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Latest revision as of 07:43, 12 November 2018

Rooftops and 'rillas
Date of Scene: 04 November 2018
Location: Unknown
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: Ekaterina Vespucci, Kid

Ekaterina Vespucci has posed:
Ekaterina Vespucci has decided that it is past time that she branch out into other forms of artistic endeavor apart from her usual sculpture and painting. Now she was trying photography. She characterised this as inferior to her abilities before the truly advanced cameras came out and now she was hooked to the laziness of the instant image capture. Tonight she was visiting Times Square in NYC capturing the famous lights. She had teleported her way up to an awkward edifice and was aiming her camera. Her garb tonight was her usual freshman attire - she always dressed down despite being quite wealthy.

Kid has posed:
There were a few surefire ways to get people to stay the hell away from you without animal control. 1. Look important i.e dress well. 2. Look general mean, aggressive and overall not nice. 3. Obviouse mutant is obviouse.
    Kid hit home on all three. Dressed to the nines, general brutish unpleasant attitude about him and with his animalistic eyes, massive canines and huge musculature pinged as a mutant. As such...folks genraly didn't get in his way.
    It was helpful to simply move through a crowd and not be bothered, as unpleasant as some looks where. But soon enough he slips into an alleyway and begins ascending the fire-escape quickly to get to the roof. And when he does so...he sees none other than Ekaterina there....taking pictures? Joy.

Ekaterina Vespucci has posed:
Ekaterina takes aim and nails it. She captures the bright lights from an original angle. She might not be Spiderman though and cannot capture all angles on this spectacular sight. She'd have to compare this to the painting she put together the other week. She doesn't show any sign of noticing the Gorilla if she indeed has which is likely. Simply focusing on what she is doing.

Kid has posed:
The mobster like mutant approaches with quiet footsteps, though not overly close as she was trying to take a picture, he could see that. But once the shot was taken, he kicks a vent with his shoe to get Kat's attention.

Ekaterina Vespucci has posed:
Ekaterina is still making her shot, "Yeeees?" she says smiling winsomely at noone in particular. "Can I help you?" She nails another one realising it is overkill and wondering whether the purists who use film instead of digital had something to their arguments.

Kid has posed:
Malcolm has...slowly been working on dividing his..approaches with people when using his illusions. He glances to his wrist as if considering utilizing his watch...before opting to send a telepathic message instead. It was a general broadcast rather than targeted so missible to folks who shield themselves o O ("Jus wondering What are you doing?")

Ekaterina Vespucci has posed:
Kat looks this new person over. She sniffs the air, "You smell strange like someone I know. A grumpy sort, big, mean, hairy." As for what she is doing, "Does it matter? Taking photos of a landmark." She is telepathic but doesn't resort to that spectra for communication.

Kid has posed:
Malcolm shrugs o O ("Never knew someone could smell big or grumpy. Maybe hairy though"). He looks Kat up and down o O ("But guess your small, cranky and in a mood") he goes with as he takes in her answer and sticking with his own telepathic communication. He walks over to the edge and looks down at the city o O ("Did I catch you at a time when yea were looking for privacy or something?")

Ekaterina Vespucci has posed:
"No," says Kat frowning, "But your manner of approach lends itself to the conclusion that company exasperates you. So why seek it out? Are you lonely," she says frowning at the person in front of her. Still there is something slightly off about the encounter. And lately she did not like slightly off encounters.

Kid has posed:
Malcolm turns his head to look at Kat o O ("Or perhaps your just not used to the approach eh? Or good at reading folks.") he casually circles, though not particuarly aggressive, he seems to naturally ciricle like a predator o O ("I don't talk, and folks don't like people in their heads normally. So a little kick to a vent, a bang to a table, or something like that is good enough to get a person attention. And last I checked, showing interest in what someone is doing is the opposite of company exasperating a person") he finally tuns to look at Kat o O ("Perhaps your just bad at reading folks.")

Ekaterina Vespucci has posed:
Kat can'ts her head, "You said I am not good at reading folks twice you know? Did you come all the way up here to tell me that? Seems a waste of legwork. Anyway I am photographing landmarks. If that is to be the next topic of conversation are you going to tell me how futile that is somehow? Or am I not good at reading people again?" Kat puts her camera away. She notes the circling and looks for another place to 'land' tentatively if she has to teleport away. She privately laments the series of events that werte chasing her from public life.

Kid has posed:
Malcolm grins o O "Still getting used to the telepathic talking bit. Thoughts slip in and out"). o O ("But no, came up here for the view and to get away from the massive crowd. It easier being around few people than hundreds...relatively speaking since we are clearly still with hundreds. ANd yes, comming up here to tell you your suck at reading people is a waste of legwork, I agree") he bobs his head in a nod.
    o O "But no. Why would I tell you photographing landmarks is futile? That just stupid. If you like something, you should do it. Be it snapping pictures, or doing hair styles. So I can have an opinione on the work presented, but seems pointless to call something futile.") a pause ("Heck, I would even say it beter than most things. After all, we all gonna die. Least folks can see your pictures and see the world from the viewpoint of anothers eyes. Seems pretty nice actually")

Ekaterina Vespucci has posed:
Kat smiles ever so sweetly, "Not all of us /are/ going to die. And that is as much of a curse as it is a blessing." Not mentioning anyone in particular but the little large eyed Italian stiing on the rooftop comes to mind. "Our viewpoint is often all we have to communicate."

Kid has posed:
Malcolm stops his circling finally...and goes back to the edge of the building, sitting on it. o O ("Sure we are. If it is not old age, it is disease, if it not a disease, it is some thug taking you out, if not that an accident. And barring all those you can be atomically dissamble, burned to a crisp or if you SOMEHOW live through all life throws at you...Big Crunch gonna crunch you up and start a new universe after. Everyone dies at some point") he reiterates.
    He looks again to the sky and the stars up above o O ("But...guess that not what really matters.")

Ekaterina Vespucci has posed:
"Some live untouched by old age, by vivisection, by decapitation, by disintegration by anything in this world or any other. Actual eternal life. Not such a grand thing when it kills any sense of connection or urgency." Kat sits down next to the 'man' who she is pretty sure isn't one. But she plays along with the facade for now. "WHat really matters then?"

Kid has posed:
o O ("Well unless they become they reincarnate into the next universe a few thousand years after everything has a chance to form, they gonna die. Unless their a Ghost in which case I guess everyone is going to eventually have eternal life") he shrugs.
    o O ("Everything and nothing. Both are equally right. But not the question I would ask. Instead...I would ask such a person, what really matters to them. After all everyone is different")