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Latest revision as of 07:32, 12 November 2018

Hellgate Meetup
Date of Scene: 04 November 2018
Location: Unknown
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: Kid, Zeitgeist (Julius)

Kid has posed:
Kid is at the very least able to learn and adapt as life demands it. He has never been picky on what he fed on, criminals, homeless, vigilantes if the moment is right. If he hungry they were fair game.
    And yet after some meeting with folks...he was at the very least being a BIT decerning on what he targets when he needs to feed. And so he founds himself in one of his favorit hunting grounds - an abandon building in Hells Kitchen often utilized by the homeless. Little secruity, few witness and even some folks Kid has managed to build a relationship with.
    But for now, he was going around, seeing if there were any potentail trouble makers in the building. He'll take a bite out of them before anyone else if he has a chance. Bullies were always the easiest to spot - often targeting the weak, or those who don't seem like they belong.
    And so in this decrypted halls, Kid walks. He was deploying his preferred old-fashion mobster illusion, which make him appears as a human brute in a suit that many could mistake for a mutant quite easily.

Zeitgeist (Julius) has posed:
Zeitgeist happens to be in the general vicinity of Hells Kitchen, he's been recently scanning for activity of the Hand actually. His usual playground is Harlem but all of New York can be sensed if he allows it. He sits on top of a building with his eyes closed and his usual isolation suit on. He's listening to a few million minds all doing their normal tasks in life. However, one particular one seems a bit odd to him and it's close. Sometime strikes him about it that is primal... perhaps not even human. He switches to one of the homeless nearby to Kid, to take in the view of this wierd mind.

Kid has posed:
What a mobster was doing in this part of the city was definintly a question to be asked. He was a massive man, over 6ft, and probably dressed far to well for this part of the city...and even than he was bulky enough that the suit didn't fit well. He was particularly hairy, with animalistic eyes and massive canines, but still human-like. While the man seems to pass over this homeless fella in particularly...one decides to approach him, with a knife threatning him for money.
    Kid responds in kind...but grabbing the man in a choke hold. His eyes glow lightly as the unfortunate attacker turned victem begins to struggle....and than slowly goes still. Kid drops the man, letting him crumple to the ground before his head slowly turns towards the person watching him. That would probably be enough to send most folks that do not know kid running.

Zeitgeist (Julius) has posed:
Zeitgeist ponders this a bit, the man is a mutant more then likely. What did he do? Well, no matter, he seems to be helping people, that's enough for him. He can't control his viewers, he simply watches their thoughts like live streams on the internet, he might even take a glance of Kid's own frontal lobe, if it wasn't some sort of gibberish to him.

He gets up from his spot on the roof nearby and does a bit of mental echoes on where Kid is.. he might as well meet the man. He walks to the edge of the roof and continues to search for the right angle.

Kid has posed:
Kid isn't all that different from a human really. His hearing was normal, his smell perhaps a bit better than humans but it wasn't like he was a dog and certainly not super human. His sight was another matter. Everything was for all intents and purposes a silhouette. People, objects, etc. There was no fine detail at all, just solid color shapes. There was a sense this was self-induced illusion. Considering how dark the building was - this simplification of details enhanced what can be seen in a way. Kid was also prone to alot of angry and aggressive thoughts, a raging caged animal...intermixed with what one might call a teenage mind.
    All that aside though - the man Zeitgeist was viewing from became Kid's next meal. The man would have felt fear, confusion, an inability to concentrate...and eventually than he was just out cold.
    Several residents had a fear of Kid as the echoes might say, and others do not. An unsual circumstance. But eventually Zeitgeist Echos would lead him to finding out he was now in a room home to a well known tiny ol' grandma type. Notable said Grandma didn't seem afraid of Kid.

Zeitgeist (Julius) has posed:
Zeitgeist taps a button on the side of his mask, the night vision clicks on in the helmet and he gets a picture of the outside world. He does a running jump between one building to the next, landing with a roll, he continues charting a course towards Kid's building.

When he gets to the top of that said decrepit building, he heads to the fire escape and begins to careful make his way down the crumbling structure.

Kid has posed:
As Zeitgeist makes his way down, he will eventually come upon the same level as Kid - perhaps even the same apartment unit he was in. Unsurprisingly, the walls where crumblings and had holes in it. There was leaking as well, cans of unperisibles in a corner. It was actually well kept, clearly whatever homeless used this particular sight, used it often.
    Further inside said little old lady can be heard speaking, reminencing really "Oh, how he used to take me dancing. I could almost remember it like it was yesterday" and indeed the thoughts of her late husband come to mind, she was from another time. "After every dance ol' Herald would say 'Ain't no other dance partner for me but you'. And on indepedance day we would go out and watch the fireworks..."
    Meanwhile the man she was talking too Kid, could be heard shuffling things around. Old pots and pans and the likes.

Zeitgeist (Julius) has posed:
Zeitgeist is less worried since the lady sounds like she's liking the teenager's company, at least, that is what he was able to gather from the thoughts, he stays out of eyeshot of the two, on the fire escape still. He suddenly has pictures of Dare Devil doing the exact same thing, in a red suit though.. with horns. He smirks at the imagery. He hears gun shots and feels impacts of bullets from some far-off spot in the city. The nearby neighbors locking their doors and turning up their TVs.

He sighs, what people do to cope with the lot they are given.

Kid has posed:
Zeitgeist is not the only one that hears it, it seems. The old woman says in a scared voice "Oh my! Stay quiet...they might pass over" other in the building who had better hearing than other also felt the fear as they had no distraction here in hell's kitchen. Kid looks to her and simply smile. He signs to hear "It will be fine. Think it time to sleep eh?"
    "Your not going too..."

Kid signs in interuption "Only if they try something on me first. Now you ready?"
    There is a sigh of concern for the teenager, but she nods. Kid gently puts a hand on her shoulder once she lays down. Unlike the first too, this was gentle. Yes there was some confusion, but otherwise she seemed quiet relaxed and calm as Kid drains her psychic energy and puts her into a deep sleep.
    He stands...time to make sure none of those gun toting morons were entering into HIS hunting grounds. Starting with finding out who the heck is on the fire-escape.

Zeitgeist (Julius) has posed:
Zeitgeist speaks quietly from his perch as Kid goes to check on him, "Don't mind me." says the man in black armor, "Your a nice Kid." He does tense a bit though, he doesn't know what the reaction will be from Kid for being addressed in such a manner and locaiton.

Kid has posed:
There was the distinct sense Kid does not like Zeitgeist right now. Random dude in black armor hanging outside of a little old ladies home. Like that ain't creepy or suspiciouse. Kid can at times have an explosive reaction - as evident by the fact that Kid quickly and viciously launches a fist at Zeitgeist ribs.

Zeitgeist (Julius) has posed:
Zeitgeist is quick to avoid the blow, leaping a few steps up the fire escape, "Poor Timing on my part. I deserved that." He attempts to keep his distance from the overly hairy figure. "I'm not keen on being beat to a pulp."

Kid has posed:
    Missing seems to only put Kid in a more foul mode. He bares his teeth showing his four massive canines. Though he does take a moment to close the window...before going after Zeitgeist, or more specificlly trying to carol him away from this specific spot considering how aggressively he goes after the man. Bounding up the stairs with good speed...though before reaching Zeitgeist he jumps up holding onto the steps above him to swing and kick at Zeitgeist.

Zeitgeist (Julius) has posed:
Zeitgeist is one to literally roll with the punches, and in this fight, he feels Kid needs to give him one. So he indeed let's Kid's kick impact him... he crumbles to the staircase.. the armor taking most of the blow. He coughs from the impact. He lies there a moment.

Kid has posed:
Kid evidently hits like a truck. So it a good thing Zeitgeist knows how to roll. He approaches the downed man as he lays there. He shoves his leg with his hand as if to check if he was still awake...before simply looking over Zeitgeist for any weapons on him.

Zeitgeist (Julius) has posed:
Zeitgeist has two swords on his back.. he's not unconscious though, just knowing to stay down at the moment, "Can we talk now? Or you want to beat me down more? I'd already would have pulled the swords if I had intent to use them."

Kid has posed:
Kid jumps startled having thought the man was unconciouse, and accidently hits his head on the steps above him. He grabs his head in pain from that one letting out a fierce growl. He considerd the offer cracking his knuckles...but ultimately seems to turn a dial on his bracer-like watch. He signs "...you got 10 seconds before I break every bone in your body" the watch speaking for him, evidently not afraid of the swords...and his aggressive nature still evident.

Zeitgeist (Julius) has posed:
Zeitgeist says, "Your a good guy, defending people, taking care of an old lady, I was just curious but I'll go..." he pulls himself back up to his feet and backs away from the threatening aggressive fellow whose probably twice his size, "By being good to these people I consider you a friend, for the city always needs more people like you.""

Kid has posed:
Kid snorts and signs "...I don't defend people. Just needed a meal and got it. That was it" his face curled into a snarl, perhaps it was even a facade or just not trusting Zeitgeist yet due to the situation. "...but you would certainly be among the few who would say that." Zeitgeist was far enough away from his turf and at least the fella certainly displayed enough to show he didn't want trouble. Seem it was enough for now even as Kid eyes him.

Zeitgeist (Julius) has posed:
Zeitgeist says, "I sense people's true intentions, yes.. you needed a meal, but the way you did it. You showed you were not entirely an animal like many others in getting that meal. I know of many who would kill people for far less motivation." He nods his helmeted and hidden face."

Kid has posed:
Kid eyes Zeitgiest and snorts. He balances himself on the edge of the fire-escape, which groaned dangerously from his bulk. He signs "Alright wise guy, who are you anyways?" he asks. And yet...he tries to read Zeitgeist surface thoughts.

Zeitgeist (Julius) has posed:
Zeitgeist is telling the truth if that is what he was trying to get from his surface thoughts, it's rather 'noisy' however in his head, you swear you can hear a thousand voices and feelings.. but they are distant, not his own. "Zeitgeist is what people know of me on the whispers in the streets." The thought of something like 'Lucius' crosses his mind as he speaks his codename, "I watch after this city and every city that I've lived in."

Kid has posed:
"...you hear alot" Kid signs. He eyes the city proper. "I just live here, well not really here. I like to travel." he considers what he gets and eyes Zeitgiest. He wasn't a trained telepath, so he doesn't dwell much on it for now "Malcolm IronWood" he signs by way of introduction. "Not that many remember me. Tend to like to keep it that way"

Zeitgeist (Julius) has posed:
Zeitgeist nods, "No arguement here." He reads the signs but Kid's own thoughts are also read plainly by him as well, since he's not trained to block his surface thoughts it makes this conversation flow very well actually, "I've travelled around the world.. all the time... and yes, I hear a lot." he seems interested there a moment, maybe he did sense an echo of his own thoughts a moment. He writes it off for the time being.

Kid has posed:
     Kid was mostly just...angry. At seemingly everything, and everyone. Unskilled in blocking either nor even attempting - it seems that Kid feels the emotions of those around him with a great distance, though not nearly to the extent or range Zeitgeist does. And he can hear the surface thoughts of to others by choice, even having a knack for selection - as he seems to listen to mostly those in this building right now. Two other names seem to have passed through his mind alongside Malcolm - Kid and Jua. "I have not traveled the world...but someday I hope too" he signs...and yet these was a forelone worry there.

Zeitgeist (Julius) has posed:
Zeitgeist is relaxed in posture again, he makes sure he doesn't give any aggressive posturing, he looks around a bit, "I think we both have simularities, though.. I'm quite a bit older then you.. and I've found ways to let the feelings of those around me manipulate me a bit differently..." he chuckles, "I've done stuff for reasons I don't know but it's the way of things at times."

Kid has posed:
"I always know the reason." Kid signs "Smash. Kill. Done." A simplistic view perhaps. "I do not just let other manipulate my emotions" the signing combined with a growl...and yet deep down he wasn't always sure about that. He closes his eyes "...I like to know. Always like to know. Knowledge is power, and sometimes it's pain. But at least you have the choice, the ability to understand"

Zeitgeist (Julius) has posed:
Zeitgeist nods, "Very similar indeed. So.." he looks towards the building, "How long do they sleep for? I imagine it varies... I know some of them I'd like to make it permanent."

Kid has posed:
"If I make it 'perment' it simply means I am straight up killing them. And I rather not kill" Kid signs, clearly haveing experience. "For the fellas I like, a good eight hours. A good nights sleep. Otherwise it can very from a few days to a few minutes. Depends on how much I feed." a pause of consideration "...I try not to feed to much on the ones I like. Don't need them getting dependant on me"

Zeitgeist (Julius) has posed:
Zeitgeist says, "They could call you the Sandman.. or Captain Sleep." He chuckles a bit inside the helmet, "Well, I'll be going now, we should talk again.. I'm easy to contact just think my name loud enough a few times.""

Kid has posed:
"...that sounds stupid. Sides I already have a secret identity. It is Malcolm" he claims. He than gives a wink....and as wind blows, it seems to take him away as grains of sand till he is gone. Really it was just another illusion trasitional from visible to invisible useing the 'sand'. But he can have a sense of humor sometimes.

Zeitgeist (Julius) has posed:
Zeitgeist senses his mind is still there but his own eyes see him vanish, "Nice trick." He heads up the staircase to the rooftop again, his footfalls make less noise then they should, he's well trained in being quiet as possible even on rusty fire escapes.