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Latest revision as of 08:29, 23 October 2018

The wizard's reunion
Date of Scene: 21 October 2018
Location: Unknown
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: Doctor Strange, Rogue

Doctor Strange has posed:
    The Sanctum Sanctorum, an old building, a brownstone that's roughly two centuries old, often times it's been wondered if it was built on an old indian ritual stone, and yet, there's not a single cobweb of age anywhere on the exterior bricks. The greenish bricks are weathered and the doors are well used and almost inviting to the passer by, but there's an odd repulsion people get when they look at the building. Like it's such an eyesore that the brain doesn't want to look at it for too long. Not unless you have a need of the good doctor, then the building itself is a sort of 'weirdness' beacon.

    Strange is actually outside of the Sanctum sitting on his bottom with his feet spread apart with his hands hanging down between his knees. He has deep black rings under his bloodshot eyes. The wizard is obviously in a bad way. No one even spares a glance at him, the man's normal dark blue monk garbs are grimy at the hems at the wrists and shoes, he's got some deep blue wetness from around his neck down his chest in a disgusting beard and the sorcerer is looking at nothing before he breaths in with his nose, the sound of his stopped up sinuses fullfilling the illusion that he was awfully ill.

Rogue has posed:
Rogue was out of classes at NYU just a couple blocks over from here, she was going to treat herself today to some ice cream for good performances on her recent schoolwork. She also lives in Greenwich Village now as she's gotten a loft apartment not too far away either... its expensive and its kind of a shit hole, but she's been working on it to fix it up nicer. Thats why she makes those big Avengers bucks after all, right?

The 19 year skates down the sidewalk on the longboard that Strange had bought her a year ago, her hands are in the pockets of her hoodie and her two toned hair is blowing gently in the wind behind her shoulders, she's got a dark charcoal grey cap on her head and it helps keep the hair from crossing over in front of her eyes... somewhat.

As she draws closer to the Sanctum she comes to see him sitting outside... which is very unusual for the Doctor and his home. Rogue steps off of her board and kicks it up into her left hand to hold it against her hip.

"Hey." She says to him, "What happened? They run around cape cleaner?" Her voice would be unmistakeable to most who know her, her accent is pretty unusual around here after all.

Doctor Strange has posed:
    "Ah-A-Anna?" Stephen says, his voice is scratchy and his breath is labored, he looks up at the young woman and gives her a deadpanned expression at her quip like question, even more deadpan than usual because of the illness the man has caught. "Glad to see your sense of humor hasn't changed." The man says his hand lifting up to his face and running his fingers down from the top of his forehead down to above his nose and then lowering his hand once more.

    Strange tilts his head to look up at Rogue, and he turns his head while lifting his other arm to cough into his bent elbow. Then he asks, "How are you doing? I was worried the events of late might have affected you in some negative way." The wizard asks, not sounding great himself.

Rogue has posed:
The Rogue'ish one just stares down at the man who helped her get back on her feet after a very unenchanted first trip to Paris, a trip she'd thought was going to be the best time of her life but certainly hadn't ended up as such.

"Last night?" She asks him, her head tilting a little out of curiosity as she looks at the man. "Why so glum, Chum?" She adds, moving to sit beside him on the steps and to let her board cross over the top of her knees, her gloved hands now resting ontop of it beside each other. She looks to her right at him.

"I mean, I know you're always doin' stuff... fightin' stuff, tryin' t'protect all'a us muggles from the 'powers that be' but, I ain't aware of nothin' havin' happened last night at all." She spares a moment to glance at a couple of people walking past, then she looks back over to the Sorcerer.

Doctor Strange has posed:
    "No-" He counters obviously dreary and at the end of his leash, "Not last night Anna, I mean recently in general. The last week or two. Ever since all those sleep walkers invaded the streets." The doctor asks, turning his head to look at Anna but he leans away from her, his back finding support from the brick framing the small enclave before the doors.

    "I feel this growing sense of fear and worry. Not only from the city itself but a more acute and personal reaction, maybe from the attacks by the forces that would disrupt all life, but from something unseen and unknown as well." The wizard says, his eyes glassing over as he says this and looking back out towards the street, as if looking or beginning to speak to someone or something else, or possibly everything else.

Rogue has posed:
Rogue presses her lips together as she listens to this and lets her green eyes go across the street to stare at the stores over on the other side. "Its been pretty relaxed for me, all things considered." She replies to him. "I mean thats probably a little intentional. Ever since the Avengers place up'n vanished, and... I haven't been by Xavier's. I guess I've kinda isolated myself from some'a the oddness." She glances back over at him and shows him a grin. "Somethin' you might considered doin', Doc." She then raps her fingertips against the top of her skate board's surface in a wave. "Can't ya magic yourself up a nice tropical beach somewhere to just sit back and sip some icey fruity drinks for awhile? You're lookin' totally haggered..."

The teenager reaches a hand up to stroke some of her white hair off of her nose cause it was tickling her dangerous skin there. "That room I used t'have here was able t'do that, it was eff'n amazin'." She then shakes her head and looks away again. "But yeah, most I've done lately is hold up the elevator in my buildin' so the service guys could safely replace some stuff. They were cute... and totally impressed." She grins with self satisfaction then.

Doctor Strange has posed:
    "I'm not going to tell you to be careful Anna, because you already know what you need to do, but because I couldn't think of a worse curse for someone your age and as beautiful as you are." The wizard gets out as he glances back to Rogue with a sickly sad sort of smile before he clears his throat, and looks back to his own scared and bent fingers and hands. "By the Vishanti I could use a good night's rest, but also, by the Vishanti I can't."

    Stephen then curls his hands into fists and then loosens them with a slow pop from his knuckle, Strange is taking a long time to gather his thoughts and he's having a hard time forcing those thoughts into words, "I'm beginning to hear a call Anna-Marie."

Rogue has posed:
Rogue leanas her head over so she can lay it down ontop of his shoulder after he compliments her looks like that. She flashes a smile all big and bright. "This is why I don't let others tell me that a creepy weirdo lives here and that I should stay away from this place." Thats the effect that the wards on this house will have on people who're weirded out by a house so much that they want to stay away from it. She raises her head up again then and looks back over at him. "Even if I know its all true." She flashes a wicked grin then before she looks down at her hands on her board. "I don't know who this Vishanit person is you always are goin' on about, but I think they need t'lighten up and let ya have a bit'a rest. I mean, you're supposed t'be savin' us from the mystic threats t'this world, but that... ain't gonna happen if you're so god damned tired that you're stuck out here on the street practically bawlin' onta your loafers." She glances over at his shoes then asks. "What call are you hearin'?"

Doctor Strange has posed:
    "The Vishanti are three of the elder gods from the first days of the Earth. They are one of the sources of magic in our world. They made this-" Stephen says with a motion towards his amulet. Then a motion with his chin towards the door. "And most of the artifacts inside of the sanctum. They in fact empower and created the idea of the sorcerer supreme." The Sorcerer Supreme says with a lifted eyebrow. They're techinically his boss.

    Stephen takes a deep breath before he answers the question, "It's the same call my master had before passing on to the next plane of existence, I am being asked to 'ascend' into the next life. Or I am being groomed for it."

Rogue has posed:
The young college student listens to him like he were one of her teachers, she glances at the amulet, then back at the Sanctum behind them, then back to him as he says the rest. She softly nods about the Vishanti, but she doesn't have a lot to say about that because it sounds very religious-y and religion generally weirds her out... blame her childhood. The last part though, it just makes her scowl with distaste and disapproval on her face.

"Nuh uh." She says then with a shake of her head. "I'm not lettin' you go anywhere, this place needs ya. I need ya. Right where you are. I mean who'd even replace ya? All the stuff you do, you're the best. Ain't nobody around here can do it or pull it off. All the knowledge and junk ya got up in that head'a yours... I can't even figure out how to program the clock on my microwave and I got the instruction manual right in front'a me when I'm tryin' t'do it!" She sits up straighter and draws in a deep breath.

"So tell'em to screw off." Another hand comes to stroke hair out of her face, Rogue looks away again then and sighs. "Every time I start'ta get used t'havin' someone t'rely on around me, they up'n leave."

Doctor Strange has posed:
    "That's not really an option Anna. Either I take the next step of the sorcerer supreme and become one with the universe, or I rebuke them and I get revoked. The job isn't about how good you are, the job is who is the best?" Strange says smartly and he rubs at one of his eyes, the sleep ring remains and his blood shot eyes linger on Rogue, "If it comes to that, I'll simply step down. I have too much work to do, plus who else is going to pay for your school? Tony? Psh." He laughs at himself.

Rogue has posed:
Rogue looks back over at him then and she narrows her eyes at him. "I'm paying for it!" She says back at the Doctor. "I mean... yeah, its Tony's money, but I work for him, ya know? I smash what he tells me t'smash. Though, lately that hasn't been a lot. But still! I'm just a phone call away... from him and you. But I mean--" She cuts herself off and turns to face him on the steps, then motions back at the building with her right hand. "You ARE the best at this crap." She says very eloquently. "Who the hell is better than you at it all? Nobody!" That she knows of. "I saw that other wizard you had in here a month or so ago... with that girl, Molly. She's nice, but he seemed like a homeless man!" Then again, Stephen kinda looks like one now too. Rogue's facial features flex a litlte as she narrows her eyes, then relaxes a couple times. "Look, I get it. I don't see the 'whole picture' or know even half'a what you know. But this all seems weirder than usual t'me."

Doctor Strange has posed:
    "It's just what happens but while I have breath left to draw, I'm going to keep helping people." Stephen says, invigorated a sliver by Rogue's words. He pushes himself off the wall and is sitting up again, then draws his hands down to his knees and pushes himself off the step and turns to look back down at Rogue, "And I'm going to do what I started doing a year ago. I'm going to find you your help." Stephen says with a smirk washing over his face, even through the tiredness and the cold he's wearing.

    Stephen looks back at the mansion then and steps up to the door, "I'm Doctor Strange and I have patients that need me." He declares, his hand wrapping around the door and he tugs with no effect. Nope, he can't enter the building still.

Rogue has posed:
"My what?" Rogue says as she watches the man move to suddenly stand up, she seems somewhat hopeful since he has some bravado back in his stride but then she watches as she ascends the stairs to the doorway and then just... struggles at the handle. "Forget your keys again, sugah?" Rogue asks with a grin broadening on her lips. She starts to rise up again then to her fall right also with her board heled in both of her hands against the front of her thighs.

"I was gonna go get some ice cream from the shop down the street. Maybe Wong'll be back by the time we get back?" She asks, not realizing that he may be locked out for reasons that entirely magical and not simply because he locked himself out without the keys.

Doctor Strange has posed:
    Stephen steps back and makes a gesture for Rogue to try the door. "I'm going to actually help you with your skin to skin issue." The wizard says as he invites Rogue to tug on the door.

    He knows exactly why he can't get in, but he's not going to say it out loud. It's embarrassing. "Go on in, I'll be right behind you Anna." Stephen says rather calmly and then smiles, "But if you want to go get ice cream, don't think I'm trying to stop you."

Rogue has posed:
Its not something Rogue had even considered that the man could help her with. Its genetics right? Can he change someoen's genetics? She doesn't know!

She turns to the building then and starts up the steps. "Oh." She says, her skateboard now resting against her left hip, clutched in gloved fingers. "I hadn't even considered that. I'm... yeah." She smirks then and reaches out for the door's handle.

"Ice cream can wait, its almost dinner time anyhow." She'll try to open the door and if its stuck she might even pop it open with her considerable strength.

Doctor Strange has posed:
    The door opens for Rogue without a problem, like it always has before. In fact, if she thinks about it, Rogue was never given a key to the door, and she's never seen anyone else use a key. Not even Wong. There's no deadbolt or anything, just a handle like at any business, it's a simple pull door.

    "I hadn't either, but I remembered I once met a man that modern science couldn't help, but then he was using his own magics to restore his body." Stephen says with a sort of smile on his weathered face. "There might be some spell or way to use the magics within you to at least assist you in some way." Stephen says from his spot on the staircase, watching Rogue open the door.

Rogue has posed:
Rogue doesn't really think about it. "Must've been stuck." She says then, since her considerable strength often yields results like that. What feels like tearing a piece of klennex tissue apart to her can feel like pure iron to other people.

As she steps in she sets her skateboard down on a table along with her messenger bag filled with her school stuff and pocket book with all her money and credit cards (some aren't hers, and have random names on them... thank Gambit).

"Is that safe?" Rogue has to ask the Sorcerer Supreme next then. "I mean... Doctor McCoy told me that the more I sought out un-natural means t'solve somethin' inside'a me that is completely natural... the less I'd like the ultimate results." She pauses and smiles a litlte. "Like Botox."

Doctor Strange has posed:
    Stephen watches Rogue go in and sighs to himself before he takes a deep breath and starts to walk forward before the door itself rebukes him again. So he's being kept out of the Sanctum and he puts his hands on his hips while looking to Rogue as she keeps walking. "Um, Doctor McCoy isn't wrong, however, I wouldn't call magic unnatural, just forgotten and misunderstood. It is something within you, me, everyone, everything. Like the force you could say. Why couldn't you use something already in you to do what you want with it?" Stephen considers aloud while still outside.

Rogue has posed:
Rogue only catches him not being able to enter the house out of the corner of her eye as she was about to start to walk further inside. This makes her stop though and turn back to him. "What the hell is going on?" Rogue then asks, even though he'd talked about some other stuff... sure but something is keeping him outside. "I'm not that worried about my skin thing, t'be honest, Doc... Sure, I got a boyfriend I wouldn't mind gettin' a little closer with, but honestly I'm not that daft. I can see somethin' is up here. So what the heck is it?" She looks around to visually check for Wong, but he's MIA... which is fairly normal, likely in the library.

Doctor Strange has posed:
    "This is exactly what we think it is, and not quite as worry some at the same time." Stephen responds and lifts his finger to tap on the invisible barrier. He takes a breath and says, "It's because I'm sick. The house doesn't want to get anything else or itself ill." Stephen says with a sigh before he turns around, and with the door still open to Rogue, he sits with his back to her.

Rogue has posed:
AFter he says this, she just spends a couple of minutes looking around at the house and then she sighs. "Okay." She says to that explanation. "I can understand that... sorta... When people are sick around me, I don't wanna catch it either." She then steps back over to the door and stands in the frame of it. She looks down at his back. "Ya need me t'get ya anything from inside?" She asks then. "A blanket, a sandwich... an old leather bound book that smells rich with mahogany." She says that last part with her best Will Ferrel impersonation voice. A grin shows up on her lips and she raises a hand to lean against the doorframe. "So ultimately, nows the time for me t'rob ya blind and ya can't stop me."

Doctor Strange has posed:
    Stephen looks over his shoulder at Rogue and her vaguely unthreatening threat. "I mean yes, but you have maybe two days to get as far away as possible from me." The wizard winks with the saddest wink of all time.

    "You're still welcome to stay especially because I may be the reason why the mansion is gone, and because well, I couldn't keep you out anyways, the sanctum does what she wants." The wizard says as he turns his head back to look at the street. He supposes he could go find his old apartment from before his trip to Tibet, but it's almost certainly been sold to another renter by now. Surely.

Rogue has posed:
Rogue just flashes the man a grin as he says that first part and when hs says the second part she just stands there in silence for a little bit, hand on the doorframe. "Hold on." She says then. "Wait here--And now. I'm not stealin' stuff." And with that said she disappears inside and is gone for about three or four whole minutes. People pass by Stephen on the sidewalk but they don't look at him, they don't know that he's saved their lives countless times, they got noooooo clue.

Finally, Rogue appears again after some thudding noises inside the front room. She brings out two dining room chairs and sets them on the front stoop. Then she disappears back inside and re-emerges with a blanket and some duct tape. Its probably weird, definitely strange, but eventually she has the huge blanket duct taped to the open doorway and a pair of lamps she brought outside also... she's created a Tent out over the front steps, with two chairs underneath it.

"There." She announces then, having not answered him if he were to ask her what she was doing. "Now the Sanctum is larger and you're back inside." She smiles at him, proud of herself, a corner of the tent falls down and she sighs and goes to duct tape it back up... better this time.

Doctor Strange has posed:
    Stephen can't help but smile the warmest smile he's smiled in several years. "You, little lady, just earned yourself a return trip." The magician says with a warm sigh as he hunches over onto his hands and knees and crawls under the propped up blanket and sits underneath the shade.

Rogue has posed:
Rogue pauses then behind one of the chairs and she holds up a hand, still smiling at him. "Hold up. I ain't done yet." She says before turning and darting back inside. After another minute or so, she comes back out now with a pitcher of juice from the kitchen on a tray, with two cups and an iPad. She sets all of this down on a table beside the door... a small little end table she snagged from the second floor, and then sets it down between the chairs. "Boooom." Rogue softly says then.

She moves around one of the chairs and sits herself down. Now people are definitely looking at them as they pass by, but hey, its just a couple of weird New Yorkers being weird.