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Latest revision as of 09:29, 13 November 2018

Full Control
Date of Scene: 11 November 2018
Location: Unknown
Synopsis: Thor and Loki 'fail' at a mission, and don't talk of important things...
Cast of Characters: Thor, Loki

Thor has posed:

    Rocks clicked and clattered as they fell down the cliff-face into the valley far far below, the stones sent cascading downwards by the nervous shuffling of the slim silhouette of a young warrior perched on the precipice before the great depths. "You're certain this is the one father mentioned?" The blonde-haired youth lifts his eyes to Asgard's sky, but then nervously over his shoulder to the other boy with him.
    "You're certain he said that he wanted the dappled grey?" Prince Thor gestures downwards even as he maintains his awkward balance upon the single rock outcropping that prevents him from hurtling downwards towards what could well be an untimely end.
    "I just... don't remember him ever saying he needed a new mount. Is all."

Loki has posed:
    Loki has no problem with the wind, a small spell has a magical mote of air spinning around him in gentle playful arcs. It is a wind spirit: a soft tuft of cloudy fluff, that keeps any wind from assaulting the other leaner boy. His balance is perfect, his hair unruffled, leaving Thor to contend with the elements, since he abstained from 'needing' any magic.

    "Obviously I didn't ask you out here just to have the favor of your company," Loki huffs, and extends a poke of fingers towards Thor's ribs. The air spirit bounces around about his wrist and returns to flutter near Loki's left shoulder.

    "I don't think the dapple gray is the point. I think we're supposed to shake hands and make up," Loki grouses. He's always been perceptive of the things their father does to try to teach lessons, and picks up on those motives quickly.

Thor has posed:
    A snort is given, "What's to make up?" He laughs but there's a ruefulness to the laugh even as he holds himself there, "Difference of opinions and you were wrong." Thor says as he balances there but still looks a touch trepidatious as he ponders the depths below. Though assuredly Loki views it differently. He takes a deep breath.
    "The dappled grey. Very well." He looks over his shoulder towards Loki and points, "Just be sure to do your part! If I'm stuck doing this on my own I am going to put all your books out in the rain while you're asleep." He tries to give a weighty glare and glower in his brother's direction...
    And then he looks back. A wildness seems to enter his eyes as he laughs and the without further ado, /leaps/ off the outcropping and hurls himself into the abyss, landing some distance down with his boots sliding on the side of the cliff, as he skids down the distance towards the awaiting herd.

Loki has posed:
    "Facts aren't opinions," Loki says, trying not to leak frustration but he does anyway. He groans a little bit, dropping his hands to his sides. Thor can just be so impossible. The temptation was there to push Thor. Not that it would have mattered, he's survive. Probably earn a feast over the amazing feat.

    "Don't touch my books!" Loki flares, easily baited. And immediately follows.... while casting a spell to make sure ALL of the targets are dapple grey. Thor won't be able to complete the task alone. Unless he catches them all ... and Loki wouldn't put it past him, sometimes....

Thor has posed:

    Waves crashed against the rocky beach of Kvalvika Island in Norway, the waters raging and wild as the distant storm served to still cause the distant waves to roil inland carrying the weight of the weather's fury. It was enough to make the water lick at the one-eyed warrior's boots as he stood there, scowling to himself.
    "You're certain this is the only way we can get you what is needed?" He looks over his shoulder towards his brother, his grim features twisted with a smirk tinged with annoyance and begrudging affection. "You are certain I can't simply call to this child of Jormungand and /ask/ it for the Stone of Depths?"
    He looks out to the water again and frowns, hand resting on Mjolnir at his side as he nervously considers taking it in hand but refrains.
    "Perhaps Stark and Strange might have another idea?" Not that Thor is frightened, more just... wise in his older age.

Loki has posed:
    "You CAN do that," Loki replies, deadpan, drawing one hand forward as he looks into the orb of twisting water he holds in his right hand. He looks deeply into it, following the sense of the object they're after.

    "But you will warn it and end up with the same resulting fight, I think. So we may as well keep the aspect of surprise and better battlefield position," Loki advises smoothly. The comment about Stark or Dr. Strange gets a dour little stare, and Loki doesn't dignify it with an answer.

    "Once I have it I can assist you easily. You just have to survive a while. You do that well," Loki says, in a frustrated tone, but there's a softened smile to the edge of his mouth.

Thor has posed:
    "Aye, that I can do." Thor says over his shoulder but then he rounds on his brother. "But I am not the man you once knew. I often try parley first before matters become more intense. So I say I shall show you wrong today, brother." He turns back towards the water and lifts Mjolnir from his hip. He taps the mallet against the meat of his hand and then says. "There is no reason for the ancient hostility to continue. You shall see."
    And then, once he has said as much, Thor gives a small whirl of motion to the hammer, sending it around in a circle with a low /whom/ before bring it up and around, lightning flickers around the motion as the hammer goes up and then comes down. Until it impacts into the stones and causes a minor explosion of light and power that illuminates the docks for that brief flicker of time.
    The lightning congeals, solidifying into a ball of power and then lances off downwards towards the depths far off and away towards the heart of the world to send signal to the children of Jormungand that Thor, Odinson, would have words with them.

Loki has posed:
    Loki simply returns the look from Thor, with some skepticism to the raised brow. "You're lecturing me on attempting to talk and mediate before directly battling? Who are you?" Loki asks, with a soft laugh and shake of his head.

    "I'm rooting for you. Really. But I'll be on standby should things not be a perfect world here tonight," Loki says, and promptly fades into invisibility. The orb of water lingers a few moments longer and then pops like a little balloon, the water turning to mist as Loki does what HE does particularly well: wait and see.

Thor has posed:
    The wait is not long, for the Children are everywhere in the waters of the world. Older than the Asgardians and a touchstone of the Ragnarok cycle. They are not easily summoned, but when it is managed the response comes and with little warning.
    Water seems to gather and writhe reaching upwards out of the waves of the bay, reaching up and up as if something were emerging with a long serpentine neck that uncoils slowly. Not a serpent, though the now congealed water seems to take a similar shape, it is more a creature formed from water itself standing ten... twenty... thirty feet above the waves that roil below it. Turning its titanic head, it focuses slowly upon Thor, liquid eyelids parting and long wide fanged mouth opening to give sound to an ancient voice.
    << Ooooooodin sooooon. Nooooooo words to share. Noooooo need to speak. Whyyyyy doooo youu summonnnnn? >>
    To which Thor answers, "Forgive me, Child of the World Serpent. But matters are dire and there is a threat before us all."

Loki has posed:
    If Loki is still around, he's done a beautiful version of acting exactly like he isn't. If Thor has changed, well. It appears Loki's only become better at the things he always tends to do. At least, for now. Which is to always, ALWAYS, have a way out, and an angle on something.

    In this case, letting Thor do his thing, while the scrying continues, examining the water Serpent, and sensing along its form to seek out the magical focus he's after....

Thor has posed:
    To Loki's vision the latticework of magical reality is assuredly something beyond the understanding of Thor. It allows him to see such a criss-cross of information that he can easily discern the long tendril of power that winds its way downwards towards the heart of the world, down far below towards the depths of the Atlantic even as that power animates the long serpent of animated water. Should his vision follow through he will be able to see the places where such power originates, the subtle glows around pebbles and weathered and worn fragments of the world itself. Along the ocean bed... it takes time but he should find it as sure as one can follow a thread.
    Above, upon the beach, the creature answers Thor. << Noooooo Kiship shared. Nooooo bond to be shornnnn. Ooooodinsooonnnn, rules not heeerre. Answer is nooooo. >>
    Holding out Mjolnir, Thor tries to stay the creature, "What we face is a threat to all of us. Even you and your progenitor!"
    Yet it is not enough to keep the creature animated there as it slowly begins to sink back down down into the ocean.

Loki has posed:
    In Thor's ear comes Loki's advice. Whether Thor follows it or not is another story, though.
    "Leap; the dapple gray is below," is the mocking start. Yet it carries a weight of teamwork within it: Loki will hinder in some way, but he is not suggesting a fight. "Perhaps we can avoid a fight after all... if you're truly up to it," Loki says.
    There is a touch of change to the water as the magic starts to build, which also causes the creature to hesitate, as the magical strands holding it together bend with the flow of energy.

Thor has posed:
    Under his breath says low, "Lookkiii." He shakes his head even as that creature is caused to hesitate yet not enough to stop its dissolution entirely. But the Thunderer nods to himself and accepts the words of his brother, and so in that next instant he takes several steps quickly and /launches/ himself into the air only to plummet down down down into water that seems to subtly shift around him while he makes that move. His cloak snaps back along the flight and his armor solidifies though he wears no helmet.
    There's a crash of water, the splash loud and then the burble of water surrounds him even as he swings Mjolnir several times and lashes out forwards to let it begin to pull him along through the depths of the ocean guided by Loki's words.

Loki has posed:
    Loki follows with a swift shapeshift, a style of horned orca, partially still invisible, but the shields are getting shredded by the rest of the magic required. They're going down, and the snake struggles to orient quickly enough. Loki's behind the wake of Thor in the twisting magic-addled water, using his brother as something of a break against the water's force itself. The magic twirls and surges in front of them, creating a spinning funnel: disorienting and cold, but the path is evident.

    And down: ever down.

Thor has posed:
    Aspects begin to manifest in the water, not quite creatures visible to the eye but forces of power that as they get further and further down seem to exert themselves against them though their main target is the God of Thunder. Only discerned by their impact or by the debris of the ocean getting swept up into the manifestation, they lash out trying to hammer back at the beings.
    And even as he is drawn forwards and downwards, Thor rocks back and forth, buffeted by the impacts. The ocean swirls with silt and shell whirling around them until eventually the one-eyed Asgardian touches the ocean's floor, far away from the curve upwards towards Kvalvika bay. Mjolnir lashes out, short sharp bursts of lightning at the impacts as he strikes at some of those manifested creatures, striking them back and away and trying to buy Loki the time he needs.

Loki has posed:
    Loki uses the opportunity well, he streaks past Thor suddenly, going for the item now that his scrying orb has seized upon it. He doesn't revoke the shift, he simply dives, taking the physical brunt with his current shapeshifted form, while Thor keeps the worst of it off of him, and pulls the center of the essence free from the core. The impact of the removal is heavy, in that it causes a sliding collapse of the edges of the serpent the magic was manifesting.

    Loki dives for Thor promptly, a clear expectant quality. He has it: now it is just the exodus.

Thor has posed:
    As soon as that small seemingly harmless stone upon the ocean's floor is touched its power becomes apparent, especially to a being such as the Trickster. There's a flare of energy, almost a panicked thing as the manifested forces twist back on themselves trying to strain to get at Loki while he creates the needed enchantment. It is but a twisted motion, an execution to seize that essence and suddenly Loki has it...
    And suddenly around them the manifestations stop. Some from falling inert, and others from their flight fleeing the conflict at the loss of one of their own. It leaves the two Asgardians free to make their departure as they rise up quickly, their greater physiques allowing them to survive the decompression that would create bubbles in the blood of other beings. Upwards... ever upwards.

Loki has posed:
    Suddenly Loki makes a decision, though. It IS subtle, but if Thor is paying any attention to Loki at all, he'll see the deviation. Instead of purely up, there's a sideways move. Loki saw something: perhaps an opportunity, perhaps something above is dangerous, perhaps something shiny .... or all of the above. He leads on a sudden course change, though it isn't in a panicked way: more that something else may be going on. He leads east through the water, and then dives again, veering across a beautiful underwater kelp bed, dropping into the depths just a little before finding a rocky chasm, and bursting out into a strange, damp cave. The air is tight and frosty, but the Asgardians will have no trouble in it. Loki takes several instants before he returns to his own shape, as the whole of the magic use clobbered him. He puts a palm on a crusty rock, steadying.

Thor has posed:
    For a moment Thor seems to float there in the water, hammer held in his hand as he looks upwards, then off in the direction that the Loki being swims off in. One can almost imagine the rumble of, 'Loookiii' that is lost under the water but after he hems and haws for that single split second he scowls and then lashes Mjolnir forward to follow after his brother as they both make their way under the waves.
    And then it's only a few moments later that from that cave entrance, Thor will emerge dripping wet and water cascading down off him in a sluice of liquid, carrying with it some sea weed, silt, and debris. He rises up, wringing out his cape as he steps into that chill dank and stagnant air, frowning to himself.
    "I trust you were successful?"

Loki has posed:
    Loki takes a little more time, easing along the rock some and tacking a seat, relaxing both of his feet out. He's wet and a little rumpled, though Thor is the king of seaweed. He expended a lot to make that happen as quickly and as easily as it happened.

    "You tracked in a little seaweed," Loki comments with a gesture towards the pulpy green mass tangled around Thor's left boot. He then gives Thor a 'look' and laugh, resting his palms on his soaked thighs. "Before I answer that - did you know that the aftershocks of that magical release have set off chain reactions all around us? If someone WERE attemtpting to observe what we were up to, they'd have lost track of us during that," Loki says, as if all of this should be interesting to Thor.

Thor has posed:
    "A fortuitous circumstance." Thor says in that tone of voice that he uses when he's acknowledging something he may or may not understand, but may know it's a good thing. Or perhaps just seems like one. He does pull a length of seaweed off of Mjolnir's haft and stalks over, still trailing seawater as he moves then drops into a seat beside his brother.
    "But were our efforts a success or was all of that for naught?" He gestures absently towards the cave entrance, sending a faint cascade of droplets flying from his arm to patter upon the surface of the water there. "I do not wish to strain whatever connection may be left between our peoples."

Loki has posed:
    "What happened was," Loki begins, with a touch of his Arrogant Storyteller tone, "I did encounter the stone and wrest it from the enchantments," Loki says, flipping it out with some physical slight of hand from a wet sleeve. He turns it over his fingers in what is pure manual dexterity, no magic. He's taking a little magic rest, truth be told.

    "But towards the end, it was lost." Loki looks at the stone which is clearly not lost, and seeks out something in his magical satchel. He fits the stone into a larger metal and wood fitted slot, tightening down claws of metal around the stone, and then extends it, dangling by the new cord from his fingers, towards Thor. "Which is really too bad."

Thor has posed:
    Still wringing out his cloak somewhat, which ultimately is a rather... futile act considering they are likely to dive back into the water if only to return home, Thor looks over at Loki with at first incredulity but then tinged with that hint of confusion which... to be fair he often wears when with his brother. One heavy hand is extended towards the other Asgardian, even as he tilts his head to the side slightly. He accepts the cord and the stone attached to it, eyebrow lifting upwards.
    "That... is a pity. Indeed." He asks as he turns his head the other way then examines the fitting upon that cord. A fingernail draws along the stone's surface and he turns his quizzical look back upon Loki for perhaps... an explanation.

Loki has posed:
    "Fitted poorly that way, there should be more than enough erratic power to diffuse all kinds of psychic attempts aimed your way," Loki says, relaxing on his rock as if it were a sort of throne. "But it will probably also cause you vertigo and nausea, so save it for the battle to actually wear it," Loki smirks a little.

    The quizzical search for explanation gets one. In the degree Loki does such things. "I'm walking in the enemy camp, Thor," Loki says, with a sigh. "We'll have to part ways for a time, so that I can do what needs to be done within that side of things. And there's something you'll need to do."

Thor has posed:
    Listening to the explanation, Thor nods and considers the stone anew and imagining the battle to come. His lips purse briefly and he tilts his head to the side, watching as Loki speaks of his efforts in the near future. "I believe I understand." He offers, and for once perhaps he does, considering that Loki will need to be able to move subtly and quickly in the coming days and efforts against the Shadow King.
    Yet when Loki speaks about what he must do and then what Thor must do he nods, "Name it and I shall make it so." He lets the tail end of his cloak settle on the ground, turning his focus entirely upon his brother for now.

Loki has posed:
    Loki recovers enough to dry them temporarily. A small little cantrip to burst the seawater out of their clothes. He's generous, he doesn't just do himself, but both of them. A suggestion, perhaps briefly, that he may actually need the thing he's tasking Thor with.

    "He is /pleased/ with what I've done so far," Loki says. "Keeping attention off of the Astral Plane and rushing the Avengers to act soon and rashly...." Loki leaves that statement where it is, but does pause to let it sink in. Loki's working a con.

    He stares at Thor and then continues, "But within that, I've noticed the Shadow King abandons and forgets things that are no longer useful to him, very quickly. I want to use that," Loki explains. "If I'm knocked down in the fight... I should be free to act: beneath notice during the continuing battle. I would /prefer/ not not entirely be bashed into a pulp, though," Loki says, glancing at Mjolnir with a meaningful look.

Thor has posed:
    Brow furrowing as he looks to Loki, Thor gives a nod as he listens and follows along. He is no slouch, especially when it comes to tactics and what is needed to defeat an enemy. But he does purse his lips, some element of Loki's plan likely not sitting well with him. "Very well then," He shifts Mjolnir from one hand to the other and nods as he looks away. "I will hold back at the needed moment when you make the turn that it and the others might well expect of you." He doesn't include himself... and yet.
    "Fair warning, brother, it will have to be strong all the same. Lest it seem I am not truly deceived." Though the Thunderer has rarely ever struck out at Loki for true. He does take a deep breath for a moment, frowning to himself as he looks to the side, then back.
    "I will make effort as well to claim our battle to be ours alone when it should occur, so the others might not lash out at you as well."

Loki has posed:
    "Yes, well, try not to enjoy it as much as I would enjoy crushing you into paste," Loki teases back in return, with a quick smile that's slightly forced, or overly pushed. Loki perhaps is not looking forward to a beating, but the things HE wants are not often shared by Thor. If ever.

    "Sometimes you lose the battle to win the war. And perhaps things won't go according to how I've manipulated them," Loki says. "But the more willing I've been, the less the 'King' has prodded at me. So I think my dislike of the Avengers - and them of me - has helped cloak me well. Everything can be used as a boon, if you look at it the right way," Loki smiles wryly.

    "And I know you'll hate what I'm doing, but with how well fortified he is? It's a good shot. He is VERY ready for a direct fight with heroes, and to make a big show of how powerful he is. He's big on creating fear. It's a big example, I expect. Whether you play along, or... whether you even believe me? That's up to you."

Thor has posed:
    "Loki," Thor looks at him for a time, there in the underwater cave with the droplets trickling down along the sides of the ancient formation. He turns his head back to the side, letting himself ponder the lake of the cave entrance and taps a fingertip upon Mjolnir. The hammer is then set to his side and he says, "I believe you. Which is easy for me, for I wish to believe you."
    His lip twists a little as he sits up straighter. "I still feel as I did, back upon Sakaar." He flares his hands as he turns, shrugging a little. "Were I given my wishes for the future I want nothing more than what we have now."
    A small exhalation of a laugh is offered and then he looks Loki in the eyes, his one good one gleaming with the gentle smile that reaches it. "To rebuild our home. Together. In my future you are with me. That is /my/ ideal world."
    A moment passes, then he leans forwards to rest a hand on his brother's shoulder. "Perhaps you think me a fool, but I will shoulder that label to just have the chance of that life."

Loki has posed:
    The sentiments at first get a roll of eyes some and a rebellious return of a stare, since that's far more familiar to Loki about being mocked: or feeling mocked, that he's being played. But it doesn't stick, Loki senses the serious tone, and the smirk fades off when Thor directly looks him in the eye. His brows lift somewhat, seeming to indeed listen, and take it in; but then, he looks down and away as Thor sets his broad hand on his shoulder. There's a slight flex in Loki's jaw and expression, as he sorts through his own feelings about it.

    "Things are entirely different, now, with .... /our/ new home," Loki says, finally. No sarcasm curls under the words, though they are measured, said with some care. Keeping his emotions in check, probably: something Thor has known Loki long enough to recognize if he's looking for it. "You can defend it in your way. This is what I can do for it."

Thor has posed:
    He can likely hear the inhaled breath that is held as Thor looks upon him, squeezing his shoulder gently the once and then drawing his hand back even as he exhales slowly. "That is all I could ask for, brother."
    He then, abruptly and with some animation, rises to his feet and says with a smile. "Come, let us set to this task before us and come what may know we will at the very least make this thing pay for daring to trifle with the Sons of Odin." He unhooks his hammer from his hip and steps towards the pool of water upon the ground that leads outside.
    "To Kvalvika or are you elsewhere?"

Loki has posed:
    "To Kvalvika. But speak not of this again," Loki warns, and also moves a hand to close and push the stone away on Thor's person. "Or of that. Except in it's /regretful/ loss," Loki stretches some, shakes out his hands loosely, and then follows, with an eased and relaxed manner, as if nothing had transpired at all.

    Naturally, nothing did....