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Latest revision as of 07:06, 26 November 2018

A Check-Up
Date of Scene: 21 November 2018
Location: Gotham City
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: Red Hood, Oracle

Red Hood has posed:
It's late into the evening, but that doesn't matter too much for this particular Family. Jason has been back in Gotham for a week or so, according to gossip among the crimefighters in town, and those In The Know have pointed to an old, abandoned church in the Old Town of Gotham. Within that church, a hidden stairwell can be found, that leads down, down, down to the old, abandoned subway station. Jason tried to settle in here once before, the first time he tried to form his Outlaws, but it fell through. Now, he's home.

The area is swept, for the most part, and the garbage is collected and gone. Some cast-off furniture has been dragged down here, making a bit of a living room with couches, recliners and a table. A scuffed poker table sits off to the side with chairs, and a kitchen has been installed as well. Microwave, camp stove, all of that. A few old, vintage arcade machines have been set into the corner, though it looks like their in the middle of being repaired and cleaned. A queen-sized bed is in one of the offices, which seems to serve as a bedroom. A small gym exists in another corner, with a bunching bag, weights, and all of that.

Jason has no idea that he is expecting company. Having returned from the streets, he is keeping at it. Stripped down to gym shorts, the angry young man is laying into the punching bag. His fists and knees and feet collide again and again, moving at a speed and with a force that is...a bit beyond a normal person. Some folks in the Family have whispered that his 'Return' changed him...physically. The way his fist collides and sends the huge bag swinging seems to say that is true. Sweat beads his body as he is lost in grunting focus.

Oracle has posed:
Barbara Gordon arrives without her Batgirl costume or emblem. Jason is newly returned, and probably still angry. Better to play it safe and NOT flash around emblems that might carry bad memories. It's an easy enough matter for her to follow the trail to abandoned church. And to the stairwell down to the subway.

Other than ensuring that she wasn't followed, Barbara doesn't do much to hide her presence. Jason hears her footsteps as she descends the stairwell, giving him plenty of time to prepare. Or not, however he chooses.

Stepping into the main room, she follows the sounds of activity to the gym and calls out loudly in advance. "I'd heard you were back, Jason."

Red Hood has posed:
He steps back and delivers a fierce spin-kick to the side of the boxing bag, sending it careening and then creaking back towards him on the chain. Panting softly, he glances over as he hears footsteps. Before Barbara has come closer to the gym, he makes his way over to the table laden with benches, and he drops his hand to hover beside the pistol taped to the underside. Hearing her voice, however, he feels a confusing mix of emotions in his chest.

"Barbara," he calls back, a hint of confusion in his deep voice. After a moment he nods and steps back from the hidden gun, and he picks up a towel to wipe at his forehead. "Come on over." There aren't walls between most of the areas yet, providing a big, wide open 'lair'. His gaze dips curiously over her as she comes into view, and he swallows before he pastes a casual expression on. "Batman send you?," he asks curiously.

Oracle has posed:
Barbara Gordon is wearing jeans and a leather jacket over a t-shirt, the redhead keeping her long hair pulled back into a ponytail. It's also done for effect; in their younger years Barbara frequently wore a ponytail. Booted footsteps cross over towards him, her movements casual and controlled.

"Believe it or not, I sometimes do things for my own reasons." she offers, as she approaches. Yes, probably a good call on the 'no Bat emblems' tonight. "It's good to see you again."

Red Hood has posed:
He furrows his brow a bit at that and nods, sighing. He brushes his fingers back through his dark hair and steps around the table. "Thirsty? I have beer. I could use one." Jason turns to cross the large room to the kitchen, where he opens the battered old fridge. Left-over take-out can be seen inside, along with a lot of condiment packages, and a few cases of beer. Looks like some wilted vegetables, too. He pulls one of the beers out and turns to toss it towards her, regardless of her answer, berore he pops his own open. He leans back against the kitchen counter and takes a long pull before he pauses and looks down at the bottle.

"That was rude of me. Asking if Bruce sent you. I don't hate him, you know. Even after everything. I was..." He shakes his head and glances up at her again.

"...I was confused."

Oracle has posed:
Barbara Gordon smiles wryly and nods to the offer. "Sure thing. A beer sounds great." she replies. Stepping closer, she leans against a different counter and snatches the beer out of the way when it's tossed. Tapping the cap helps a little, but it still foams up when she cracks the seal.

"Not rude, but expected." she replies, slurping at the foam for a moment. "We both know how controlling he can be, and how much he likes to act through others."

She nods slowly, taking a more proper sip now. "You've been through a lot, after all. But I'm more than just Batgirl now as well."

Red Hood has posed:
"I heard...a bit. Through the grapevine," Jason says softly. "But you came through and you're stronger for it. Just like me." He takes another sip of his beer as his gaze dips briefly over the redhead, before he looks away to take in his 'Cave'. "How're you keeping yourself busy these nights?," Jason asks curiously. He brushes his fingers at his stubble before he turns back towards her.

Oracle has posed:
Barbara Gordon slowly sips her beer, watching him. Withoug LOOKING like she's watching him. "I haven't been through anything like you've been through, Jason." she replies softly. "But I have a team that I'm working with. Training." She pauses, then adds. "I wanted to give you something as well."

Red Hood has posed:
He's still dressed in only some gym shorts, his chiseled form quite visible. She can see his criss-cross of scars. Not enough to show him as maimed, but a lot. An old bullet wound here, a knife cut there. Enough to show he has been through more then even most of the Fam. He takes another sip of his beer before he sets it down and walks over to a chest. He leans over to open it, and pulls out a faded Smashing Pumpkins shirt. He tugs it on and looks back over towards her.

"I tried to put together a team. Didn't pan out, really." He shrugs and then arches an eyebrow, making his way towards her. "Oh?"

Oracle has posed:
Barbara Gordon shrugs at that, nodding slowly. "It doesn't always." she replies. "In fact I'm beginning to think it's easier working alone. Except you can't cover as much ground that way. And there are also skill synergies to consider, of course."

"You've made a good bit of noise with your return, Jason. But I think it's to your credit that the body count has been pretty low."

Red Hood has posed:
"Working alone is probably the best way to work, but..." He shakes his head. "...It gets lonely. I'm tired of lonely." He frowns. "You better not tell anyone that." He hoists himself up beside her and sits on the edge of the counter, picking his beer back up.

"I wanted the dirtbags to know I was back in town. Sent a few to the hospital, but...none to the morgue. Mostly riot control rounds, rubber bullets and rock salt now. Lots of concussions. Broken bones. Maybe a bit of maiming. They'll know they made a fuckin' mistake, but...they won't be dead."

He looks down at her from this angle. "I learned from past mistakes. Well, some of them."

Oracle has posed:
Barbara Gordon chuckles softly and nods. "Mum's the word." she promises, keep a mostly-straight face. "While playing rough isn't His style, his frowns aren't fatal." the redhead quips back. "But then again, I'm not here for Him. Like we said."

"So how're you doing, Jason? I mean -really- doing, too. Not just what you'd tell Bruce or Alfred to placate them."

Red Hood has posed:
    He chuckles back and nods. He reaches over and lightly plays with the end of her ponytail at the middle of her back, lost in thought for a moment. "I hurt pretty much all the time. Something inside. Not like...emotionally. Physically. Haven't found anything that kills it, yet. So...I distract myself from it with the violence. With the Job. Work out to the point of exhaustion. Only way I can sleep."

Jason looks down at her from his perch. "So, I'm fine."

Oracle has posed:
Barbara Gordon tilts her head a bit when he reaches for the end of her ponytail, giving him a look that's not -quite- exhasperation and not quite playful. "Just be careful, Jason." she replies in a softer voice. "Using violence as a channel for emotion is usually how bad things start."

Yes, she knows he's walking a thin line.

"Just do me a favor, okay? Call me first. Before you do anything... rash." And then she reaches into her pocket to pull out an earpiece. Offering it.

Red Hood has posed:
"Yeah, I know. No other options at the moment, though. This is really the only thing I'm good at, Babs." He furrows his brow when she holds out the earpiece, and he stares at it for a long, quiet moment. In the end he reaches down and takes it, his calloused fingers brushing hers as he looks at it closer. "This go just to you? Or that team you're putting together or what?"

Oracle has posed:
"Technically it's a direct line to Oracle, but that's not a name to be shared casually." Barbara replies in a low voice. Yeah, Jason can work out the details for himself. "The team is... something I'd like to keep under wraps for a little while, at least. Bruce knows about them in general, but nothing specific."

Red Hood has posed:
"I'm good at keeping secrets. Don't worry." He doesn't have pockets in his shorts, so he hops off of the counter and makes his way over to the desk that serves as his recon area, with a computer and similar. Hardly the Watchtower, but it works for him. He sets the earpiece down beside it and turns to look back over at it.

Oracle has posed:
Barbara Gordon smiles again, nodding. "I know you are." Loyalty. Courage. Secrecy. Yes, they all took the oath from Batman, at least similar in function. "Just don't lose it, and put it in before your patrols. Can't send backup without knowing you're in trouble, right?"

Red Hood has posed:
He sighs softly and nods, flashing her a grin. "Noted, and fine. Fine. I'll do all of that. I know you're just trying to look out for me...and hopefully I can try to look out for you somehow in return. Us Bat-No-Longer-Kids have to stick together, afterall." Jason drains his beer and drops to the ground beside her. "Now, I need to go take a shower before bed. You should probably head out unless you plan on joining me." His tone is teasing and playful. Jason Todd steps around her and offers a wave before he makes his way around the corner to the converted bathroom. "See you soon."