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Latest revision as of 08:26, 12 November 2018

Young celebs hang out (And look great doing it)
Date of Scene: 07 November 2018
Location: New York City
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: Red Robin, Rage

Red Robin has posed:
NYC a great place to hold business or just hang out, and Currently the Youtube Space in manhattan is quiet save for a few people comming and going. One person is of course Tim Drake, who looks to be setting up some sort of set for a video.

Three Cameras and a tri-castor pointed at a white background where a semi-circle table has been set up with three computers on them, while the notable 'King of the Nerds' is looking over his tablet. "Okay so you guys should be ready to go... once this is done, give all the video and recording assests to your editor." he says as he steps off to the side, this isn't a video for him, no, but, his company Drake Software is sponsoring this video.

Rage has posed:
Having been invited down for a meet and greet with a few executives, Andrea Jackson, mutant popstarlet and teen fashion icon heads into the room flanked by a pair of bodyguards dressed in black and white suits with radios in their ear. As usual, she looks happy, oozing an energetic warmth as she waves a hand to a few people who call her name out from the street as she enters through the front door. Sliding her shades up and over to settle on her head, she gives a glance about curiously.

"The Phoenix has arrived to Birds Nest 1." One of the bodyguards rumbles into the radio as he holds it up to his mouth. With all the news of attacks by the hate group known as The Reavers, Andrea has had to deal with armed guardians shuttling her about her life. A representative heads over to give her a quick hello, and to let her know that Mister Carson is a bit late but will be with her soon. As usual, she nods, smiles and starts to walk about. Noticing Tim Drake's set up, she heads over curiously.

"Hi there. You look familiar. Tim Drake?"

Red Robin has posed:
The three youtubers, who just his a million subs within the last week, start their video. Tim is off to the side observing with a slightly critical eye when he is approached.

"Oh.. hello. Yeah that's me." Tim says with a smile, the red hair and half asian heritage is hard for people to mistake him for anyone else. "You must be Andrea, love your music." he says with a wink to her, turning on the ol Timiplier charm.

Rage has posed:
"You love my music, huh? Name a song." Andrea says with a grin along her face as her brows rise upwards. "Because usually when a guy says they like my music, it means they like my music videos." She winks back at him, tucking a strand of dark hair behind her ear. She looks curiously over to the stage and the three new YouTubers, giving a big smile and a wave in their direction. "I sub to you by the way." She says as she rocks on her feet. "Big fan of your support for St. Judes. I've partnered with them a few times in helping finance support during the holidays. I do the Stuff a Bus drives. Bring a bunch of buses over, fill them with toys, drop them off at the hospitals."

Red Robin has posed:
Tim chuckles and hands over his tablet, showing that he has a playlist with her albums on there. "That's wonderful, It;s awesome to see someone use their talent to help those in eed." He says, in a genuinly happy voice. "I just play video games for charity, or subject myself to pain, but you probably already knew that." he says with a smile.

Rage has posed:
"You subject yourself to pain?" Andrea asks curiously as her smile twitches along her lips. "If you play video games, you should hang out with Drake Winters. He just joined the Avengers and is that huge Overwatch guy." She takes a look at his tablet, scrolling a finger along the tracklists with a giggle.

Red Robin has posed:
Tim Drake chuckles. "Well, not like, gross hidious pain, but smaller stuff, kinda like slapstiick comedy mostly." He says with a smile and nods. "I heard of Drake, pretty good skill, though, I'm not much of an overwatch person." He says as he looks over her shoulder. "What ya giggling about?"

Rage has posed:
"Ah. Slapstick comedy. I see. So pies to the face, pokes to the eyes. Nyuk Nyuck type of stuff?" Andrea's lips pull back into a brighter smile as she continues to scroll through his tablet, looking at who else he may be listening to. She taps a few buttons or two to 'fav' some of her albums on his device, then raises a brow at the most listened to tracks. "Huh. You /really/ like my song Breathing Me In. Interesting." She clicks her tongue against her cheek, looking back up at him with a smile.

Red Robin has posed:
Blinks and takes the tablet from her, gently and looks at her. "Um.. yeah.. reminds me of... someone..." he says as he sets the tablet back into his case, because the last thing he needs is to have to explain who he thinks about when the song plays, so instead he changes the subject. "I have a song of my own! I'm sure you heard it before, but I hear it's catchy."

Rage has posed:
"It reminds you of someone?" Andrea asks curiously. Of course she would ask. How her music affects people is very personal for her. Her smile flickers away though as she can sense his hesitation, then nods at the change of subject. "/You/ have your own song? How do I not know this? Or maybe I do and I'm brainfarting." Sliding her expensive phone out of her pocket, she drags her finger along the screen in a swirly pattern before it unlocks with a musical chime. She taps her music app open and starts to tap his name into the store to purchase it. "Gonna sing a few lines for me?"

Red Robin has posed:
Tim smiles. "Well, not really sing, a musical group took a video I did and turned my speaking parts into lyrics with auto tune, but, they gave me the rights to distribute." he says as he looks over at the three who are done, nodding he turns back to Andrea. "Though I do like space."

Rage has posed:
As she listens to it, Andrea sputters out a laugh, eyes rolling upwards. "Oh, I love these. They're hilarious. This one isn't that bad. Not sure if I'd put it on repeat but I'd troll my friends in the car with it." She flashes another bright grin to him. "I like space too. I wouldn't mind traveling about and seeing stars upclose or other planets. I'm sure the Avengers or the Justice League could have a really cool tourist vacation package thing set up with all the technology they got. Though knowing their luck they'll be attacked by Galactus or something during it." She gives a long stretch of her body, then swivels her hips side to side to pop a few joints. "So, what else do you? Outside of Tubes."

Red Robin has posed:
Tim Drake smiles. "Oh you know, the normal stuff, college, work out, drink coffee." he says with a smile. "Really interesting stuff I know." he says sarcastically. "But yeah, aside from all this youtube stuff, I'm just a normal person." he says, if a normal person was a billionaire with a secret second life, but at least the billionaire part does make his comment about a normal life kinda funny.

Rage has posed:
"Oh, yeah. Super normal billionaire person." Andrea says as she yanks the thought out of thin air. Her tone is teasing though as she bumps her shoulder against his. "So, what's it like being a billionaire? Do you look down at us lowly millionaires and remember the good old days when you could only afford one Ferrari?" She glances down as her phone beeps, giving a quick scan of a text before she shoves it back into her pocket. "We should do something together."

Red Robin has posed:
Tim Drake chuckles. "I know it sounds bad, but I don't think about it one way or the other, I still plan on having a career after college, as well as helping people less fortunate, so it's not like that vast amount of money defines who I am." Bruce, it probably does, but Tim is just Tim, the goofy king of the nerds.

Rage has posed:
"Uh huh." Andrea says with a grin on her face. "You're adopted by Bruce Wayne, right?" She asks with a grin along his face. "I've heard stories about that guy. Who knows how much of it is true, but he's had an exciting life. He and Tony Stark combined has probably broken every law of common sense celebrity tactics." She says with an amused tone in her voice. "But it's cool you're staying grounded. I always thought you came off as a pretty cool dude. So, wanna collobrate on something?"

Red Robin has posed:
Tim smiles. "Sure, what do you have in mind?" he asks as he tilts his hea,d willing to do a collab. "Though, I'd ask that the money we get go to charity, I never keep any of the internet money." He says, though it's probably part of why he is popular, because it;s for charity and people enjoy that kind of thing.

Rage has posed:
"That's cool, neither do I. I dump pretty much everything into Starlight from my charity events and a good proceeds of my tours. I'm set for life." Andrea says thoughtfully. ".. I think. My finance manager says I'm in a good position, but I guess we'll see in a few years, right?" Her shrugs lift upwards into a shrug. "But, far as what we can do together, I dunno. What are you working on outside of the software stuff? Usually I do the niche concert routine or meet and greets, but I'd like to branch out and do something different."

Red Robin has posed:
Tim ponders and smiles. "Well actually, I'd like to show off some new VR tech, my company has an operating system we are going to launch for personal and commercial use in march, said system will make high range VR viable. Think, people who can't walk can play a game where it feels like they are walking, or normal Humans can feel what it's like to be a hero. I'd probably have a few vids testing them out, if you are interested?"

Rage has posed:
"Oh, that sounds awesome! I'd love to do something like that. Maybe I can do a meet and greet of fans within the VR world? Would I be able to perform in there? Like a concert? If I sing it can mimic my moves?" This has Andrea's interest as her eyes widen and she focuses raptly. "And that is so cool that your software can do that type of stuff for handicapped people. Wow. I can only imagine the type of joy they'd get out of it. What about for blind people? Is there a way you can sorta .. make that work? Like shoot it into their brain directly?"

Red Robin has posed:
Tim Drake raises his hands abit. "Whoa whoa, it's not that advanced yet. I mean yeah you could sing, and get your avitar to do the same things as you, but miltiplayer isn't really being worked on util the game's physics engine and other bugs are buffed out."

Rage has posed:
"Oh." Andrea says as she deflates a bit. "Oh well. So how can I help you out in your project? Just test it out? Record it and upload it? That's still pretty cool." She says, optimism rising again.

Red Robin has posed:
Tim Drake smiles and moves over to a computer with a large screen. 'Well, actualy, I've created a tsting program, It's called Dark City, and it involved players having their character gain hi tech gadgets as well as cybernetics. You get missions from NPCs or dead drops, and just.. play the game. Eventually I plan to add in two PVP based factions later on, but for now it's still in basic development." He does show her some footage, mostly flipping from a building, riding a motorcycle down a highway, guns, sword, staves, and explosions, the rendering is done well, and it looks pretty snazzy, though one can tell there are still a few visual bugs.

Rage has posed:
"Oh. Wow. That looks really cool. Dark City, huh?" Andrea says as her eyes track the movements about of the characters on the game. "You really want to do PVP? Having other people kill each other in virtual reality with this type of detail? Don't think it will bring some of the crazies out who want to practice their human skills and try to hone them for the real world?" That's Scott Summers talking through his prized student. That is a Scott thing to say.

Red Robin has posed:
Tim Drake chuckles. "The game's skill system is different. Let's say that I'm a master sneak in real life, like, ninja levels. in this game, based on the skill your character has, is how the game registers if you are good or not. So, even if you were a master sneak, in the game you'd make noise and such. Thus the skills in there don't translate to out here very well." he says with a smile. "That and I wouldent put this amount of realism in PVP, maybe turn the bullets into paintballs or somthing."

Rage has posed:
"I see. Huh." Andrea says as she rubs the back of her neck. "I guess my anxiety is talking. I'm sure you saw the news of the attacks against me in Central Park and at a Starbucks. Once you have cyborg mutant racists try and kill you, you start seeing the worst in everything." Shifting some on her feet, she grins. "Wanna give me a test run? You any good at hand to hand?" She asks curiously as her brows raise.

Red Robin has posed:
Tim Drake smiles. "Alright, I mean, I have a black belt in Tae kwan do, so I think I can hang." he says as he motions for her to follow him upstairs, where the actual setup is. "You'll have to make your Avitar though, I'll get the game setup while you do that, remeber, cyberpuk and gritty, so have fun with it." he says as he himself makes a male at 5'6, black motorcycle outfit with a pure black helmet, two SMGs at his waist and a sword on his back. Over all that is a black coat. The avatar name is Deus Volt.

Rage has posed:
"Oh, a black belt in Tae Kwon Do? That sounds really cool." Andrea says with a smile to him as she heads up the stairs along with him. "Maybe go easy on me then?" Once she gets to the controls, she starts to tap along it as she creates her avatar. Black guy. Tall. Medium build. She gives him a shot gun that is strapped to his back. Shirtless and camo cargo pants. Mulling over a name, she goes with XxObsidianxX.

Red Robin has posed:
"Looks like Dutch from black lagoon." Tim says as he motions to a chair. "Okay so I'm going to put the headset on you, Your feet go on the foot rest, and your hands go on the control sticks at your side. There is a vibration function that is like hit detection." he says as he get's her setup, and then goes to set himself up as well.

The place is a decreped city scape, which flashes into existance as Tim, or Deus, at this point, looks about. "Nice." he says, though his voice is gravely and sounds like Batman and Wolverine mixed their vocal cords together.

Rage has posed:
Nodding her head, Andrea settles into the gear. She takes in a deep breath and closes her eyes as she finds herself sucked into the world of VR. When she opens them, she's looking through the eyes of Obsidian, who has a deeper, rumbling voice. "Holy granola. This is so weird." She says as she looks about. She uses the controls to make her avatar move about a bit herky jerky like. "This is weird. I'm so bad at this." She laughs

Red Robin has posed:
Deus laughs. "Takes some getting used to, you complete quests to get build points, and you use those points to build hideouts, grow your arsenal, raise skills, all that junk." He says as he smiles and three training dummies appear. "Wy not get some practice on them, remeber, your ammo for that boomstick is limited."

Rage has posed:
The avatar spins around a few times in circles. ".. I don't even know how to grab it off my back." One arm flails upwards and to the side like a rag doll, while the other slaps himself in the fact. Andrea is laughing the entire time, causing her masculine, deep voice to rumble out like thunder. It takes a minute, but she finally gets the shot gun. Leveling it with some mindnumbingly slow movements, she takes a shot, wide to the left, missing by a mile. "I suuuuuck! How long have you been playing this?"

Red Robin has posed:
"This interation, two weeks." he says as he blinks. "Like i said, skill points matter, you wouldent have hit them anyway since your firearms skill is at a one." Deus smiles and unsheathes his swor,d twirling it. "Also, cybernetics unlocks special moves, observe." he says as he steps forward, and a blue electric flash is seen before all three training dummies heads are on the ground. "And the style move." He says as he slowly sheathes his blade, and when it snaps secure, the rest of the manicans fall to peices.

Rage has posed:
"Wow. Showoff." Andrea laughs as she watches him ninja his way through the targets with his sword, followed by his fancy move. "I think I'm better at this in the real world than I would be in here." She says as she continues to look about, though the motions are jerky as she fiddles with the controls. "Are you going to do some full body movement tech at some point?"

Red Robin has posed:
"If I can, I can only do what tech is commercialy avalible. You just need practice." Tim says as he looks around a bit. "I's just likea video Game, you never start as the master of it, it takes practice."

Rage has posed:
"I don't know.. I was pretty good at Super Candy Crush out the gate." Andrea laughs again. "So, Tae Kwon Do and a black belt, huh? That's pretty nifty. I do some sparring as well." She swings her arms about as she rattles the controls, causing the arms to pin wheel about her.

Red Robin has posed:
"I doubt a spar here would work out well for you." Deus says as the game starts to flicker. "Gah, there is a corrupted peice of code, we should log out so I can run a diagnostic.' he says as his avatar vanishes in a flash.