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Latest revision as of 07:28, 21 November 2018

Amazons and Angry Birds
Date of Scene: 02 November 2018
Location: New York City
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: Wonder Woman, Robin (Wayne)

Wonder Woman has posed:
7:30 pm on the first day of Novemember. There's a chill in the air but the New York City skyline is clear of clouds and the sun has mostly set on the western horizon. The city's lights are bright and the sounds of life are vibrant amongst the city's streets.

Atop the of Themysciran Embassy the 'Invisible Jet' has parked and Diana Prince, along with two other Amazonian Warrior women are disembarking the large jet from its aft entry ramp. They appear from the interior of the vessel and start to walk across the roof of the Embassy.

"I believe things will be going smoothly there from here on now." One of the Amazons says up to Diana, who smiles softly and nods her head.

"You are right, at least I hope so." The Princess responds. Diana is dressed in her armor with her weapons on her back, a sword and javelin. She has a dark blue robe over her armor though and its keeping her body mostly concealed as she walks with her sisters toward the Embassy's roof entrance which are a set of french doors lit on either side by light sconces.

Robin (Wayne) has posed:
     Robin had perched atop a nearby building, not attempting to conceal his presence there. Moving on the assumption that being seen by the amazons would let what he was about to do pass.

  A piton is shot, attaching to the embassy wall. He leaps upwards after reeling in his grapnel, landing on the rooftop with his cape draped around himself. "Wonder Woman." He calls out, sounding matter of factly, but a tinge nervous.

Wonder Woman has posed:
The two women flanking Diana both reach for their swords, well one has a sword and the other has two ornate daggers that she pulls from the sheathes on her thighs. Both women stand ready to defend their Princess from this new arrived Unknown but Diana? She'd sensed him swooping in moments before he'd arrived and once he does she lets a soft smile touch her lips.

"Robin." She says to him, her eyes glaning back to her Sisters to nod once to them and the two of them both slip their weapons back away. Diana looks back to Damian then. "How might I be of assistance to you this evening?" She asks the young Caped Crusader.

Robin (Wayne) has posed:
     "Two questions for you." Robin lowers his hood, and nods to the Amazon. He had a simple task, but it was difficult for the teenager to ask. "I...am not of your kind. I strive to learn all I can about combat." He approaches slowly, footfalls of his boots softly clash against the roof of the building. "I desire to learn Themyscieran swordplay. I understand it is a long shot, but you can understand, it is difficult for me to find new styles to learn."

  Robin takes out a piece of paper from his utility belt. "There is also an incident at Titans tower that concerns me." He holds out the paper to Diana. It reads 'Do not try to cross the portal. It is unstable. Probably best not to tell the others about this note.' It is signed Damian. "This came through the other day. Given the contents of the note. I was remiss to bring it to Father. On the off chance it is really myself that sent it, I needed to minimize the risk of a paradox."

Wonder Woman has posed:
Diana keeps her eyes on Damian while the other two Amazonian women exchange looks with one another. After that they separate themselves from the two of them and they move toward the French doors where they open them and move on inside of the Embassy so that Diana can speak to Robin in private.

Diana steps closer to the young man then and she reaches out to accept the note before she lets her blue eyes drop down to it. "Well that is intriguing, is it not?" She says then while she lets her gaze roll over it before she flips it over to glance at the back. "Which portal is it referring to, do you think?" She clearly knows of more than one portal! She doesn't comment on the training as of yet.

Robin (Wayne) has posed:
     "It was the second portal, if I remember correctly...someone else mentioned them to you?" He asks, it was new information to him. And this was definitely the kind of thing Damian would keep from the other Titans. Things such as this bearing a warning, keeping things hush hush were usually for a reason.

Wonder Woman has posed:
Diana's head is shook side to side, her dark brown hair gently blowing in the cold november breeze up here on the roof of the multi-story building. "I have not heard of any portals... Nothing recent anyway and nothing... mysterious or potentially threatening." Its possible that someone within the League has been with holding some information on this subject? Batman perhaps? She wouldn't know, but she does look down to the note one more time, held gently in her right hand.

Robin (Wayne) has posed:
     Robin sighed, he was trying to keep his usual sources away from this. "Batman could possibly know about this. But if the note is correct, I shouldn't make anyone in the Family or the Titans aware of it."

  He was definitely out of place when it came to things like this though. Robin had only thought of asking someone Batman would have sought council for as well, or at least he thought so.

Wonder Woman has posed:
Diana offers the note back to Damian then and she nods softly to the young man. "I think it would be best if you brought this to him." She admits. "He is a remarkable detective, as you know, and he can assuredly find a way to determine the validity or... fakery... of this letter." She shows a light smile then. "Have faith in him. Still... I am here to help if I can."

A breath is drawn in then and Diana levels her gaze once more to Robin after glancing to the north for a moment. "There are Amazonian Combat Classes taught the Themysciran Arts Center on the other side of the park beside this Embassy. They are taught every morning and evening by my sisters, and myself when I am able to be there. Different days involve different skill levels. IF you wish to learn with us... you are more than welcome to come. You can be upfront with your identity or hide it, we will not reveal it to anyone within the classes, however."

Robin (Wayne) has posed:
     "I understand." He offers, more than Batman's usual grunt or even silence. It was something that he would have to approach his father about soon. As much as the Titans enjoyed autonomy, they still needed assistance now and again.

  "I am sure I can make the classes. It would be an honor." He comments, if anything, Damian was a good student, of not only for the learning part. "Thank you, Wonder Woman." He was the consummate professional, codenames and all.

Wonder Woman has posed:
Diana just responds to him by showing him a smile laced with warmth and a soft single nod of her head to him. "Of course." She says further. "I am continously proud of the work that you and the other members of the Titans are doing and I am always here to help you and yours should situations arise where I am able to do so. You, and the others, will always have a place to come to here the Embassy in Manhattan or the Consulate in Metropolis." She then glances toward the doorway before back to Robin. "You are welcome to come in now if you would like, as well."

Robin (Wayne) has posed:
     Damian gives a bow of his head. "Thank you. The team is definitely greater than the sum of its parts."

  The offer to enter the embassy is tempting, but the young man has other things to attend to. "I need to get back to Gotham. Find out more about this portal." He takes out his grapnel, shooting the gear off, giving Diana a grateful nod.

Wonder Woman has posed:
Diana returns the nod then and she turns toward the doorways into the Embassy before she pauses and looks back to him. "Please keep me posted on any updates that you do find. I do not like being left in the dark any more than any one else." She shows a light grin then.

"And I look forward to seeing you at the classes." With that said the Princess starts toward the entry into her home where she's met by one of her Sister's who has a cup of hot tea for her, Diana accepts it and thanks the other Amazon while she removes her heavy outer robe and offers it over to them in exchange for the cup.