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Latest revision as of 06:35, 22 October 2018

Its Called a Library
Date of Scene: 17 October 2018
Location: Themysciran Embassy
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: Wonder Woman, Thor, Doctor Strange

Wonder Woman has posed:
The Themysciran Embassy is quiet this afternoon. Diana is outside of it, in the back in fact, the back yard is fenced in from the street by a brick wall and a black iron gate. She had been holding a meeting this afternoon and was now finishing it up by escorting her guests to the parking area off of the back yard. One of her assistants is walking toward the gate to key it open while she's making final conversations with the individuals near their black sedan.

The Princess is dressed in a deep blue blazer and matching skirt, her hair is tied back into a braided ponytail that lays down behind her shoulders.

Its a very casual setting, quiet and serene at least for the time being, with the trees in the backyard starting to turn the shades of autumnal colors and the air is cool but not cold.

Thor has posed:
    It is not all thunder and riotous pomp when Thor arrives. Certainly there are times when he crashes onto the scene with a cascading wash of lightning heralded by its thunder, but he is capable of subtlety at times when the situation calls for it. Such as when he arrives at that embassy with little to no fanfare, work boots hitting the ground with a thump as he drops from the sky and his hammer seeming to slow his descent as if he were a nanny from London.
    Garbed in jeans and brown boots, and warmed by a red hoodie that is zipped all the way up, the Thunderer turns to level his one-eyed gaze upon one of those assistants, perhaps the first one to meet his gaze as he offers. "I bid you greetings. I am Thor, Son of Odin, and I would have words with thine mistress."
    As if that was all that was needed he turns away, shifting his attention to the group of people towards the parking lot, perhaps eyeing the form of Diana Prince who might be the woman he seeks but in such normal dress might well not be as well.

Wonder Woman has posed:
Diana was well aware of Thor's arrival. One thing unknown about her is just how attuned her senses are, her sense of hearing and smell in particular. Many people out there will try to take evidence of her displayed strength and durability to create scales for super heroes to be placed on and she generally is at the top of these, but debates are often held (mostly online by nerds) about how well her less easily gaged senses truly are. After she completes her conversation with the guests she turns as their car pulls back out of the drive and she places her eyes onto Thor and starts to walk toward him with a reserved smile on her crimson red lips. "Hello." She tells the God of Thunder. "What brings you floating into my home on this day, Mister Poppins?" She asks, Mary Poppins being one of her favorite pieces of classic cinema. The other few people in the yard, Diana's assist and two Amazonian Warriors standing near to the Embassy's entrance also all have their eyes upon Thor.

Thor has posed:
    "Ill tidings, Princess of the Amazons." His voice is strong, filled with such a rumble and that broad-voweled accent, even as he gestures to the side with one hand all the while placing Mjolnir upon his hip where it hangs from its leather strap. He turns and starts to walk with her, falling into step at her side as if it were natural even as he offers a smile to the warriors standing guard.
    Back to her, "It had been decided that the Avengers should let you and yours know of what has passed so that should a shared undertaking be needed that we shall be ready for such." As he says that he pauses and a knot forms between his eyebrows. He looks up, around, then back to her.
    "Where would be suitable for us to speak? I do not believe it to be overly clandestine yet I have misjudged such things before."

Wonder Woman has posed:
Diana walks with Thor and she angles their direction toward the doorway inside. Its up a small set of stone steps and then through the open doorways. As they pass inside the guards come indoors as well. Diana looks over to Thor. "I have heard about your home. I hope that all is well." She starts, and motions toward a side hallway that leads them toward a set of double doors. Diana moves to open one of them and then steps inside. They're now inside a library within the building. "Doctor Strange came by here, and he was... cryptic as ever with the visit. I am unsure of whether my assistance aided him, or did nothing to make matters better." She looks back to Thor as they walk together. "I hope all is well... as can be, however."

Doctor Strange has posed:
    "I am only cryptic when the situation requires a certain decorum." The wizard says, appearing as he steps out from behind a shelf and with his yellow gloves he turns the page of the book he's holding and looks up. "Ah, Thor, I didn't expect you to be here either, but this is wonderful timing." The wizard notes as he shuts his book with one hand and sets it under his arm.

    Stephen steps closer to the gods and looks between the two for a brief moment. "Shall we get to business?" He asks.

Thor has posed:
    Ascending, the Asgardian offers a nod while he walks down the hallway. He steps around a side table, mindful of his hammer's sway while he moves, but spares a nod to her, though seemingly somewhat puzzled at first. "What?"
    Then he shakes his head, "Ah, New Asgard fares well. The reconstruction goes well. Yet I do not speak of matters pertaining to them save at least... not specifically. For in truth this affects us all. Ultimately."
    He lifts a hand to offer a small wave to another Amazon as they walk by, giving greetings as is his way, but he continues along the stream of thought granted by Diana. "Of late there have been incidents of crowds being mentally subsumed. People who have lost their identity due to the efforts of a foul being who has gained control of a powerful artifact."
    Once they move further inside he seems more free with his words as he lays it all out without hedging. "A creature that calls himself the Shadow King..."
    Of course that is the moment when Dr. Strange appears there even as they enter that library with their steady advance. "Ah, Strange. I was telling Diana of the Shadow King and what is to be done. Though I have not spoken to her of Infinity Stones."

Wonder Woman has posed:
The Amazon Warrior sees the gesture from Thor and she seems to only respond to it by judging him with a harsher glare. But the other beside her just gets a big smile on her face and seems, oddly smitten... different tastes amongst the Amazon people after all!

"Not that home." Diana replies to Thor with a slight smile. "The Avengers Mansion, I have not had time to inquire about it. I had meant to seek out Mister Stark, but I have not wanted to be a bother and I assumed that if my aide was needed it would be sought ou--" Diana cuts herself off then as Strange arrives from suddenly behind one of the book shelves.

She's given up on trying to predict the Sorcerer Supreme, so she simply nods her head once to him. "You are back." She says to him. "It is good to see you, Stephen. Do you know..." She glances between the two of them. "Of this, Shadow... King?" She seems confused by this name, a name she's not heard of before.

Doctor Strange has posed:
    "I do in fact, but he didn't call himself that to me when I spoke to him." Stephen responds to Diana's question first before he looks to Thor and cants his head a bit as he thinks of the ramifications, "I have not told many people of the Stones, but it is a relief you know of them at least." The wizard says with a thick leather glove reaching out to invite Thor to speak what he knows. "I don't trust many in this world Thor, but I do not expect Diana here to become ensared by the promise of the stone's powers."

Thor has posed:
    Nodding in response to Strange, Thor then turns his attention back towards Diana and seems to take a moment to gather his thoughts... before embarking upon his explanation. "I know little of this Shadow King, save that he is an individual with gifted mental abilities. Yet what has made him worthy of our efforts and focus is that he has somehow been able to gain control of one of the Infinity Stones."
    A glance is spared towards Dr. Strange as if to see whether or not he would step in there, but barring an objection he continues... only after taking a few steps around the library and pausing to stand beside a chair. Not taking the seat, at least not yet, he continues. "The Infinity Stones are perhaps the oldest artifacts in existence. To some they are what some creator being used in its efforts to bring the Universe forth. To others they are what was left over from the initial act of creation of our universe. But whatever they are, none can deny their power."
    He rests a hand on the back of a chair and goes on, "There are six of them, each in control of an aspect of existence. Very few beings can survive contact with any one such artifact, let alone make use of it. But for those that can then immense power is theirs. They can control the flow of time, or the nature of reality, or even your very soul." He stops there, perhaps feeling that to state further might simply be allowing himself to rant. So instead he draws short and says, "We feel this Shadow King has what is known as the Mind gem and it has allowed him to do considerable harm to many people."

Wonder Woman has posed:
Both of them are regarded by the Princess who stands there with her left hand clutched by the wrist in her right, held in front of her lap. The story of this Shadow King and the Infinity Stones leaves a rather solemn expression on her artfully crafted face, she seems to be mulling it all over internally but there's a hint of displeasure... for obvious reasons.

"How do we find him then?" She asks finally after a lingering silence in the air post what Thor had said. "And how do we take the Stone back from him?" She asks further. "A creature that would use such an artifact for its own personal benefit is a creature that must be stopped as swiftly, and as efficiently as we can all muster. Because an intent, such as that, indicates that he... likely has little interest in doing anything but foul deeds."

It would seem that the Princess of Paradise Island had already deemed this Shadow King worthy of execution? She does that rather quickly sometimes, when she catches wind of a potential foe who's morals are so far down that she immediately sees no option but to remove the creature's head from its shoulders, or whatever comes closest to that result.

Doctor Strange has posed:
    "Well summed up Thor." Stephen replies and looks back to Diana, "Well, removing the stone from his possession is the hard part. The Shadow King is not in our realm, but the stone is." The wizard takes a slow and deep breath, "And I'm having trouble actually locating the stone. Which in and of itself is an incredibly dangerous task." Then Stephen moves closer to the two and looks at Thor, then Diana, and then Thor once more, "I have in my possesion one of the stones. In fact as the Sorcerer Supreme I am charged with protecting it with my life."

Thor has posed:
    Folding his arms over his broad chest, Thor stands there looking displeased as he considers that which they face. "When the time comes we will have to move quickly." He shifts his weight to the other boot when Strange speaks, looking on the man calmly and then nodding once.
    "That is another aspect to be mindful of, Strange. The sages of my people have told me that in the past... when a being has gained control of one of these stones and held ill intent, that there is often the temptation to seek out the others for apparently there is a... synergy between them."
    Shaking his head he turns back to look between him and Diana. "So we may be in a situation where we must marshal our forces on a moment's notice and will have a small window in which to act."
    His regard returns to Dr. Strange, "So if you hold one of these stones, Strange... then perhaps it may be best for you to be held in reserve in case matters take a turn. It is not beyond the realm of possibility that he might in essence seek to lure you out."

Wonder Woman has posed:
All of this is taken in as well, but its Stephen's words about having another one of the mystical Stones that keeps Diana's eyes on the Sorcerer. "Some how... I am not surprised." She comments before giving a glance to Thor as he makes his suggestions and she then nods softly once before looking once more to Stephen.

"We all know that your ability to protect yourself is... impressively capable, Doctor. But if these artifacts are as dangerous as they sound, then keeping them far away from one another sounds like a wise choice to make. This, I am sure, you are well aware of though." She looks between the two of them then.

"Should we recover the stone that this monster possesses, I offer Themyscira as a place to conceal it from others. We hold many powerful artifacts there already under the protection of our warriors. We could safe guard one of these as well." That was certainly something her mother would have to sign off on, but Diana believes it would be a fairly easy thing to convince the Queen of.

Doctor Strange has posed:
    "Diana, I appreciate the offer, but that's not far enough. It's in another dimension yes, but it is still tied to earth, as was old Asgard. The mind stone needs to be moved even further away. There might be someone I know who to give it to if we can get it." Stephen interjects, and clears his throat from a bit of stale air.

    "As Thor said, the stones want to be brought together, but I have guarded myself from the pull of the piece I possess." Strange takes another breath as he thinks about actually saying it, "I will need help to find it but trusting with this level of power, is impossible."

Thor has posed:
    Nodding towards Strange and agreeing with him, Thor seems lost in thought. One brow quirking for a moment, then furrowing as he turns his attention between them, looking from one to the other. "In truth if we acquire the stone from this Shadow King, then it should be hidden far and away. Being on the same planet is entirely too close." He again shifts his weight back to the other boot, frowning all the while. "Or perhaps given to the care of a strong enough faction that can oversee its protection. The Nova Corps, perhaps. Or the Lanterns."
    That having been said he shakes his head, "In any case, that is what I intended to speak with you about, Diana." A nod is given to Strange. "With the doctor here, however, I feel he may be of more use in relating to you what is to be known." Stepping back and away he starts towards the door. "We shall be in touch just make you and yours ready to move. There will be little time to prepare when the battle is before us."

Wonder Woman has posed:
Diana looks between the two men and she nods faintly once. "I understand." She tells them. "It is true that I do not often think on a cosmic level. I rarely feel that anything in space is worthy of my trust, beyond that... if the two of you have an option that you believe in then I support that decision." She tells them as Thor starts to makes his departure. "Thank you for the information, Thor. Please let the Avengers know that I am here to help them should they need it."

Diana then looks back to Stephen and she waits a moment. "How long have you been in my library hiding behind the book shelves?" She asks, mostly just to have a moment of good humor, to make things a little less heavy.

Doctor Strange has posed:
    Looks to the book beneath his hand after giving Thor a wave with his empty hand. The wizard then looks back to Diana, "I wasn't here long, just reading up on the history of your people. I am curious how a city-state-nation thing could actually have an embassy when you aren't allowed to go back and forth freely." The wizard says with a crook of his black eyebrow.