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Latest revision as of 05:17, 23 November 2018

Small Hiatus
Date of Scene: 17 November 2018
Location: New York City
Synopsis: Tony takes time to relax a little, Pepper tends to his injury.
Cast of Characters: Iron Man, Pepper Potts

Iron Man has posed:
    "Ms. Potts, Tony has requested your attendance in the penthouse when you're finished with your work for the day, or otherwise are available," JARVIS informs Pepper politely when she has a clear break in whatever she is doing in her office, and the AI tends to do his best to be more tactful than Tony may sound in some 'request'.

Pepper Potts has posed:
"Of course he does," Pepper replies with an amused smirk. "Please tell him I'm on my way. I guess paperwork can wait, when the boss needs something elsehwere, right?" She slides a paperclipped stack of papers into a manila folder, and locks it in her desk drawer before grabbing her coat and taking a quick look around the office. "It'll all be here later," she tells herself, and she shuts and locks her office door.

A short time later, Pepper has arrived at the penthouse and buzzed to let Tony know she is on her way up. "I'll be there in just a moment. I'm being...dusted..." Some errant little robot is, indeed, dusting her shoes before she enters the elevator.

Iron Man has posed:
    Tony doesn't answer her 'buzz', but JARVIS does, "I have let Mr. Stark know."

    As she steps off the elevator, the dusting robot stays behind on the elevator, dusting where she was standing.

    The penthouse has a mild steamy quality to it. Any search at all would make it very apparent that the enormous master bathroom is in use: the giant Jacuzzi-like tub has been pouring drifting clean steam through out of the bathroom into the area around it. Tony is present there, reclined in it, an alcoholic drink close at hand and the obvious bottle just past that. Tony appears relaxed in the water fully, a washcloth across his forehead and eyes. Moisture clings to goatee and on his neck and shoulders, arms spread across the back of the huge Jacuzzi. It may be a deliberate show of his musculature and toned heroic frame, or it's just his usual confident arrogant pose!

    His arc reactor sends haunting blue and white patterns through the steam and water, reflections and refractions off the water itself to the ceiling and around him. Visibility is poor in the steamy fog, but not with the virtual lighthouse of the reactor to show the way.

Pepper Potts has posed:
Pepper arrives, following the steam to the jacuzzi. She leans against the door frame with a grin, untying the belt of her coat and slipping it off to drape it over her arm. "I take it this was an emergency call?" she chides, laying her coat aside on a corner chair and slipping off her shoes. Her tidy pale pink linen dress is probably fine in this steam. Probably. She moves to the side of the tub and traces along the edge of the washcloth across his cheek with her thumb, and gentles her hand down along his jaw line. "Rough day, Tony?" Her tone is no longer chiding, but now sincere and perhaps a little concerned.

Iron Man has posed:
    "I expected you'd need another hour, so more of an expectation that there WILL be an emergency," Tony says, sliding the washcloth up and aside as she touches him, looking up at her with a hook of amused smile on his lips. His expression has the indicators of drinking, but he's not drunk yet. It's just into tipsy: he's having a good time now. He returns the arm to the back of the tub, reclines his head back again, still looking at her.

    "Rough, but came together at the end. Only minor burns," Tony chuckles. He does have some along his left forearm, he wasn't joking. A reason the arm isn't in the heat. "I got to a good place, though. Waiting on some tests, before entering a production phase. Fingers and toes crossed."

Pepper Potts has posed:
"Mmh...." Pepper's utterance betrays her dismay at the burns on his arm. "I'm glad you made it to a good place, but I'm not so happy that you got hurt along the way." It's a fairly commonplace thing, his injuries, always for one reason or another. Without thinking, she takes a soft clean white cloth from the shelf atop the wine chiller, and she retrieves a little white pot of ointment and a bottle of clear aloe vera gel from the chiller, before returning to Tony's side. She opens the cooled bottle of aloe and applies it, dabbing along the burn with the cloth, and spreading it over the whole area. "Let's at least see if we can get the heat out of it, hmm?"

Iron Man has posed:
    "Sure, go for it," Tony invites, always open to being tended in whichever way Pepper chooses. Bit of hair out of place, tie eskew? He can always count on her to step in and adjust wahtever needs adjustment. He watches her with his arm, smile slowly easing down to a more relaxed serious expression, as he lets some of that joking humor go for just a little while.

    There's a rare quiet intensity to Tony that can happen when he relaxes out of being 'on', and some of a window into that is happening now as he watches her work on his arm, free hand reaching for his drink to empty it of what was in it with a clink of melting ice against the glass.

    As she finishes, he bends and rotates his arm some, and then passes fingers over the back of her hand to squeeze her fingers briefly. He tries to drink from the glass again but only gets a bit of clink from the ice against his teeth, and sets it aside instead.

Pepper Potts has posed:
Pepper's touch is skilled, even if she is only applying gel for the heat. Her place is tending Tony, and if necessary, undoing any of the damage he may have done in his enthusiasm for progress. Even if that damage is done to himself. She leans down and brushes a kiss across his forehead, then blows lightly on the cold gel as it soaks into the burns, and his undamaged flesh around them.

"Was it worth the sacrifice?" she asks with a soft smile, as she wipes the excess from her hands. Her gaze is adoring, even if her demeanour is no-nonsense.

Iron Man has posed:
    "Always," Tony replies, upbeat. When asked how he is, he's always great. Even if he can't move or can barely breathe. It's a willpower thing. He moves the injured arm as if determined to show her how inconsequential the injury is, to slide the hand into her hair and guide her in for a real direct kiss. He tastes like liquor a little bit, of course.

    "Going to join me, or just continue to observe?" Tony teases her sleekly, attempting to loosen her hair and let it free from the updos she always wears at work.

Pepper Potts has posed:
Pepper smiles and helps him loosen her hair so that it falls down over her shoulders. "Yeaaah you're fine..." She unbuttons her jacket and slips it off, moving to that chair in the corner to assist as she undresses, watching him with a little smile tugging at her lips. "This seems far more relaxing than paperwork, anyway. Good way to start the weekend, hmm?" She drapes each piece of her dress over the back of the padded chair, leaving her stockings on the chair seat last.

As she steps into the water, her skin prickles with goosebumps as the water warms her flesh and she slides, at ease, into the water on his good side, leaning back into the arm that isn't (or is at least less) injured. "I can always count on you to make sure the stress melts away, can't I?"

Iron Man has posed:
    "Melting stress. I do have methods to help with that. ----So is this a bad time to talk about the parties I want to host this holiday season?" Tony asks, lifting the wash cloth and dropping it across his own eyes after giving her a devilish grin. He hooks the arm forward around her shoulders, drawing her to his side, and using the cloth to rub his hair back, letting it fall away into the water near his shoulder.

Pepper Potts has posed:
"I think it's a fantastic time to discuss parties," Pepper replies with a warm, happy sigh as she sinks in next to him and leans her head in against his neck. "These parties aren't going to plan themselves, of course. Always good to get a head start on my lists." She's already making lists in her head, by now. Lists, and lists of lists.

Iron Man has posed:
    Tony promptly begins to regale her with his ideas for this year's holiday party. He wants to launch one of the new company products at the same time. Do a big show. Last year, there was a big spectacle with the new safety measures using repulsor technology. This year, he wants to focus on communication and the new phones and mobiles. "Give everybody a little special software upgrade. And, of course, a show that goes with it. It's difficult to do something better EVERY year... to top myself. But I always manage," Tony teases, with a wink at her. Arrogant? Yes. Also ... accurate.