thought it'd be a good idea to teach me to fly a quinjet... So basically, hell-handbasket."

Derek Khanata has posed:
Derek Khanata coughs politely at Darcy's crude comment, "Darcy will suffice, I suspect." He pauses, and when he speaks again, it is with a rare conviviality, "It's good to see that they're still 'keeping it real' at MOSS."

Then, Khanata's good-natured tone is replaced by the stiffer, more business-like attitude that he had previously displayed, "What was that about a storage unit, exactly?"

Darcy Lewis has posed:
"You're welcome to," Darcy quips, smirking as Derek coughs as politely as he can manage.

"Yeah. We grow on you... It's almost like we're related to fungi," she quips before his turn does a 180 on her. It almost gives her whiplash.

"Exactly? I don't know. Details are clearance locked," she replies with the roll of her shoulders and a carefree sort of mischevious grin.