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Latest revision as of 11:33, 7 November 2018

A little help.
Date of Scene: 07 November 2018
Location: Gotham City
Synopsis: Spoiler jumps in to a fight to help Red Robin, and Red Robin offers to repay the favor.
Cast of Characters: Red Robin, Spoiler

Red Robin has posed:
Gotham at night, it's a nice sight, well, for most of the city. In other parts there is a seedy underbelly that reeks of crime and overall a poor outlook on life. Recent activity from most sources say there there has been a flurry of Gang activity recently, a new gang that fancy themselves Ninja.

On a rooftop, where once as eight ninja and a certain Red Robin, now there are only four, and a wounded Red Robin. Well, make that three because another Ninja falls when the end of Tim's staff tazes them. "C'mon... you want to do your dirty work in gotham? You go through me!" He says as his voice modulated growl is menacing, but favoring his left arm and left leg doesn't look at intimidating as his voice sounds, surrounded by blade wielding thugs in Ninja garb.

Spoiler has posed:
Spoiler is not a ninja. unless swiping waffles unseen is a qualification.

What she is, however, is determined. Patrolling on her own is something that she has been told is dangerous but it isn't like she has a buddy for the buddy system to work. She makes her way across a number of rooftops when she hears voices. She alters course to spare a look down from the roof to see what maybe going on. Ninjas. They're almost as bad as snakes..

Red Robin has posed:
Red Robin continues to fight off the Ninja, managing to take another one down, though, getting grazed by a ninja star in the process. Backing against a wall, he looks to the remaining three. "I'd take your wounded and go... if I were you." He says as he quickly thinks of options, in his state, grappeling would probably do more damage to him that help in an escape, and he isn;t fast enough with a wounded leg to work a smoke bomb trick, so he tworils he staff and grits his teeth.

Spoiler has posed:
Spoiler blinks. She grabs her own staff and smoke bombs. Not to cover Red Robin but to toss into the mouth of the alley to distract the ninjas briefly. They don't know she's there after all.

Clouds of smoke erupt - purple and black even. Swirling up and filling the entrance to the narrow space from the street.

Spoiler had enough strategy to at least not drop down where she threw them. She's still above Red Robin. She doesn't wait for the ninjas to turn before she jumps out and away from the building's roof, booted feet held together to try and impact one of these guys either in the chest or (hopefully) between the shoulder blades before they realize they have another opponent. Her staff is outstretched in her right hand, ready to strike as she drops.

Okay. It was a lot higher up than she calculated.. It may be a rough landing no matter what!

Red Robin has posed:
Well, bat-trainning is bat-trainning, and Tim know's it better than anyone as he pushes off with his good leg and turns his body, the next set of moves he does he hopes Spoiler can follow.

Before Spoiler can hit the ground, he turns his back to break her back, as she lands back to back with him.

Using that momentom, once her feet are on the ground, Tim rolls over her Left shoulder.

"Throw!" Tim says as his own staff is launched at one of the two remaining Ninja. he then collapses against a wall gripping his left arm. "Damnit. Nice assist Spoiler, I was wrong about you." he says with a chuckle, though, however light he is trying to make the mood, the fact remains that he is pretty banged up.

Spoiler has posed:
((Dear diary... tonight two amazing things happened! First: I ACTUALLY took down a ninja. Not just some goon in his pajamas, A. REAL. Ninja! And he didn't even know where I was coming from till I hit him and introduced his face to the ground. Second: I got an ACTUAL compliment from someone who works with Batman! (IKR??? who would have thought that day would ever come!!) Of course, Red Robin was kinda banged up so I think he'd have just been happy if the mailman could have been his springboard to take down those last two ninjas before he could get help. But hey. I'm claiming it as a win!))

Spoiler was giddy as she finally neared the ground. Terrified and giddy. The ninja she was aiming for actually turned toward the smoke bombs as she hoped, presenting her with a perfect target between his shoulderblades. Her boots impacted, her knees bent and she ended up riding him all the way to the ground where he hit like a sack of potatos, out cold. Then Red Robin was using her shoulder to work his much more impressive martial arts magic. But hey - he used HER shoulder!

As the last ninja fell, the masked female vigilante looked to Red Robin, breathing a bit heavy. "So... run into ninja problems often in this part of town or was this a special occasion?"

Red Robin has posed:
"Early Birthday Present." Tim says with a smile before he looks at his wounded arm, or, shoulder more accurately. "Have you had first aid trainning? This cut is to high up for me to mend it, and my cumunicator was busted in that fight." he says with a smirk as he reaches into his ultility belt and produces a leather bound first aid kit.

Spoiler has posed:
Spoiler tilts her head. "You need a better understanding of what a present is supposed to be in that case." Then she looks to his arm, and hisses. "Ouch. Yeah I can see that. I'm no EMT but I can do CPR to Stayin' Alive like no one's business, and I know how to do field dressings. I won't promise my needlework is very neat but at least you'll probably have a pretty cool looking scar to remember your birthday by.."

Taking the kit, she points, "Have a seat, Mr. Patient. Doc Spoiler'll get you patched up in no time." Opening the kit she looks over the contents quickly and then to his arm to see just how deep that slash went. "It's bled a lot. Which is probably more bad than good. Need to clean it up first." She grabs some of the alcohol wipes, "May sting but I'll try to keep it out of the wound. For now anyway." after all everyone knows you pour tons of alcohol (medical or drinking) into a wound to disinfect it. Right?

Red Robin has posed:
"Well if I needed CPR, you'd probably be the first... um.. yeah." Tim says as he realizes that he was trying to flirt with her, while being banged up with a slash in his shoulder. "Peroxide, kills the infection, after working your needle, you'll wantt to gauze and tape it, but you probably already knew that." he says with a smile as he sits on a stack of pallettes, and with his good arm, pops his knee back into place before she start's working on his shoulder. "One of them hit me with the flat end of a kunai, good thing I turned in time or I'd would have been much worse."

Spoiler has posed:
Spoiler pauses and looks at him. "It's not usually smart to flirt with the one giving you medical attention... " her tone is rather flat as if it were perhaps not well received as she continued to clean the wound and then properly dress it. She then adds offhandedly, "If you're going to flirt, you should try it after you're all patched up and the sharp pointy needles are all put away." Yep, she's teasing.

"okay. It's going to sting. Probably a lot. This isn't exactly a papercut. It is good it wans't a direct blow or it would done to the bone I'm sure." She works carefully, perhaps slower than most would - but it isn't every day she has to do this herself. Her mom? well yeah. But she wasn't going to drop that tip about her identity. not yet anyway!

Red Robin has posed:
"Sorry, I just can't help myself around a capable woman such as yourself." Red Robin says with a smirk as he does hiss abit, but doesn't flinch or shy away from it. "Thanks for the arning." he says about the stinging. "You know, once I had to pull a bullet out of a team ember, in the middle of a fire fight, was not fun, I was nervious."

Spoiler has posed:
Spoiler glanced up at him. "it's the blood loss talking now. None of your... associates would ever willingly call me capable. Unless it was to refer to my singular skill for getting in over my head or getting my butt kicked.." she snarked. Then she finished bandaging up the wound. "I'm no Betsy Ross when it comes to stitching. But I think those will hold til you can get someone with proper training to patch you up." She then nods, "I'm sure. I've avoided gunshots so far. I don't doubt it'll happen some time. Just trying to keep it as far off as possible!" she offers a light laugh as she packs up his aid kit again. "You'll need to restock this.. and organize it. I'm not putting everything back in the right spot, I have no doubt."

Red Robin has posed:
"We are like that with everyone, it's a hard line of work and most of us have trained since we were half the sizes we are now. We do it to avoid the wrong people getting hurt." Red Robin says as he stands up and tests his shoulder abit. "Bot bad, Ms. Ross would be proud." he then looks at hr with a serious look. "Alright, if you are serious about this whole spoiler thing, why don;t I tutor you?" He says with a tilt of his head. "And your kit, good for a begginer but.. full restoration, top to bottom."

Spoiler has posed:
Spoiler smirks behind her mask. Yeah. she's heard this build up before. Tight knit group. Going to get killed. Not good enough. Blah blah. She was already comparing his speech to the sound the teacher makes on those holiday cartoons of the boy who can't kick a football and his fighter pilot beagle.

That's when her brain puts on the brakes and she looks at him. "Well. For one. I'm serious or I wouldn't still be out here. I'd be stupid to keep doing this if I didn't believe I could make a difference like this instead of working at a homeless shelter or something. I'm here because I CAN do this and I have been." Stubborn. Naive even. But stubborn. She then steps back in surprise. "Tutor? you... sure your boss-guy is going to approve of that? I haven't had a lot of interactions with him but mostly they're the same - grumble-growl-not-good-enough-go-home.. You really think he'd let you help me?"

Red Robin has posed:
Red Robin laughs. "He isn't my boss, he's my partner, yeah he is the 'big guy' but still, I do what I want. Besides, I have a better gauge on people than he does, so if I start trainning you, than his disposition towards you might change." He says as he lifts his arm and shoots off his grappel line. "Follow me, I have a bird's nest near here, don't worry, Oracle knows about it's location." he says as he launches off towards a high building where the secret entrance to this nest is a moved slab of concrete.

Inside it's rather amazing, one wall lined with screens and satalite videos of the tri-state area, and opposite that looks to be a weapons catche AND work bench. "Bird's nest." he says with a smirk.

Spoiler has posed:
Spoiler blinks. "Bird's nest? Oracle?" She follows him however. She did invest in a proper grapple launcher. even if it is only 'commercial grade'. It still works well enough that she can keep up with an injured Red Robin.

Inside the place she looks around. If her white eyelets could get wide with expression, they'd be huge now. "... yeah. I guess it is.. I should call you Magpie with all this shiny stuff you've got..." she jokes.

Red Robin has posed:
"Fighting isn't even my best skill, Detective work, tactis and computers, those are my big three." Red Robin says as he walks over to the computer. "Computer, new user data, Spoiler, acsess level two." Then he quickly types in the password on his rather large keyboard. "There, now you can get in and out without the place self destructing, and have acsess to the satalite feeds and most of the criminal files." He says as he turns to look at her. "Though, there are three files that are off limits, and you shouldent go near, the Joker, Two face, and bane." he says with a frown. "Not kidding, no amount of gusto and will can stop what they will do to you... One robin was already killed thanks to one of them." he says as he walks past her and looks over the weapons.

Spoiler has posed:
Spoiler watches with disbelief. "Wait. So... you're just going to let /me/ come in here to do research and investigations? Just like that? You don't even -know- me..." She looks at him with suspicion. "What's the catch?" Then the three things. "Well that's easy. I'm wreckless and carefree maybe. But I don't have a death wish" she states.

Red Robin has posed:
"Stephanie Brown, University student, Olympic level Gymnast on part with the flying graysons, Daughter of Arthur Brown, the Cluemaster. I could go on." Red Robin says as he turns to look at her. "It;s a bad habit of mine, when we come across a Vigilantie we don't know, I tend to scour the deep web and files until I mate a name with a suit."

Spoiler has posed:
Spoiler looks miffed now. "Oh great. So you know I like to eat waffles for breakfast right out of the toaster too, I suppose." Well he does now!

"Clearly. So you know who I am. That doesn't mean you know -me-. No background check or computer file can show you someone's personality or character" she snaps. "So what now. You know pretty much all about me and my family. How is that supposed to put me at ease?" she crosses her arms over her stomach, almost glaring at him.

Red Robin has posed:
Tim smiles. "I know that you are as stubbborn as the hulk on a rampage, I also know that when someone says you can't do somthing, you will put your full effort into doing somthing. Also, under that mask, you are quite easy on the eyes, but that's just my opinion." He says as he finishes what he was working on, it;s a utility belt. "Here, Caltrols, lead balls, smoke bombs, throwing disks, and a few kits in here, as well as this." he says as he tosses her an armlet. "Grappel line under the wrist, and you can hook a smart phone inside the top, even has space for an external drive. Once I have more time, I'll see about feeding the display to your lenses."

Spoiler has posed:
Spoiler blinks at all that. Well that isn't fair. He managed to sum up a lot about her. Correctly. now she has to be mad. right? Right!

But then he's giving her gadgets and tools. Real ones from the look of it. Or more real than the stuff she picked up at the Army Surplus shop or Walt's Hardware and Tool Shack. She looked at everything. "... and what is this all gonna cost? I mean... thank you. But I can'd afford this. Not right now at least."

Red Robin has posed:
Tim Drake smiles and leans against the wall. "Well, at the rick of making you more angery, I'd ask for a date." he says but than shakes his head. "But that's just creepy and wrong, they are yours, as long as you train." He says as he pushes off the wall and moves over to one of the two chairs in front of the monitors. "First lession is the easy one, this building is abandond, the top three levels, excluding this one, are a rudematary obsticle course. When you have time, run it." he says with a smile. "I'd also pick up a book on computer programming, mostly so when I get your suit all tached up, you wont need to wait for me to have a look at it, this job is twently five percent fighting, the other seventy five percent is knowledge, and trainning."

Spoiler has posed:
Spoiler eyes him. A date. "You know I put those stitches in. I can pull them back out again..." She walks over slowly to watch what he is doing. "I know some programming. But it's not my major focus." She then comments, "I appreciate what you've given me. It'll help, absolutely. And immediately. But - I may have a.. supplier for equipment and other things that won't require you to prop me up. I'd be thankful for help training. But hold off on making me anything for a week or so? If this other opportunity works out, it'll be one less thing for you to have to deal with."

Red Robin has posed:
Red Robin smiles. "Alright, but I'd feel better if you'd stay in contact at least." He says with a smile as he turns in the chair to look up at her. "There's alot of bad out there, and it's always better to have someone watching your back. and thanks again... for stepping in during that fight."

Spoiler has posed:
Spoiler nods. "You're welcome, I'm just glad I blind sided that one. Or I'd be diced up too." She shrugs some. "I'll try, sure? How do I do that, though? It isn't like I have your phone number to call or text, you know.." She smirks behind her mask. "I'm sure you'll give me a way soon. I should be going though." She moves to stand and head to the exit. Pausing first she glances back. "And as a rule? I don't date vigilantes whose names and faces I don't know." Then she ducks out of the doorway.