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Game Night
Date of Scene: 28 November 2018
Location: Unknown
Synopsis: In which Ward plays with Darcy, Skye, and Bucky and everyone might have gotten wet. Or this is why we all try to keep Darcy from making up scene outcomes.
Cast of Characters: Grant Ward, Darcy Lewis, Quake, Winter Soldier

Grant Ward has posed:
Grant Ward is for all his mystique of being the resident T-1000 who once jumped out of an airplane to rescue a comrad who had fallen out of same plane without a parachute...kinda a geek. Not a nerd mind, a geek. His weakness? Board games. And so he had drifted down to the SHIELD Rec room in hopes of finding someone to play with. The irony being, he actully looks kinda shy about it. Sure he'll spar with Romanov... but try to get someone to play Settlers of Catan? that takes guts.

Darcy Lewis has posed:
In said rec room is one Darcy Lewis. She sits in her post workout attire, still a bit sweaty, with her feet propped up on a table. Phone in hand, she's holding it sidewise, and it thumb-tapping furiously on her screen. Her tongue is poking out from between her lips; an indicator of her intense FOCUS!! By her feet, on the table, is a cup of coffee.

Grant Ward has posed:
Grant Ward looks:looks around and doesn't see any of his fellow players, which causes him to deflate just a bit. So he looks around for likely people to indoctranate. His eyes fall on Darcy and her phone, so he quietly moves around behind her to see what she is working on with such intensity... He's betting some sort of tapping game..

Darcy Lewis has posed:
The best tapping game of all time!! Player Unknown Battleground! PUBG. Darcy's avatar looks a buit like herself, as she runs around pulling up headshots. BLAM! POW! boom! (We don't ask why the boom was soft. Maybe it's because it was inthe distance, a sticky bomb Darcy left as a trap for another player.)

"Come on... come on..."

Grant Ward has posed:
Grant Ward mirks just a bit. "Now on one hand he could startle her, breaking her focus and likely causing the young woman to fumble her game. On the other hand, it's the rec room and she is entitled to spend her free time however she likes without interferance by others. The choice is pretty clear. "Hello Darcy." He says from right behind her.

Darcy Lewis has posed:
"AH!!" Darcy startles. The rec room is normally empty right now, and she didn't hear anyone come in and was so focus she didn't see anyone and suddenly there's a voice and "HOLYFUCKSHITCOCK!" tumbles out of her mouth as she fumbles her phone before catching it and clutching it to her chest, screen out. Her fingertips hit the home button and her app closes.


She cranes her neck to see who it is, cheeks paling a bit before flushing brightly.

"Fuck, you scared the Jesus out of me!"

Grant Ward has posed:
"I gathered that. I'm sorry." He says, not sounding sorry in the slightest. He looks downright amused actully. "Still I'm pretty sure there is a rule about the sort of language that is acceptable in the Rec Room. Also pretty sure you just violated all of it." Yep he is deffinatly laughing on the inside at this.

Darcy Lewis has posed:
"Eh. Fine me one credit for violating the verbal morality code," Darcy retorts, pulling her feet of the table, tossing her phone where they had just been. Her eyes skim down Ward's form, taking a moment to check him out in that 'yup' sort of way that breezes right on with life after the thought is acknowledged. She lingers on the box, however.

"Whacha got?" she asks, reaching out to poke poke.

Grant Ward has posed:
Grant Ward says, "glances at the red and gold box himself as if just realizing he's still carrying it. "Settlers of Catan... it's a game.." He says and a little bit of color comes to his school boy looking cheeks. He actully had forgotten for a second he was carring it. "It's a game... little bit complicated though..""

Darcy Lewis has posed:
"Oh. I've heard of that one. It's the one with the island and the armies and the cut throat grr you will not take my resources beeotch, right?" Darcy asks, leaning forward to peer at the box more closely.

"Our head ref, Chase used to talk about it all the time. He pulled it out at a Christmas party once, and they tried to teach me, but I was already too drunk and Enya pulled me off the table before I started dancing on it."

Grant Ward has posed:
Grant Ward chuckles bit, "Uhh yeah, no." he says with a chuckle, though he could see how someone with a completely outsider virew might make those assertations. "He considers, "I can teach you something simpler though if you like. I've got a few games stashed in here." he glances over at the shelf, pulling down one in a metal box, called Forbiden Island. "This one is pretty easy to pick up.."

Darcy Lewis has posed:
Green eyes lift from the box in Ward's hands before sticking her tongue out at him.

"Fine. Be that way. Forbidden Island sounds fun, though I really enjoy Dead of Winter. I suck as the traitor in that one, though. Never win when I have that mission," Darcy rambles happily, turning to the table to make room for the board game by moving her phone to sit next to her coffee.

Grant Ward has posed:
Grant Ward grins a bit at that, obviously ranking Darcy up a few points in his opinion. "Dead of Winter just takes too long to set up and play. Last time I played it took three hours, and I was pretty sure we were going to loose by the end of the first night." he says as he opens the tin and begins shuffleing the tiles and laying them out to form the island.

Darcy Lewis has posed:
"The game goes significantly faster with a hard timer. One minute player turns, and one minute per player colony turns. Player that goes over or makes the colony go over has to take a shot AND put an article of clothing in the 'good luck getting that back' pile." Darcy informs, smiling as she watches Ward set up the game board before pulling the box to herself to look for the rules to skim.

Grant Ward has posed:
Grant Ward raises an eyebrow at that and makes a bit of an amused smile, "I'm pretty sure that that is not in the offical rules, but I'll keep it in mind." he says as he lays the roles out face down for her to select two. "Basically we are on a treasure hunt, trying to get all four treasures before the island sinks. If this helepad tile sinks, we loose. If we any player is cut off from the helepad competely, we loose. If one of the four treasures becomes inaccessable, we loose. To win we have to gather all four treasures and move all our pawns to the helepad. Any questions?"

Darcy Lewis has posed:
"Of course it's not in the official rules. It's in My Rules. I can be impatient," Darcy retorts, hand reching for her coffee as her eyes skim the rules. Listening to the objective brief, Darcy tilts her head faintly.

"Can I summon Mewmew?" she asks, face serious and voice deadpan.

Grant Ward has posed:
"Is that one of those Pokemon things?" he asks in the same deadpan and smirks a bit as he finishes setting up the game and then looking at the board, making a face. "Well were going to loose but, what the hell." He says turning over a few cards and "flooding" those areas.

Darcy Lewis has posed:
Is that a Pokemon? Darcy frowns, sticking out her tongue.

"No. It is the legendary hammer of Sparky McThunderpants, also known as Thor. He usually comes attached to it," Darcy retorts. Like Ward, she too studies the board, but not having played this she's not skilled (yet) at seeing this game's future and knowing they will lose.

"you go first?" she asks, picking up her coffee for a drink.

Quake has posed:
Skye Johnson might not be Sparky McThunderpants, but she's still kinda fun at a party, and likely a lot less explaining and cleaning up mess afterwards?

That being said, she's itching to escape her quarters, given she's been holed up there and medical since *The Incident* - which, as it happens, she's not talked to most anyone about. May knows. Fitzsimmons knows. Clint knows. Fury knows. And well, if you were in medical when it happened.. you knew. Other than that? All rumours.

She meanders in about the point where 'you hope you get them back' pile of clothes gets mentioned, and casually hovers nearby. "So.. strip.. what game is this we're playing?" A grin. "Hey Glittertits." A nod. "Grant."

Winter Soldier has posed:
The Triskelion is not enemy territory. There's no reason for Bucky to be sneaking around in it. He could just walk like a normal p- normal murder hobo cyborg. But instead, he feels compelled to just kind of appear in the doorway silently - by his expression, he's not a hundred percent sure what he's doing there. A kind of uncertainty, like he's constantly having to ask himself why on that front. But he pastes on an expression meant to be pleasant. Look at him trying to be sociable. "Is that Asgardian around?" he asks, warily. Like Thor might be hiding here somewhere.

Grant Ward has posed:
Grant Ward looks up and looks almost relieved at the approach of Skye, "We aren't playing strip anything. We are playing Forbiden island, and if you are joining us it gives me an excuse to ditch this horrible setup and redeal." He says with that patented boyish smile of his. He notes Bucky standing in the doorway and notes, "I haven't seen him, so your conditoner is safe, for now. Care to join us as well? Four players is about ideal for this game."

Darcy Lewis has posed:
"SHITCODE!" Darcy exclaims as Skye shows up. Forgetting the game for a moment, Darcy turns and tosses herself up and at Skye.

The hacker will either catch her and they'll hug, or they'll both fall to the floor in a tangle of Darcy's overexuberant greeting. Regardless, it is from that that Darcy looks over at the sound of Bucky's voice, and her smile warms into something sweet and tender and possessive.

"Hi, James. No. He's not yet, and don't think he will be. He's a busy god. But I do miss him. Maybe I'll see if there are supplies to take to him and see if I can hitch a ride or something. You want in on that, if I can make it happen?" she offers, friendly as could be, as if he wasn't a hobomurdercyborg.

And then there's Ward offering to include everyone and Darcy almost bounces.

"Yas! Oh, that sounds fuckign badass. Let's do this thing. James is on my team!" --They are all on one team.-- "And Ward can have Shitcode. Come on! Come sit by me," she says to Bucky, moving to pat at a chair by her.

Quake has posed:
Skye, as it happens, catches Darcy - or close enough. They don't fall, but they are rather a tangle of limbs and Skye's impish grin. "Well, glad to see you too," she mutters, craning to see who 'James' is. "Uh.. James?" Because that one is a new one on her.

And given her choices are join in the fun, or return to her room, Skye gives a shrug. "Not like I'm going anywhere." Totally a lie. She is - just not right this second. "Or doing anything important." Also a lie - but she's taking a break. "So, yeah. Count me in. That's if Darcy here stops using me as an umbrella stand."

Winter Soldier has posed:
"Bucky," he corrects, unthinkingly. A few wary steps closer....but then Darcy's enthusing, and he nods, quietly, coming over to look at the game. "What.....how do you play?" he wonders, looking between each of them in turn.

Grant Ward has posed:
Grant Ward grins a bit, gesturing for Bucky to take a seat while the two females eagerly greet each other. He gives another quick explination of the game, the myrid of ways one can lose at it, and the only way to actully win. "So we have to work together, but also individually, to achieve the groups over arching goal." He says as he shuffles the tiles and deals them out again, this time seemingly more satisfied with the layout.

Darcy Lewis has posed:
There's a brief moment's pause from Darcy as James... Bucky... corrects her on the name. Before that last long mission he preferred... Darcy shakes it off with a bright smile. He corrected her now and so now he wants Bucky. That's fine with her.

She detangles herself from Skye, winking slyly at the other woman.

"You liked it," is tossed back before she moves to take her seat. Another swig of coffee is taken.

Quake has posed:
"Pfffft, can't prove it," Skye retorts easily, taking up a seat. "And yeah, that's right." There's a nod at Bucky. "James Buchannan. I almost forgot that. I rmember doing your intake files. Way back when. Wow, I was such a noob back then."

He's given a grin. Then Darcy gets a protest, "Hey, where's mine?" Of the coffee. "And how do we play this game, seeing as the rules I heard had something about taking our clothes off and tossing them into an out of bounds corner."

Winter Soldier has posed:
Winter Soldier gives Skye a dry look at that. "I seriously doubt you did my original intake files," he says, deadpan. "And if you did the recent ones....what was that, a year ago?" Eyes bright - he's teasing. Then Skye's joking, and his brows go up. "I guess you can make a strip game out of anything." He settles where Ward indicates, comfortably.

Darcy Lewis has posed:
"I could, but I don't want Hotpants getting Smuckered," Darcy retorts, settling in for the game. Of the coffee, however, she just sticks out her tongue again.

"You didn't tell me you was gonna be here, so I didn't make you any," she adds before grinning at Bucky.

"Preach, brother."

Grant Ward has posed:
Grant Ward smirks just a little bit at the banter, spreading out the role cards face down so that each of them can each take one. "A couple of us used to play allot of Strip Halo in our downtime. We thought it's be a good way to haze newbies.. Of course then you'd get one Halo grand champion in every batch..."

Quake has posed:
Skye protests, "I did not make this a strip game!!" She's laughing as she points at Darcy. "Her fault." And she offers a grin to Bucky. "Yeah, I wasn't around that long ago, but hey, you were. Mmm, no, maybe 70 years ago isn't long enough. Damn. I was hoping someone might have some answers. Nevermind then."

She sighs, before putting a smirk back on her lips and asking, "Wait, who is Hotpants? And am I going to get demoted for calling them that?"

Winter Soldier has posed:
"What's Halo?" Buck asks, idly. "And who what now?" Old soldier is old. He gives Skye a slightly more serious look. "Answers to what question?" he wonders of her. "I...I remember the war, but yeah, I was gone before SHIELD proper got started." His star is still on the wall from the SSR days, after all. He sounds faintly apologetic.

Grant Ward has posed:
"Halo is a video game," he explains to the time displaced man. "It's a shooting game where you can enter into a free for all battle with your friends. Rules of that were, get killed you had to take a shot and loose an article of clothing." He shrugs as he sets them all out on the helipad tile and says "So the rules say whoever last visited an island goes first... since we are on an island however I'm open to suggestions..

Darcy Lewis has posed:
"I vote that since you knwo what you're doing, YOU go first," Darcy tells Ward. "But you have to talk through what you're doing and why so the rest of us noobtards can follow along." Another sip of coffee and her eyes slide to Skye.

"Really? You don' tknow who... Hotpants is Barton. It's the reason I gave him purple leggins with flames on them.... when you went deep cover and I had to offer nudes to subreddit admins to get info on you. You remember that?"

Quake has posed:
Skye blinks, then laughs. "Oh, god, I forgot that. Then I am so totally tapping that." Without worry of beind demoted, one might add. "You gave him those purple hotpants as a gift. He wore them for days until I hid them in the back of the closet." Her laughter continues. "I think he found them again and hides them from me. I don't know. I haven't seen them since."

She had to admit, even though things still weren't settled in her life (in fact, they were so far from it that she and Clint were heading out on the morrow to a place where she could get herself under control in a place where others wouldn't be harmed) it was good to be with friends and just let it all hang loose for a few. To pretend she didn't have problems.

Darcy Lewis has posed:
The four play Forbidden Island. Maybe they drowned, maybe they didn't. It's possible that Croft was said to have missed the treasure hunting. Ah well. Either way, a good time was had by all.