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Latest revision as of 07:33, 26 November 2018

Lakeside at Night
Date of Scene: 26 November 2018
Location: Xavier's School, Westchester, New York
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: Genesis, X-23

Genesis has posed:
It was at the end of the school day, the sun had fallen over the horizon, giving way to a beautiful sunset before the moon rose in it's place. Now, most of the students and staff alike had long gone to sleep, hitting the hay early for a productive, energetic day upon the crow of the rooster.

Then there's the new guy.

Evan Sebahnur. Clone of the mighty mutant, Apocalypse, was walking by the lake, wearing casual clothes that he was helped to get, since he only had the clothes he wore when he was still a captive by his very creators. "This place is strange." Genesis talked to himself, sitting on the ground near the waters. But, he was told there were a few others like him...but when you're a clone..

It's extremely lonely and outcasting.

"Well...the people are nice, at least..."

X-23 has posed:
X-23 has not been at the school for a while. Once there were fires, and warnings about astral predators, the girl up and left. But there's been questions about whether or not the place is safe, and ultimately, there's only one way to tell.

She has to find out for herself.

The well trained assassin makes her way silently through the grass and plants around the lake, moving like an animal, low to the ground. The scents of the place tell her volumes. And when she scents someone new, that's worth looking into. She watches, crouched low, and it's not until he speaks, that she decides to say something.

"Some of them are. But if they have been nice lately, that is at least a good sign."

Genesis has posed:
Unfortunately, Genesis does NOT have enhanced senses.

Laura's sudden arrival and interjection causes Evan to literally //jump//, because she startled him! "ah!" then he notices that it's a scary-looking, but at the same time pretty and friendly-looking, girl about his age. "O-oh, hi...I was just talking to myself." he smiles, nervously, he hasn't seen her around the school. "A-Are you a student here t-too? My name's Evan." he extends a hand to the predatory-looking woman.



X-23 has posed:
Laura straightens, standing to her full height...not that her full height is a lot to speak of. She gives a nod. "I am. Or I was. Whether or not I still am is...up for debate." She watches Evan as she moves. "I am X-23." Not any sort of a normal name. But then, she's not very normal. Her speech is extremely formal and precise, and there's very little, if anything, in the way of vocal inflection.

Genesis has posed:
There is a brief moment where Evan thinks she is from the organization that created him, here to take him back, but he quickly dismisses the thought for the sole purpose of positive thinking. Evan nods though at the greeting, despite his hand not being accepted, he retracts it, unless she's fast and shakes it anyway, but he smiles. "oh...OH! Are you one of those like me?!" he looks so excited all of a sudden. someone who could understand. "E-evan was a name that was given to me...but I was born with the name Genesis. It's nice to meet you, X-23." he smiles happily, though he does take notice of the lack of emotion in her voice...but doesn't comment on that.

"W-well, I'm a student here. Would you l-like to join me? The lake at night is quite lovely. Peaceful."

X-23 has posed:
X-23 lifts an eyebrow. "We do not look very similar. I am not certain what you mean." She hesitates a moment, and then adds "However, X-23 is the name I was born with. Some people here call me Laura." She offers that much, which is NOT something she generally gives up easily. "You must be new. You were not here when I was." She considers. "You are one of the New Mutants?"

Genesis has posed:
"Laura..." Evan records that name into his iron memory, and he smiles. "It's a nice name. Is it alright if I call you Laura? Or would you prefer to be called X-23?" because respect is polite, and Evan cares (admittedly) WAY too much about people and their opinions.

"Y-yes, I'm new to the school. Oh, what I meant was that...oh, nevermind." it would be rude to suggest that she might be a clone or artificial, like he is, but he doesn't comment further. though confusion crosses his face. "A new Mutant? umm..in what sense of the term?" it's clear he has zero idea of what she's talking about. "Oh, wait, I think I heard someone mention it before...it's like a honor student thing? I'm not sure."

X-23 has posed:
She doesn't really answer immediately, as she actually thinks it through. "You may call me Laura." She extends the offer, but then states "There is more you are not stating." THAT much she gathers, from both his reaction and his scent. Laura can read a /lot/ off someone's scent. "It is a group here at the school. How long have you been here?"

Genesis has posed:
Evan seems to smile widely that he can call her Laura. He sees this as a sign of trust. "T-then I will." though when she calls him out for not telling her EVERYTHING, he freezes in place and looks scared. SHE'S INSIGHTFUL. HEEELLLPPP. "O-Oh! I j-just had a thought, was all. honest!" though as the New Mutants is very vaguely explained, Evan smiles. "Oh, that makes sense, I guess. Oh, about...two weeks, give or take?" he smiles to her. "half-way to a month!" he gives a cheerful 'yyaaayyy' kind of smile.

X-23 has posed:
"Very new, then." Laura seems to relax a little at his answer, and she doesn't press his lack of further details beyond what she's also asked. "I would ask if you have noticed anything unusual. But you likely have not been here long enough to determine a baseline." No congratulations or social statement beyond that.

After a moment's pause, she adds "Why are you out this late? Students are usually expected to be in by now."

Genesis has posed:
Evan smiles at Laura. "Very new." and his eyes shift to the surroundings, taking his seat once again. "w-well...people do look at me funny." Because he DEFINITELY doesn't look human. but he does smile. "Why are you?" Evan returns the question, before he pats the empty space next to him. "Would you like to sit with me? this is the best spot." he takes a moment to think. "w-well, it's really...peaceful, I guess. I couldn't sleep, so I came out to enjoy the night air."

X-23 has posed:
"I was investigating the school. There were problems here recently." Laura says in utter honesty. She considers his request, seeming unbothered by his appearance. "I am not sure I am staying. But for now, I can sit." She moves to do exactly that, sitting down next to Evan. "People react oddly to anyone unlike themselves."

Genesis has posed:
"Oh? Well, I guess t-that makes sense, given I haven't seen you around. But, I h-hope you stay." Evan smiles genuinely. It was good to have someone who actually talked to him, and have someone he enjoyed speaking to, despite how scary she was. Though he did appreciate her honesty. "I guess you're right. Still, you would think people would look at someone who looks like a dragon funnier than someone who's blue." and LOOKS LIKE APOCALYPSE. But, Evan is a rather aloof person when it comes to people's opinions of him.

X-23 has posed:
"People treat me strangely as well. But I have had an unusual upbringing, so I do not react to other people in the ways that they expect." She looks over, considering the blue-ness. "I do not know why they would react more to one over the other. You seem pleasant enough."

Genesis has posed:
Evan smiles softly to Laura, but he shrugs. "I had an unusual one too...which is a direct reason of why I'm here." Maybe they had a lot in common than they initially thought. Her compliment (or observation) seems to be touching to him. "w-well, thanks, it means a-a lot. You're really pleasant too." he smiles genuinely.

Time seems to fly by as they spoke. The night no longer as lonely for either of them as they talked for hours. Is it simply the start of paths yet undetermined by the twisting hands of fate? Time will only tell for these two.