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Latest revision as of 09:31, 13 November 2018

Puttin' on the Ritz
Date of Scene: 12 November 2018
Location: Ritz-Carlton, New York City
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: Thor, Wasp (van Dyne)

Thor has posed:
    The quartet of penthouses atop the Ritz-Carlton had been commandeered at Tony Stark's behest. The reason? To try and offer some measure of stability to the Avengers, a central base of operations now that matters are weighing hard on their efforts and making the team focus on their current enemy, the Shadow King. In fact the main penthouse, the one closest to the elevator, has an entire wall dominated with information, clippings, lists and white board scribblings all detailing different aspects of this creature who supposedly possesses an Infinity Stone and has been the focus of the Avengers' attention. Things are in flux, plans are being made. But for now... there is little more to do than wait.
    And Thor Odinson hates waiting.
    He had tried to return to New Asgard, to help at the quarry and with the construction of their housing efforts. But Bjarke, the foreman, sent his King on his way considering that the delicate touch of a stoneshaper was not exactly in the Thunderer's wheelhouse.
    He had attempted to aid Dr. Strange in his efforts to find and recover their lost mansion, only to be told that his magical signature might be... interfering with matters. So he had left.
    It ends up that for now, Thor takes at least some measure of comfort, 'holding down the fort, which as far as he can tell means standing upon the balcony and looking over the city with his one good eye, even as he takes long drinks from the tankard in his hand.

Wasp (van Dyne) has posed:
    One of the Avengers who is NOT squatting in the luxury suites at the Ritz-Carlton is Janet van Dyne. It's not that Janet isn't sociable, it's just that she has her OWN penthouse in Manhattan. But that doesn't mean she's unwelcome, either.
    The elevator dings a moment before the doors open, and the petite woman steps out into the room. She's wearing a dress that is both casual and yet somehow suitable for cocktails. "Hello?" she calls out, peering around the spacious suite. "Vicious invaders at the door... Huns at the gate... Anyone home, or should I just help myself to the cookies and liquor?"

Thor has posed:
    Turning from his place upon the balcony, Thor tilts his head to the side and then lifts his voice to call out towards the door. "Janet!" The tall man turns and steps into the room, footsteps heavy though he is not wearing the armor that is traditionally upon his large form, rather he is wearing what passes for civvies amongst the people in the Avengers. That being jeans, and a grey hoodie, and white sneakers.
    As he passes the coffee table he sets the tankard down and calls out, "The doors are unlocked, you may enter." But in case she can't hear him he moves towards the door that leads to the foyer from which the elevator opens.

Wasp (van Dyne) has posed:
    The shorter woman beams at his greeting. And she chuckles. "Yeah, already here. Commandos have over-run the living room." she quips back. Heels click softly on the tiled floor as she steps in further. Stopping once the big, blonde-haired Thunder God is visible, she clasps hands behind her back and smiles up at him.
    "So how are things going with the existence in exile?" Janet asks, looking around the suite. "Looks like you guys are really roughing-it."

Thor has posed:
    The one-eyed Asgardian gestures to the side, waving a hand to the room itself, "We make do. It shares most of the amenities of Stark's manor, but it still does not seem proper." He looks around and then shifts his attention back to Janet as he smiles and steps towards her, "But it is good to see you!" And with that he'll move forwards and envelops the tiny woman in a large hug, arms tightening around her as he /lifts/ her up off the ground, spins once, and then sets her down at arm's length.
    His gaze meets hers and his lip twists upwards, "You keep much too much to yourself. You are missed." He says this last as if he were an authority on the matter and that such a statement cannot be argued against.

Wasp (van Dyne) has posed:
    Janet chuckles softly, gaze following his gesture. As he steps closer she doesn't move away, and gives a squeal of mock-surprise when she's hugged. Surprise or no, she wraps her arms around his neck all the same and kicks her feet up for appropriate theatrical effect.
    Bouncing lightly upon the balls of her feet once she's set down again, she laughs more properly. "I didn't want to be in the way." she replies. "After all, I DO have my own place in New York." When he sets her down she lets her hands trail along his muscular arms, resting palms upon his forearms.

Thor has posed:
    "A woman who can make herself exceedingly tiny cannot be in the way, now can she?" Thor says even as he squeezes her shoulders as he smiles, but then he turns and steps away, his footsteps carrying him back across the room. Though as he passes the cart that is apparently full of various and sundry bottles he offers her a drink with a gesture to the side, "Is there aught I can get you?" He takes up his abandoned tankard and carries it with him. "Something to drink?"
    He pauses, turning back to consider her and then smiles a touch, "I have been enjoying this dish they have prepared for me on occasion here called the Skins of Potatos. Very good, flavorful cheese." As he says that he motions to the kitchenette area but seems to hover near to the balcony if she needs neither of those things.

Wasp (van Dyne) has posed:
    Janet almost succeeds in NOT beaming when the big man squeezes her shoulders so gently. She follows as he steps away, shorter legs moving more quickly than his own, longer strides. "I won't turn down a whiskey, especially if it's Stark's." she replies.
    Following his gaze towards the balcony, she considers a moment before settling onto the sofa. "Potato skins, yes." she replies wryly. "I can see how you would. You'd also enjoy nachos, I think. Have you been watching the skies for something, then? And where do things stand on getting the Mansion back?"

Thor has posed:
    At her behest he turns back to the liquor cart and takes a tumbler off where it hangs on the side of it. He sets it down and then tilts a bottle until the caramel liquid pours into the glass, gurgling faintly until he fills it halfway and then sets the bottle back down, replacing the cap. With her drink in hand he walks it over to her and offers it, then answers her questions.
    "Dr. Strange and Wanda are working on the problem of returning the mansion from the dimension it was lost to. It had something to do with the being we are facing now."
    Once she accepts the drink he moves back towards the balcony and slips out into the night and the bracing chill of the evening air to lean back against the railing and look back upon her. "The Shadow King opposes us, and may possess a powerful artifact that has granted him great dominion over the minds of others." He grimaces slightly, then shakes his head. "Once Stark and some of the others finish preparations well... then we shall face him."

Wasp (van Dyne) has posed:
    Janet watches him fill the glass, auburn brows lifting. She knows better than to criticize him on portions, but... better to be sipping, it would seem. Accepting the glass with a murmur of thanks, she raises it for a *small* sip.
    "I do much better with the physical than the metaphysical." the petite woman replies. "An artifact that gives him mental domination of others? Hopefully Tony is working on a counter. Or Strange. Perhaps both. Turning even one Avenger could easily flip the outcome of a battle."

Thor has posed:
    "Aye," Thor nods as he leans there, his own tankard sloshing a bit as he lifts it and downs a swig. "Matters best left to be considered in the future when our plans are in progress. For now..." He looks to the side and seems about to say something. A moment passes, two, but then he looks back to her and his lip curls wryly.
    "For now, you should tell me what passes for you. What has occupied your time and how you have fared." His brow furrows a touch as he taps a finger on the side of his mug, "Last I recalled you were teamed with The Black Knight on some adventure in Europe. How did that fare?"

Wasp (van Dyne) has posed:
    Janet purses her lips at the mention of the adventure with the Black Knight. She shrugs at that. "Oh, the adventure in Europe went well enough. When we returned to New York, however, there was a troubling little matter of someone in my organization trying to assassinate me. Dane was a big help with that, and now the conniving woman who wanted me dead is decorating a prison cell."
    She draws a deep breath, exhaling slowly before taking another sip. A longer one this time. "But now Dane is on another assignment, and I have had matters at my company that required my time."

Thor has posed:
    The Thunderer nods and tells her, "I see," In that tone of voice that she likely has come to understand means that he does not see at all, but is polite in perhaps trying to seem like he understands. For even though he can so often come across as a normal individual from the city, he also can seem very much like a fish out of water.
    He takes a deep breath and exhales slowly, a low hmmm of sound thoughtful as he looks to the side then back at her, "Do you require aid in these matters? Presently our efforts are rather focused upon this King of Shadows. But if you needed aid I am sure one of us could be of some use at the least."

Wasp (van Dyne) has posed:
    Janet chuckles and she rises, carrying the drink with her as she crosses to the balcony. Without a word, she embraces him and presses her cheek against his large chest. As if to help him understand things a bit more. "It's fine, now. Truly." she replies. "Everything is going to be just fine."