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Latest revision as of 08:51, 12 November 2018

Embassy Refuge
Date of Scene: 07 November 2018
Location: Themysciran Embassy, Manhattan, New York City
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: Wonder Woman, Rage, X-23

Wonder Woman has posed:
Its late afternoon in November in Manhattan, the Themysciran Embassy has played host to a group of elementary school classes that had come in and were escorted through the place on a tour, then taken outside to the backyard where they were participated in fun events like a book reading where Diana read the children a story, they also got to do training with a pair of Amazonians in full battle armor... the kids definitely liked that, and they got to enjoy an outdoor picnic of sorts.

Now however, this event was wrapping up. Diana is helping to say goodbye to the last guests to leave. She's dressed in a black slim fit turtleneck sweater, a pair of black slacks and her hair is tied back in a ponytail. Its casual time right now in the modestly sized backyard of the Embassy in Manhattan.

Rage has posed:
The black BMW that belongs to Andrea Jackson pulls up in front of the embassy, followed by a pair of men in dark suits that appear to be bodyguards. One of them opens the back door to let the current reinging princess of pop out. Dressed in a pair of skinny jeans and a baggy Xavier's sweater, she takes a look upwards and lets out a slow breath. Heading up the steps to the front door, she presses a finger to the buzzer. After giving her name and state of business, they are led to the backyard through the central hallway.

X-23 has posed:
X-23 has been staying in the room she was granted, and training. If anything, she's been pushing her training even harder. But it's keeping her from street vigilante-ing. Whether that's good or not depends on your outlook. Right now she's still in the room, and doing her own workout, working one-armed pushups, and unaware of the visitor; she's not part of the official chain of things here.

Wonder Woman has posed:
When the new arrival is ushered out the back double doors onto the patio there, she'd be announced by name toward the Princess who's standing near to where some of the party items are being gathered up. Diana turns back toward the patio to see... well, she doens't know who Andrea is, but still she's as friendly as if they were long time friends. A smile spreads over Diana's red painted lips and she walks toward Andrea to greet her and offer her right hand to shake.

"Hello." She says to her. If she was brought back here, it likely meant she had important business who was a known figure in some sphere that warranted her to need to see Diana this very moment. "I am Diana of Themyscira." She says, her voice laced with a thick Greek-like accent.

Rage has posed:
As she steps out into the backyard, Andrea gives a glance about for a moment, then finds herself catching her breath in her throat as Diana makes her way towards her. While she may be the biggest popstar to date on a global scale, millions of records sold, TV deals, commercials, Disney, AEO, billboards, all her confidence pops like a balloon as she stares, wide eyed. "... I.. " Her beautuful voice cracks. ".. I'm your biggest fan." She sputters out, followed by a flush. ".. Oh my God, you're Wonder Woman.." She reaches out and takes her hand for a shake. "Do ...do I bow? I should bow... or is it kneeling? Oh my God."

One of her bodyguards lets out a soft chuckle, though the amusement in his eyes are hidden by a pair of dark shades. He leans down and talks into his radio quietly, letting his partner know that they have arrived safely. The popstar stops talking after a moment, then freezes, as if she was caught in headlights. "... Hi."

Wonder Woman has posed:
Its not that Diana doesn't know the name Andrea Jackson, its just that its a name for a sphere of this world that she's not terribly immersed in. Pop music isn't precisely Diana's 'thing' as it were. What does catch Diana's eyes most is the hoodie that the girl is wearing though, being that its an Xavier's School garment, a school she's come to know at least a few things about and form at least some opinion of.

The reaction that Diana gets from the younger one makes her smile though and she just nods her head softly. "I am... but I only ask that you call me Diana." The title of Wonder Woman is one she embraces publicly, but its also a name created by the media, its not a name she grew up with. "And there is no bowing necessary. Treat me as you would... a friend." She dips her chin in a light and simple nod then.

Diana then turns toward the table where there are still drinks and snacks laid out. "Would you like some tea. Or anything else that still remains?" Lots of healty food, but there are some cookies and baked goods too.

Rage has posed:
".. I love you." Andrea lets out past her lips before she clears her throat with a blush along her cheeks. "Sorry! I ... I'm just... I have idolized you since I was a child. You're like....amazing. I used to dress up as you for Halloween .. and Thanksgiving...and a few Christmas's.. Okay, I'm treading into embarrassmentville. I'm Andrea Jackson." She say as she finally peels her hand away from shaking it. She won't wash this hand. Ever. "Some tea is fine, yes, if you're okay with it. I um... I'm here because my best friend Laura is here, and .. I just want to make sure that she is okay.. I'm sure she is.. because ... obviously... you're here.. but.. um... my Principal told me she may not be feeling well, so I just wanted to make sure.. she was ... okay..."

X-23 has posed:
Meanwhile, Laura's picking up familiar scents. Given the limited information she has, she's not sure what to make of someone from the school showing up here. But regardless, it bears investigation. She stops her workout, stands, and heads out of the room. Not a full-on run, but definitely a brisk walk as she heads towards the scents of Andrea and Diana. She's not much of one for wearing her emotions on her sleeve, but she's stressed enough that it shows.

Wonder Woman has posed:
Diana motions to one of the assistants outside who goves to get a glass of tea ready for Andrea then and shen looks back to the younger one to smile at her. "Ah... okay. I do know you now." She says in response. "You are an artist and performer. A singer songwriter, yes?" She has a slight tilt to her head then. She does get a lot of young people through the Embassy so some are bound to speak about their favorite popstar!

When Laura is mentioned, Diana glances up to the Embassy and then steps toward her nearby sister who's in full Amazonian armor. "Would you go and retrieve Laura, please?" She asks. "Tell her that her friend Miss Jackson is here." A moment later and the warrior woman is off to go get Laura... however, when the door is opened and X-23 is already there in the hallway? The Amazon just turns and glances back to Diana.

"Ah, Laura!" Diana calls from outside. "You have a guest!"

The Princess looks back to Andrea then. "We have been happy to have Laura here, as long as she wishes to stay." Which doesn't give a lot of information about what they've been doing, but thats really up to Laura to say.

Rage has posed:
"Yes ma'am. I'm a singer and song writer. I run a charity as well called Starlight. It's a mutant crisis hotline for mutants to reach out to if they are feeling like ending it and can immediately find a counselor twenty four hours a day. It has been my new endeavor as of late." Andrea says with a bright smile on her face to Diana.

As the doors open to reveal Laura, Andrea's eyes widen and warm. "Hey!" She says as she throws a hand upwards. "Miss Grey told me that you were here and ... why you left. Think we can talk for a bit?"

X-23 has posed:
Laura's hard to read. But warm and fuzzy are not part of her expressions right now. "She told me things too. Like the school not being safe. Talk." She gives an affirming nod. But her body language is tense.

Wonder Woman has posed:
Diana intercepts the tea being brought to Andrea, she thanks her assistant and then takes the glass herself to take to Andrea. "Come." She says to both of them. "Lets head inside and give you both a bit more privacy to speak." Diana would seep herself through the doors, she'd offer the glass to Andrea on her way, and she'd guide them toward a sitting room with a few chairs and tables, that look out onto the backyard through tall windows covered with sheer white drapes. Its a much quieter and intimiate location than the backyard that has sevral people still within it.

"Laura has been staying here." Diana then says back to Andrea. "Until I am able to find out precisely what has been going on at this school. It has sounded somewhat alarming, to put it lightly."

Rage has posed:
Looking a bit worried at Laura's reaction, Andrea rubs the back of her neck, then reaches out to take the tea from Diana with a polite thank you. As she follows after the pair, glancing nervously at her friend now and again until they find their room for privacy. "I don't know.. about the school being in danger... Miss Grey just returned and said that all the psychics in the world were under some type of attack and in danger, but it's not going to .. um... affect us I guess.. and they have it handled... it's felt like .. school..." She trails off with confusion in her face. "Miss Grey told me that you left the school because you were upset with us. That you felt no one liked you, and that you weren't fitting in and no one cared about you. Is that true?" She asks as she bites her bottom lip. ".. Because you're my friend, and I love you, and I want you to be my roommate and .. and if I did /anything/ to upset you.. you ca tell me."

X-23 has posed:
Laura frowns, but she doesn't say anything till they've reached the more private room. "I left when the school was no longer safe." There were...issues...with herself and her parent roles there, but she's not as much of one to talk about her feelings. She watches Andrea's statement. "I do not know if I can trust you." she says, simply. "If something is inside the teachers, it could be inside you, trying to bring me into a trap." Still, she's torn. She looks over Diana's way. If nothing else, she's come to respect the Princess' grip on tactics.

Wonder Woman has posed:
Diana stands near the doorway to the room they now occupy and then looks from one of them to the other, listening to both of them. "Laura." Diana says when she sees the young one look to her for guideance. "If... Miss Jackson here is operating a hotline to assist mutants when they are in moments of great need, then it begs to suggest that it is very much in her character to come to seek you out when she believes you may very well be in trouble. So I do not think she has come here now under some attempt to..." She slowly shakes her head then. "Sway you into a trap."

Diana steps into the room further then and toward the other two. "That being said, if the school truly is in danger... it probably would be best if Miss Grey came to talk to Laura here about it."

Rage has posed:
"... Wait, what? You think I'd come here and hurt you?" Andrea says, looking a bit taken aback, hurt. "Miss Grey didn't tell me the school was in danger, and I'm the leader of the New Mutants. I'd know about this, right? I mean.. Mason thinks Miss Frost is acting weird because she's dressing even more like a hooker and going out and chain smoking and coming back smelling like booze, but I chalked that up to being a rich mid-life crisis thing." At least it sounds like her, babbling away. "But, I don't know.. no one told me /anything/ that anyone is in danger, and Miss Grey seemed convincing enough. Mason and I have been going to school and just .. you know.. going to school... I'm still training with Mister Summers and the team. But when Miss Grey told me you were upset, I just .. I just had to see you.." She glances to Diana with a confused look, then back to Laura. ".. You don't trust me? Can't you smell me or something and see I'm saying the truth?"

X-23 has posed:
"She said something evil was in Miss Frost." Laura explains. "It could be in you, too. I can smell outside. But if something is in your head..." She's torn, and she doesn't know. "You should just leave and come here." Like she did. "This place is safe." Her emotions are all twisting and turning. Little droplets of blood show at her hands, as her claws just barely peek out, breaking her skin.

Wonder Woman has posed:
Diana looks between the two of them and she releases a light exhale and then places her fingers together in front of her lap, interlacing them together as she listens to what they say. With it all said though, the Princess glances toward the room's exist. "Excuse me, one moment. Let me see if I cannot find a solution to this trust issue..." Diana would turn then from the two young girls and she'll start to make her way toward the partially closed door to slip back out into the hallway. Yeah... she's going to go get a certain length of rope.

Rage has posed:
Watching her hands, Andrea's face softens. "Oh, Laura... come on... don't hurt yourself. I know you'll heal and all but.. still.. look, I'm super upset and confused about this too. I really have no clue what is going on." She says as she reaches up to wipe at her eye. "I just know that I miss my friend." At the option of staying here, she gives a look about. "I mean.. I could.. but what about Mason? And Erika.. and.. Tyler.. Julian.. um... Boris... you know, the team? I still got studies. What is it that everyone is in danger of?" The talk of Miss Frost being dangerous causes some concern. "Is she like a mole?"

X-23 has posed:
Laura concentrates and gets the claws to slide in, the skin regenerating shut. "I...do not know. I am not used to being responsible for others. I am used to ensuring I survive, and complete my mission." She doesn't have an emotional attachment to most of them. But Andrea isn't most. "Miss Grey said there was something evil possessing her." She repeats. "I was going to kill her. But the safer choice was to evacuate." She /wants/ to believe Andrea. But she's not so sure she thinks the school is safe.

Wonder Woman has posed:
It only takes a moment longer before Diana returns from her office and in her hands is a coil of golden rope. She steps toward the two younger ones and can hear the last of their words but she stands there holding the rope for a second before she speaks up. "This." She starts, the bulk of the rope is in her left while while a lone strand hangs in her right that she offers toward both of them. "Is the lasso of Hestia." These words are said matter of factly while her blue eyes look from one girl to the other. "When it wrapped about one's body, any part of them, it will compell them to there-by only speak the truth as their perceive it." She looks to Laura then in particular. "Anyone who speaks while enwrapped by this lasso, physically cannot tell a lie. The rope's divine power will precent it." Diana then looks to Andrea and she holds the end of the rope up where it is looped. "If you slip your hand in here, you can tell Laura the truth and she can know it to be so... and nothing less."

Rage has posed:
"You were going to kill her!?" Andrea's eyes bug out of her head. "But... wait... Miss Grey told you this and sent you away.. and then she leaves.. and then she comes back and she tells me that you were upset at us for not being your friend and she told me to come find you.." There's a pause. "... okay, I'm not... saying this is for realies, but what if Jean is the one who is possessed? Are you able to tell? Like.. smell her?" It always comes back to smelling with her. "I mean, the two stories don't add up. Why would she lie to me? She knew I'd come here and find you because I was practically having an anxiety attack when she told me you were upset. You know I can be a drama queen."

The voice of Diana causes her to stop and she looks over her shoulder at her. She looks from Laura, then back to her, then holds out her hand. "I have no problem telling the truth. Tie me up." She pauses again, then face palms with her free hand.

X-23 has posed:
Laura shakes her head. "I can not smell what is in someone's head." She watches this, letting the demonstration happen before progressing; she's not sure who she can trust, and it's bothering her.

Wonder Woman has posed:
Diana looks up to Andrea's eyes and she shows her a smile. "I do not have to tie you up." She says softly to the other as she reaches out to take Andrea's left hand and then loop the lasso over it. Suddenly the rope will start to glow so brightly that it'll illuminate all three of them where they're standing around it. That alone is likely an impressive sight to behold, it shines as bright as a lit lamp and yet is still silently... just a rope?

A glance is given toward Laura and Diana offers the rest of the coiled rope to her. "You can test it on yourself, Laura, if you would like. Wrap it around your wrist and then try to tell us that the sky is green. If you lie... however... it will burn, just enough to cause discomfort. Not enough to permanently harm you." Andrea is connected to the rope now and Luara can be as well, the truths (as they perceive them at least) are all they'll be able to speak while-so.

Rage has posed:
"It will burn!? Holy crap, don't do that Laura! Don't lie to the rope!" Andrea blinks her eyes furiously a few times. Though when Diana explains it won't /burn/, burn you, she relaxes a bit more. "Okay, so.. um... how does this work? Everything I told you earlier I was telling the truth.. I miss you and you're my friend and Jean told me that you were upset and it's why you left .. and Emma is definitely dressing like a prostitute."

X-23 has posed:
Laura grabs the rope, not worried about burns. "Jean said an enemy manipulated her. Said she left so she wouldn't be a danger. Said Emma was under the control of the evil thing that manipulated her." No hesitation; no burns. The Weapon is used to giving accurate mission reports. "I left because the school was no longer safe." Okay, THAT will get a little bit of rope-glow. "...and because I did not feel welcome." And the glow will abate as she finishes the truth from her partial truth of the earlier bit.

Wonder Woman has posed:
Diana takes a step back as the two both use the lasso, she's fairly used to this with disputes, there is no better item to use in the world to make two people understand and believe in one another's truths than this very divinely powered twine.

"Well." Diana says then to both of them. "It sounds to me as though the root of this issue is in the faculty of your school. So to solve it, we need to speak with either one... or both of them. Perhaps put this lasso about one of their wrists as well?" Diana says this with a soft smile.

A short second later then and Diana exhales, then continues. "Look... both of you." She takes a seat on the edge of a table behind her and places her hands palm-together between her thighs as she stares at them. "Based on what I have heard, I believe that this school... a school for mutants... deals with a lot of odd situations and scenarios, and... I think, Laura." She looks to Laura. "That you have been living a very sheltered life up to this point, and this has lead you to not trust--or fully understand--what is going on in this otherwise peculiar place known as Xavier's School." She drops her chin just a little and raises her dark eyebrows. "You are welcome here as much as you wish to be here, but I get a sense that this school's faculty is simply... 'odd'. By both of our standards."

Rage has posed:
"I don't know.. Miss Grey said a psychic attack was affecting all the telepaths. Miss Gray and Miss Frost are both telepaths. She stressed that it was a pretty bad thing that was coming." Andrea chews on her bottom lip. "And she was gone so long... if... she was really concerned about Miss Frost.. then why send Laura away and let Miss Frost stay at the school with the rest of us and potentially putting us in danger? It doesn't make tactical sense." Okay, that's Cyclops talking. She lets go of the lasso and starts to pace back and forth. "Mason wants to follow after Frost, but my mental wards are not as strong as most. I'm built to be a tank on the battle field, not a rogue. So maybe we need someone who is good at mental shielding." She pauses, then sighs. ".. Like... Quentin Quire."

X-23 has posed:
"My life has been controlled. Not sheltered." Laura clarifies. The murder munchkin has most definitely not been sheltered. "I do not feel it is safe to return to the school at this time. Not for myself; not for Andrea." The things Jean said make even less sense to her, and THAT makes her feel even less sanguine about returning. "I think our team should leave until this is resolved. I do not want to kill anyone else close to me." She /hasn't/ let go of the lasso...this makes a very useful tool for proving her statements, in her mind.

Wonder Woman has posed:
Diana doesn't know who these names are, she's just not around this school to know any of them. "I... do not think that we should be encouraging you all to delve into this stuff deeper." She says then. She looks to Laura and nods softly once to her. "You are right. Controlled. Not sheltered. My apologies." She says while standing up and placing a hand on Laura's shoulder briefly for a moment before she steps around her and moves toward one of the large windows thats letting the daylight stream in filtered by the drapes. "Is this school still in operation?" She asks then, now looking back to Laura. "There are day to day classes going on?" She exhales sharply. "This is what -should- be getting focused on. School work. Especially if the school is functional enough to still -be- in operational status."

Rage has posed:
"Oh. Laura and I are both trained combatants. I know, I know, I'm a popstar and popular and all that, but I turn into a ten foot killing machine werewolf. You shoulda seen Laura and I together when the Reavers attacked. We kicked the crap out of them." Andrea holds her fist out to Laura for a fist bump. Don't leave her hanging. "We're on the New Mutants team. A school project to take a small group of students and train them to deal with critical situations and to utilize our powers together to overcome odds. Also, rescue lives! We're not superheroes, but we're trained to defend ourselves."

X-23 has posed:
"The school was in operation when I left." Laura states. "I cannot say if it still is, but Andrea's statements make it seem so." She awkwardly holds out her hand for a fist-bump. "I cannot risk being in the area. If something is influencing people...it is far too dangerous for me to lose control. That is how--" She breaks off, dropping the lasso as if she finally realizes the truth-telling could reveal her secrets.

Wonder Woman has posed:
The subject of their combat prowess makes Diana just look between the two young women but ultimately place her blue eyes on Andrea solely. "Believe me when I say that I am all for young people learning how to properly fight in order to protect themselves... But in order to teach someone how to properly fight, you have to firstly teach them how to properly choose -not- to fight." And now she gives a glance to X-23. It has been these kinds of lessons that the Amazons were hoping to instill in that of the young Laura, the training that they themselves have honed on Themysirca for hundreds of years.

"We, as fighters, have to know that we do not call upon our skills of combat, unless all avenues of peace have been exhausted." Diana reaches for the lasso then and she'll starts to wind it back up as she doesn't feel its entirely necessary at this point. "We need to look into this school situation further, but not with the intent that 'something evil' is going on or that 'we need to be prepared to fight'. We simply do not have enough evidence yet to support such a... drastic approach."

To Andrea then. "You are welcome to stay here, in the room beside Laura's, for the time being. But ultimately, we have to find out what is going on at your school."

Rage has posed:
Andrea bumps her fist against Laura's, then makes it explode with wiggling fingers. "You sound a lot like Jean. She literally just gave me the same lecture the other day when she came back to the mansion, floating out of the sky all covered in fire. She looked really badass. I know when not to fight. I don't like it, but I will do it to protect my family and my friends. We're trained to defend ourselves, not pick fights." She says with a bob of her head as she glances back to Laura, then to Diana again. "And I agree, we need to find out what's going on at the school, but .. I'm hesitant to leave.. not without Mason." She chews on her lip. "He can't defend himself like we can. He's .. uh.. kinda a coward and will get hurt."

X-23 has posed:
"You are no good to any of them if you fall under this influence, Andrea. The two of us can easily extract anyone we wish to." Laura tries to point out. "I trust here to be safe. It is the only place right now I trust to be safe."

Wonder Woman has posed:
Diana will simply nod her head then to the both of them. "Okay." She says then once she has the lasso fully rewound and draped over her forearm. "Tomorrow I will travel to the school and I will see whomever I can to discuss the subjects that are concerning us most. You both are invited to join me, but I understand if you feel there are things there that you would rather avoid." She glances to Laura, knowing that the young blademaster doesn't want to go berserker-mode because of the odd activities at the boarding school.

"Hopefully, I can acquire us all a little isnight... before we end up trying to find rooms in this place for all the students we want to pull out of their classrooms." Diana shows a soft smile then to them both.

Rage has posed:
"You do realize the kids are going to flip out when they meet you, right? You're Wonder Woman. Every single girl in that school has a poster of you on the wall ... next to mine." Andrea mentally preens a bit. "You're a super big deal. You're going to get mobbed for photos and autographs." She looks over to Laura and nods. "I'll stay the night here with you if you want, or we can even crash at my high rise in Manhattan. I have this beautiful million dollar pad with gorgeous look over the city and wrap around windows. I'll text Mason and let him know I'm here if that's okay?"

X-23 has posed:
Laura nods. "I will stay with you." She offers to Andrea. "We may talk about what has happened." That much, she's willing to do. The school may be a risk, but she doesn't seem to think Andrea is one anymore. "Thank you." She adds, looking to Diana. "For everything so far."

Wonder Woman has posed:
Diana can't help but laugh softly at the fame bit that Andrea goes on about and she softly nods her head to it. "Oh, that does not bother me. I just had four classes of elementary students here not but an hour's time ago." She says, offering a glance toward the backyard window behind her person. She then looks back to the others and smiles at them both. "I am glad you have a friend to spend time with, Laura. It is something that we all need." Something that she herself did not have growing up, Donna was there for a small span of time... but that is a long story as to what happened to her.

"Come on." Diana says to them both. "If you two are staying at Miss Jackson's, we should pack you some things for the night." She'll lead them both out of the sitting room then.