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(Created page with "{{Log Header |Date of Scene=2018/11/06 |Location=Gotham City |Synopsis=Summary needed |Cast of Characters=193, 1134 |pretty=yes }} {{Poses |Poses=:'''{{#var:193|Kate Kane (193...")
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Latest revision as of 08:03, 12 November 2018

Date of Scene: 06 November 2018
Location: Gotham City
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: Batwoman, Spoiler

Batwoman has posed:
It's never a quiet night in Gotham, and this one is no exception. On the south side of town, there's an exchange of gunfire - Not at street level though, this time it's elevated. The intermittent high powered 'boom' from an abandoned apartment block, and then the rapid, short burst of fire from a nearby rooftop. It's almost impossible to see what's hiding within the apartment, but the rooftop bears a trademarked flash of red and black, who appears to be holding a relatively thin man in a threadbare business suit by the collar as she hauls him back behind a dented airconditionining unit.

Kate's trademark smirk is gone. Under fire from a sniper doesn't bring out her most amused side. And there's one part of her that's hardly bulletproof, and it's that damned red smile of hers - Of course, not that the man she's currently trying to save isn't. "Keep your head down." She instructs quickly.

Spoiler has posed:
Stephanie Brown has been doing her best to keep up with her class load as well as all of the seemingly eccentric expectations and demands of her boss, one Kate Kane. It has been anything but easy. Still she enjoys the challenges; besides, she is ever the eternal optimist. What's the worst that could happen if she dropped any or all of the proverbial balls that currently comprise her life?

It'll all be fiiine. right?

Regardless of how much pressure she's put herself under, a night out on patrol is always the ticket to relaxation. Beating up criminals is almost better than retail therapy. Almost.

Spoiler stands atop an old warehouse, her cape swirling around her ankles as she looks down at the filthy stretch of streets in this part of Gotham.

Someplace in the distance a crack of thunder makes its way to her ears. It echoes off of all the buildings and through the man-made canyons of the city, followed by a flurry of smaller crackling sounds. Oh hey.. someone's celebrating the holidays with some firecrackers! In a thunder storm. 'cause that makes as much sense as anything else that happens in Gotham.

Yeah. Let's go with thunder and firecrackers.

Canting her head briefly to try and get a better sense of where the gunshots came from, Spoiler fired her grapple launcher and shot to a higher vantage atop a water tower to get a better view of the surrounding area, eyes and ears attuned to any further gun shots or movement across the rooftops that didn't belong.

Batwoman has posed:
It's a Bat, alright. Kate points her gun around the airconditioning unit and releases another short burst, and the responding crack slams into the high-tech rifle and knocks it from her hand. Occasionally a flicker of red light gives away the snipers position, but his cover seems to be all buy immaculate. It seems that Kate's stuck with her utility belt until her resupply and evacuation, so a hand reaches in and pulls out a smoke bomb. It's tossed over the air conditioning unit, just to give them a little bit of cover, while she speaks to the target firmly. "Alright. My jet will be here in about two minutes to pull you out. When it arrives, you wait for my signal, and /then/ you go. It'll get you to safety,."

With one fancy gun ruined, Kate taps into her earpiece, and notes. "Dispatch an AMRX to my location, immediately."

Spoiler has posed:
Spoiler dives off the edge to the water tower. Yep that was gunfire. She thought she might have seen a muzzle flash but it could have just been her mind trying to see something she wanted to be out there. But the sound? The gunshots were absolutely coming from a location northeast of her position. Firing off her grapple she swung down and forward, landing atop another building at a full run.

jumping and vaulting the gaps between rooftops or grappling her way across streets and alleyways too wide otherwise, she tried to close in on the gunfight!

Batwoman has posed:
There's less conspicuous noises coming now. The whipcrack of the sound barrier being broken, the roar of a jet engine that speeds past Spoiler, the sleek black fighter skimming over rooftops as it also makes it's way towards the firefight, before pulling into a steep climb at their location. A long cylinder disconnects from the undercarriage, and the jet dips back down onto the other side of the building, out of sight... Leaving a large grey cannister embedded into the concrete a short distance away from the heroine and her escort.

Kate dives out of cover, grasping the cylinder and pulling it behind an electrical box with her. Another loud boom from the apartment building, and a shell slams into her armor, causing her to stumble as she gets back into cover. A muttered curse as she begins to assemble her weapon, and then a glance shows... Spoiler? Fuck. "Get Down!" She instructs.

Spoiler has posed:
Spoiler didn't think she was anywhere near the middle of this firefight. Until she was.

Well. Nuts.

Skidding to a stop as she recognizes Batwoman's voice from much closer than expected. There was no hesitation. Gunshots plus Spoiler's costume equals d-e-d, ded Spoiler. There is no fancy armor to keep her alive. Dropping into a tumble, the plucky - and somewhat oblivious (it would seem) - teen heroine dropped off the rooftop and down to an apartment balcony. She hoped it wasn't on the side facing the sniper. Because she wasn't completely certain which direction the gunfire was coming from, exactly.

Batwoman has posed:
And soon after, there's a significantly louder boom for the rooftop, as Kate finally returns fire with a more suitable weapon. From the balcony, Spoiler finds herself standing face to face with a jet, hovering patiently. And then, there's a loud expletive, a shouted, "No! Not yet!" Scrambling, and then from the rooftop, the threadbare suited man leaps - And a moment after him, Kate dashes across.

Another loud shot, and the vigilante's head snaps forward, the silken red locks of her cowl scattered as it flies off her head, and the normally acrobatic woman tumbles through the air. Her escort lands heavily in the jet, and the canopy snaps shut. Kate falls like a sack of potatoes onto the nose of the plane, bouncing off and falling onto the balcony beside Spoiler, breathing heavily. Unmasked, her hair in a tight braid and blood dribbling down from her scalp. Eyes open. Angry.


Spoiler has posed:
Spoiler blinked as this series of unfortunate events just continued to unfold around her.

Above her.

In front of her.

Finally it seems to come to something of an end as BatwomaHOLYCRAPTHAT'SKATEKANE lands right in front of her.

Spoiler's make has no expressions built into it, but those white eyes seem grow as large as tea saucers. She turns away holding up her hands to shield her face and eyes as if she'd walked in on a family member as they just emerged from a shower or something,, "I-didn't-see-anything-Kate-Kane-your-secret-is-safe-with-me!" She pauses. "... crap."

She looks to the jet. The canpoy is closed at least. And she's wearing a mask so bad lip reading couldn't occur. She does NOT look down at Batwoman Unmasked any more. "I'll get going. Go around back and distract the shooter?" She nods as if this makes perfect sense.

Batwoman has posed:
Kate grits her teeth as she looks up at Spoiler, and there's a moment before she realises that this vigilante knows her name. The jet at least turns around and begins to streak off, leaving her on the balcony as she slowly pushes herself up to her feet. "His target is out of here. He won't waste the ammo." Holding the rail, she mutters under her breath. "They never fucking wait." A glance at where her cowl lies, on the street below, and then a touch to her temple. Yup, bleeding.

"Besides, I can't go running around like this or I'll be recognised." Her gaze returns to Spoiler, and she blinks. "You're the girl from the convenience store. How do you know my name?"

Spoiler has posed:
Spoiler uh's... "You're... kinda famous? I mean. It'd be like if Bruce Wayne were really... Superman, or something, y'know?" She shrugs. "But yeah. yeah. That's me...." she laughs nervously. "I'll just go get you your cowl back, then, 'kay? 'kay!" She hops off the balcony and parkours her way down to the alley to fetch the bits of Batwoman that got away. It's like Batwoman lost her head.. sorta.

Scrambling back up, thankful for the seconds to try and collect her thoughts, she offered offer the mask. "Looks like it's still usable to get you off the streets anyway.."

Batwoman has posed:
"Industry famous." Kate corrects, "And you sound a little too young to care about that." Kate waits - Leaning discretely against the balcony railing once Spoiler is out of sight. Even with her armor, a high powered round hurts like hell. Worse still, she'll probably be limping tomorrow. When Spoiler returns, she offers a smile - Beneath her mask, her makeup is almost professionally done, a higher standard than her businesslike light touches.

She collects the mask, and nods. "It'll be fine. I still have to catch up to that idiot and find out why someone would put a hit out on him. Cheap suits are usually a giveaway though. I have to admit I admire the bravery though... Bringing nothing to a gun fight."

Spoiler has posed:
Spoiler nods, "Thanks for the compliment. I'm not that young. And I never carry a gun so... " She raises her hand, ".... idiot, here. Guilty." She avoids how she knows who Kate Kane is and just dips her head again, "Right. Yeah. You should go... chase your self-flying jet down. I'm sure that guy'll be ruining what's left of his suit all over the seat.. I hope it's not dry clean only... the seat I mean. That suit should be burned."

Batwoman has posed:
"It's fine. It's heading to a hangar outside of the city, and it's remarkably stain resistant." Kate rolls her shoulder, checking to see if she's hurt it in the fall. Another examination of her cowl before it's slid back over her face, and the seam rejoins. "I suppose I should make my way back home and get myself patched up." A shake of her head, now that the cowl is back on. "And work out a plan for the next time that sniper decides to pick off another citizen."

Spoiler has posed:
Spoiler nods. "That's good.. it isn't the blood stains I'd be worried about.." She shudders and starts to turn, as if to leave. She figures Batwoman is going to get out of there too. But there's the huge elephant in the corner.

".... wait..." She sounds guilty. Her shoulders slump as she turns around.

"I -do- know who... 'she' is..." avoiding saying the name again outloud since there are ears everywhere. ".. but.. it'll just be easier for you to not have one more person to try and use a cover story on tomorrow. "That shiner is gonna be pretty obvious now matter how miraculous you are with your makeup.."

A soft sigh slips from her masked face before Spoiler reaches up to pull back the purple hood and then peels off the mask she wears.

Looking back at Batwoman, Stephanie offers a nervous smile. "So. Yeah. Hopefully my boss doesn't, y'know, fire me tomorrow for being late to work. I think I pulled a hammy on my way back up here. Maybe you could... put in a good word. Or fifty. Y'know. If you cross paths with... her."

Batwoman has posed:
Kate chuckles softly, but she's about to depart when the heroine turns around. "You'd be suprised how easy it to explain this away. I've been managing for a few years now." She seems to handle it easily - But then the mask is dropped, and she's looking at her assistant. Beneath the mask, an eyebrow raises. "... Huh. Well, I wouldn't say I'm terribly suprised, but there's something about this situation that might need to be... Dealt with, another time."

Another pause. "I don't think your boss would fire you for it. Perhaps she might wonder how you'll juggle work, study and /this/ but... Well, I'm sure she's more concerned for your safety than anything else." Her lips are a severe line. "And I think she'd be lying if she said that she was completely OK with it. But, it is your choice."

Spoiler has posed:
Stephanie Brown laughs wryly. "I'm pretty sure that, no matter how okay - or not - she might be.. " The mask is tugged back on and adjusted into position, "I'm not a minor and it really isn't up to her what I do in my off time as long as I'm at work and keep my grades up as required." She shrugs. "She taught me to stand up for myself."

Batwoman has posed:
"Perhaps." Kate seems to be... Non-comittal about that, then. "Although she may have a talk with you about your outfit if she were to find out." A little test, and yes, it /does/ already hurt to put weight on her leg. "Either way, I suppose... It won't be too long until I see you again." A somewhat forced smile.