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Night Thrasher (Scenesys ID: 722)
"Captain Marvel's words echo in my head: 'the folks who never asked to be placed in the line of fire.' That shockwave of unintended consequences? It's mainly felt by the people on the ground. Bus drivers, teachers, librarians, secretaries, fast food managers, mass transit technicians... the people who keep our world moving forward."
Full Name: Dwayne Taylor
Gender: Male
Species: Human
Theme: Marvel (FC)
Occupation: Student
Citizenship: Dominion of Canada
Residence: The Pembrooke (Riverdale, Starling)
Education: Riverdale High School
Status: Active
Groups: Alpha Flight, Riverdale Gang
Other Information
Apparent Age: 17 Actual Age: 17
Date of Birth 11 December 2008 Actor: Stephan James
Height: 191 cm Weight: 109 kg
Hair Color: Black Eye Color: Brown
Theme Song: {{{Song}}}


Having lost his parents at a very young age, Dwayne started to hate lawbreakers and began to train in the martial arts in order to punish them. During the day, he is a student at Riverdale High School and the majority shareholder of the Taylor Foundation. By night, he trains and patrols the streets as Night Thrasher.



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Dwayne Michael Taylor is a handsome young man with strong features and intense eyes. His hair is thick, and black with a lustrous sheen. It is kept short and close to the scalp, with "waves" lining the short, tight curls. The sides and back are shaved into a high and tight fade, with a neatly lined hard part on the left side, just above his temple. His skin is smooth and clear, with a milk chocolate complexion with just a hint of a golden luster under the surface. His brows are thick and arched, neither brooding nor kind over a pair of deep, dark brown eyes that are soulful and smoldering, like a turbulent whirlwind of emotions resides just under the surface. His nose is broad, but not too wide for his face, and his cheekbones are high and creating a pleasing angle running down his cheeks. His jaw is squared and strong, with a matching chin that he often adorns with a short cropping of facial hair. His lips are soft and full, but it looks as if they're more inclined to frowning than smiling.

His body is well built and powerful, which an athleticism that suggests a prime athlete. Broad shoulders, with long, well muscled limbs, with every sinew and muscle outlined in soft relief as a display of shadows and light on his skin. His chest is proud, his stomach a washboard, and his legs those of a natural born runner. He tends to favor fashionable designer clothes and dress casually when out and about. Jeans, t-shirts, and leather jackets are his go-tos, but when high society calls, he can slay in a three piece suit.

Night Thrasher is an imposing figure of shadows and blood. His inky black skull is featureless, save for a pair of dead, white eyes that seem to possess a baleful and spectral luminosity. Thick, blood red lines run from the back of his head, ending just over the shadowy pools of darkness in the sockets of his eyes, only to continue running down under them and connecting to a crimson armored plate that runs along his jaw and rises up over the crest of it his chin. There is no nose or mouth visible on this visage of horror, just an emotionless void of shadow.

His build is powerful, but lean, with broad shoulders and a narrow waist and long, powerfully built limbs, with large hands and feet. A black leather trench coat is draped about his body, with armored paneling added for protection on the shoulders, forearms, back and sides, each delineated with crimson colored piping to break up the monotone black and give a distinct visual aesthetic. Under the coat, his body is likewise adorned in a form fitting suit of black, with a red ring around the collar with a panel that extends down the length of his chest and abdomen and tapers to a point just above the buckle of a red belt wound about his waist. The belt holds a myriad assortment of compartments and pouches, indicating a tactical use for ease of withdrawing equipment. His pants are similarly snug, accentuating each sleek line of muscle and sinew, with the red piping around his knees, and armored plates creating stripes down the front of each shin of his heavy duty combat boots.


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Dwayne Taylor was the son of Darryl and Melody Taylor. Dwayne's father was a member of a UN Peacekeeping Unit in Timor-Leste, which discovered the secret Temple of the Dragon's Breath. At the temple, a sorceress named Tai captured the six soldiers and forced them to take part in a "pact": to marry six of her daughters, and give her their mystically-powered offspring to use for her own nefarious purposes. Darryl Taylor refused to participate in the pact because he already had a wife back home. Darryl's unit commander Andrew Chord and the other soldiers submitted to the Pact, however, and Tai sought revenge against Darryl years later. She mentally forced Chord to murder Darryl and Melody in front of Dwayne. Tai then stepped in and manipulated Dwayne's mind, clouding his memories so that he only remembered his parents dying, not who killed them.

Tai, under the ruse of being the elderly housekeeper, and Chord became Dwayne's legal guardians, and nurtured his desire to avenge his parents' deaths by becoming a living weapon against crime. They oversaw the day-to-day activities of his father's company, the Taylor Foundation, while Dwayne trained for his mission. As the uncostumed urban vigilante called Night Thrasher, he now stalks the nights delivering vigilante justice on criminals and leading the life of a costumed "hero", while trying to juggle the life of a billionaire high school student, and all the dangers and drama that high school life entails.


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Night Thrasher is intense. Really intense. He is driven to a razor focus on his mission, and almost nothing else matters to him, but he's still a bit inexperienced and working out the best approach for himself when it comes to crimefighting. His temperament can get the better of him, and at times, he's prone to violence. He is aggressive, and likes a fight, though it doesn't need to be a physical one. It can be a mental fight, a financial one, or even just a good old fashioned verbal spar. It's all about the challenge. He also hates being, or feeling, manipulated with a fervent passion. Despite these debatably flawed character traits, though, he is not unlikeable. He has a sense of wit and humor. He is caring and compassionate for the few people he lets in. And he's not an iron fortress when it comes to that, either. He believes that working with a team is better than being alone. He is able to identify a person's strengths and weaknesses and make the best use of the former and mitigate the latter. Combined with his tactical acumen and strategic ability, this makes him a capable leader.


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Night Thrasher is surprisingly deft for his size and weight, which often takes people off guard when first seeing this raw agility demonstrated. He's quick, with lightning reflexes and a seemingly unerring sense of balance and spatial awareness. Using this honed dexterity, along with his world class gymnastic ability, Night Thrasher is able to perform feats that might seem uncanny, such as dodging point blank gunfire by predicting and avoiding the path of the barrel, reacting to and avoiding melee attacks, and run fast enough to keep up with Olympic sprinters.

Night Thrasher has undergone extensive training to build his stamina and endurance to the very peak of human limits. His training primarily coming from ex-military, he was pushed and pushed to the point of breaking, until he could no longer break. He is able to withstand impacts that would cripple or disable lesser individuals, and can operate at peak efficiency for long periods of time before tiring. He is able to go without sleep for a few days before the effects of exhaustion sets in. Overall, he has the sheer endurance of an Olympic decathlete.

Night Thrasher is a genius intellect approaching the level of some of the smartest minds on the planet. His reasoning and logic capabilities allow him to work through puzzles and problems and cut through distractions to come to a swift and efficient resolution. He has also shown the ability to "skip steps" to intuit accurate and logical conclusions when he doesn't have all the pieces to fit. His memory is well trained, allowing him to retain vast amounts of information, and recall it with near unerring accuracy, as well as helping him pick up and learn new subjects in record time. His intuitive ability extends to reading people, as well, and he is easily able to ascertain people's strengths and weaknesses and how best to apply them, which results in his natural ability to function as a capable and efficient leader.

Night Thrasher is a stubborn man, with a will of iron focused with a sense of purpose and drive. His willpower affords him the ability to operate even through intense pain, and with broken bones and dislocated joints. This willpower has been nurtured and cultivated to keep him focused on his mission to become a weapon against criminals, and has helped him achieve the multi-disciplined approach to study that he has had to take in order to perform in his mission. Combined, ironically, with being conditioned from childhood and having his memories tampered with, Night Thrasher is legitimately and truly immune to telepathic intrusion, with some of the world's strongest telepaths able to attest to this fact.


Night Thrasher is a near perfect human specimen, having been raised since his early childhood to become a perfect weapon. His strength is at peak human levels, allowing him such feats as lifting full grown men with one hand, topple vehicles onto their sides with a running shoulder check, and throw large heavy objects such as furniture. His strength level is not superhuman, by any means, but at a glance, one would be hard pressed to tell that.


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Night Thrasher is a very athletically gifted man, and his natural aptitude has been honed under the guidance of a military drill instructor. Dwayne is an accomplished gymnast and acrobat, who could compete on the Olympic level should he so choose. He's powerful and coordinated, and he has an affinity for sports, especially more of the extreme sports, such as snowboarding, paragliding, speed flying, base jumping, and the like. He is particularly fond of parkour and skateboarding, and can almost never be found without a skateboard on his person at all times.

Night Thrasher is highly skilled in computer tech, from designing new hardware to coding applications and networks. He's an expert in digital security, both in set up and bypassing, and is a world class hacker. His extensive and intuitive understanding of security systems allows him to slip past security protocols in some of the most advanced networks and highly defended systems the world has to offer. With some difficulty, he can even manage to work his way around systems that he might not be familiar with, such as future tech or alien tech.

Night Thrasher is a genius with a potentially bright future ahead of him in engineering and applied sciences. He is particularly adept at designing gadgetry and weapons, as well as creating advanced armors using an extensive knowledge of mechanics, electronics, and even chemistry in order to dabble with new ideas or known possibilities.

Night Thrasher is a capable leader, making use of his natural ability to "read" people and find the best means to motivate them, as well as his keen strategic and tactical mind. These two traits combined allow him to draw others in, and naturally fall into the role of giving orders to create a sense of unity and teamwork to achieve goals. He might not be the most naturally charismatic, but no one can argue with his results.

Night Thrasher has studied several languages and is fluent in a handful, including Spanish, French, German, Russian, Japanese, Portuguese and Tetum.

Night Thrasher has received extensive military training, including but not limited to the use and maintenance of various firearms and projectile weaponry. He is a crack shot, and familiar with rifles of all sort, from sniping to assault. He prefers small sidearms, such as handguns and SMGs, however. But mostly, when and where Night Thrasher can, he prefers to use thrown or pneumatically launched weaponry, such as darts or even his Eskrima sticks.

Night Thrasher is an extremely skilled hand-to-hand combatant, trained in many martial arts including military CQC, Krav Maga, Muay Thai, Kenpo, Kyokushinkai Karate, Taijitsu, and the Indonesian martial art Silat. He's also well versed in MMA techniques and principles, and has studied Brazilian jujitsu. His athletic prowess and fighting ability are par excellence; he has been able to hold his own against some of the toughest fighters around.

Night Thrasher has a surprisingly high degree of empathy, and is naturally adept at intuiting people's motives, intentions, and emotional states. In essence, he can read people through a combination of verbal and body language, and determine what kind of responses might elicit the most favorable reactions, what kind of reinforcement someone responds best to, and what he really shouldn't say to them. He has a keen understanding of the human psyche, and is able to use it to his advantage to get people to do what he wants, even if they do not realize that they're following his lead.

Night Thrasher is well versed in the arts of infiltration and security. He's knowledgeable on such subjects as lockpicking, be the locks old fashioned tumblers or modern maglocks. He can crack a safe. He can bypass and disarm most known security systems, and how to configure them and strengthen them where they are weak. He is able to discern patrol patterns, and how best to avoid live security and get past guards.

Night Thrasher is trained in guerilla warfare tactics from his military godfather Chord, and in more traditional means of stealth and stalking from the mysterious Tai. He knows how to make himself disappear, by blending into a crowd, through disguise, or by simply finding deep shadows to dwell within. He's also skilled in more modern forms of stealth, in a digital age. He can erase or obscure records and whole identities, and create new ones through forgery and falsification of records. If Night Thrasher doesn't want to be found, he has many means at his disposal to remain unseen.

Night Thrasher has been raised from childhood to become a perfect soldier and weapon by his two benefactors and guardians. He has studied all of the famous strategists of war, from Sun Tzu to Yamamoto Kansuke to Machiavelli to Clausewitz and to Miyamoto Musashi. As a result, Night Thrasher sees every scenario that he engages in as a "battlefield", be it a dank and dark alleyway full of thugs, or a boardroom full of sharks in suits, or a high school dance filled with hormonal teenagers. He is able to easily and quickly assess the situation and find the best advantages to use to achieve whatever goal he is trying to accomplish.


Night Thrasher is a highly trained martial artist, and his studies in these skills have included training in all the associated forms of weaponry, from staves to nunchaku, to swordsmanship. Under his mentor, Chord, Night Thrasher has learned military and police techniques for knife fighting and using the baton. However, two weapon styles have proven to come naturally for Dwayne, and his skill with them is truly exceptional. First, there is Arnis, or Eskrima, the Phillipino martial art that focuses on fighting with sticks and batons. Second is the Katar, the Indian punch dagger.


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Dwayne Taylor's Godfather and legal guardian, Andrew Chord is a friend of Dwayne's father from when they were in the same military unit together. Chord is a consummate soldier, and encourages Dwayne's pursuit of vengeance on crime. He is the one who guides Dwayne's hand and trains him in the military strategies and tactics that Dwayne uses to his advantage in the field. Chord is a mentor and a friend, and a constant source of advice and training, as well as providing support from the headquarters in the form of intelligence and data researching.

Night Thrasher has developed for himself a series of battle armors, with each building upon the principles of the previous iteration and refining the concepts used there in. Still sometimes the older models might serve some previously unrealized purpose, and sometimes Dwayne just likes to mix things up and revisit past looks. The suits are as follows:

Mark I: A special suit of light articulated combat armor composed of Kevlar/boro and silicate-oriented fiber in ceramic matrix, 2 layers, 8 mm/16 mm thick, and the cloth composed of micro-mail titanium nitride. The costume cannot be penetrated by bullets from conventional firearms or by knives and is fireproof. The suit is also composed of a wafer-thin L.E.D. casing that allows the suit to camouflage itself within its surroundings. The helmet contained goggles (integral) with infrared vision, starlight night vision, telescopic lens, magnetic resonance scanning, and a camera attachment. The helmet also includes a breathing apparatus, voice scrambler, two-way radio communications device, parabolic sound enhancer, and cybernetic link to armor systems.

Mark II: The gauntlets could deploy pneumatically-fired grapnel lines for traversing rooftops, and contained retractable blades, as well as an extendable computer tap. He also had a utility pack with various shaped explosives, plastique, napalm gel, and cordite packs, magnesium flares, smoke capsules, incendiary packs, caltrops/spur jacks, and ball bearings in it. The back pack also contained a glider chute and an advanced active camouflage system.

Mark III: His last suit was just as durable offering as much protection as the previous armors, but it was not as bulky as the others; most people and heroes would assume it to be a form fitting bodysuit. It possesses most, if not all of the abilities of the previous versions, but also has a few new tricks added. Among those are jet boots, and a hidden harness containing a number of miniature firearms, projectiles, and long range weaponry. In the new, sleeker helmet, the previous goggles have been replaced with more "human" appearing lenses of all white, and he has included a full communications array, and an integrated HUD with automatic threat detection and facial recognition scanning, which he uses in conjunction with an uplink to databases held by the FBI and Interpol.

Yes. He has a skateboard. Yes. It is necessary. It is a high tech, armored skateboard. He loves it.

The elderly Indonesian woman known only as Tai has been with the Taylor family for as long as Dwayne can remember. She is the housekeeper, and also, in the wake of his parents' deaths, a legal guardian for Dwayne and a surrogate mother figure. Tai encourages Dwayne in his pursuit for vengeance against crime, and gives him insight and more esoteric teaching, as well as overseeing his academic advancement as well as his planning his training in the martial arts.

Dwayne's father, Daryl Taylor used the money he inherited from his parents to found the Taylor Foundation which is a conglomeration of financial intuitions. Daryl parents had made several good investments and made the company a billion dollar enterprise. While Dwayne is the current majority shareholder by inheritance, the actual day to day operations are currently handled by his godfather and legal guardian, Andrew Chord. Through Chord, The Taylor Foundation has financial ties to companies such as Genetech, Roxxon, SHIELD and a senate subcommittee for Superhuman research as well as The Latverian Conservation Society. Despite being responsible for Dwayne's parents' murder, Chord and Tai make a point to encourage Dwayne's desire to become a one man weapon in the war against crime and the company finances Dwayne's expenses as Night Thrasher.

A decommissioned warehouse owned by the Taylor Foundation serves as Night Thrasher's headquarters, training grounds, and armory. Here, he has all the tools he needs to wage his war on crime, from his network of computers to scan police radio broadcasts, to a world class training are with gym equipment and obstacle courses, to a fully functioning workshop with all the tools and equipment he needs to create new armor and gadgets.


Night Thrasher has a number of weapons and gadgets at his disposal. Some of the most notable are escrima sticks, gauntlets that fire pepper spray, sleeping gas, or explosively launch his metal escrima sticks. An emergency micro Uzi submachine gun, various explosives, spur jacks to blow out tires, napalm gel, smoke capsules, magnesium flares, incendiary packs, ball bearings to trip foes, a large hammer, and a freaking laser sword. Yes. That's right. Laser. Sword.


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Like Tai, Chord has ulterior motives for helping Dwayne in his quest for vengeance. Firstly, he is Tai's son-in-law, a participant in a long prepared ritual to create sacrifices to some ancient evil power that Tai seeks to harness for herself. Chord also just happens to be the one, under Tai's orders, who killed Dwayne's parents all those years ago.

Dwayne attends High School, with all of the ups and downs that come with that. Popularity. Angst. Drama. Crushes. Heartbreak. It's all as big a part of his life as being Night Thrasher is, even if he does want to avoid it. High school is the pits when you're a brooding teenager set on becoming a badass, black clad vigilante crimefighter.

While Night Thrasher's armor and weaponry gives him an edge in combat, at the end of the day, he is only just a human being. A high schooler, at that. When facing opponents possessed of superpowers, he's often at a disadvantage and needs to make use of his mind more than his physical skills. If he is injured, he only heals as a normal human does. He can suffer shock. He can bleed out. He can break his bones. And ultimately, he runs the very real risk of being killed.

Dwayne is smart. He's good looking. He's fierce, tough, talented, and skilled. He's superior to most people in almost every single way. And he knows it. Sometimes, though, he doesn't know his own limits, or outright overestimates his own ability. This can cause him to make foolish mistakes and loose to enemies that he really shouldn't, simply because he knew that he shouldn't be losing to them, so he disregards them.

Dwayne is young and inexperienced, and doesn't see the reason he needs to keep his identity a secret, but Chord and Tai demand that his activities as Night Thrasher remain a well guarded secret. If his identity as a vigilante should come out, it could spell disaster for the young man, legally and financially. The damage that could be done to the holdings of the Taylor Foundation would be immeasurable, especially since Dwayne's vigilante career is funded by the company (off the books, no less). So for now, Dwayne maintains the secret of his identity, posing as a normal rich kid by say, and really living his life at night. When he thrashes.

The elderly Indonesian housekeeper that has become one of Tai's guardians, and acting surrogate mother actually has nefarious plans for him. Tai is a sorceress from an ancient Southeast Asian blood cult, and her association with Dwayne's father Daryl came many years ago when she tried to force Daryl into marrying one of her daughters. In truth, Tai is cultivating young Dwayne into the warrior that he is to be a sacrifice for her to gain some great and evil power.

The Taylor Foundation is the source of Dwayne's funding to make the spectacular weaponry he uses to engage in a war on crime, but little does he know that the Taylor Foundation is rife with corruption within its own ranks, from the head down to the ground level. Andrew Chord is a murderer, under the thumb of an evil sorceress. The Foundation has ties to shady business partners and even criminal kingpins. It runs the hair thin line of what it can get away with as a financial institution as far as ethics go. It has ties to Latveria. One of the chief executive officers sitting on the board is a Korean war criminal. Dwayne, though, knows little of this. He believes that the Foundation deals mostly with philanthropic organizations with causes worthy of donation.

Dwayne has a bloody temper. He's stubborn and headstrong, and prone to moodiness and bouts of melancholy. When people push him, he lashes out with anger. He doesn't like being bossed around, nor does he like it when others question his decisions or undermine his leadership. He really, really hates when he feels people are trying to manipulate him. This can result in him pushing others away, either intentionally or merely by his volatile actions.


Dwayne is driven by the concept of avenging his parents' murder at the hands of criminals. His obsession with this is only encouraged and fueled by his benefactors and guardians, and it is quickly starting to consume the young man to the point where he barely sees the need to engage in having a normal life, anymore, even as a cover. He simply wants to become Night Thrasher, and let Dwayne Taylor fade into obscurity. As such, Dwayne will go to any lengths to fight injustice, or to prevent or punish a crime. He is willing to sacrifice anything, including himself, on the altar of justice.


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