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Latest revision as of 08:02, 12 November 2018

Closing the Loop
Date of Scene: 05 November 2018
Location: Unknown
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: Oracle, Carrie Kelley, Shadow

Oracle has posed:
It's been a little while since Batgirl first tracked down Carrie, and the air waves have been quiet. Too quiet, in fact. The text message arrives in the middle of the night, and Carrie's phone is blinking when she wakes up.

'Secrecy. Loyalty. Courage. Big Belly Burger. 11pm.'

And that is where Babs is waiting. Sitting in a booth in the restaurant with a big, strawberry soda and a plate of fries that she'll probably regret later. The place closes at midnight, so the crowd is practically non-existent.

Carrie Kelley has posed:
Carrie Kelley hadn't gotten a message from that particular number in long enough that when she does, she's actively strung out the rest of the day. Thankfully they were closing in on prep for a show for Christmas time, so stress was a normal thing at school. Finishing up one of her classes with a student she then rushes off to do her usual workout to kill the rest of the time before the meeting.

She's on time. A minute or two earlier actually as she'd looked over the place from outside before venturing in. Her green eyes scan around the room from behind the glint of her glasses until she spots another redhead who, presumably, might be who she was there to meet. After a moment of hesitation she scoops up a menu, flashes a smile to the waiter behind the counter, and moves over to the booth Babs is in to sink into it.


Oracle has posed:
Barbara Gordon looks up from the plate and the soda, a small smile touching her lips. Without the costume, and sitting in a booth, she looks quite different. She's even wearing a pair of glasses tinted amber for computer use. "Hi, Carrie. Thanks for meeting me."

Rather than inviting the other redhead to sit, however, Barbara slides out of the booth and rises. She's tall enough, but there's just something -different- about the way she carries herself compared to her cape-and-cowled alter ego.

Tilting her head towards the door, she offers. "Let's go for a walk."

Carrie Kelley has posed:
Carrie Kelley slides the menu away on the tabletop and nods as she stands again. That was quick, but not unexpected. "Probably for the best," she agrees with a wry grin. Her outings in public as of late had not gone over well to say the least.

It's obvious when Babs gets to her feet that she's shorter than the other woman. This wasn't really new to her; she was used to it. A half step is taken to the side and she nods her head to the door while shoving her hands into her pockets. "Lead the way."

Oracle has posed:
Barbara Gordon looks from the younger girl to the menu and smiles. "I'll buy you a burger next time, I promise." she offers. Picking up a large shoulder bag, she slings it over and heads towards the door. Pushing it open, she's outside before turning back towards Carrie again.

"I'm Barbara, but feel free to call me Babs." she declares. "And there's someone else I'd like for you to meet. Except they're not exactly 'diner' material." Late as it is, Babs heads around the corner and turns down a darkened alley. Trusting that Carrie will follow.

Carrie Kelley has posed:
"Babs. Nice to meet you," comes Carrie's own response with a tip of her head. "I'm sure you know my full name, but I'd really prefer to go by Carrie. It's just easier." Plus no one ever called her Caroline. That was just a name on paper.

When they veer off into the alley she hesitates just a moment before ducking in as well. The last time she followed someone into an alley it didn't go very well. This was a different instance though. "I'm guessing you heard about the... antics on Halloween."

Shadow has posed:
    "Amongst other occasions, yes," comes the response from the darkness deeper into the alley, where keen eyes can just about make out a flash of crimson at eye height in the shadows. "Well met once more, Miss Kelley..."

Oracle has posed:
Barbara Gordon's steps slow as they enter the alley, boot heels scuffing softly on the pavement. "I hear a lot of things, Carrie." she replies softly. Hesitating, it's almost as if she's waiting for something. Or for someone.

When that hollow voice speaks, the flash of crimson following, Barbara smiles.

"You two have met, I see. The Shadow is a part of our group, whenever our paths converge."

Carrie Kelley has posed:
Carrie Kelley blinks rapidly at the glint of crimson, and that voice. There's a little tip of her head as she comes to a halt only to flash a grin at the... figure? Her eyes hadn't quite adjusted to the darkness yet after being inside the burger joint. "Our paths have crossed," she agrees with a nod toward the Shadow, and Barbara both.

"I thought that might be what this is about. It's good to officially meet you both then."

Shadow has posed:
"Likewise." The Shadow inclines their head, becoming slightly more visible as they step out of the darker parts of the alley, although between the black coat and hat it's not /much/ of an improvement. "I found your actions quite impressive at the time, and we both felt you had potential. Miss Gordon chose to be the one to approach you in a more... Formal method, as I am... Not a particularly outgoing personality at the best of times..."

Oracle has posed:
Barbara Gordon manages not to smirk, somehow. "Our group is made up of varied skill sets." she adds. Gordon? As in *Commissioner* Gordon? Must be a coincidence.

"You've already had the full background check, of course." Willing or not. "You can tell me your side of the Halloween incident another time. Right now we have more pressing matters."

Carrie Kelley has posed:
Carrie Kelley gives a thoughtful hum at that, as well as a nod. Given her revelations in the recent past she tucks away what informations he gleans from this conversation for later as well. It might all make sense at some point, if not immediately. Though... Gordon. Yeah that rings several bells. "Right, of course. I'm all ears." A small grin is flashed toward the Shadow as well. "Thanks for the consideration. I know I've got a lot to learn still."

Shadow has posed:
"There are times when operating inside the law is too... Restrictive to attain justice," the Shadow continues. "Whether because of chains of evidence, bribed officials, or simply criminals that conventional police cannot safely handle on their own. That is where we come in."

    The Shadow's eyes - bright blue, the only thing visible above the crimson scarf and below the black slouch hat - narrow slightly. "That is where /you/ could come in..."

Oracle has posed:
Barbara Gordon folds her arms over her chest, now, taking up a casual stance that the studied gaze would definitely link to a certain female Bat-heroine. "No capes. No masks. No cowls. Just your wits, your teammates, and a solid plan."

She pauses, then adds. "And the best intel available through the voice of a little bird in your ear." With that, Barbara reaches out to offer a small, nondescript earpiece. It looks a bit like an ultralight bluetooth.

"It's untraceable back to the source, but the owner would still prefer you didn't lose it. And you'll need a callsign, since we don't use real names while on ops. Either you think of something or THEY will."

Carrie Kelley has posed:
Carrie Kelley reaches out to accept the ear piece with a solemn nod. It's turned over in hand a few times regarding it with quiet thought. Her head lifts again glancing between the two.

"Kestrel. I've been going by Kestrel," she explains, simply. It was a bird name yes, but also one that didn't infringe on any of the 'themes' some of the heroes in Gotham already had. Most of her work so far had been from the rooftops as it was. Keeping an eye on things, calling the police when necessary, or investingating otherwise.

"I'm good with working with others. I'm not out to showboat or anything."

Shadow has posed:
    The Shadow nods as Barbara speaks, then continues. "We offer training, resources, information, backup when you need it... And perhaps most importantly, a chance to make a difference."

    The figure nods as Carrie - Kestrel - takes the earpiece. "Welcome to the Birds of Prey."

Oracle has posed:
"Neither is anyone else, believe it or not." Barbara replies softly. "We take risks to get the job done, and often to stay alive." She smiles, then, and tilts her head towards the Shadow. "That has a nice ring to it, actually. A couple of bats, a couple of birds, a reformed ninja..."

She turns back towards Carrie, then. "Come to the Clocktower in Old Gotham, and wear the earpiece. You can train there, and meet more of the others." Pausing, then, she adds. "I hope you don't mind bruises."

Carrie Kelley has posed:
Carrie Kelley looks up from the ear piece in her hand which she quickly closes her fingers around. It wasn't that she thought it was going anywhere. It just seemed better to get out of sight, even if they were standing in an alley. A faint smile plays over her lips as she considers the name of the group with a slight tilt of her head. "It has a nice ring of the theatric to it. I like it."

When Babs continues to give explanations she nods as well. "I've been training with Yin all Summer. It's basically train until I can't move, get healed by her, and start training again. I can handle bruises," she assures only to take a slow, deep breath after. "And I'll probably be having quite a few I imagine. I have another offer for training as well." From whom, she doesn't say. "Thank you."

Shadow has posed:
    The Shadow emits something that's probably a chuckle, before the distortion got hold of it. "Speak for yourself, miss Gordon. Theatrics are half my modus operandi right there..."

Oracle has posed:
Barbara Gordon smirks at that, pointing in the general direction of the chuckle. "Point taken. And, truth be told, I've been known to employ certain theatrical themes of my own. On occasion." Reaching up to casually tousle her red mane, two fingers poke up briefly like bat ears. Er, BAT ears, that is.

"But that's not the sort of things the -Birds- will be doing. No costumes for most of us. No capes. No masks. Play-acting will certainly be required, and expect to use your wits more than your fists."

Carrie Kelley has posed:
Carrie Kelley quirks an eyebrow at the gesture. Given the red hair she'd taken a wild guess but having it pointed out just earns a grin. "Ah, yes. Them," she murmurs quietly with a knowing nod. "I'm fine with that. Using my brain that is," she assures with a grin. "The rest is necessary on occasion but doing so without thinking is just... stupid."

Shadow has posed:
    The Shadow nods. "Some capes and masks, when appropriate to the situation. Sometimes the right theatrics can end a confrontation before it ever becomes a fight. That, too, is something we can teach... But not here, and not now. Until next time... Kestrel."

    With that, the Shadow bows and retreats into the alley until the darkness swallows what little is visible...

Oracle has posed:
Barbara Gordon manages to keep a straight face as the Shadow literally fades away, watching for a moment as if wanting to make sure. There's a brief silence, but she speaks before it actually becomes awkward. "So how about I buy you that burger, Carrie, and you tell me about yourself?"

Yes, she's done a full bio on Carrie already. But some things are better if heard straight from the source.

Carrie Kelley has posed:
Carrie Kelley watches .. or doesn't watch the Shadow vanish. By the time Babs speaks again she stretches an arm out to wave in the area Natasha had been with a soft 'huh.' "That's a trick that'd be worth learning. And sure, I can always go for a burger," she agrees with a warm grin.