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Latest revision as of 08:21, 23 October 2018

A Night Out
Date of Scene: 20 October 2018
Location: Unknown
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: Lara Croft, Thomas Raith

Lara Croft has posed:
Lara's first night back in the United States for the past 3 weeks. She'd been in Greece this entire time on a dig helping a colleague recover a particularly valuable treasure trove of ancient weaponry. It'd been an enlightening and exhilarating experience (at least for an Archaeologist of her caliber).

Once back in the city, Lara had gotten a text from her friend Samantha to meet her here at this club and so... reluctantly, and after many texts back and forth, Lara relented. She'd stopped at home for a brief moment to change and get ready and now here she is, striding into the club with a black leather jacket on over a dark blue sweater, she has black slacks and black leather shoes on her lower half. Lara's eyes look right to left while she steps into the club and moves toward the bar.

Whilst she walks her eyes roam over the others already present and whatever activity is going on in here tonight on a Friday in NY.

Thomas Raith has posed:
It's the kind of place that well dressed and beautiful people wait hours to get inside. Naturally the bouncer let Lara in immediately. Inside it's more of the same, beautiful people dancing, drinking, enjoying themselves. It's an interesting blend of posh sophistication with an undercurrent that could almost be described as Bacchian. At the bar, a man who could be better described as beautiful rther then handsome smiles at her and nods slightly, "Now I try to make mental note when an exceptionally beautiful woman comes into my club, and I am almost certain I've never seen you in here before."

Lara Croft has posed:
Lara is at an empty chair beside the bar and judging the area around it to decide if she wants to sit or not, her eyes are roaming around the bar and the others seated at it but her left shoulder is back to the man who ends up speaking to her. It causes her to stutter step a moment because when in situations like this, she's a little more out of her element than when she's out in the field or lost in some long forgotten land isolated from modern society... this is where Lara is more uncomfortable.

She hears the man's words and pauses to look back to him, after a second of realization that he'd complimented her she summons up a smile, its a small smile, one that shows she's not that great receiving compliments. "Ah... thank you." Lara says. "I appreciate the kind words." Her voice is laced with a thickly British accent. She takes a moment then before she moves to sit down at the chair beside the bar. "I've not ever come in here before, I'm... not much of a social... butterfly?"

Thomas Raith has posed:
Thomas Raith's smile is slow and easy. "That is a simply beautiful accent. Very melodic." He says, considering. "Well why don't you let me fix you a drink. On the house." He steps behind the bar, not getting even a second glance at the bartender, a gruff looking man wearing an eyepatch. From across the bar he says, "One doesn't have to be a social butterfly to enjoy good music and the company of other people doing the same." He pours some vodka, Southern Comfort, and orange juice and stirs it with some ice before straining it into her glass. "However, if you like I will keep you occupied, at least until your companion arrives." He floats some Sloe Gin over it so that thee heavier liquer bleeds through the dark orange mixture. Finally he tops this with Galliano L'Autentico liqueur and slides it over to her.

Lara Croft has posed:
Lara's hands rest on the bar in front of her and she watches the man move around behind it. "Is that allowed?" She asks, not realizing he's the owner of the place, but she soons comes to realize he must at least work here since he knows where everything is and no one is shooing him away. She shows him a faint smile at his words about her accent. "Thank you." She responds to that with a very soft and quiet voice, barely audible in this lively place in fact.

Her brown eyes watch him put the drink together, she takes a second to look around and take more of the place in before the drink is pushed toward her and she smiles faintly again, reaches a hand out to take it.

"Sam is... often late." She says of her friend, "She's making a movie, so I'm not faulting her for it. I'm sure that is busy work." A sip is taken from the drink then and its set back down. "Thats quite good." She says, looking back to his face. "What is it called?"

Thomas Raith has posed:
Thomas Raith smiles wolfishly, "Well Vodka and orange juice mixed are commonly called a screw driver, where as the Galliano L'Autentico is a key element of a Harvey Wallbanger. It also has Sloe Gin, and Southern Comfort, so you would call this a Slow Comfortable Screw up agienst the the wall." He says with a wicked touch to his voice that almost feels like silk whispering agienst the skin.

Lara Croft has posed:
Lara doesn't know a lot about alcoholic beverages, she's a bit of a health and fitness freak after all. She will drink one here and there, but only ever in moderation and if there's legitimately nothing else she needs to be focusing on in the moment.

His rundown of the drink's name gets a small smile out of the 20-something woman and she faintly nods her head. "Charming names." She says to him. "I'm sure that is... one that a lot of people enjoy." She's been a bookworm her whole life, as a scientist tends to be. "Well thank you, its very good." She raises the glass up for another drink then and she gives another glance around the bar at the other activity going on before she looks back to the man. "Do you work here?" She asks him then, placing the glass back in front of her on a paper coaster.

Thomas Raith has posed:
Thomas Raith comes back around the bar and takes the seat next to her, amused look in his eye, He glances at the Bartender and ask "Yosa, do I work here?" The one-eyed bartender grunts, the noise both unintelligble and saying quite a bit all on it's own. The Younger man chuckles and offers his hand to her. "My name is Thomas Raith, and I actully own the Blue Lady."

Lara Croft has posed:
While Raith comes back around the bar and sits down once more, Lara takes another sip from the drink and listens to him have that exchange with the Bartender, she glances at the one eyed man and then looks back to Thomas. "Oh..." She says that silently, just mouths the word out with her lips and its followed by a pair of soft nods. "Well then. Its... a very lovely place, you should be proud." She glances away again for a second before shelooks back to him. "I'm sure that you are though and you don't need me saying that." The glass is set down once more and then she reaches her hand over to offer it. "I'm Lara, Lara Croft. I don't own a club..." She smirks faintly then. Its possible if Thomas keeps up with movies he'll know that there was a movie out earlier this year ABOUT a woman named Lara Croft, it was based on the events of this very woman's life... it wasn't a well made movie, and Lara herself isn't a very big fan of it. Its a long story how it even ended up getting made!

Thomas Raith has posed:
Thomas Raith takes the woman's hand and, while he doesn't do anything as tacky as kiss it, he strokes it lightly with his thumb. And that touch, the simple gentle touch of his tumb agienst the back of her hand feels somehow... intimate.. passionate... that touch of his thumb feels better then some men can kiss honestly. That said, he doesn't draw the immediate connection to the movie. After all, his /sister/ is named Lara so it's not /that/ unusual of a name. "It is a distinct pleasure to meet you Lara Croft." He says softly, the tone suited for bedrooms.

Lara Croft has posed:
Lara isn't an expert on intimacy. She's in her mid twenties and she's never been in a serious relationship. She had a few meaningless encounters in college and a couple here and there since, but her work is her life. She does, however, smile at the sensation at the somewhat odd man's touch causes but she doesn't openly seem to react to it in any particular way beyond eye contact, a smile and a light nod for him. "Well thank you." She says about his compliment. "I can see why your place is so popular, the line outside was... intimidating, especially since its getting so cold. I was... shocked when a man came down the line and ushered me inside. Thats never happened before." She reaches out to take the glass of the screwdriver and lifts it up for another sip from it. "A pleasant surprise" She says quietly before sipping.

Thomas Raith has posed:
Thomas Raith releases her hand, giving a small signal to Yosa who pours him a drink from behind the bar without a word. "Axe has discression to let in people as he see's fit." It's not hard to guess how the young hispanic man outside came by the moniker 'Axe', despite his suit he was wearing a pair of tomahawks at his side. There aaren't many who try to bully there way past Axe. "That said though, if you give me your friend's name and description, I'll text it to him so he knows to give..Sam was it?.. A simmilar pass. Silly for her to be waiting out there while you wait in here."

Lara Croft has posed:
Lara shows a faint half smile at this and she glances away. "Thats very kind of you." She starts then. "Samantha, yes. And she's, ah... five-five, about a hundred and ten pounds. Black hair... Ah... Asian." Lara glances to Thomas then and shows a light grin. "Is it 'racist' to point that out?" She asks in a soft and hushed tone of voice suggesting that the Brit is afraid of offending someone nearby who might be over-hearing her description of her own best friend. "America is a confusing place when it comes to what offends those here and what doesn't."

She looks back toward the bar then and smiles to the Tender. "You give him the same drink he gave me or is that just something he reserves for those of us who get Axe's approval outside?" She asks, loosening up a little due to the alcohol and clearly making a little joke.

Thomas Raith has posed:
"I've lived here my whole life, and I couldn't agree more. America is a confusing place, and frankly you cannot say hello to some people without risking offending them. However to my knowledge, calling an Asian woman Asian is still acceptable to most." He gives her that warm honeied smile, sending a quick text to Axe "Asian Woman, 5'5", 110. Likely looking for someone not there. Named Samantha. Allow entry, direct to Crush." He smirks a bit at her joke and says, "Oh, I am very perticular about who I give drinks too. I just have to say Axe simply has wonderful taste. That said, would you like to see the VIP lounge? We can talk better there as well as wait for Samantha,"

Lara Croft has posed:
Lara takes another sip while he speaks of America and then relays the rundown on Sam's general appearance before she sets her glass down and then looks back over toward him. "The Very Important Person lounge?" She asks with a soft laugh following her words. She has no reason to say no to it though as it sounds interesting and her curiosity is rather unparalleled. "So long as Sam gets told, I don't want her giving me grief if she were to come here and find me not here. She'd not let me live it down for weeks or longer." Lara then states as she sets her mostly finished glass down now on the edge of the bar.

Thomas Raith has posed:
Thomas Raith nods slightly, "I already told Axe to direct her to Crush." He says playfully as he gestures towards the stairs that lead up to the VIP lounge. And if the 6'8", 320 lbs of solid black muscle, with a shaved head and hands that look like they could do more damage then an average sledge hammer that is standing beside that enterence isn't Crush, he missed his calling. Thomas only nods to the man, smiling. Crush nods back, offering a simple "Sir. Ma'am." And lowers the velvet rope to let the pair pass.