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Latest revision as of 09:33, 13 November 2018

A Little Chit-Chat
Date of Scene: 12 November 2018
Location: Unknown
Synopsis: Catching up with Tony means earning a free lunch. Steve won't say no, even if it's a task remaining anonymous in this crazy city.
Cast of Characters: Iron Man, Captain America

Iron Man has posed:
    The Avengers occupy not only the top floors of the hotel, seated in the best penthouse suites, but also a smattering below that. The security that Stark set up with the hotel has limited the group from an actual full sprawl, and there are many that have chosen to stay in Stark Tower or other arrangements, but for those that chose to stay together as a group in the hotel, the top floors are the place to be.

    Except for Stark himself. He's rarely around the hotel in person. His robots are all over the place, though, in a pervasive security presence that the hotel has had mixed reactions to. That they are sold out due to the Avengers being around and in the elevators has not harmed the relationship, though. It causes some hassle to the Avengers, the interest in them. Tony, of course, is either indifferent to that issue or isn't aware.

    Tony gets to experience it on the way in today, though, but treats it with all-star presence as always. So it is a good mood that is on the face of the Avenger as he exits the elevator onto the main floor, two floating robots behind him, attention on a handheld tech panel that is far too insane to actually be called a tablet in hand, brushing fingers through 'pages' of holograms. The yellow and orange holograms look like a blend between the hotel and a death star schematic. Otherwise Tony is dressed reasonably casually, a graphic tee under a sleek fitted suit jacket, sunglasses hooked at his neck.

Captain America has posed:
Somehow, though no one's sure how -- not even on-site staff -- the blond man managed to make it up through the levels of residencies and out of the elevator without being called out by passing hotel attendees. Perhaps there is something to be said about a baseball cap and a pair of sunglasses after all? Regardless, those are discarded upon the marble surface of a nearby countertop in the penthouse's kitchen. Over at a window, a familiar set of broad shoulders stands, looking down over the sprawl of busy New York City. The touch of the old school is worn as a brown bomber jacket, shearling-lined and all overtop a heather-grey long-sleeve t-shirt, in accompaniment with jeans and all-terrain boots.

Upon hearing the soft whir of machinery and the soft shush of the elevator doors closing, Steve turns away from the window. He leads with a polite half-smile and a few meandering steps towards the genius-inventor now present.

"Tony," he says quietly by way of greeting, even going so far as to offer a handshake in case there's a hand (and attention) not occupied by holographic schematics. "Thought I'd drop by and say hello, see how everyone's doing."

Iron Man has posed:
    "Hi," Tony responds as he would to anybody, cheerfully offhand, though after only a minimal pause, does look up from what he was doing. Steve earns full attention status. The handshake is answered in an automatic way, though one brow lifts a little, amusement playing under the goatee at the formality of it. He draws his hand immediately back to the almost-tablet, but does appear to be pausing what he was up to. After an aside to the first robot, "Yep, go ahead," since it boop'd at him.

    "Well. Everyone wants the mansion back, of course," Tony says wryly, tapping a few fingers of his left hand along the metallic edge of the mobile device idly. "It's been a morale hit, even if we can easily survive without it. That, and splitting resources. I /do/ think those were the main goals of what happened to it in the first place. I mean, in addition to an attempt to blow up most of that side of the city."

Captain America has posed:
Those wheat-gold brows knit to hear the report. As always, it gives Steve that mildly melancholy air he wears just as easily as a go-lucky smile in those rare moments it appears. Back into his coat pockets his hands go, and he considers one of the robots off-handedly before giving a short shake of his head.

"That was a hell of a mess," he mutters in regards to the destruction that occurred. "Glad we were able to come together as we did to stop the worst of it. Word through the channels is that we've got a few leads on where it is? I thought I heard Wanda had made headway? And something about talking to the Doctor?" Yep, that Doctor, capitalized title and all. He steps away from Tony and into the kitchen once more, still keeping most of his attention on the other man. "Made some coffee, you want any?" The Captain gestures towards the machine in question having finished its sole purpose of decanting that deliciously-dark miracle brew. Next is to root about for a coffee mug in one of the cupboards.

Iron Man has posed:
    "The good 'Doctor' caused it to be put into the dimension it's in, so he better have a good lead," Tony smirks in answer. His 'Doctor' is also capitalized, but also has a sort of annoyed quotation mark on it. It isn't angry, more of a verbal sigh around it. "He and I agree that it isn't a priority over stopping this Shadow King, though. It's a house, and can be replaced. The damage this 'King' is doing might not be something any of us can actually replace," Tony answers, striding along into the kitchen while he talks. He gestures a lot, though he only has one hand.

    "Coffee? Nah," Tony declines. "Thinking lunch. You want?" Tony says, not quite switching gears, but multitasking, as he might do a quick aside to an assistant during a meeting.

    "I have to get back to the Tower though; I'm working on ... well, essentially a mind-zapper. Technical term, don't worry about it," Tony says evenly. "But it is in fabrication. Another..." he checks the tablet. "---forty six minutes. Sooooooo... security. And lunch. And you." Tony squeezed Cap into the schedule: so generous.

Captain America has posed:
Steve leans back to appear from behind the open cupboard door, sporting a wry little smile of his own. "Glad you could make time for some basic human interaction," he smarts gently at the other man. "I've got about an hour for lunch. We could have something delivered to the Tower, since you've got your fingers in so many pies." Lo, a white cermanic mug, simplicity abounding and yet so useful in holding just the right amount of coffee, appears from Steve's scrounging. He pours himself a steaming volume and then sips it, heedless of heat. Only a little wince from him at his lips being burned; blowing at the rising steam is more cathartic than useful in the short interim.

"And I've got no problem speaking with the Doctor, since you're working on your mind-zapper." One can hear the mild dryness of the term tossed back at Tony. "I'd be interested to hear what he has to say. He's always got something thought-provoking to share." A loft of brows indicates wry fascination. "Sometimes, it's not even English. I still haven't convinced him to pull a rabbit out of a hat yet. Maybe someone else can." He's mum on the fact that he's got a riding bet on accomplishing this task.

Iron Man has posed:
    "'Basic human interaction'. You sound like Pepper," Tony deadpans. It isn't actually a complaint, more an amused observation and semi-retort. "/Until/ I remind her that I'd like to schedule two additional holiday parties this year, and she remembers not to tease me about interacting, and suggests I go finish my project," Tony continues, cheeky. He doesn't pay attention to much of any of the coffee process Steve goes through, his attention was buried in the holograms, as usual.

    "Convince him? -- doubtful. Create a small portal to teleport a rabbit, that /I/ can do," Tony answers smoothly, in his usual rivalry with magic. "When I'm not defending the world from a sadist promoting world war."

    "MMmmmm, if you have time, meet with Jean Grey and Doctor Strange both. Maybe even bring Thor along, just to delay him from wanting to run at the enemy head-on or to actually listen to Loki," Tony suggests. "Otherwise, before I forget: the Martian Manhunter would be another one to contact; the Justice League has been accessing the information I've given them, finally. I have him on my list, just haven't gotten to it."

Captain America has posed:
"Mmm," and Steve cocks his head, his flat sound projecting a lack of acceptance in the whole portal gig. "No, those glowing golden rings don't count. It's gotta be a hat or nil." He sets the white coffee mug aside on the marble countertop to let the drink cool. Captain American can be patient and not burn his lips again, wonder of wonders. "It'd be a moral boost if //someone// managed to convince him."

Momentary funning aside, the man appears to grow more solemn once more. "Jean Grey," he repeats, " -- and yes, I can convince the Prince to join me. Loki's around again?" Those well-built arms cross firmly before his chest and now he's frowning. "We can't have that, not with the way he double-bluffs on top of his initial bluffs. I'll get to the Martian Manhunter if I can. I might have to leave that one up to you. I'm still working overtime on following up on the telepaths, the ones rescued. Now that they're in protective custody, there's information to be gained." He then blows a sigh, looking away and out at the city beyond the windows again. "Not only that, but speak to Jessica Drew. You know her. She can fill in the blanks where the telepaths either won't or can't."

Iron Man has posed:
    "Jessica? Yes, her too," Tony says, snapping his fingers of left hand, as just remembering Jessica Drew again. He has a lot going on. This is what he has assistants for. And robot assistants. Remembering details. "Go with 'King' for Thor now, by the way," Tony reminds distractedly, as if it wasn't a big issue. "And yes, Loki's around. I'm thrilled. This is my thrilled face." No expression, except a roll of eyes sideways.

    "I might have all of the interview footage from SHIELD," Tony comments, as if again, it were no big thing. "And overviews from that which my AI have compiled. But you'll probably inspire them to spill everything, so I'm all for your take if you chat with them," Tony says: supportive, in his way. He keys in something on his device. "Okay, Manhunter's on me. Maybe he'll let me test my mind-zap device on him," Tony adds, with a quirk of lips. He then looks at the coffee mug. "Suck that down, let's go do food," he says, while clearly finishing off some kind of programming command to the other robot. It veers off, attracting other robots from the vicinity towards it to have some sort of robotic meeting (or to do general service and testing).

Captain America has posed:
Steve glances back over at the inventor in mild surprise -- King it shall be, when the time for conversation comes. He notes this with a small, confident nod. "Happy to use what noteriety comes with my name if it gains us a leg-up on this interdimensional madman. I'll take you up on that footage, however, as well as the overviews. No use in asking something twice unless you've got half an answer or someone's lying."

The coffee then disappears in a timely manner -- as in, the Captain downs it all heedless of the temperature still lingering just on this side of 'too hot'. Someone's stomach will be warm for a while, but it's no loss, especially with the chill of near-winter settling over the city. He puts the mug in the sink and even runs a little water into it to avoid dried coffee in the bottom. "Lead the way," says Steve in terms of lunch even as he gathers up his sunglasses and baseball cap yet again, those mediocre items of attempted anonymity.

Iron Man has posed:
    "Footage, overviews-- done," Tony says quickly, flipping folders in his device. "If you can't find them, complain; one of the AI will help."

    But then,Tony actually entirely dead stops to look at the ball cap and sunglasses disguise, but simply gives a 'look', clearly amused. He almost got away with saying nothing. But Tony doesn't have much of an off switch. "My goodness /gracious/, where DID Captain America go?" Tony asks teasingly. Then, he promptly leads the way. He does fiddle with his device once more on the walk out, and hands it off to a robot that intercepts them to take it: without even really looking. His minions just do his bidding. They are programmed that way.

    "You MIGHT not escape recognition with me," Tony teases once they hit the elevator. "I'm thinking... curry?" Tony says, hitting the button, and promptly 'cheating', with a flip of smaller mobile device out, aimed vaguely at the security panel. The elevator will go all the way down, to let them into the main lobby.